Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 80: Before The After Dawn Battle!

[Equip your gear and prepared your weapon! fast! fast!! they are approaching here as we speak now!!]

[Hey! did you already prepare the potions? put it inside the storage bag! faster!]

[Who see my weapon?! fuck this idiot! why did you take my weapon?!!]

[Who did you call idiot? Yo- aaghhah!!]

[Shut up! I know your lance was already broken yesterday after being kicked by the HIgh-Kobold! humph!!]




hearing the rowdy adventurer running around in a rowdy manner, I still sat silently and did some yoga breathing to calm my mind.

After realizing that my bad habit was still there, I decided to do some yoga breathing. Maybe, by doing this, my bad habit would slightly ease a little.

Not only that, but since I also get the Immortal Bloodline skill, I just need a little rest to restore myself to perfect condition. That's why I choose some meditation to rest my mind and not overwork it. As you guys already knew, humans required sleeping to not just resting their body, but also their minds.


After I exhaled a heavy breath, I could feel Chali's presence behind me. She stood up and wait silently with the Silver wolf as well as the wyverns. Sable, the leader of the wyverns attached himself to Chali as if she was his mother and acting spoiled from time to time.

After collecting my mind, I stood up and turned my head toward them

[Did you all already finished preparing yourself?]




[Good, Archers, depart now, and check the situation from the sky!]

With my command, the Archers started to mount their respective wyverns before departing first!

Wuuush wuuushhh!!!

With the sound from their flapping wing, the Wyvern Rider(Archers) majestically flew toward the sky!


[With the wyvern rider on our side, we don't need to afraid of that f*cking bastard Ogres!!]

[Right! we have a Grandmaster here! Sir Alex, we're counting on you!]

[[We're counting on you!!]]

The guards as well as the adventurers cheered excitedly after seeing the majestic appearance of the wyverns rider. When I heard their cheers continued reverberated in the whole camp, an indescribable feeling appeared inside my heart and warmed it slightly, but, it didn't take too long for that feeling to disappear

[Nyahahahahaht!! Immortal Dragon Rider NyyAlex! I counting on you to deal with the weaklings Nyaa!! left the last boss to me nya! this time I will show you my true Golden Byakko form Nyaahahahaht!!!]

A yellow-haired Catgirl suddenly appeared from the crowd and started boasting! hearing her words I couldn't help myself to twitched my mouth a little.

'this girl, I didn't know why she suddenly calls me NyAlex since last night... sigh...'

But after thinking for a while, this girl, Nyamo never have malicious intent toward me. she just spoke whatever inside her head purely. Somehow, she reminded me of myself. But what made our situation different was the fact she was a cute girl and I wasn't. People tended to forgive her since she was cute and lovable...

'For you guys who speak about gender equality. what bullshit! hmph! sigh~ Anyway, to begin with, I didn't believe true equality exists. since the time we're born in this world, we are never equal. some people are born in a poor country full of conflict and some are born in a prosperous and rich country. 


The status they have is also different. one gets their right from the start, the others have to struggle to get it... sigh... Let's stop with this thinking... anyway, it's time to me to stop minding this Nyamo words. she is just too pure after all.. so stop being petty and take it as a kid joke~'

After pondering about this, I gave Nyamo a smile in return and thumbs up for a sign of agreement. After seeing me, Nyamo proudly grinning from ear to ear before being dragged by Gart from behind.

[Alex, please don't take Nyamo's words in your heart... she's just being playful, anyway we're counting on you for today's battle. As for the weaklings and the other ogres just left it to us, you can trust us, we got your back so fight with the Immortal Twin Ogres to your heart content!]

Hearing Gart's sincere words and trust, I couldn't help myself to be moved and smile. I sticking out my fist toward him as he smiled and bump his fist to mine. seeing this scene, I could see Chali, Silvi, Al, and Eliz smiled and nodded their head. 

But, for some reason, I could see there's a hint of conflicted feeling in Al's smile. for now, let's ignore it.

The Adventurer started cheering and boost their spirit after seeing me and Galiust Sword's leader bumped our fist!


[Yoshh!! with Immortal Dragon and Galiust sword, there is nothing to afraid of!]

[Yes! Immortal Dragon, left your back to us! we will take care of the weaklings!!]

[Yeah! you are not fighting alone! so please trust your back to us!]




Hearing the Immortal Dragon title from some of the adventurer's mouth, I unconsciously flinched, but sighed to myself after thinking about it for a while... Somehow, deep inside my heart, I could feel something was missing... and there's this feeling of loss and made me question myself...

'Where's that bastard gone? and why he has suddenly gone? I feel there is something that I miss... but I didn't know what it is, the last time I'm not thinking about it deeply because I'm too excited, now that I think carefully about it, there is no way that something inside me can disappear completely... hmmm...


Anyway... their words about me not fighting alone somehow leaving a strange taste inside me... I, Alex, that used to be alone, not in my wildest dream to think there'll be a day someone will say these things to me... 

Yes, I'm not live in that world anymore, now, I have to enjoy my life more and be happy with the people I treasure!'

