Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 47: You Guys Can Choose!!


without knowing my face already drained from its blood and became pale white. Seeing my appearance, Chali gently held my trembling hand and tried to calm my condition silently.

The warmness radiated from Chali's hand gradually calmed my psychological burden slightly, and stabilize my mental.

I stared at her expression gratefully before embrace her body and comfort myself with her warm soft body.

I inhaled her calming aromatic mature woman smell from her body and gradually stabilized my messed-up mind.

After a while, I released her body and silently looking at my surrounding. I saw one of the tattered Golden Serpent member women held an unconscious bloodied man in her hands.

'It seems she's their former leader, even though she wore tattered rugs and has bruises here and there, but I can see through that she's a gorgeous mature woman with a graceful thicc fit mature body hidden in it'

For some reason, she looked at the bloodied man in her hand venomously as there is a hint of regret in her eyes.

After glanced at the silver-haired woman for a while, I checked to the group of the former captives behind her, the captives trembling in fear while looking at me and Gorchef corpses under me, I could see a hint of helplessness, anxiousness, and slight gratefulness in their eyes.

Most of them were women and children, I could only found 3 men with a burly body within the group.

I glanced to their necks and found a slave collar already installed tightly.

While thinking about what should I do with these peoples, Chali suddenly pulled my hand and speaking after seeing me gave my attention to her

[Master, what will we do about this guy?]

Chali pointed to the bloodied unconscious man wearing a black cloak without limbs and teeth.

'This woman is quite bloody, isn't she?. mah.... I understand she wanted to ensure that this man couldn't suicide after she catches him, but still...'

It seems he is Gorchef's companion that trying to escape while I and Gorchef faced each other before.

[Wake him up... I want to get some information from him, maybe we could get some clue at what is this bandit thing about. somehow I've got a hunch that these people are under someone and scheming something, the fishy smell is too strong after observing the way of their movement...]


Chali approached the unconscious bloodied black cloak man and slapped his face roughly to wake him up. anyway lets appraised him first

???'s Phantom member

Job : ArchAssassin

Lv 70

HP : 100/55.000

MP : 30.598/48.000

Skill : Dagger Mastery VII[Rare] Flicker VII[Rare] Critical Strike V[Uncommon] Twin Dagger III[Uncommon] Assassination IV[Uncommon] Shadow Movement IV[Uncommon] Invisibility III[Rare] AGI Up large[Uncommon] Poison Boost large[Uncommon] Scout III[Uncommon]

This ??? thing... I didn't know why but my gut feeling told me I will be involved with something troublesome later... maybe its the feeling I got after reading light novel plot too much when I am on earth, anyway, this guy is quite strong, I glad that I enhance Chali strength, she couldn't defeat this guy with her original strength after all..


Suddenly I heard the man groaning and started to sober up after being slapped by Chali.

He opened his bloodshot eyes and checking his surrounding area, he stopped glancing around after looking at me.

I stared at his eyes coldly and give a signal to Chali with my eyes to start interrogating him.

Chali nodded her head silently and started to torture the man up.

I continued appraised the man silently, while taking wooden blocks with the Cross symbol in it and started searching for a healing skill

Heal V[Uncommon] : Instantly Heal 10.000 HP, Cooldown : 30s , Consume 500MP.

After replacing the healing skill, I lift up my hand toward the tortured man that almost die and started to chant the skill name


A yellow light suddenly enveloped the dying man.

I could hear some gasp and surprised voice coming from the group of former captives and former Golden Serpent member, especially the silver-haired beauty, She stared at me with a serious expression while squinting her eyes.

I healed the man and slightly recovered his HP, even though I healed him, it's only its HP that slightly recover.

As for his losing limbs, it still couldn't regenerate, only some wounds and bruises started recovering slowly over time.

With the continuous torture and healing, the sounds of groaning and screeching hoarse voice reverberated inside this tattered cave-like structure.

From time to time, the sounds of cutting flesh and skin could be heard accompanied by a gruesome screeching scream, I healed him timely and making sure he didn't die by leaving a little HP that made him barely alive.

After a while, I walked closer toward the dying man and looked at him coldly. I could see the bloodied Chali beside the man and trying to not look at her.

'As expected, this woman.... did she used to this bloodied scene? Let's not provoke her too much...'

I approached the man and make my head closer to his before staring at his bloodied face that almost has no skin on it, maybe its because I already saw the carnage scene in the village previously, that made my gore resistance increase, so I could calmly deal with a gruesome face this man has right now.

[If you want to end this torturing faster and died painlessly, it's better for you to tell everything you know and be done with it quickly, as you can see, I already tired and want to end this faster and rest. Then, isn't a bad offer, is it?]

The man groaning and trying to open his mouth. he stared at my eyes venomously before his bloodshot eyes suddenly change and become crazed! he smiled crazily while a black light cross symbol suddenly appeared and shined on his forehead!

[Ck!! not this shit again!!]

