Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 46: VS Gorchef

------Alex POV-----




I stared at the strong-looking old man in front of me that already drew his heavy sword and readied his battle stand before appraising him

Noble's Knight

Job : Master of Sword

Lv 90 (max)

HP : 170.000

MP : 75.000

Skill : Sword Mastery VIII[Rare] Slash VIII[Rare] Bullet Time VIII[Rare] Illusive Step VI[Rare] Combat Enhancement III[Rare] Sword Aura II[Rare] Heavy Sword Expert[Rare] Charge Strike V[Rare] STR Up large[Uncommon] ATK Boost large[Uncommon] Etiquette V[common]

Sword Mastery VIII[Rare] : Increase sword damage by 150%. Advance sword technique

Bullet Time VIII[Rare] : Slowing the perception of time! Boost your concentration and dodge ability by 200% when activated. consumes 500MP/s

Illusive Step VI[Rare] : The step of the swordsman, Swift like the wind, silent like a shadow. increase maneuverability in all terrains. permanently increase movement speed by 50% (you can combine it with the sword technique for better use)

Combat Enhancement III[Rare] : Boost All Status by 100% for 5 minutes. Heavily consumes stamina.

Sword Aura II[Rare] : Increase Sword Damage by 200%. you can freely control sword aura by combining it with Slash to boost slash damage by 50% or used it as an Aura blade that deals 50% of the ATK.

Heavy Sword Expert[Rare] : All sword technique that used heavy sword will deal 100% more damage. you could gain sword mastery faster when training with the heavy sword.

Charge Strike V[Rare] : Charge your mana to your sword to deal critical damage, consume 100MP/s the longer you charge the more damage you deal! you can enhance it with Sword Aura. the damage enhanced depends on the Sword Aura level.

'It seems this Oldman stronger than Eliz. More importantly, it's time to gobble up all his skill, thanks for the meal~'

I copied all his skills with my barely left consciousness, and as expected all his skills moved towards my original skill slot!

As I busily copied his skill, all of a sudden, I could feel my head started twitching in pain. Somehow, I felt the killing and massacre that I had done along the way here continuously regressing my reasoning, but this time it became stronger than before and made me barely hold it

'it seems this self hypnotize has some side effect'

I've got a feeling if I didn't have Lord Class Monster skill, I already lost my self in my bloodlust and started rampaging around.

Even though I wanted to finish the battle quickly, but deep inside my heart, I wanted to use this opportunity to train my self-control and get more combat experience by dueling with the Oldman Gorchef in front of me.

'And it's a great opportunity to temper and mastering the new skill that I copied from him too'

As I still have this though, a notification suddenly appeared inside my head

[Super Sensitivity II[Unique] has 85% affinity with Bullet Time VIII[Rare]]


[Combination success]

[Acquired Skill Swordmaster Sensitivity [Unique +]]

Swordmaster Sensitivity [Unique +] : The world starts to flow slowly! boost concentration and danger perception by 500%, All sword technique consumed half of the stamina when activated, consume 100mp/s. permanently increase your body nerve reaction speed and dodge ability by 200%.

[Congratulation for truly gaining [Unique +] rating skill!]

With this notification, I saw my Swordmaster Sensitivity skill moved toward my original skill slot. it seems the skill changed from monster skill to job skill. 

'It's quite a huge profit!'

While I was still intoxicated with my new skill, suddenly my danger perception madly kicking! I saw a blinding blade move lightning fast in front of my eyes and trying to cut my throat!

Seeing this scene, I unhesitatingly activated my swordmaster sensitivity and barely dodge the blade as I could feel a shallow skin cut in my neck that slightly bleeding it out, but closed itself after a while because of my ultra mana body skill. 

After realizing that I almost losing my head, a chill suddenly ran throughout my whole body!

'That's dangerous! I almost lost my head if just I late to dodge it in a second!' 

I looked at Gorchef that still vigorously rushed toward me with the heavy sword in his hand 

'It seems his battle style is close combat, maybe because he's trying to maximize his heavy sword advantage'

For some reason, I could see he has a heavy and serious expression while staring at me with his sharp eyes

[I don't know who you are but since you try to meddle in our business I will make you disappear now and here!]

After hearing her threat, I gazed at his face seriously and started retorting him

[You're quite dirty to do a sneak attack, are you sure that you're a noble's knight?]

Even though I barely conscious, but with my effort and willpower, I could control my bloodlust and discomfort feeling that already piled up, better along the time. that's why I still could retort him in this situation... even though it's just short words

'It seems my INT stats and negative immunity continuously tempering my mind and spirit and somewhat eased me a lot. with this, I can control my emotion better!'

After hearing my words, Gorchef expression became heavier and I could see his eyes slitting venomously toward me. He rushed toward me faster! 

somehow, I barely felt his presence, I didn't know why, even though I could see his body that rushed toward me, but my perception warned me that what I saw was just an illusion and it's trying to confuse and messed up my perception

'Is this how a Master used Illusive Step?'

As I was still mesmerized by his skill, he started swinging his heavy sword skillfully while shooting an energy blade with a heavy aura towards me!



