Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 211

This is absolutely, impossible to be the technical skill of the Earth Army!

Zheng Yi's performance once again made Mikel affirm his conjecture, but neither he nor Zell had the leeway to think about how and where the Earth Army obtained such an overly advanced [ Small MS].

Because in the rapidly shrinking magenta light, the enemy who was right in front of him was reappearing his figure little by little.


Not difficult.

Looking at the magenta light that was being swallowed by the spirit stone from the energy veins on the body surface, Zheng Yi didn't feel much surprise.

At the moment he was directly hit, he did feel a subtle tingling sensation from the heavy particle cannon.But this kind of tingling is not obvious. If I have to describe it, it is like rubbing the skin with a little bit of force with a ball of iron wire originally used to clean the pot, and this light beam is also mixed with a certain high temperature effect. Zheng Yineng Feel your body temperature rising.

It's probably like rolling a ball of iron thread that rubs against the body surface in hot water first.

Afterwards, these streams of light that completely submerged his airtight frontal body attracted the attention of Lingshi who urgently needed to be fed because of the lava rose.

The energy vein that was originally used to flow and seal energy to form a natural barrier has now become the fastest and most convenient supply channel.

The destructive high-energy light beams washing over Zheng Yi's body tried their best to melt Zheng Yi's biological armor, which seemed too thin compared to MS armor, but turned into a torrent flowing into the dry river before the gate deliberately opened by Lingshi .

Limbs and limbs, and every deep vein emitting faint light on the armor is like a brand new supply line, continuously absorbing the high-energy light beams competing for the first place on the body surface.


Perhaps for such a short moment, there was a trace of scorching somewhere in the armor.

However, before the traces were noticed by the existence including Zheng Yi himself, it had been restored to its former appearance due to the self-healing ability that could not be explained by common sense.

If it was a ship-mounted large high-energy beam cannon, Zheng Yi estimated that it would be able to cause some damage to him, and he would not be able to swallow and transform it as easily as now.

But only with the destructive power of Zeon's armed forces...

If Zheng Yi was to speak bluntly, it would be mediocre.

In front of the extremely "hungry" Lingshi, the energy contained in the two high-energy beam shots was almost wiped out in the blink of an eye. When the vision was restored, Zheng Yi could even feel the energy coming from his waist. a little dissatisfied.

It seems to be asking Zheng Yi "why there are only these".

It's almost like being coquettish.

Seeing the two Genes in front of him who seemed to be so shocked by this engulfing transformation that they lost their basic judgment, Zheng Yi spread his wings again.

Although the armed forces held by these two special suits can't pose a threat to him, in the original book, they can be regarded as one of the culprits that caused the crash of Heliopolis in a sense.

With that kind of destructive power, if it is hit directly, it is difficult to say whether the center axis of the fixed structure of the satellite can be unscathed.

Zheng Yi didn't dare to gamble with the lives of the entire satellite.

[Hey, I said Zheng Yi, the conversion rate of this thing is not too low. If you pull down those two shots and hit yourself a few times, maybe you can reduce the cooling time by a few hours! 】

[Yake, be quiet. 】

【I do not want!I'm not allowed to fight, and I'm not allowed to talk to you now, believe it or not, I'm flirting—]


Words and thoughts freeze together.

Suddenly stopped his leaning forward body, Zheng Yi stopped the pounce that was about to run away, and suddenly raised his head towards the sky directly above.

Both he and Yake felt it.

That was a fluctuation not long ago, or just felt once today.


"An energy reaction has been detected in the air above the enemy plane and the empty bar! Now transmit the image to the main screen!"

Staring at the picture on the screen, Maru suddenly stood up.

She will not forget the sight.

"Why at this time..."


"Damn it, since that's the case!"

Mikil, who came back to his senses, seemed to squeeze out a sound from his clenched teeth, and his finger squeezed the trigger again.

Zell's panicked voice, however, interrupted his half-baked death throes.

"Mickel, change of plans!"


"Turn your main camera overhead!"

It would be foolish to look away from a confrontational enemy, but Mikkiel still chose to trust the judgment of his teammates.

He reversed the direction of the main camera—

"...that's unlucky enough!"

Facing the huge group of light particles that seemed familiar to him on the display screen, Mikkel frowned and cursed.


the second

Chaos has a mind of his own in his head

Although the first time was purely accidental due to the outbreak of fighting

But this time, Chaos accidentally realized the existence of Zheng Yi in his head.

and so……


good night


Leave Note: Urgent

as the title

I'm sorry, I can't make arrangements for things at work. Sometimes, if the higher-ups add something, I can only do my best to complete it.

This position is a typical example of being either busy or idle

Hey, why are they all dogs (confusion)

Originally, I could arrange the time slot a little bit, but it happened that the professor had a collection of papers and asked me to read it quickly, saying that I would use it as an assistant in a certain conference later.

The doctoral dissertation is really a whole book...

Plus the additional material contains the investigative report

brain pain.jpg

Fortunately, although I had a low-grade fever last night, I fully recovered when I woke up the next day

By the way, is my recovery ability getting better and better recently...



see you tomorrow

good night


Chapter 45: Untouchable

"The head of Chaos..."

The worst is yet to come.

Zheng Yi is very clear that the head of Chaos, as an artificial life body with the ability to think and evolve, is extremely close to some kind of natural disaster in form, but in essence, every move of Chaos' head is caused by its own decided by thinking.

This also means that unlike natural disasters, the appearance of Chaos' head and the disaster it may cause may have predictable factors, but it is by no means a simple mixed construction of triggering factors, and it also includes Chaos' head. subjective factors.

In other words, if conditions permit, no one can guarantee that Chaos will not be interested in Zheng Yi who suddenly appeared.

And once there is interest, it may attract the attention of Chaos's head, and the result is as it is now.

This is a typical heuristic.

In the story of Gauss, in the face of Gauss, who is the Giant of Light, Chaos made a series of tests on this powerful obstructer with his head, and even once created Gauss by constantly capturing Gauss' battle data. of imitations.

That's right, Chaos' head is able to use strategies in battle, and has a long-term vision and planning existence-this is the key issue that Zheng Yi is really worried about.

Just like spying on Gauss's combat ability in memory, the appearance of Chaos' head this time may not be accidental in Zheng Yi's view, but a kind of spying on his ability.

The information obtained from the terminal shows that the world itself has tried its best to curb the large-scale activities of Chaos's head, but just as the world consciousness has reserved spare power to help Zheng Yi, the wisdom of Chaos's head is naturally It will also make it choose to keep its hole cards and a certain amount of spare power when the situation is still unclear.

But when it first released this residual power to test the resistance power of the world consciousness, it encountered an unexpected resistance.

It was the interception from Zheng Yi.

This made Chaos realize that the obstacles he has to face may not only come from the world itself.

So, as a thinking and ruthless artificial life form, what measures will it take in the face of unknown obstacles?

Right now, this is the answer.

Staring at the group of light particles slowly swirling overhead, Zheng Yi rarely felt helpless.

He guessed what Chaos' head might do.

He also expected that Chaos' head would most likely cause him trouble at this juncture.

But he was unable to make a truly effective defense.

A probing of Chaos's head firmly tied Zheng Yi's life.

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