Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 63: The Calm Before The Storm

------ 3rd Person POV-------


Somewhere in the underground area hidden in the poorest slum in the Arkhaim town, a three-man who has their gorgeous full plate armor covered with brown cloak sitting silently at the table inside the worn-out dirty bar, even though the bar crowded with rogues and the goons, but these dirty villainous people didn't even want to approach the three people covered by brown cloak because of the heavy and strong aura coming out from their body.

Kling klng *rusty bell sfx

The old door of the worn-out bar opened, indicated that a customer entered the bar. However, the appearance of the one person who entered the bar somehow made even the dirty rogues and goons inside the bar frown uncomfortably.

A dirty beggar like a man with unkempt dirty hair suddenly entered the bar before looking around, his originally white shirt dyed in filth that made it to change to brown and made the people who see it wonder when did the last time this man washed his clothes.

After the dirty beggar like man saw the three people, he approached them by slowly walking with one of his limp feet.

After he arrived near the three cloaked people table, he took out something cylinder bundled in dirty rag from inside of his dirty shirt before he put it in the table of the three people in the brown cloak

One of the men in brown cloak suddenly took the bundle before uncovered it from the dirty rug. a clean brown skin paper tied with blue ribbon could be seen after the person uncovered the dirty rug. after staring at the red wax seal that connected the blue ribbon, the person took a small leather bag from his storage bag before giving it to the dirty beggar.

The dirty beggar took the bag before shaking it up and down on his hand as if to weighted it.

His eyes closed solemnly while he is doing this action.

After a while he nodded to the person who took the bundle and left the three people without saying anything. he headed in the bartender's direction and put a silver coin on the table in front of the bartender before he left the bar silently.

After seeing that the beggar already left, the person who takes the bundle gave the letter-like thing to the brown cloaked person in the middle

Brown cloak A : young master, here.

The young master that the cloaked person called silently took the letter and started pouring his magic power into the wax seal. the seal started shining before the wax melting into nothingness.

He opened the letter before reading it silently.

As he read the letter over time, the surrounding atmosphere became heavy and heavier every second. the heavy atmosphere explode when the table in front of him shattered into pieces when he hit it with his bare hand!


kltk katlk *wood chips thudding sfx


The young master person suddenly enraged after destroying the table in front of him as he stood up from his seat in heavy breathing.

Unknowingly, the letter in his hand already turning into ashes as he started kicking the chair and the table around him to vent his anger.




A man with an ugly face who enjoyed his drinking silently suddenly stood up from his seat before started to confront the angry young master. He started spitting out some curses to him and scolded him while scratching his butt in a sloppy manner

Ugly Man : Shut up you fucking brat!! are you an idiot?! do you know where you are now?!! stop making ruckus or i will-



before he could speak more, the young master drew his sword all of a sudden without batting an eye and cut the head of the ugly man. The blood gushing vigorously from his neck before his head fell and started rolling on the floor as the blood pouring out from his detached neck dyed the floor in redness. Before long, the ugly man's no-head body slowly fell weakly in the pool of blood. on his detached head, that stop rolling on the floor a disbelief expression and dreadfulness could be seen on his dying face. 

All of a sudden, all the noise inside the bar stopped creepily. This silent atmosphere made the people in the bar became very uncomfortable as it chilled their bodies and made the hair on their back rising to no end! 

The young master who still breathing heavily started to calm himself after seeing the atmosphere in the bar already became silent because of his doing. He looked at the corpses in front of him in disdain before spit on it as he insulted it

young master : you dirty cockroach!! know your place! let's go!

He signaled the other two cloak man behind him to exit the bar. one of the cloaked men silently followed the young master while the other came to the bartender before throwing the small leather bag to him.

Brown Cloak C : clean the corpse, and buy a new table and chair with it.

The bartender slightly loosened the small rope that tied the end of the small leather bag before peeking on it for a while and tied it up again after it. he nodded at the cloaked man that gives him the small leather bag.

Seeing the satisfied bartender he left hurriedly to follow his young master that already walked toward the door to exit the old worn-out bar.

the sound of the plate armor rubbing noise echoed at the silent bar as the three people started to left.

A sound of saliva gulping and sighed could be heard as the people inside the bar breathed in relief and calmed themselves because the devil already left their favorite drinking place.


Outside the bar, in a dirty alley where some rats could be seen littering the dirty water along the way, the three cloaked men walked slowly with a heavy atmosphere around them.

The young master in the middle stopped his foot of a sudden before His redden eyes that still filled with anger suddenly gazed toward the direction of the Lord manor of Arkhaim town. The lord manor that built in the highest place of the town could be seen even from far away. It showed the majestic and prestige the lord has in this town.

The young master clenched his fist as he gazed venomously at the manor direction with an expression full of hatred. after a while, he started to inhale a big air before exhaled it to calm his raging heart. After that, he looked at the cloaked man right beside him before speaking in a commanding tone

Young Master : You do as the original plan. and.....Take Li Gang with you.....