I dodged the energy blade skillfully with the help of my Swordmaster Sensitivity skill as it passed the place where I just stood while destroying and split the ground deeply!

Even though the energy blade not flying too far but I could feel the power within it was no joke! I could saw the ditch made by his energy blade is deeper than the Orc King energy blade!

'Is he combined it with his Sword Aura?

As expected it's the right choice to dueling with him for a while, it's more efficient than training alone without reference!'

I gripped my rapier tighter and started swinging my sword and clashed with him vigorously! I could feel his strike was heavier than the Orc king, it's somewhat made my hand that gripping my rapier slightly numb even though I already mitigated his strike when parrying it and have more superior status than him!

'It seems this Oldman Gorchef is really skillful!'

Gorchef expression shocked after seeing me skillfully parry and clashing with his sword. His expression became more distorted and looked at me with a very serious expression! he readied his battle stand and rushed toward me once more time! his heavy sword started glowing from time to time and it enhances his strike to become more powerful and heavy! he moved efficiently and skillfully while waving his sword towards me!






The sound of the blade clashing reverberated within this place as some explosion could be heard when his sword aura and energy blade clashed and split the ground in our surrounding area!

As I busily dealing with Gorchef in front of me, I could see the slaves and captives behind Gorchef already moved to some safe area far from our battle!

'It seems Chali did her job really well'

After eased my nerves a little from the safety of the captives, I continued to battle with Gorchef. Along the time, I could see he became impatient and swung his sword intensely! he started moving faster that made me barely saw his feet!

Somehow, after observing it carefully, his movement looked like a mysterious dance, his heavy sword waving beautifully and made the surrounding atmosphere became heavier the nearer he moved towards me!

'It's a Sword Technique!! He uses his sword technique silently without shouting it! as expected of master!! it seems he's already tempering the technique and combined it with every step in his battle form that can make him used whenever he wanted!!

For your information, I already tried to use a sword technique without shouting its name, but I don't know why it's always failed! it seems I could imagine it better when I shouting the technique name, moreover, it made me performed the technique easier! 


sigh.... it seems there is a lot of things that I need to learn! and it's still a long way to go before I became a powerhouse in this world'

As I have this thought on my head, Gorchef started performing his sword technique skillfully like a master and swung his glowing blade that shots multiple sword aura and energy blade towards me madly

Bang!! bang!! BaAnnNNgGG!!



I dodged all energy blade and sword aura that tried to slice me out with full concentration while examining Gorchef sword technique and battle form. I repelled his energy blade and Aura with my own and tried to counter his strike with my rapier!

I infused my blade with my mana and for some reason, I could feel cold energy and lighting energy trying to envelop my sword madly and almost made it exploded! 

I tried to concentrate more and focused my lighting energy to dominate my sword in its started glowing while sparking some crackling lightning from time to time!

'So I could use my mana to charge my sword with lighting and coldness? I wonder if this is because of my Magic swordsman job doing ?'

I swung my sword that shot sword energy and Aura while enveloped with lightning energy toward Gorchef!

Seeing lightning energy flying toward him at a fast speed, He dodged it in hairbreadth as a shocking expression suddenly on his face!

[As expected! you're not an ordinary person!! sigh... it's a shame that you are my enemies, After all, it's quite rare to find someone with a rare combat job in this kingdom..]

After hearing his dejected expression, I looked at him weirdly

[Oldman, do you think you have some leisure to talked with me? its seems you are confident to->

Without waiting for me to finish my word he suddenly appeared in front of me and used his sword technique by swinging his heavy sword at me!

'this Oldman!! is he really a noble's knight?? why did his way of fighting is so dirty like an assassin?!!!'

I instinctively activated my ice armor and rotated my body while waving my blade that contained cold energy! as I moving my body, a block of spiky ice suddenly appeared and guard my surrounding before being destroyed by Gorchef's heavy sword!

I could use Blink or backtrack if I wanted to, but I already firmed myself to take this battle as training, so, before knowing it, I banned my Space&time magic unconsciously and focused myself to fight with my Magic swordsman skill!

Our battle continued and become fiercer and fiercer! 

it's already half an hour since we started the duel, the surrounding area is already destroyed with some stone debris and deep craters already formed here and there! without knowing, I started growing and became more skillful while using my rapier. During the battle, I started forming my own battle style that relied on speed and swift attack! not only that, I also combined illusive Step with my sword aura and attribute to made my own sword technique!

[Thunder bird!!]

I thrusting my blue glowing rapier and sharp lighting sword suddenly shot swiftly while penetrating anything that blocked its way, the sound of thousand chirping birds resounded while the lighting sword energy creeping its way in the air! If you looked at it carefully, somehow, it would remind you of Sa*s*ke ninjutsu!

'Okay, I will be honest! I just trying to replicate his jutsu as a reference, so stop judging me already!'

Seeing the lightning energy blade that rushed toward him, Gorchef tried to dodge but failed


The lightning energy penetrated his shoulder ruthlessly as it made his shoulder became bloodied, he hurriedly took some potion and destroy the bottle near his wound as the red liquid splashed and soaked his wound before started healing it.

