Is It Bad That the Main Character's a Roleplayer?

Chapter 80: Don’t Do This (5)

Chapter 80: Don’t Do This (5)

My vision was redder than it was earlier.

I felt a little puzzled by this but soon put it aside. I thought it might just be because of my mood, and even if it wasnt, it was probably because of some blood splatters at most.

Well, it wasnt that inconvenient.

Moreover, there was too much to do to pay attention to something like that.

Run away!


I mean, as one could see. Werent there still a ton of bugs scurrying around all over the place?

Ah, wait, they werent bugs, but people. I was so absorbed in my Demon Knight roleplaying that Id confused my words.


But isn't it fine to call them bugs? Theyre so ugly.

I pierced through the back of the guy who was attempting to run away from me. The scimitar had broken, and using the Zweihnder inside was fairly difficult, so I had no choice but to use my bare hands.

Am I acting too cruel?

I pulled out the guys heart and crushed it. It was a little disgusting, but I wondered what else was wrong with this. I simply stabbed them with either my hand or a sword.

And who were they? Werent they slaughterers? Slaughters who destroyed this city, the cities around it, and many villages, completely massacring the people living within them.

To people like that, even death was nothing less than a luxury. They had to be brought to a far more miserable state, shredded to the point where it would be impossible to reassemble their parts.

Madness Gauge: 54%

For something like that, using my bare hands was a lot more convenient. Even without a weapon, those guys collapsed to the ground and died easily Also, tearing them apart one by one was much easier with my hands than with a sword.

Madness Gauge: 57%

But when did my Madness Gauge exceed 50%?

I fell into deep confusion after finding that out. Of course, I couldnt just stop what I was doing over feeling a little concerned, so I didnt forget to catch the guy trying to get away from me.

It doesnt really matter. There doesnt seem to be anything particularly wrong with me.

I split apart his back using my fingers. Four marks were left behind, almost like scratch marks that an animal might have left behind, allowing glimpses at his bones and internal organs.

It was quite a sight. Those marks, that is.

I got dirty.

I suddenly realized my hands were exceedingly dirty. Blood and crushed flesh were sticking to them.

I knew the grime would get automatically cleaned later, but it still felt unpleasant. Should I have just taken a random sword to kill those guys?

But if those guys hadnt been here in the first place, wouldnt I have stayed clean?

Madness Gauge: 60%

I couldnt shake that feeling.

Its because of those guys. Theyre the cause of all this. It felt like a grumpy person was wildly shouting these things in the back of my head, completely changing cause and effect.

You bastards.

Of course, I knew these guys werent to blame. But despite knowing that, my anger just wouldnt let up. Thats how powerful the irritation I felt was.

Die, all of you.

So, what else could I do? I had no choice but to kill them.




Madness Gauge: 61%

Madness Gauge: 62%

Madness Gauge: 63%

I moved and annihilated every person I came across, crushing their necks and trampling their internal organs.

There was no real need for me to look around as they were all people who deserved to die anyway, so I just vented my anger on them.

Open! Open the door!

Those damned bastards blocked the door from the other side!

Do something!

You pirate bastards, go and buy us some time!

The hell? What are we supposed to do against a guy whos ripping through people with just his hands?!

Then, I came across a familiar hallway. It seemed to be the path leading to the central garden

It seemed those villains shallow bonds caused something to happen. I chuckled as I watched those guys struggling with the closed doors.

H-Hes coming!

Sending a [Slash] their way was the most efficient way to kill them all. However, I didnt know if it would work without a proper weapon.

I quickly looked around to see if there was anything around that I could swing.

My hand?

My bare hand suddenly caught my eye. It wouldn't be that strange. After all, I could break rocks and even more insane things with this body so long as it was enveloped in Arcane Power.

If one thought of them as vessels to contain Arcane Power, there wasnt much difference between a sword and a part of ones body. In that case, it wouldnt matter what I emitted Arcane Power with, either.

Arcane Power began to sizzle in my hands.

Damn it, we cant just stand there and die!

I gently waved one of my arms diagonally. Immediately after, a massive, rough [Slash] was sent out from it, seemingly a bit less stable than when I used it with a sword.


However, it was equal in power. All the guys huddled in the back of that hallway got sliced apart.

Madness Gauge: 64%

A vague sense of pleasure climbed up my spine.


However, it didnt stop there. Even the door leading to the garden was cut down. Beyond it, I could see said central garden.

H-Hes here!

Prepare to attack!

Just follow the plan!

I had wondered where all the Demon Contractors had gone, but they seemed to all be cowering here.

