Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 18

He wants to fight people.

He wants to fight people.

he thinks--

The sharp metal mouthparts were suddenly separated, Zheng Yi's trembling body was slightly bent, and the gleaming mouthparts rubbed against each other, making an annoying sound like glass scratching a blackboard. The chilling appearance was like...

Trying to bite something.

Seeing Zheng Yi's state, the eyes on the big sword narrowed slightly, actually smiling.

[Do you desire power? 】

In his vague consciousness, Zheng Yi seemed to hear a man's voice echoing in his ears. The voice was hoarse and noisy as if his vocal cords had been roaring hoarsely for a long time, but Zheng Yi could hear a different kind of voice from it. of anger and hate.


【Do you want to be a hero?child. 】

[I have witnessed the stars, I have witnessed the brilliance of thousands of suns, and now!I was blinded by this elegance... So, how can my goal not be dark? 】

[I don't want to be an enemy of you, child, I want to be an enemy of the world! 】

[How big is my gap?From a god... to a prisoner——]

[I had another name, child.On the once noble battlefield, my battle cry pierced the silence, and my light resisted the darkness.But that doesn't matter anymore, now, I'm a darkin. 】

[There is no conscience left on me, it was taken away...it was stolen. 】

【Now, I am the sworn enemy of all life. 】

【I am Aatrox!I am the end of the world! 】

【Come!pick me up!Embrace what you crave, enough to be a hero!You have the qualifications! 】


Zheng Yi stepped out again.

Across the distance of 20 meters, it seems to have crossed the years that the owner of that voice has crossed.

From a hero to being betrayed.

From a warrior to a tool.

From the gods....

To the prisoner who lost everything.

Finally, the boy came to the big sword.

【Pick me up, or...】

Zheng Yi stared at the hilt of the great sword, slowly let go of the Titan sword in his hand, and put the wooden knife it turned back to at his feet.

"...Then, there is only one answer."

The boy's right hand tightly grasped the hilt of the sword made of white bones.

——"913! It's now!"

Feeling the heat radiating from his abdomen just now, and hearing Terminal's urgent cry for the first time, Zheng Yi quietly grasped the hilt of his sword with his left hand.The armor receded, the monster returned to its human form, and Zheng Yi held his sword hilt with both hands to restore his human form.As if he was praying, or paying homage, the young man silently held the big sword, lowered his head and looked closely at that eye.

His arms are simultaneously exerting force——

[One day, you will also be me. 】

"Even so, I still..."

Watching the golden brilliance of the big sword in his hand gradually become lighter and thinner as the texture in his hand gradually became lighter and thinner, finally the whole big sword turned into golden particles flying up in front of Zheng Yi, passing through the quilt The ceiling that Tox had pierced when he fell before disappeared into a corner of the sky.Zheng Yi lowered his head, looked at the inconspicuous golden residue in his hand, and let it spread freely.

The young man raised his head again, raised his right hand high towards the sky through the hole on the top, and tried to spread his five fingers to face the blue sky outside, as if he wanted to touch the leisurely clouds that were close at hand but far away in the sky.

"Hey, terminal, does this count as the completion of the trial? There won't be another situation in this world, right?"

"Confirmation of the collection of designated recyclables. The trial task numbered 913 has been officially completed. It has been registered and the trial record has been uploaded to the courtyard. As for the question you raised in 913, as long as the human beings in this world completely eliminate those mutated individuals, there will be no There are further questions."

"Is that so..."

Withdrawing his gaze from the sky and lowering his right hand, Zheng Yi squatted down and picked up the wooden knife and slapped the dust on his head. He carried it on his shoulder and turned to walk in the direction of the open-air cafe when he came.

"Terminal, how long can I stay here?"

"Available time is 2 hours."

"It's more than enough."

He was going to deal with all the mutant individuals in the plaza below and the first and second floors, both ordinary individuals and special individuals.

This is also the last thing Zheng Yi can do for his friends in this world.

"Hey, terminal."

"Please say."

"Heroes and so on, don't they all have a good death?"

"From the known cultural records of several worlds, this is indeed the case."

"Hey... To be honest, I really like and feel helpless for your honest and honest character. At this time, wouldn't you say something nice to coax me?"

"Understood, the terminal will enter this request into relevant records, and use this as a benchmark for future communications with 913."


Shaking his head with a wry smile, Zheng Yi, who doesn't need to follow every step of the way, has already reached the edge of the open-air cafe just by making jokes.Looking at the group of zombies that had gradually regrouped in the square below, he smiled and made a gesture with his hands.

Even so...


