Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 210

In the field of vision of the two of them, an inconspicuous black spot first appeared on the screen, and within a short breath, this stain-like black spot suddenly enlarged, expanded, and became clear.

In the end, it became an appearance that the two of them will never forget in their lifetime.

"——It's it! It's [Black Beetle]! It really is a new weapon belonging to the Earth Army!"

"I won't let you go back easily this time! Let the horse come here!"

Amidst the shouts of surprise, joy, or anger from the soldiers, that stern figure was like a whirling chiseled deep light, piercing straight towards the two special armors that had quickly adjusted their postures and were ready for battle. jean.


the second


good night


Chapter 43: Survival of Surprise

"Hello! Hello?! Captain, what the hell—what do you want me to open the ejection hatch for now?!"

Through direct communication within the ship, Kojero pointed to the ejection channel, with a little shock and panic remaining on his face: "That! That child! That boy named Kongjo, what is going on with him?!"


Listening to Kojero's questioning, Maru failed to respond immediately.

Unlike the ZAFT army, which had a direct confrontation with Zheng Yi, no matter whether it belongs to the Archangel or Maru, who was struggling to protect the new airframe at the time, few people from the Earth Army have actually seen the interception at that time. Zheng Yi in Jin's black sun form.

So when Zheng Yi completed the transformation in front of everyone in the hangar, he really almost scared the entire maintenance team.If it weren't for the fact that Kejieluo, who is the maintenance chief, is an open-minded and decisive person, it would be hard to say whether Zheng Yi could successfully leave the Archangel from the ejection channel to meet the enemy.

Judging from the reactions of everyone in the maintenance squad at the time, if it was a decision maker on the spot, Zheng Yi would be more likely to be pointed at his head by the muzzle of a few recruits who almost failed to hold their weapons.

For Kojero, he doesn't care much about the adjuster or the natural person.

At this age, people will not feel jealous or even cause disputes because of the so-called gap in ability and talent.Even if an omnipotent adjuster was really put in front of him, Kojero would just scratch his head, lamenting how powerful the adjuster is, and happily accepting new members with a big laugh.

But this time the nature is different.

At least the adjuster looks like a human being, after all—

"Hey! Captain! That child has entered the ejection channel! Is it really all right?!"

After a brief silence on the communicator, Maru's firm voice came.

"Kojero, open the ejection hatch for Kujo-kun."

"This—hey! All right!"

After hanging up the communication, Kojero covered his head and shook his head.

"It's really... there are not enough adjusters, what are the people above thinking... Have you even made this kind of thing this time? Do you want people to fight with MS?"

He muttered, although Kojero still had many doubts and worries, but he knew that his first task at this moment was to follow the instructions.

He pulled out the headset and shouted

"Open the ejection hatch! Cancel the operation of the ejection device, yes! Just open the hatch! That's what the kid told me just now! Also, turn on the channel's broadcast!"

After receiving the response from the broadcast, Kojero raised his voice almost roaring at Mike: "Hey! Boy! I will open the door of the ejection hatch after the countdown of 3 seconds, and I will close the starting device according to your instructions. You have to Prepare yourself to deal with the pressure difference and resistance when the hatch opens! It's started!"




"Open the ejection hatch!"

Facing the ever-increasing brilliance, Zheng Yi suddenly spread his wings.

"Then, it's time to go!"


In the command room of the Archangel, Zheng Yi in the form of a black sun spread his wings on the display screen, leaving that ferocious figure like a ghost in the dynamic capture of the main image.


What happened in the hangar was fully revealed in front of everyone in the command room through the monitoring design of the hangar.

From a tall young man to a terrifying biological weapon, such a process of twisting a person's body fell straight into everyone's eyes.



at a loss.


How many words would it take to express the emotion contained in this silence?

Obviously no one made a sound, but it seemed that everyone could hear, see, and realize other people's thoughts and thoughts at this moment.

Because even though there are many thoughts and emotions, everyone here has the same question at this moment.

That, what is it?

The soldiers in charge of broadcasting the battle situation had to stick to their posts, but Maru knew that they should all be subconsciously glancing at her from the corner of their eyes at this moment.

As for Mu and Baki Lulu, although they were also stunned by shock when Zheng Yi completed the transformation, they looked at her in unison after they realized it.

