Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1316: Changes In Readings

The last pokemon to be freed was the totem Magmortar. Even though the Magmortar was freed, it didn't run away like the other pokemons but is still wary about the human.

The only reason it doesn't want to run away is that this is its territory, and it had fought hard to get hold of it, It would rather risk its life and fight for this den than run away as being weak is not an option in the wild.

Julian looked at the totem Magmortar and compared it to the Incineroar that he caught, and he didn't find anything that would stand out in this Magmortar compared to the Incineroar.

The only reason this Magmortar was able to take over the den was because of Cipher, but it was very unlucky because it injured itself while taking over and became an easy pick for Cipher.

Since he has nothing to do here, Julian decided to leave and let Magmortar enjoy its new home. As for the Incineroar he caught, he decided to train it after giving it some thought.

Julian "Let's get out of here"

Julian said and sent his Aegislash and Charizard back to their Pokeball while he started to sink into his own shadow with the help of Gengar.

The Magmortar watched this while being on full alert, and its muscles couldn't be any tenser. When it looked at the shadow that is slowly eating away the human, it felt a cold frightening sensation run through its whole body.

It was just glad that it didn't decide to fight the human and his pokemons.

Julian's shadow completely engulfed him and started to move. It then zoomed out of the den towards the cave exit from where Julian came from.

Gengar moved at lightning speed and phased through the hard tungsten door and through the lava before arriving over the lava and onto the solid ground once again.

Julian's head started to emerge out of the shadow, followed by his whole body.

Julian took a deep breath as he felt the air inside this volcano is very harsh compared to the filtered air inside the den that team Cipher had modified.

He wasn't going to waste any more of his time and decided to leave as he was done here. Now he just needs to know if whatever he did worked or not.

First, he made his way up towards the mount of the volcano and looked down into the lava once again. He realized that no one will know about the totem den hidden underneath the lava if he didn't reveal it to the outside world and he plans to not tell anyone.

It is better to keep people out of there. A human's greed is overwhelming and if anyone finds out about the massive boulder of crystal filled with endless energy, it will cause huge discourse.

If Julian didn't stumble into this den by mistake, that crystal would have been shipped away and used for who knows what. It would have also caused the suppressed volcano to erupt as well.

He looked down towards the foot of the volcano to see if Olivia and others have reached the base or are still on their way down there.

His eyes focused, and he spotted a group of men in white coats at the base of the volcano.

Julian "It looks like they have already descended. I need to hurry and ask them to check the volcano's reading once again"

Julian said to himself and began his walk down the volcano. Sometimes he would just skip the etched path and jump off boulders and skip several levels of decline path he would have had to take if he followed the path.

It only took him a few minutes, and he was already down at the base of the volcano.

He saw the whole team waiting there along with Olivia, as they seem to be taking readings from one of their different devices.

Olivia, being the one who is the most alert, noticed Julian's arrival and approached him with hurried steps.

Julian "Did something happen?"

Julian asked as he saw her hurried expression and movements.

Olivia "What did you do?"

Julian "What?"

Olivia "All the data that were predicting the volcanic eruption has completely changed. It is now showing that it will not erupt"

She said excitedly as she wondered what Julian did to fix the volcano problem.

Julian "I see, so it worked then"

Julian murmured, but Olivia stood close enough to hear it.

Olivia "What worked?"

She asked.

Julian looked at Olivia and thought for a second. He wondered if he should tell her what happened inside the volcano and after some deliberate thinking; he decided to tell her.

Because if future if something similar happens, she might know what one of the root causes could be.

So he started telling her about the Cipher base and about the huge z-crystal that was slowing down the eruption of the volcano.

Olivia was surprised to hear this, but she is smart enough to know that this information should not be spread around and decided to keep it for herself.

Julian agreed with her decision. They then joined the team once again to see if the readings they are getting now are consistent or just false readings.

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