I who think about this in my mind, back to myself once again after hearing a high pitched girl voice screaming in protest

[What are you guys talking about Nya!!! the one who deals with Immortal Ogre is me, Golden Byakko Nyamo!! munyiiiiiii!!!]


giggles* giggle*

Hearing Nyamo's cute protest the people started to ease their nerves from the upcoming battle and laugh heartily, but it's not long before their expression became serious, when one of the Wyvern Rider who flying above us, gave a warning!

[The Monster Horde are already close!! and they're two 4 meter Ogre leading them here, not only that, they're more than 500 Red Ogres walking behind them!]

After hearing the warning, all the people started to become more serious and gripped their weapons tightly.

All the adventurers started grouping themselves into their respective party and all the guards grouped themselves under Eliz's command.

Looking at Eliz who already became herself once again and also became more energetic, I breathed in relief and smiled gently while looking at her appearance. Eliz who seemed to feel my gaze turned her head toward me and smile bewitchingly. seeing her smile, I gave my fist gesture(Fighting gesture) to cheer and encouraged her up as a return.

Al who seeing this scene didn't want to lose and approached me before hugging my body and kissed me deeply in the mouth. She kissed me for a few moments before releasing me as she whispering to my ears seductively

~[After this battle, it's my turn okay?~]~

Hearing her seductive word, I couldn't help myself to hold her face before smooching her mouth playfully and replied her after removing my mouth from her's

[Hehehe~ just wait for later, I hope you prepare yourself and not begging for mercy while we're on it hohoho~]

I winked at her playfully after finishing my word. In return, Al gave me a challenging grin with her smug expression and winked her sexy blue eyes seductively. After flirting for a while, she left with her guard's army together with Eliz to boost their morale and spirit.

After seeing me became free, this time, it's Chali and Silvi turn to ask for a kiss. it couldn't be helped, since they asked it, I kissed them deeply one by one before remind them to fight carefully during the battle.

The two nodded their head before left with the other remaining Silver Wolf and the wyverns. Seeing the remaining Silver Wolf member as well as Silvi and Chali who could fly to the sky without riding the wyvern, the people around became flabbergasted and started making some noise in awe!

[Silent!! go to your own position and assist the town guards!]

With the sudden roar of the Guildmaster, they became silent and started following behind the guards that always keep calm expression even after seeing these unusual scenes.

'Their discipline is high! as expected of Eliz, she wasn't a combat butler for a show!'

As I still had this thought, the Guildmaster and Vice Guildmaster approaching me.

[Ghahahahah!! Alex, go fight to your heart content and leave your back to us! Good luck!]

I could see a hint of hesitation in Guildmaster's tone before he concealed it with his laugh. Maybe he hesitated to ask me about my team's flying ability but decided not to, as usual, he's really considerate Oldman.

As for Vice Guildmaster, she just smiled at me and speak something that I couldn't understand.

[As expected of the descendant of Adam, sigh... as the Teacher said, you are very special, anyway, I'm really looking forward to your future~]

After saying this thing, she left with Space&Time magic, Blink, to flicker beside the Guildmaster that already left.

After hearing what she said about me being the descendant of adam, I couldn't help thinking to myself suspiciously

'Is there a bible in this world? why she suddenly called me the descendant of Adam? T-tte! is that mean she knows that I was Otherwolder?!! then... it's mean madam Catherine know about it too!!'

While I still panicking inside my mind, A familiar beautiful woman approaching my direction, she was one of the twins, looking at her long brown hair and blue eyes in her enchanting but cold face, I recalled the last night scene when she was bowing her head toward me


[Um... sir Alex... Thank you very much for freeing me, I know you are the one who killed "him"...]

[Did you mean a cloaked person that could suicide bombing himself after activating the black cross in his forehead?]

[I didn't know about black cross you're talking about, but yes, he has the same cloak as mine... and he was one of the Baltimore Crown Prince's dog...]

[So... it was really Baltimore Crown Prince after all... anyway, you don't have to think about too much, and please lend your strength to this town... I'm not sure if this horde is your doing or not, but since you're one of their group before, I hope you can lend your strength here~]

[Of course... It's my responsibility to help the town dealing with this disaster.. and->

[Then, it's good if you understand, I'm sorry, but if you want to talk more, please do so after we finish this battle, good luck~]

I hurriedly interjected her because I could feel an enormous presence clearly led the monster horde approaching her from my current place. Without hesitation, I mount sable and kick my feet to signal him to fly. After grasping my signal, Sable flapping his wing before departing to fly toward the Monster Horde direction.

While I just departing with Sable, I glanced in that cold woman's direction. I could see her sighing herself before moving at a faster speed to catch up with her sister who already following the Guildmaster.

'Sorry, I will hear about what you wanna talk to me later... for now, I'll deal with this twin whatever ogre first... I don't know why is it, but their strength seems not ordinary as I can feel my blood started trembling in excitement after feeling their presence...'

With this silent apology inside my heart, I firmed myself before control Sable to fly toward the Monster Horde direction!

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