Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 64: Meeting Galiust Sword Once Again

--- Alex POV---

] 3 hours ago before the mission start (Silvi start Spying In the underground place) [


After resting in the mansion and had some quick lunch, we started preparing ourselves by maintaining our weapon and armor before armed ourselves and started to teleport to Al manor in Arkhaim Town. 

I marked the Silver Wolf and Chali with my special seal to identified them as a friendly unit and gave permission for them to utilize the Teleportation Gate freely. I didn't have to worry if they will try to escape as with my seal I could check their location with my Space&Time magic anytime and anywhere I want it.

We started to head toward the teleportation gate with serious expressions, because, this time, I didn't go to Arkhaim Town to play around as I usually do with Chali. After a while, we arrived in front of the teleportation gate.

For this mission, I pasted the Absolute stealth skill that I copied from the Rock Drake to Silvi. As its really necessary to have powerful stealth skill that would help her a lot during her mission.

After that, I started checking the silver wolf and Chali equipment and nodded myself after seeing them already armed themselves to the teeth. Even though most of their item was Uncommon and rare rating, but its enough for now, as their task this time is not doing some combat but focussed in reconnaissance. 

I moved my gaze toward the non-combatant people that looking at us from far. the place of their residence is still under construction, but because it's lunchtime, they are now resting and chatting leisurely under the trees. One of the widows that I slept with before, now is cooking the wyvern meat that I gave to them in a big pot outside under the tree, and ask the 10-11 years old kids to help her distributed the meal to the others.

In the construction site, I could see some woman have their house structure already build. I already know that some of them get the engineer side job, so it's not that surprising that their work became faster. it seems the civil engineering book I gave them, really did it wonder! as I already found some talent among them in this short time.. maa.. It was only 3 among them that get the side job tho...

I gazed back to the still resting people under the trees not far from us once more. This time I could saw some children waving their small hands excitedly at me if their parents didn't ask some of the young women to hold their children I am sure they already started frolicking to me now!

Looking at the children that cutely waving their small arms to me, I started to wave at the back with a smiling face and used this opportunity to bid my goodbye at once. somehow by looking at these people my tensed feeling eased a little and calmed my composure a lot.

I turn my body toward the Silver wolf and Chali after bade my goodbye to the non-combatant people before gave them a signal to enter the teleportation gate. The seal in their body part started shining whenever they entered the teleportation gate before they started disappearing one by one.

If you guys asking me why I didn't teleport them directly to Al manor? It's because I want them to familiarize themselves with using this teleportation gate. in the future, I couldn't always be their transportation tools whenever I asked them to go to some mission, could I? even though I am looking like this, I am still their leader after all, so it's kinda inappropriate to use me as the mean of transportation right?



After a while, all of us arrived at the side of Al manor.

As usual, Before long Lucia brought Elizabeth to greet us. 

as I have already talked about the private force before, the greeting didn't take too long as it's just some basic formality by introducing the member of Silver Wolf to her.

[So this is your private force? What an incredible force! this force member composition really shows what kind of great person you are!]

I ignored her sarcastic remark and gloss it over by introducing Silvia as the leader of Silver Wolf to Eliz, as the other member? I decided to let Silvia introduce it to Eliz herself.

[This is Silvia, the leader of my force, Anyway, if you need some manpower you could discuss it with her as I want to go to the adventurer guild now and take care of my Special Quest completion there.]

Eliz started fixed her glasses as she observed Silvia from head to toe before started to open her mouth 

[Hooo... you are quite lucky to have a Night Elf subordinate~]

I looked at Eliz strangely before observing Silvi appearance with a questioning gaze. as I gazed at her expression, she had this disbelieving face after hearing Eliz statement! it seems it's as Eliz said, she is from the elven race, but for me, she looks like human no matter from wherever angles I saw her appearance from~

[Hmm Silvi, it is true that you are a Night Elf?]

[Y-yes! I-i am sorry to not told young master about this yet...]

[What are you apologizing for? I am not the people who judge people from their race. anyway, you seem to have your own circumstance about your race, so it's better we will talk about it later in the future when you are ready, for now, I kinda in rush to go to Adventurer guild soon. 

Eliz, I will go now, see ya~]

I started walking to leave the manor before stop after taking 5 steps, I turn my body toward Silvi that seems going to start discussing something with Eliz

[Oh yeah Silvi,]

Silvi who seeing me stopped walking to talk to her again, curiously answered me

[What is it, young master?]

[you could start the reconnaissance mission in three hours, for now, you should learn about the situation we are in from Eliz as she understands it better than me. 

You could coordinate with Chali for the reconnaissance mission later and don't forget to follow the original plan, don't engage in any battle when you find the target, and just observe it from a safe place. and Chali if you get the news about the target location from silver wolf member, you could inform me directly. I am counting on you guys~ Good Luck~]

Silvi nodded her head in affirmation, as for Chali she smiled at me reassuringly before answer me

[Leave it to us, Master~]

I nodded toward the both of them then smiling at Eliz to bade goodbye before started to left the manor. this time I left the manor for real..




I leisurely walking while observing the town situations along the way.

