Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 17

Although everyone always says that Apocalypse is badly written, I think this just shows that it is indeed suitable as a new copy of the characteristics

Of course the relationship line....


Chapter 26: I won't be called Zheng Yi anymore because you scare me a few times!

Gently push down on the doorknob, the brand-new door quietly opened towards the inside, it can be seen that this open-air coffee shop should not have been open for too long, the turning axis of the door lintel was deliberately relaxed by Zheng Yi There was no sound when the palm was pulled.The soles of the feet moved outwards against the Guanghua wooden floor, and carefully crossed the threshold to the tiled floor of the corridor outside.

Feeling the cold touch under his feet which is different from that of the wooden floor, Zheng Yi turned his body sideways, holding a big sword in his right hand to protect the position in front of him, while watching the movements around, he brought the other foot out of the shop, and then He closed the door gently again.

The old man said: "The sense of justice and etiquette are things that must be engraved in the bones."

Stand with your back against the door of the coffee shop. Behind you is the area that Zheng Yi has confirmed to be complete. On this floor where he is completely unaware of the situation, only the open-air coffee shop behind you can move a little bit at this stage. Where the back is exposed.

The free left hand is also holding the hilt of the sword, the body is slightly leaning forward, the waist is lowered to stabilize the center of gravity, the legs are stepping forward and the back, the knees are bent, and the arms stretch out the big sword.The whole big sword firmly guarded Zheng Yi's center line, and at the same time, it could immediately switch from defense to offense with the coordination of pace and wrists.Compared with Fury, this structure is obviously more offensive and defensive. Although the lethality is inevitably weakened, at the same time, the flexibility of changing moves in battle and the timeliness of offensive and defensive changes are both enhanced.

This is the starting posture commonly used by most great sword practitioners in the Meyer style.

Meyerliu Lishi.

Compared with the anger that is suitable for vigorously slashing, the plow is generally a structure suitable for defensive counterattacks, and this structure can better play the attack method of "thrust" to a certain extent.Although the calamity giant is not limited to the release form of stabbing, and the Titan does not rely on stabbing to attack, but in this corridor that is no wider than four people, stabbing is obviously faster than swiping and slashing. direct.

And to be honest, Zheng Yi didn't grasp that among the enemies on this level, there was no type that could break through the Titan's biological armor.

The starting point station's wrestler style of receiving all attacks from the front and facing them all back from the front is really not suitable for the current situation.

Vigilantly moving along the corridor at a steady speed, Zheng Yi found glass shards of various sizes scattered on the ground in front of some stores along the way.Judging from the door handles that can be seen occasionally above, these storefronts should have the same glass door structure as that of the coffee shop, but I don't know whether it is because of the distance or the material, these glass doors seem to have been shattered, and there are even some. There is still a small part of Boli on the facade that sticks to the door frame and is unwilling to fall down.

The more he moved forward, the more messy the scene Zheng Yi saw, from the peeling wall skin and shattered glass at the beginning, to the smashed and damaged electric lamp and the fine cracks on the tiles.

In terms of the floor space of a single floor, this shopping center is probably the size of a regular school playground. Zheng Yi moved slowly along the corridor for more than ten seconds, and only when he turned the corner at the end did he see the so-called dropped object.

Compared with the mess that I walked all the way before, the scene in front of me is obviously more exaggerated.

The floor of the tiles was completely gone, and the beautiful milky white stone slabs were torn to pieces by the huge force. From the distance of the splash, you can feel the impact of the impact here at that time.The dark gray concrete base was pushed up to the sides, and large chunks of cracked stones rose up against the crumbling walls, like some kind of post-modern stone carvings in azure blue.The two closest shops could no longer see what they were selling. Fragmented flames were scattered in every corner of the ruins, radiating their own light and heat wantonly in this floor where the central air conditioning had been cut off.There are even some water pipes buried there who don’t know where they were squeezed and cracked by the twisted concrete. Some spew like a small shower, and some flow like a quiet stream, mixed with concrete and ceramic tiles. Fragments, forming inconspicuous puddles in the cracks and crevices of the ground.

Zheng Yi grew up and had never experienced any natural disasters, but the scene in front of him almost immediately reminded him of some disaster documentaries he had watched when he was a child.

It was just a small earthquake.

Stopping in front of the ruins, Zheng Yi looked at the most conspicuous object in the ruins and asked softly.

"Terminal, is that the one?"

"Number 913, please wait a moment, the terminal will start reviewing the current task situation... After matching, according to the client's information, the designated recycling object is the object in front of you in 913, and the recycling method is to directly touch the object, and the next work will have a terminal Take over from the courtyard."

"You are right about the terminal, this thing is indeed heterogeneous at a glance."

Zheng Yi lowered his body cautiously, and looked up and down this object that could be recognized at a glance even in the ruins.

—It was a great sword made of flesh and bone.

