Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1344: It Begins

Numerous soldiers can be seen standing all around Alola armed to the brim. On top of that, they also had their Pokemon beside them to assist them.

Not just soldiers on foot, but they were on high-tech hoverbikes that have been armed with high-powered firearms. The air forces back on the islands are also getting ready as they prepare for aerial combat.

Massive stationary arteries have been stationed all around, with soldiers assigned to each to operate them.

Amongst these snappy and nervous soldiers stands a man with jet-black hair and crimson eyes. He is wearing his signature long black coat and staring into the endless water body before him.

Beside him is Jenny, and she is just as concerned as any other person around her, but she is putting up a tough front as she is a commanding captain. Beside her is her Lycanroc, ready to attack on her command.

Other than the soldiers, the Kahunas of the islands are also right up front amongst the soldiers to fight the invasion of their land. The land they swore to protect, no matter what it cost them.

Fighting alongside Julian is the Kahuna of Ula Ula island, Nanu. He is a dark-type trainer. He is an old man with short, grey hair. He wears a black jacket over a red shirt and black pants.

He is a very lax and carefree man most of the time and doesn't like to be bothered by anything, but even he is very serious right now.

Kahuna Nanu cannot be lax and carefree right now. He needs to fight for his island. He needs to fight for Alola.

And just like Kahuna Nanu, the other Kahunas are also preparing for war on their own island. But unlike Nanu, who is taking a backseat, the other Kahunas are taking it upon themselves to lead the people of their island in this war.


The tension in the air can be cut through a knife like butter. The soldiers are gripping their weapons tightly, and the pokemons next to them are also getting nervous, sensing their trainer's state of mind.

Some soldiers are praying to the island guardians to provide them with strength and protection.

Officer Jenny, who is standing next to Julian, walks up to him and stands beside him.

Jenny "When will they attack?"

She asks.

Julian "They are here, any minute now,"

Julian comments as his eyes continue to stare at the endless sea in front of him. The sun has already risen over the horizon and the temperature is rising.

The summer heat will soon start to affect the soldiers, and Julian knows that this is all part of Cipher's plan.

They wanted to kill off any ounce of spirit the soldiers of Alola had in them and the hot summer sun over their head is doing a really good job.

On top of that, the armor they are wearing is thick and made for protection against lethal projectiles, they are not made for summer.

Julian can see the hot sun affecting the soldiers, but as people who are about to go into battle, they need to put up a brave front.

Julian knows what they are feeling because he has experienced it all, from the beginning to the end, and survived it. And now those memories are just a very tiny part of his life.

He cannot help these people right now, but he can boost their confidence as the battle starts, which might help them a little to survive this war.


As the soldiers wait in anticipation for the enemy to appear.

Julian, who has his eyes locked on the horizon, already knows that the enemies are here as he can feel Gyarados staring at them.

Julian "They are here"

Julian yells making all the soldiers tense up, some flinching because of his voice, and snapping them out of their state.

As soon as they heard Julian's words, they looked at the horizon and started to notice multiple black dots flying towards them. At first, it didn't seem that extreme, but soon things got scary.

Multiple black dots appeared on the horizon, and within a few seconds completely covered the horizon. It felt as if the darkness is slowly inching ever closer to them to devour them and they couldn't do anything to cower in fear.

Soon these black dots covered every aspect of the Alolan sky, and as these dots grew bigger, it became more clear that these dots are none other than fighter jets and attack choppers.

Seeing such a massive army in front of them made the Alolan soldiers's blood run cold. They got scared, they thought they are going to die.

Even Jenny and Nanu were worried seeing the massive army that is heading towards them and this is not even their full force. This is just the army that is attacking the Ula Ula island, and they have several troops waiting behind as well.

On top of that, the other islands are also getting attacked at the same time.

Other than the attack helicopters, they could also see Cipher soldiers riding on top of flying pokemons.

The enemy soldiers were not just limited to the skies as multiple Cipher soldiers were riding weaponized Wetbike and water pokemons. And they were quickly making their way towards the beaches of Alola.

Julian "Initiate attack"

Julian ordered, and the massive artillery cannons started being fired at the incoming forces. Powerful energy blasts shot out of the cannons and destroyed anything they touched.

Multiple enemy vehicles exploded in contact with these beams, which even affected the other vehicles around them, causing them to explode.

But it is of no use, even with the damage they have done, there are just too many for them. They are completely outnumbered and within a few minutes, they will get completely overwhelmed.

Seeing that their cannons had almost no effect on the incoming army, the soldiers started to panic a little.

Julian "Hyper beam"

Julian voiced out. Hearing him, some of the soldiers who were around him were confused. Even Nanu and Jenny looked at him in confusion.

Jenny opened her mouth to ask what Julian meant when her attention was suddenly grabbed by the sound of boiling water.

She turned her head to look at the source of the sound and saw the water in front of her rising as the light started to seep out of the bulge.

Suddenly, the water was penetrated, and a massive beam of light shot at the incoming army beyond supersonic speed.

Up on impact, there is destruction, and it doesn't just stop there. The energy beam moved from one point of the horizon to the other creating a straight chain of explosions throughout the horizon.

Every soldier saw this with their eyes wide open in shock, as they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

A destruction of such scale, they couldn't even comprehend.

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