I glanced at the magic circle drawn on the floor before looking back to the Demon Contractors. Their aims were painfully obvious. It seemed they wanted to get rid of me for good, considering the blood and sacrifices piled up here.

What are you doing? Why arent you pouring in Demonic Energy?!

I-Its not working.

Anyway, there seemed to be a problem: they couldnt use Demonic Energy. That somewhat cooled my intentions of waiting and seeing what evil plan theyd prepared.

I-Its no use. What the hell is going on?!

The Great Demon. The Great Demon wants to kill us.

How rude. I hadnt even done anything that could be described as Demonic yet. Furthermore, my setting was that I had a Demon sealed in my body, but my body itself wasnt that of a Demon.

Did the rest all run away?

Still, it was kind of fun seeing my enemies dying so helplessly. Realizing their attack wouldnt come, I just lightly waved my arm in the direction of those guys trying to flee.


Like that, dozens of people lost their lives simultaneously. Were humans always so weak?


Madness Gauge: 65%

They were so weak that I couldnt help but laugh.



What was that?

I pursed my lips when I saw prisoners strewn all over the garden. I nearly walked past them without noticing because they were lying flat against the ground, almost like insects.

Should I kill them?

I was shocked at that thought but quickly shook it off. These were the people I came to save. They werent targets for me to kill.

Really? It should have been like that.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. I felt a little strange. I wasnt sure, but since earlier My head was a bit

Now isnt the time.

I wasnt sure. I felt a bit tired, so maybe that was why. It could also be an effect of that Madness Gauge leaving my mind so dazed.


I tore off the peoples shackles, deeply conscious of that sinking feeling within me. Once Id grasped how to do it, pouring Arcane Power into my hands wasnt so difficult.


However, why did they scream every time I tried to help them? That made me feel bad.

Those Id released just fled without looking back once. They didnt even thank me a little.

That felt a bit unpleasant.

If they hate me so much without any reason, maybe I should give them one.

I thought about giving them a real reason to be so afraid of me, but I held back. I couldnt harm innocent civilians. That was against my ethical code. Since it was like that I, that

Madness Gauge: 66%

Madness Gauge: 67%


Madness Gauge: 68%

So annoying and unpleasant. Everything felt so irritating now. I clearly remembered things had been fun up until now.

Madness Gauge: 69%

I felt something hot rising within me. Annoyance. No, fury.

Wouldnt it be good if everyone before me just disappeared? Or should I just kill each and every one? Would it lessen this unpleasant sensation if I tore off all their limbs, dug out their internal organs, scattered them all over the ground, and burned them to ashes?

Madness Gauge: 70%

I didnt know why, but I was just filled with this incessant wrath.

It was like a fire that would never go out, even if it set the whole world ablaze.

My vision became even redder.

* * *

* * *

The Inquisitor somehow reached the castle while dealing with waves of Demons. At some point, however, those Demons began escaping rather than engaging them in battle, so it became easier.

Are Demons beings that would just run away for no apparent reason?

No. Demons usually dont flee like this.

Demons wouldnt typically run away, except for one reason.

Everyone, take up your arms. And If something happens, prepare to run away without ever looking back.

There was only one reason they would run: when an overwhelmingly stronger, higher-ranking Demon tried to hunt them down.


The closer the Inquisitor got to the castle, the more unpleasant and creepier it became. She could faintly see a garden behind the castles broken facade.

Looks like the ground over there has been ripped up in a straight line, doesnt it?

True Who did that?

They approached the garden following this unnatural trail.


The first to see what lay ahead was Deathbringer, who had the keenest eyes and superior night vision.

This is terrible.

However, he couldnt say anything more, so another thief spoke on his behalf. The Inquisitor, whose eyes were just so-so and had poor night vision, stared into the darkness for a while.

I cant see anything. What is it?

Demon corpses.

She walked further ahead without lowering her guard. After she took three more steps, the thief added a few more words.

Torn into hundreds of tiny pieces.

Only then did she see what lay ahead in the garden. There were traces of a gigantic Demon shredded into minced meat.

What made it even more terrifying was that this had been accomplished with a sharp blade instead of a blunt weapon like a mace. The clean and straight cuts were proof of that.

Who did this?

One of the thieves spoke to themselves. And the answer to that question was someone both the Inquisitor and Deathbringer knew very well. They hadnt seen it with their own eyes, but they were certain.

Mister Knight, probably.

Only that man could do something like this, considering the gigantic cuts carved into the ground.

A veil of silence fell over the group.

Lets enter.

They silently passed through the garden and entered the castle. It was so dark that even the faint moonlight which had been illuminating their way had disappeared, leaving it difficult to make anything out.