The gray-white hilt seems to be made of the bones of some unknown creature. The scarlet muscle is wrapped with a dark black network of meridians to form the blade of the big sword. The pale bone blade looks like Some kind of biological shell grows from these muscles.A faint yellow eye was embedded in the middle of the bony hilt. According to Zheng Yi's estimation, the whole sword was probably about as tall as himself. If the part that was sunk into the ground did not penetrate the floor, then the hilt should be two meters tall above the length.

As if aware of Zheng Yi's arrival, at a distance of about twenty meters, the dim yellow eye blinked, the black pupil shrank violently, and immediately focused on Zheng Yi's direction.

Immediately, the sword and the boy met eyes.

The pain in Zheng Yi's head suddenly intensified. If it was just a sting similar to a scratch even when he came here before, now it is almost like being pierced into the eye socket with a red-hot steel needle.The sudden severe pain caught Zheng Yi by surprise, his hands holding the big sword subconsciously wanted to let go of the weapon, hug his head and squat down.The inevitable self-protection mechanism of the creature when it was hurt made him subconsciously take half a step back, and the whole posture immediately disintegrated.

The trembling limbs and body failed to fully obey Zheng Yi's vague will in the severe pain. His hands were still clawing at the hilt of the sword stubbornly before the body fell down, but Zheng Yi's right leg was out of control in a hurry. Suddenly, the tall body leaned to the right and knelt down on one knee.


Regardless of the tactical principle of keeping quiet, Zheng Yi panted heavily and tried his best to restrain the shaking of his body.Although he still couldn't stop the trembling caused by the severe pain, Zheng Yi, who had been trained to be resistant to pain, quickly controlled most of his body.

Trying to raise his head to look in the direction of the big sword, Zheng Yi didn't want to lose the enemy's position at this time, so he lowered his gaze slightly to pass that eye. Yi decided to use this as a hypothetical condition first.

"Suck - breathe.... breathe -"

Stabilizing his mind and regaining control of his body from the pain, Zheng Yi immediately adjusted his heart, lungs and related nervous system through breathing techniques, further strengthening his ability to resist pain.

Gradually, I got used to it.

In the end, he let out a long breath, and Zheng Yi's trembling gradually calmed down, his hands holding the sword returned to their usual stability, and his knees also regained their usual firmness.

He stood up again, facing the big sword of flesh and blood who didn't know his true identity, he set up the Titan sword in his hand again as if he didn't know the pain.

"Just... touch... right!"

"Yes, you only need 913 to touch the object, and the rest will be done by the courtyard and the terminal."

Even the energy to answer was almost exhausted, Zheng Yi gritted his teeth, honestly speaking, it would take less than two seconds to cross the distance of about 20 meters in front of him, as long as he transformed into the green dragon form.But he is not yet proficient in form transformation, and now facing this kind of pain that is probably a mental attack, it is already difficult to keep awake, and he is not prepared to try to concentrate on changing form in front of the enemy. .Judging from this attack, even if this sword has no intelligence, it still has the most basic instinct of self-protection or attacking surrounding creatures.

Moreover, it is difficult to say whether the opponent will have other back-ups after getting close.

So, should you try to retreat first, and then consider the long-term plan?


Isn't it just a sword? See, I'll pull you out right now!

Holding the big sword in his hand, the boy took a steady first step.


For the first script, I chose the Apocalypse of the Academy. In fact, everyone can see that the core is not to fight zombies. After all, the courtyard cannot be exchanged, and Zheng Yi can’t earn points for fighting small zombies, so many common powerful abilities The plot of getting points in the copy of the weak chicken at the beginning and then improving by one step will not appear here.

The real purpose of choosing the Apocalypse of the Academy is to question Zheng Yi, who was once an ordinary person, in terms of choice.

【Are you willing to bear huge costs and risks for others in exchange for the power to help others? 】

Zheng Yi may have a stronger body than ordinary people, but he is not a battle-tested fighter, nor is he a cold-blooded killer.If you choose to fight, you have to bear the fate of becoming a combat weapon one day, and bear the crime of driving violence, but even so, when it is time to do it, I still have to do it.

This is a kind of inquiry to oneself, and the answer is based on one's own heart.

Yes, it is a very happy thing to do whatever you want after gaining power.But the happy things are not necessarily the right things.Everyone wants to be a happy person, but neither Zheng Yi nor I want to be a wrong person.

Indeed, there are other copies that fit this positioning.

But I picked up this copy, and now that it's nearing the end, I think I probably didn't write too badly.


Chapter 27: So, there is only one answer

The limit speed of 7.2 meters in Titan form is [-] seconds. Although this is not a completely accurate data, the power given by the spirit stone will largely change according to the user's will, but no matter what, this can prove Even in the seemingly heaviest titan mode, Zheng Yi in Kuuga's posture has athletic abilities far beyond the limits of human beings.

The distance of 20 meters is such a distance that Zheng Yi can cross in three seconds even in a non-transformation posture, but at this time, it is difficult for him to take every step.It is not that the body has been imposed with some negative state of gravity, nor is it hindered by some invisible force.