After looking at the ominous cross symbol, my danger perception warned me madly! without hesitation, I used my new spell Astral prison to imprisoned the man hurriedly inside an isolated space!

[Astral prison!]

The man-body disappeared after being sucked by a dark green whirlpool that suddenly appears above his head!

After I shouted the spell name, for some reason, an ominous feeling inside my heart still not disappeared after seeing this scene as my danger perception still continuously warning me crazily! After a moment, I decided to shout toward the crowds to warn them!

[You guys! take some distance from the whirlpool!! hurryy!]

After shouting toward the people in this place, I hurriedly hugged Chali to take some distance and swiftly moving to stay away from the dark green whirlpool.


Suddenly the whirlpool shined with dark luster before made a small explosion that destroyed 10m of the surrounding area around it. The ground became hollow and created a small deep pit in it! I could see some crack here and there around the pit accompanied by some stone debris that littered around the ground not far from it.

Before long the Whirlpool started fading away and disappear without a trace.

After the Whirlpool completely disappeared, I couldn't find the cloak man's body anywhere and realized that maybe his body already became nothingness after the suicide bombing.

'It seems he's already dead without a trace after exploding his body but... sigh... whatever'

[What ominous guy! I glad he didn't activate that while still being tortured by Chali...]

I stared at Chali that still in my embrace. After observing closely, I could see her beautiful face became pale white as she's still seeing the aftermath of the explosion.

My gut feeling told me that this man endured all the torture and wait for me to let off my guard down before activating whatever it was on his forehead.

'It seems he knows that I am the most annoying enemy that would hinder whatever scheme his lord planned and tried to make sure to kill me. By waiting for me to approach him, he can surely increase the chance of me getting killed... what crazy bastard!'

'Maybe if I didn't have the Astral Prison spell he would achieve it, but too bad... he is out of luck'

'Anyway, even though Chali already take some precautions by removing his limbs and teeth, as expected this world is not my previous world.... there is a lot of strange and bizarre method that I still didn't know'

'I still had a long way to go after all....'

[But what on earth is that skill? to still leak out the explosion even after being imprisoned inside isolated space... it seems it's not a skill, because if it was, it should be canceled by my Astral Prison...]

I pondered for a while before stop thinking about it, it's useless after all as I didn't have any knowledge regarding this magic and stuff. It would be better if I learned about this world magic and other knowledge of this world, first before I thinking about this mysterious bizarre thing.

'let's ask Al later!'

'Speaking about Al.... sigh... somehow it's pained me a little after seeing her awkward appearance at that time...'

I checked the surrounding after pondering about Al and checked the people's condition hurriedly.

I saw the 3 burly male slaves injured heavily while the woman and children behind them have a light bruises and wounds.

'It seems these guys tried to protect the woman and children behind them, what admirable guy!'

I hurriedly came near them and started replacing my heal skill to Archheal II[Rare]

Archheal II[Rare] : Area Heal, summoned Golden light that instantly recover 25% of maximum HP on the 30M surrounding area. Cooldown : 5 minutes, consumed 3000MP


Without hesitation, I activated my new healing skill and a bright golden light suddenly appeared and enveloped the 3 burly men and the surrounding peoples.

I used my skill repeatedly and started healing them to recover them until their HP fully recovered by waiting for the skill to cool down before using the skill again and again.

After they had fully recovered, the gaze of the peoples toward me started to change from fear and anxiety to respect and awe.

After seeing them started to relaxes, I walked in front of them with a dignified expression, I was slightly nervous as it's been a long time I faced a lot of people.

'It's been a while since I do some public speaking, maybe, it's when I still in college and do some presentation the last time I do this... gughh... anyway, let's just tried my best to make my expression became dignified in front of them!'

[gohon! as you guys know I am an adventurer that happen to take the quest to subjugated the bandit, it might sound cocky if I said this, but after seeing my ability, I am sure you guys have some thought and somewhat understand a bit about me. If you guys want to follow me, I will make sure to give you guys some basic requirements as a place to sleep and some supplies like food and clothes.


But I couldn't let you guys depend on me forever as I am not your babysitter! I will let you guys take care of your own food and everything for yourself after awhile by giving you guys a place to farm and do some animal husbandry.


If you guys have some confidence with your strength you could go hunting. but one thing for sure is... after you follow me you guys couldn't go anywhere and must stay in the place and vicinity that I already provided, don't worry as it's very safe there... anyway you guys will understand later if you see it for yourself and know the reason why I couldn't let you leave from there!]

After having business deal with Al, what I need now is manpower to develop my business. I agree with Chali to save them with these in mind, not just because a MILF! I am not that shallow! what? you guys not believe me?!

After having this silly soliloquy inside my head, I continued speaking

[The second choice, since you guys already fall to slavery, I will bring you guys to the viscountess house to let her decide your fates as you guys are her subjects in the first place]

[Now, you guys can choose!]

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