It seemed that the entire command room was waiting for an explanation from Maliu.

However, Maru herself knows best, and she, too, knows nothing about Zheng Yi.

But even so, she still chose to believe in Zheng Yi.

In other words, I chose to believe in the resolute back of this big boy when he left.

Finally, as Zheng Yi's figure flickered away, the voice of control officer Jackie took the lead in breaking the silence in the command room.

"That—Mashiro Kujo successfully completed the standard attack action from the No. 1 ejection channel, and is approaching the enemy's heavy artillery special equipment Jean at high speed. It is expected that they will encounter each other within 12 seconds!"

"11, 10, 9—"

"The enemy plane reacted, the air bar has entered the opponent's range!"


"Target locked! Zell!"

"OK, anytime."

Looking at the reminder frame on the display screen that expresses the word "lock", Mikil stared at Zheng Yi who was getting closer, showing a happy smile.

It was as if the next moment would be the time of joy when the vengeance was avenged.

"You just came here in such a daze, pay for your arrogance! Stinky beetle! I don't believe you can still have the anti-light coating all over your body!"

With a relentless scolding, Mikkel pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The caliber of the anti-ship heavy particle gun far exceeds that of conventional beam rifles and solid weapons, and the arm made of steel stably holds the huge gun body that is almost comparable to mass weapons.The intense and dense saturated energy beam completed a complicated transformation process in an instant, and turned into a magenta intense light flow in the muzzle, like an overly thick and long sharp spear, straight to the front. Zheng Yi.

Zell's shots followed closely behind, and the two shots were in no particular order. The wide caliber gave the beam a larger killing range, and the cross shots from the left and right instantly blocked most of Zheng Yi's dodging area.Unless Zheng Yi can complete the extremely difficult small-angle knuckle maneuver at such a high speed, there is no way for him to perfectly avoid the scouring of these two shots based on his size alone.

Judging from the screen on the display screen, Zheng Yi's relatively petite body for MS was almost submerged in the magenta brilliance at the moment of approaching.

Without the slightest evasive action, Zheng Yi bumped into two strong anti-ship heavy particle cannons without dodging!


"what is this……"

Facing the scene in front of him that could not be understood and analyzed by the brain, Mikil's murmur seemed to reveal the words in the hearts of all witnesses.


A little groggy, are you tired? (scratches head)

first change


Chapter 44: Means of Heuristics

Generally speaking, to defend against the shooting of beam rifles and heavy particle cannons, it is nothing more than choosing to avoid or relying on shields composed of specific coatings and armor to resist.And when faced with a large-scale killer such as a ship-mounted large beam cannon, the only way to choose is to evade.

In fact, as far as the armament of the Archangel is concerned, the main gun Goldfelt high-energy beam cannon is a typical example.There are only a handful of existences that can directly resist its shooting.In a local battle, a main gun shot may directly change the direction of the battle.

The lethality of large-caliber beam weapons can be seen.

And the anti-ship particle cannon held by Mikkiel and Zell at this time is the weapon with the largest caliber and lethality among the general-purpose Zeon available weapons. Shaft damage.

In other words, even a little bit of the edge of the shooting range of ordinary mobile suits may cause damage to limbs or even melt the body caused by high heat.Even armor and shields covered with anti-light coatings cannot withstand its intensive continuous blows.

In a practical sense, facing it, the most correct choice as a MS driver is always to choose to avoid ballistics and not to suffer direct hits.

But now, what is happening in front of them slaps everyone's common sense of combat readiness in a practical sense.

Whether it is ZAFT or the Earth Army, no one can understand the principle of this scene.

But the personnel on both sides can realize what this scene represents through the observation instruments at hand——

"That guy... [Black Beetle] is absorbing the attack of the heavy particle cannon..."

Looking at the real-time display parameters on the instrument, Zell's fingers subconsciously stopped on the operation interface.

What the hell is this?

Listening to his teammates muttering to himself, the unique idea in Mikkel's mind was clearer than any other thoughts.

Absorb the attack of the heavy particle cannon?

Put it lightly!

If this is as easy as it appears on paper, why would any special anti-light coating be needed? Beam weapons would have been pushed out of the arena of war long ago!

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