Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 79: Before The Dawn #2

[Nyaahahahhahahat Delicious! Super, power, delicious chicken nyaa!!!


hmm? nyahahahht and this juice are super too nya!!! I prefer some milk though~ Nyalexx!! do you have some milk nya?! gimme milk nya!!!]

Looking at Nyamo who shaking my body as she pulled my jacket with her greasy hand, I sighed tiredly before taking out some milk from my inventory and gave it to her after pouring it into the wooden glass.

Nyamo eyes shined after seeing the milk in the wooden glass before taking it from my hand happily and left somewhere to some group of adventurers not far from me. After getting rid of the annoying cat, I looked around at the group of people around me who warmed themself in the campfire in my campground.

All the people who just had the meeting awhile ago grouping together here for some reason. I already told them to not discuss some serious thing with me, since I wasn't good at it, and more importantly, who know that my bad habit would snap again when we still in serious discussion, but it seems they just wanted to hang out leisurely here, after smelling the fried chicken fragrance.

Looking at their satisfied face with some grease in their mouth, I firmed myself to build a fast-food chain business in this world and discussed this thing with Eliz later.

[So, master, is that okay for us to use Silver Wolf altogether with their wyverns for helping with the scout mission in a rotation this night?]

Hearing Chali asking for my confirmation after telling me about the meeting conclusion(it's basically some introducing stuff and sharing information), I smiled and gave her my affirmation

[Umu, It's okay, just discussed it with the Silver Wolf member here]

[[We have no problem with it!]]

[It's what they said, hehehe~]

Guildmaster Harmint who heard the Silver Wolf member answer, Laughed happily and give a thumbs up for me

[As expected of Immortal Dragon Alex! ghahahaah! anyway, these people you have are all really strong! I wonder how you train them! some of them even stronger than me! hahaha as expected of grandmaster, you all really have this out of this world skill!! forget it, I didn't want to ruin this relaxing moment with serious stuff, let's drink! ghahaha!]

After hearing the Guildmaster I just smiled and gratefully bowed my head slightly to his consideration. After a while, a green-haired elven mature woman beside him smiled and started to talk to me with her charming mature voice

[Alex, I heard a lot about you from my teacher, if you wondering who is it, maybe I should introduce myself first, My name is Kael Albens, the Vice Guildmaster in this Arkhaim Branch. it's really nice to know a promising adventurer like you here~]

After hearing she finished her introduction, I started mumbling her name to connect it with my memory

'Kael Albens... Albens... Albe- Catherine Albens!! so she is madam Catherine, Ex Demon Lord Disciple!!'

Seeing that my expression changed as I recalling and recognized her teacher, Kael Albens suddenly smiled and put her index finger in her sexy mouth to ask me to not shouting her teacher's name out loud and keep it as a secret signal.

Seeing her gesture I decided to calm myself and decided to not blabber my mouth. I hold my bad habit that already started rioting inside my head to shout this information with my willpower before exhaled my breath to relaxes.

After relaxes for a while, one of the twin women started to introduce herself to me after seeing the vice Guildmaster introducing herself

[Sir Alex, nice to meet you, my name is Anna, I am one of the titanium rank adventurers in this town beside Gart. and beside me is my twin elder sister Anni. It seems she owes herself to you now... as for what it is, it'll be better if my elder sister tell you by herself later]

Anna's twin elder sister suddenly bowed her head gratefully toward me. Looking at her sudden action, I became confused as I didn't remember to have anything to do with this woman.

As I looking at her with a confused expression, I could feel Chali pulled my jacket to take my attention before she whispering something to me

([Master... Look at her cloak and the dim Slave collar, for now, look at her cloak carefully, isn't it the same with the cloak of one of the Baltimore mysterious group that we met during the Bandit Subjugation Quest. moreover, her dim slave collar in her neck... maybe it's connected with the said "favor" Anna said before...]) 

After hearing Chali's sharp perception of the woman, I observed her cloak carefully.

'Yes! it's the same with the suicide bombing cloaked bastard!! why I just realized it now?! this Chali! maybe the adventurer already realized her brain, that's why they called her, the Wise Wolf, Red Fenrir!.... anyway, she said that her dim slave collar linked to the favor I do for her... did I unintentionally free her or something? whatever, I will know about these things later anyway~'

As I finished mulling over in my mind, I decided to give her my affirmation for her grateful feeling

[Anni, is it? I didn't know what exactly the favor you're talking about, but, you don't have to think too much about it since I just doing my quest at that time hahaha~ anyway, please lift your head, I already accept your feeling~]

Anni lift her head up before giving me her stiff smile, after always seeing her deadpan expression before, I knew she tried her best to smile and thanks me, so I just gave my sincere smile to return it.

Looking at me who behaved "normally", I could hear the Galiust member beside Gart started looking at each other eyes before murmuring to themselves. I could hear something like "the rumor seems false" and "he looks decent to me, maybe the other adventurer just jealous of him and try to slander him", etc.

