Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1315: Fixing The Problem

Julian looked at the massive pile of poke balls in front of him and wondered why these pokemons were not turned into shadow pokemons.

Just from seeing Cipher using normal pokemons, Julian could conclude that shadowfication is not yet perfected and it should be extremely dangerous for normal pokemons.

Even a mythical pokemon like Volcanion couldn't handle it.

He then ordered Gengar to store the poke balls away so he can send them back to Kanto later.

Now that he has dealt with Cipher, he needs to handle the volcano erupting situation. He looked at the massive z crystal in front of him and felt a little conflicted.

The power inside this Z-crystal is enough to power an entire island, but Julian knew that he has to put it back in its place so that it can prevent the volcano from erupting.

Julian then called another one of his pokemon, one of his strongest pokemon, who cannot be matched by anyone in pure raw strength.

Julian's Pokeball opened and Snorlax crashed into the hard ground of the den, but he seems to be completely unfazed by it and continued to snore in his deep slumber.

Julian sighed. He wondered why all of his strongest pokemons have such over-the-edge characteristics. His Gengar is extremely mischievous, to the point where he is willing to put someone's life in danger. His Snorlax sleeps a lot, and it is common knowledge that all Snorlaxs sleep a lot, but his Snorlax is clearly built different from others.

His Infernape is only focused on increasing his strength and doesn't do anything but meditate to break through the boundaries and unlock new levels of power. He is a crazy training maniac.

And then there is Crystal, the big daddy of all. Julian has at least control over his other pokemons, but Crystal is different. It is always out there causing trouble and doing mischief with its partner in crime, Gengar. Julian is just glad that Crystal also sleeps a lot, but when it wakes up, it is always chaos in Julian's camp.

Julian pulled out a special snack he made just for Snorlax to wake him up from his slumber. As soon as this small piece of snack came out, Snorlax's nonexistent nose twitched, as he could smell its favorite food.

He got up on his feet while still sleeping and approached Julian for the snack, but Julian didn't give him.

Julian "Wake up Snorlax, I need you to do something for me"

Julian said.

A frown appeared on Snorlax's sleeping face before he slowly opened his eyes and looked at Julian. As soon as he woke up and realized that his master is standing right in front of him, he got very happy and hugged Julian tightly while lifting him off the ground.

If Julian didn't have an indestructible body, his head would have popped off his shoulder.

Julian "Enough hugs, you are going to break my back"

Julian said.

Snorlax finally let go of Julian as he landed on the ground.

Julian "See that huge rock, pick it up and follow me"

Julian said.

Snorlax nodded and with huge heavy strides, he approached the massive crystal and easily lifted it up as if it was just a single feather.

The crystal looks very heavy and is, but it is much heavier compared to a rock similar to its size. Because of all the z-energy compactly stored inside it, the crystal is very dense, and, from Julian's estimation right now, it should weigh at least over 10 tonnes, but this weight is nothing to Snorlax.

He could lift 100 tonnes and won't break a sweat.

Julian soon guided Snorlax towards the place from where the large crystal was mined out of. Julian looked at the massive crater in front of him which is covered with crystals containing Z Energy and between the crystals, Julian's eyes caught onto something special.

He found two z-crystals each inside different fist-size transparent red crystals. One is a regular Firium-z, and the other is an Incinium-Z that he saw once with Kukui.

He jumped in and quickly collected the two before ordering Snorlax to place the massive crystal inside the pit.

Snorlax nodded and dug his claws into the crystal and pulled it back like he is about to throw a ball and then threw it into the pit.

The massive crystal zoomed through and crashed hard into the pit and lodged tightly into it.

As soon as the crystal made contact with the pit, something changed. Julian could feel it.

It was as if the connection of energy inside the den has been restored.

Julian "I hope that solves the problem"

Julian said to himself and gave Snorlax a ton of his favorite food for a job well done. He then returned Snorlax back to his Pokeball, where he can slumber in peace.

He then made his way towards the other side of the den where all the trapped pokemons are being kept and right in the middle of this section is a giant cage housing a massive totem pokemon inside.

This totem pokemon is a Magmortar, and it is also very close to the height of the Incineroar he caught, but just a little shorter, but it doesn't matter. This pokemon was ambushed and locked inside this cage for months now and it is a lot weaker compared to a few months ago.

Julian "Break the cages, free them all"

Julian ordered.

His pokemons got to work and quickly freed all the trapped pokemons. None of the trapped wild pokemons rushed in and attacked Julian, not because they were grateful to him for freeing them, but because they were wary of him. They saw what carnage the little pokemon sleeping inside the human's pocket did.

They are not confident enough to even take out the weaker pokemons of the human so they chose to flee as soon as they were freed.

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