Zheng Yi was just innocent, the pain was so painful that every movement was on the verge of shock.

As he got closer to the alien sword, every time the distance of 20 meters was shortened by even a centimeter, the pain and torture that Zheng Yi suffered would intensify.And the most frightening thing is that the pain that Zheng Yi endured will not gradually numb his senses because of his patience. As long as he still maintains a clear consciousness, the pain will be like waves at high tide And to.

It's not the kind of pain that slowly deepens like a frog boiled in warm water, nor does it maintain the state of pain all the time, but wave after wave, the pain washes Zheng Yi's consciousness regularly and steadily.

Zheng Yi can clearly estimate the time when the next severe pain will come, and the giant sword will never play back his pigeons. Once the time is up, the more severe pain than last time will come as scheduled.

The baptism of pain every three seconds.

The second to calm down from the more intense pain than the last time, the second to realize that the next pain is coming and seize the time to take the next step, and the second to prepare for the severe pain to sweep the body and mind.

That was unwavering, precise three seconds.

Counting these three seconds is exactly the three seconds of savoring fear.

Just imagine, you clearly know that in three seconds you will be in pain so bad that you will die, and in three seconds you will indeed be in pain that will make you die.So what kind of reaction will people have during the three seconds of waiting that life is worse than death?

The happiness that will eventually come is the real happiness.

On the contrary, the pain that will come eventually is the real pain.

Fear thrives in such three seconds, slowly but surely eroding people's will, and finally makes people surrender, escape, and even cry.

Compared with pain, uncontrollable fear is often the real reason that breaks a person's mind.

It is precisely because of this reciprocating spiral of pain that Zheng Yi's gradually blurred consciousness has truly confirmed one thing.

That is, the sword in front of him definitely has considerable intelligence, and may even have an independent personality.

Three seconds and three seconds, one step after another.

As if to use his feet to measure how far 20 meters is, Zheng Yi staggered and dragged his almost uncontrollable body.The pain seemed to deprive him of consciousness all over his body, and Zheng Yi didn't even know whether he was still moving forward stubbornly, or if he had already fallen to the ground and couldn't move.Only the dazed mind kept urging himself to move forward.The hands holding the big sword were as motionless as if they were beating the sculptures on his shoulders. Even at this point, Zheng Yi still stubbornly held the hilt of the sword, and pressed the big sword straight in front of him.

15 m.

Tripped over by the protruding jagged gravel, Zheng Yi swayed violently, but the next moment he relied on the coping ability imprinted on his body to regain his balance.This stumbling also allowed Zheng Yi to recover a little bit of himself from a state of confusion. He lowered his head slightly, and his eyes, which had become crystal-like compound eyes, reflected the obstacles on the ground in front of him and around him one by one. .Dragging his muddy legs, he made his way over small puddles on the ground, avoiding protrusions that would trip him up.

ten meters.


The pain that intensified again in his mind made Zheng Yi gasp unconsciously.The nervous system almost went on strike under the impact of the pain. Fortunately, Zheng Yi, who had already experienced it once, immediately adjusted his posture through breathing techniques, and then he took a step across the body that was almost kneeling and stabilized it.Realizing that he had no time to waste, the moment he stood firm, Zheng Yi immediately took another step forward, shortening the distance between him and the big sword again.

five meters.

—almost a step away!

However, at this moment, all the pain Zheng Yi suffered disappeared.Not only is the whole body lightened, it is a feeling that is difficult to describe in words.

It's like one day, you suddenly can no longer see, touch, or hear, and from that day on, you will always be in darkness, no different from being dead.

But you just know that you are still alive, even if you are alive as if you are dead.

Then suddenly another day, you changed back.

See it, touch it, hear it, as if those obscure days were nothing more than a masochistic joke in a fantasy, like a bad dream, open your eyes and it's all fake, you can still hug All good.

In a word, it makes a world of difference.

Even Zheng Yi lost his mental defenses at this moment, and fell into a state of trance for a while.

——This is the right time for that huge sword to be deliberately created!

A scorching, restless, hateful and murderous thought plunged into Zheng Yi's mind, as if trying to split all the will and soul of the young man with a sword, and as if trying to tear Zheng Yi's spirit and heart apart. Thoughts, this thought full of resentment and anger ran rampant in Zheng Yi's mind.He didn't just target Zheng Yi's mind, but he wasn't going to let go of Zheng Yi's ego that had been tortured to the point of collapse.

Facing this will, Zheng Yi could clearly feel the hatred and anger in it, and he even found that his emotions were gradually being colored by this resentment.Like ink dripping into a clear pool, Zheng Yi's heart, which was as clear as a mirror, became more and more turbid due to this will, and a nameless anger surged up from nowhere.Like the blazing magma sleeping deep in the body, once it seizes the opportunity, it can't wait to break through the rock formation of reason, and spit out the wrath of destruction to everything around it.

He wants to argue with people.

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