After overheard their mumbling, I decided to ignore them since I couldn't force what people think about me, to begin with. It'll be better for me to fix my bad habit and behave myself from now on rather than keep mulling over what people think about me.

With the friendly introduction as an opener, we started to hang up leisurely together around the campfire and knowing each other better and closer. Since we couldn't drink alcohol right now as we had to stay sober in every emergency situation, I took out some carbonated drink to replace it to accompany our night.

[Ghahaahahh! This tingling sensation somehow really strange, it isn't in a bad way, but a good way! Alex where did you get these strange beverages and delicious foods?!]

[Hahahaha, it's just specialty goods from my hometown, and don't worry, I decide to sell this stuff in the future!]


[Nyahahahaht!!! You sell this thing nya??!! Awesome!!! Maybe you can become Uncle John's rival nyaa!! nyahahahat!!]

Hearing that I would sell the fried chicken and carbonated beverage, the people become boisterously excited and started to dance.

Looking at these scenes, there is some strange feeling inside my heart. the cold heart that used to slaughter and blood, became warmer after seeing their smile and sincere, happy feeling that appeared on their faces. Their appreciation and gratefulness gave me something different feeling... it's like... friendship or camaraderie? It's really difficult to explain, but... I feel like sharing something inside my heart with them...

'These feeling... isn't the poisonous one that I feel when I inform about the Orc King subjugation.. I felt these sensations when I am together with the non-combatant people and their children before... but now, I can feel it clearly... yes, its bonds. the warmness that you get when you are sharing your happiness with someone... 




family... I don't know why this thing really brings a nostalgic feeling for me... I used to have it, but after my parents died, I lost it and became more hateful about the world... come to think of it, for some reason I couldn't remember my parent faces now... it's strange, I'm already 10 years old when they've left me, how can I forgot about their faces... let's not think about this, and enjoy these warm and festive atmospheres... sometimes, this feeling is good to balance the coldness I get from slaughter and violence..'

With these thoughts, I enjoyed the warm campfire as well as the festive atmosphere in the camp. For some reason, I know why they're really eager to enjoy their dinner. Maybe it could ease their stress from the killing and slaughter this afternoon.

They just want to relax their nerves and balance their mind, just like me.

Al who silently enjoyed her dinner and the juice not far from me during the conversation suddenly approached me silently after looking that I finished conversing with the others.

Chali, who saw this scene, suddenly stood up and smiled at me before leaving to Silvi and the Silver Wolf. She joined their conversation, hanging out, and giggling from time to time as she enjoyed as well as blended herself to the Silver Wolf.

'It seems she wants to deepen the bond and relationship with them while giving me some space alone with Al, what an understanding woman'

As I thought about this in my mind, I could feel Al's presence beside me. She already sat comfortably closer to me. since it's outdoor, I just took some simple wooden couch here before to not make it conspicuous.

After Al settling herself in the wooden couch comfortably, she started speaking to me

[Thanks for everything... I heard it from Chali that the sudden power up I got seems from the connection of your Origin magic power brand... I'm really grateful, Elizabeth already told me that this thing mostly is what you're doing during the Battle before, but as expected I really want to ask you about this thing myself. but after seeing Elizabeth's condition at that time, I decided to postpone it and want you to appease her first... I know what her thinking since I already felt it after we finished going to your place before. Elizabeth... 


She always forgets that she was a woman by drowning herself in her work... I know, how much pain she has in her heart to make her give up to build her own family and dedicated herself to Federic House. that's why I understand she undervalued her worth as a woman and decided to focus on her job. anyway... thanks for everything Alex...]

After hearing Al's heartfelt gratitude, I just hugged her waist and silently smiled at her.

Al, who seeing my smile, leaned her head to my shoulder before closed her eyes comfortably. She seemed didn't care about other gazes now, her intimate act seemed to announce that she was one of my women to the public.

'ma... After seeing my strength already reached the Grandmaster, maybe she stops thinking too much about it and decided to make our relationship official. Sih... as expected, power is the great deterrent and solves anything. as long as you have power, you will less worry about anything... just as I said to Li Gang before, isn't that I arrogant or something, but the world is really my teacher...'

After pondering about this in my thought, I decided to enjoy the warm atmosphere with Al silently. 

Without knowing, the people and guards drown in the festive atmosphere. they started to rest in their own camp after deciding the scout and night duty in rotation. With this, we guard the town throughout the night, until the sun started slowly rising on the horizon to signal the dawn already over.

The sun not only signified the end of the dawn but also woke up all of us after one of the scouts gave the message that the Horde started making some movement. this time, they led by the Twin Immortal Ogres as they started approaching here.

I, who just rest silently throughout the night outside my tent and doing some meditation by sat peacefully in front of the campfire, slowly opened my eyes after hearing the news the scout brought.

'Finally, the last and final battle... let's end this thing quickly and be done with it'

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