Even so, I still want to be a hero.

One, a hero for everyone.

—————[Volume [-]: The Awakening under the Apocalypse]—————

end of book

Well, the first volume is officially over here

Alas, the [-] words may indeed be short-lived, but to be honest, these [-] words have basically expressed what I want to express, and the rest that cannot be conveyed to everyone through words is beyond my ability, I am very sorry.

This new book was actually conceived quite a long time ago. I thought a lot about the first copy, such as Black Bullet, Iron Castle, etc., because the purpose of the first volume is to make Zheng Yi firm in his heart.

Do you want to choose to carry something that is so heavy that you may overwhelm yourself, or just turn a blind eye to all the things in front of you?

To be honest, ask yourself, if you give me the power of the empty self, knowing that I may gradually lose myself in the battle, and step by step become a different existence from human beings, it is really difficult for me to let go of the original life. Everything you have, go in exchange for such a power.

Maybe with power I can really do whatever I want.

There are also people who say that life is too short to last a hundred years, even if you become a combat weapon, before then you can live happier than you are now by relying on this power.

Of course, with such a vast courtyard, it might be possible to find the ability or props to perfectly avoid black objects in the next moment.

Perhaps, these words also have their own truth.

But if it is only for these, the price and risk in exchange for power is too heavy for me.

The same is true for Zheng Yi.

And if this power is to protect family and friends, if I have to have it, I think I will definitely muster more courage than now, maybe I will still be afraid when using it, and I will still be afraid in battle, but at least in that Sometimes, I will not choose to back down and escape.

The hymn of humanity is the hymn of courage.

Courage is learning to turn fear into your friend.

There is no shame in worrying about the future and fear of the end. What is really terrible is always knowing the danger but not knowing how to forge ahead.

This is true for me.

The same is true for Yu Zhengyi.

In the end, about Saeko and Zheng Yi, the two have a good impression of each other, but Zheng Yi knows that he can't give Saeko any answer for the time being, so Saeko, who is clear about her own thoughts, will take the initiative from the beginning to the end, while Zheng Yi always seems very restraint.I can even say that in the whole volume, you will never find any moves by Zheng Yi to flirt with girls.

Because he has a silly sunny smile on both men and women (no)

Well, the next volume is tomorrow.


Interlude: Tired of feeling close to home?I don't have the leeway now

When he opened his eyes again, he was already back in the courtyard.

Zheng Yi looked at the gate in front of him, whether it was the scenery around him or the transformed clothes on his body, everything was the same as when he came, as if that time full of flesh and blood was just a dream.

Only the wooden knife in his hand was silently proving the truth of that time to the young man.

Looking down at the wooden knife in his hand, Zheng Yi was a little lost in thought as he looked at the traces left by the struggle on it.

"Number 913, first of all congratulations on completing the trial."

The stable baritone voice of the terminal came from the door in front of him, and a soothing milky halo rose along the rocky door, illuminating Zheng Yi's dazed face.He blinked, looked away from the wooden knife in his hand, and looked fixedly at the door.

"Terminal, in this way, do I officially become an agent after passing the trial?"

"Yes, the courtyard has officially registered your information to all personal terminals. From now on, you will officially complete the commission accepted by the courtyard as a member of the courtyard agent. In addition, this is the reward for this commission. Since you The entrustment was completed in a very short period of time, and the entrusting party paid the corresponding remuneration according to the contract. After deducting the operation part required by the courtyard, the remaining part is fully at the disposal of number 913.”

Saying that, the milky white halo on the door began to flow, and then a deep purple halo and a scarlet halo suddenly appeared in these milky white halos, compared to the milky white halo that was like a wave , these two halos of different colors were pushed and swam outward like rootless duckweed, and they came to Zheng Yi in the blink of an eye.

For some reason, these two halos gave Zheng Yi a wonderful sense of familiarity.

It's as if you have been working for four or five years after graduating from college, and one day you saw your college roommate on the street.He hasn't been in touch with you for a while, and you can't even pronounce your name, but you can still find the shadow of the past straight from the face that has been washed away by the years.

It seems like yesterday's deja vu.

Before the controversy could reflect what the real body of the two halos was, the milky white halo retreated to the door like a tide, and it could be said that it came and went in a hurry.Without the support of the milky white halo, the two halos of very different colors suddenly had different reactions.

A scarlet halo rushed up suddenly, spinning around Zheng Yi told.From left to right, from top to bottom, he ran to stop in front of Zheng Yi from time to time, and continued to run around him when Zheng Yi focused his gaze on him, acting recklessly as if he didn't know the burnout at all.

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