I didn't know how many times already since he did that, the advantage that he has at the start of the battle couldn't be seen anywhere now.

With my battle sense and growth, he started slowly being in a disadvantage situation and received some wounds and damage from here and there. If he didn't have a seemingly high-grade potion he had died 100 times already!

After some time, He ignored his healing wound and started his sword technique by swung his sword towards me fiercely!

[Ice wave!!!]

I swung my rapier and created wavy ice that hindered Gorchef's movement and slowing his movement speed. After a while, he failed to finish his sword dance and left some gaps.

Seeing this chance, I unhesitatingly approached him and tried to bisect his limbs and paralyzed him!

for some reason, I could see him smirking evilly while I rushed to him closer. I have this strange feeling that he will do something, but for some reason, my danger perception didn't warn me about it.

In the end, I trust my instinct and continued to approach him swiftly altogether swinging my rapier at a flash of lightning

[HAHAHAHAHH!!! foool!!! I didn't want to use this since Old master told me to only used this to that Harminton bastard, but since you really eager to die then I will fulfill your wish!!]


I cut his hand that holding a sword while he started activating something like dark orbs in his other hands! 

Within a few moments, he started shaking his body around trying to spray his blood towards my direction with a crazed expression! I hurriedly trying to dodge it with backtrack, but something deep within my soul seemingly trying to hinder me!

In the end, I couldn't evade it fully.

At the same time as his blood splashed and slightly dirtied my face

{Hom ir' Kal Kashaamm!!}

Gorchef started mumbling something like a mantra with his hoarse old voice as his blood started synchronized with his dark orb and glowed with dreadful red color!

[HAHAHAHAH with this you will trap in isolated space while dying by my curse!!! for my loordd glorryyy!!!!]

After maniacally shouting in a crazed voice, he started to spew out blood from his mouth as his lively crazed eyes slowly lost their luster and started to dim completely. 

As I saw his body slowly fell with a thud lifelessly, I could feel the space around me became solid and try to isolate me inside!

'What the hell was that before? I remembered it's not Immortal Dragon... sigh... maybe it's just my nerves started to stress out because of these pile-up bloodlusts'

As I recalled the strange feeling a while ago, I checked my surrounding area calmly as red glowing blood in my face started boiling my skin slightly.

All of sudden, I heard a notification voice ringing madly inside my head

[the curse of the darkness trying to corrupt you]

[Lord Class Monster skill triggered]

[You failed to resist the curse completely!]

[there is slightly residue of the curse left]

[You inflicted with the negative condition [Madness]!]

[You have resisted!]

After hearing the notification, I could feel my head started throbbing and my consciousness started slowly fading I bore the uncomfortable feeling strongly with my willpower and freeze the boiling blood with my ability to remove it while checking the surrounding darkness around me calmly.

As I started feeling my throbbing head eased slightly, I started analyzing the situation I am in with my high INT stat. as I started using my brain once again, the throbbing in my head became stronger once again, and I decided to hold it with both hands and continued focusing to analyze the Space that trying to imprison me while groaning lowly


After a while, I started to slowly understand the space around me with the help of my magic eye skill and INT stats which keep some knowledge residue from the Space&Time Magic. The residue knowledge slowly flowed inside my memory like a movie before suddenly a new notification appearing inside my head!

[you analyze the isolated space]

[you comprehended a new space&magic spell with your INT stat]

[Acquired space&magic spell: Astral Prison]

[Acquired space&magic spell: Space Door]

[You comprehend magic spell by yourself!]

[Magic Swordsmen job function unlocked!]

[You could now learn magic skills!]

I could feel My Unique magic skill started to disappear one by one from the copied skill slot and appeared in my original status skill slot! 

As I still busy dealing with the sudden situation, I chose to ignore it for now and begin to escape from this isolated space with my new spell!

Astral Prison : Imprison a target to isolated space for 4 seconds, you could steal the target half INT status for 5 minutes. consumes 4000MP

Space Door : Created a space door to automatically transfer yourself to another place while using isolated space as a medium. You can permanently set a space door while using the A-Rank magic stone, and used it as a transportation gate that anyone you marked as the friendly unit can use! consume 5000MP

Without hesitation, I used the space door and escaped myself from this isolated space. 

Upon exiting the space, I appeared in the former place when I fight with Ghorcef before!

I was going to check my surroundings before, all of a sudden, a warm feeling enveloped me from behind!

[Master!!! I'm really glad to see you're fine!! you really made me worry! sob sob]

I smiled at Chali that embraced me while sobbing from behind, without knowing her embrace became the trigger that pulled my consciousness from a hypnotized state! 

As my mental state reverted back, the redness in my sight gradually changed to normal while the rage and sadness suddenly disappear like a lie! 

All of a sudden, like being hit by a truck, the guilty and disgusting feeling started attacking me before making me qualm! along the time, my hand started trembling terribly while the memory of me slaughtering the bandit became clear and started haunting me! 

'It seems the side effect of this method attacked my mentality quite fiercely!'

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