The cloaked man beside him trembled after hearing Li Gang name as he clenched his fist in frustration, he held his emotion to avoid himself being rude in front of his young master. after a while, the cloaked man sighed in resignation before giving a bow to the young master and left the two people in the opposite direction.

after seeing one of his subordinate left, the young master gazed at the manor direction again, before he continued walking after murmuring to himself in a chilling low voice

Young Master : since I couldn't get it, then I will not let any people get it, it's unfortunate, but I will make sure to make you disappear forever...




Not far from the walking young master location, a tattooed mature woman with silver hair suddenly appeared from a thin air like a ghost before looking at the leaving young master silently. she took the dark rectangular tool that attached to her belt and pressed a button in it and started talking to it


Silvia : Silver Wolf here. Target found.


a blurry noise came out from the white circular thing that stick in hear ears. the blurry noise suddenly changed into feminine blurry voice











------5 hours ago before the incident inside the worn-out Bar--------

(Author note: This time information is a hint, as for what hint it is? it will be you, the reader to find it out yourself :D)



Far from the Arkham town, inside of the deep dense dark jungle, two people wearing dark assassin cloak sitting on the gigantic tree branch leisurely. they are the other dogs of the Baltimore Empire mysterious person that Gorchef talking about and the subordinate of the mysterious person that plotting near the Orc King cave!

one of the cloaked men who eating a fruit-like thing, suddenly saying something to the silent woman beside him

Mysterious man : Strange, the mad dragon plan should be starting now, but somehow, I couldn't hear any news about it from the Arkhaim Town yet... is that guy really did the thing right according to the plan?.. hmm... Anni what do you think?

Anni : ...

Mysterious man : sigh... it seems the stress already piled up as I start to expect an answer coming from your mouth now...

But Anni, How can you poisened this fruit?... sigh... it seems that guy already dead... it should be better if his highness registered the master contract to me, it's really unfortunate... he seems to not trust me yet after all...

Seeing her scheme already being found out, Anni took her dagger from her back before she rushed and stabbed the chest of the mysterious cloak men with a dagger in her hand as she shouted the name of the mysterious man!

Anni : Edward Athrast! Die!!

The mysterious man aka Edward Athrast looking at Anni action without undisturbed expression, he didn't have any intention to dodge her attack, perhaps, he was paralyzed by the poison, but his calm expression facing his impending death really disturbing to anyone who looked at it.

Edward Athrast looking at his bloodied chest calmly before glanced at Anni face with a smirk in his face

Edward Athrast : so, you could speak after all haha, you really got me this time~ now i should find another vessel again... ck.. this is really pain in the ass... if i didn't take that mission.....

Edward Athrast skin and flesh slowly turned into dust as his voice started to disappear. Even after seeing his disappearing flesh with his own two eyes, his expression is still emotionlessly calm as the death just an ordinary occurrence to him

Anni who still held her dagger tightly, staring at Edward Athrast's body slowly turn into a mere skeleton as his flesh scattering into dust and carried by the wind.

she absentmindedly looking at the skeleton while remembering the calm face of Edward Athrast even after his chest being stabbed.

She knew that she didn't kill him thoroughly as he said it himself that his body was just a vessel. She sat on the tree branch tiredly before sighing.

she didn't bother too much about the still alive Edward Athrast as she didn't have a grudge with him. She only killed him because it's necessary to escape from the person who always observing her in the shadow! the bastard that destroyed her family... the crown prince of Baltimore Empire, Eric Von Baltimore!!!

She clenched her hand tightly as she gazed at the scene under her.. after a while she looked toward Arkhaim Town direction before started apologizing

Anni : I am sorry... I didn't have any power to stop him from doing this before... but I believe you all could solve this impending disaster for sure... and maybe... if there's still enough time...

She started touching the slave collar that didn't have any seal on it as she stared at the scene under her dejectedly. After a while, she turn her head toward the deep dense forest direction before she murmuring something.

Anni : I have to find Anna...

Anni started to stand up and prepared to leave the place, she readied herself to leave but stopped to glance at the scene under her for the last time before left and disappear toward the jungle.

Under the gigantic tree that Anna and Athrast previously rest, a countless B rank and A rank bipedal monster slowly walking toward the Arkhaim town direction in a swarm. the flock of monsters looked endless as the swarm seeminingly have no end to it.

In the deepest part of the swarm, a two 4 meter giant ogre followed the swarm slowly as they continued roaring and commanding the swarm of monsters to walk faster! one of the ogres has dark black skin while the other has pale white skin.

If any of the Adventurer guild staff saw these two ogres they will gasp in shock as its strength almost the same as a Overlord Class monster even though they were not!

The two ogres are S rank Monster, the Immortal twin Ogre, the danger level of this ogre could increase to SS if they fought together!




At this time, In the Arkhaim town, the townfolks still peacefully do their activities inside the town. the group of children running while giggling playfully, the housewifes doing the laundry near the Town well while gossiping with a smiling expression, and merchants still offered their goods to any people who crossed in front of their stall vigorously, they still didn't noticed the impending storm that soon hit their peaceful town...

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