'If it's really like me and Eliz speculated, what kind of attack that the Duke prepared to raze this city to the ground?


It's impossible if he used his army blatantly as it would be noticed by his competitor, I am sure the Duke should know it better. 


if he blatantly trying to erase the Federic house, his opponent Duke house could take this opportunity to rake Al to their faction by helping her to repel the Greenfield whatever Duke as a price




then, what kind of mean did the Duke will use.... don't tell me, Baltimore Empire army?.... that's not possible... i wonder how much price did the Duke will pay to just made the Baltimore Empire moved their Army... It's not really worth it after all....


Anyway I will know it later when the times come'

With this thought on my mind, I finally arrived in front of the adventurer guild. I prepared to enter the guild before a somewhat familiar voice called me from behind

[Monyaa?!! Cringe King Alex nya!!! monya! Its been awhile nyahahahahahat!!! Hachuu!~~]

gughtt! it's her again, that annoying cat!

I turn my head toward the direction of the voice and saw a group of adventurer wearing various cool armor walking together intending to enter the adventurer guild, in the very front row a flat-chested cat-eared girl who has short yellow hair, waving her hand in excitement to me after seeing me turned my head at them. for some reason, I could see her keeps sneezing from time to time.

What was her name again? Right! it's Nyamo! It's easy to remember because of her annoying tone when started speaking was the origin of her name.

I hurriedly took a poker card from my inventory skill and readied myself to copy their skills as I planned to save them temporarily in the card in my hand!

If you ask me why I did not permanently save it in the card, because it's pain in the ass to cover the drawing in the card before changed it to a symbol. And I didn't know why, but I prefer saving the skill in the wooden blocks to make it not too conspicuous when I took it! but maybe, I could make the blank card myself when I had the time. Right! I could design it with my computer! let's note this for later!

'This time I will not let you guy's skill go! mwahahaha!!'

Their party consisted of 4 men and 2 women, it seems The burly handsome human man behind the cat girl Nyamo is their leader. As for the other woman in the party beside Nyamo, I saw a brown-skinned voluptuous lady is wearing tight-skinned black leather armor with a deadpan expression as She silently observed me. 

For the 3 other male, one is tiger Beastkin, as I could see it from his swaying tail, the other one is seemingly an elf, I am not sure as his ear is not long enough like the elf I commonly have seen, as for the last one he is a weak-looking human man that always had a smiling face, I could feel the pragmatics aura coming strongly from him...

I started appraising all of them with this shrewd thought in my mind!

Let's started with the leader and the 3 men before the last 2 women after that!


Job : Master Of Sword

Lv 60

HP : 83.500

MP : 62.300

Skill : Sword Mastery VII[Rare] Slash VII[Rare] Bullet Time V[Rare] Illusive Step IV[Rare] Combat Enhancement I[Rare] Sword Aura I[Rare] Dual Sword Expert[Rare] Charge Strike V[Rare] STR Up large[Uncommon] ATK Boost large[Uncommon] Etiquette II[common] Charisma [Common]


Job : Grand Fist Fighter

Lv 50

HP : 75.000

MP : 13.000

Skill : Block IV[Rare] Tiger Strength[Rare] Tiger's Eye[Rare] Fist Art Mastery V[Uncommon] Counter Attack V[Uncommon] Rumble III[Uncommon] Power Punch II[Uncommon] Martial Art Movement II[Uncommon] DEF Up large[Uncommon] ATK Boost large[Uncommon] Vigor [Common]


Job : ArchArcher

Lv 45

HP : 33.000

MP : 32.000

Skill : Bow Mastery VI[Rare] Magic Arrow V[Rare] Power Shot III[Rare] Eagle eye IV[Uncommon] Haste III[Uncommon] Ice Arrow II[Uncommon]AGI Up large[uncommon] Dismantle V[common]


Job : GrandPriest

Lv 50

HP : 27.500

MP : 52.300

Skill : Light Magic VI[Rare] Heal IV[Uncommon] Archheal I[Rare] Valkyrie Song IV(area buff)[Uncommon] Chain Healing II[Uncommon] Ares Streght II(Area Buff)[Uncommon] Boundless Vitality I(Area Buff)[Uncommon] Sharpen I(Area Buff)[Uncommon] INT Up large[Uncommon] MATK Boost large[Uncommon] Pray [Common]


Job : ArchAssassin

Lv 45

HP : 40.000

MP : 38.000

Skill : Dagger Mastery VI[Rare] Flicker V[Rare] Invisibility III[Rare] Critical Strike III[Uncommon] Assassination III[Uncommon] Shadow Movement I[Uncommon] AGI Up large[Uncommon] Poison Boost large[Uncommon] Observe [Common]


Job : Cat Druid

Lv 50

HP : 80.000

MP : 23.000

Skill : Sacred Nose III[Unique] Golden Cat Transformation IV[Rare] Nature Sense III[Rare] Fist Art Mastery V[Uncommon] Summon Spirit Tiger[Uncommon] Summon Spirit Hawk[Uncommon] Danger Perception[Uncommon] HP Up large[Uncommon] STR Boost large[Uncommon] Pure [common]

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