I dont feel any signs of life. Could you turn on the light?


Tak, tak, crackle. After a few tries, the oil inside the lamp caught fire.

At the same time, the dark world was dyed scarlet. The stone walls, the tattered carpet on the floor, and the ceiling; there was blood everywhere, along with its former owners.


Truthfully, this sight wasnt new to them. If the Demon Knight had been the one to kill all the Demons outside before heading inside, there was no way he would leave the rest alone.

Because these people had all sold their souls for wealth and fame.


Mister Knight would never kill anyone that cruelly.

Deathbringer felt some doubt. The methods of the Demon Knight he knew and the method in which these corpses were killed were very different.

The Demon Knight couldnt be called merciful by any means, but he at least tended to send people to the afterlife in a single attack. Also, his used weapon was always a sword, no matter whether it was a short sword or a long sword.

If he didnt use a sword, it was often to subdue someone, though he might break one of the persons limbs in the process.

They werent killed with a sword.

However, when he analyzed these corpses cause of death, it appeared they werent killed with a sword, but rather

Were they killed with bare hands?

He believed they were killed with bare hands.


The cuts are too rough to have been made with a blade. There are many four-pronged wounds. Most of all, this person had their heart ripped out.

The wound was too big and too rough for it to have been cut out with a knife or blade. No weapon he knew of could inflict such wounds.

Mister Knight knows how to strengthen his body with Arcane Power So, him putting Arcane Power into his hands would explain how he tore out this persons heart.

Of course, he didnt know whether this was possible. Before meeting the Demon Knight, hed never seen someone capable of using Arcane Power like that.

However, if it was the Demon Knight hed witnessed, particularly that time he danced in the sky, it didnt seem impossible.

Can you not do that?

If you ask like that, Id say its possible.

He became even more sure when the Inquisitor, who was similar in strength to the Demon Knight, confirmed it was possible.

Well have to be prepared.

Seeing the dead Demons, they concluded that the Demon hadnt taken over the Demon Knight. However, there were just too many suspicious points for them to consider him on their side.

The Inquisitor pursed her lips at Deathbringers words. For some reason, her instincts as an inquisitor were ringing alarm bells in her head.

Wait, I can hear people running.

Then, one of the thief's ears perked up. They didnt hear wrong. Soon, a group of people began appearing before them from one side.

The Inquisitor standing at the forefront held up her shield. The shields identity was a part of her armor used as a decoration.

Who are you!

Aah, p-please, help us!

The Inquisitor looked with fierce eyes over the faces of those running toward them. She couldnt feel any Demonic Energy from them, and their clothes were shabby. Just like the slaves theyd come across, one of whom theyd taken to their hiding place.

We came here to kill Vipurit. Who are you?


However, one could never know. She knew of those corrupt priests who held no Divine Power and even those who went as far as hiding inside the Temple.

That was why the Inquisitor decided never to let her guard down.

Theyre safe.

This would have continued for quite some time had a familiar voice not spoken in their stead.


Was her name Lukkwan? The Inquisitor clearly remembered that she went here together with the Demon Knight.

Youre alive!

All of them had thought she was dead. Had the Demon Knight fallen for a trap, it would have been quite difficult for Lukkwan to survive through her own strength.


Big Sis, youre alive.

However, she returned alive. She managed to survive safely.

The Inquisitor momentarily felt relieved by this small bit of luck.

I was lucky.

Meanwhile, Lukkwan approached them with a complicated expression on her face and gestured toward the people.

There are many things I want to tell you, but first These people were going to be used as sacrifices. Theyre safe.

Is that so?

They werent close enough to have absolute faith in each other, but their relationship wasnt shallow enough to be wholly without trust. The Inquisitor decided to believe Lukkwans words and lowered her shield.

The people watching from behind let out a sigh of relief and showed some unrest.

W-We have to run away.

Then, one of them finally mustered the courage to speak. Those words seemed strange to them.

Is there something inside of this place?

Th-Theres a monster

Its going to kill us all.

Please get us out of here!

When she asked them, their reactions were almost hysterical.

Kill you all What do you mean?

Im guessing youre talking about the Demon Knight.

However, when the reality shed expected but wasnt prepared for suddenly struck her, the Inquisitor couldnt help but be as shocked as everyone else.

Hes become strange.

The Inquisitor gripped her mace tightly.

* * *

To kill, or not to kill. But I want to kill. But why? I didnt know. I was just angry. Everything felt so annoying and irritating.

Wasnt it alright if I killed just a little bit?

Get lost!

No, it wasnt.

Get out of here right now!

I roughly cut the ropes of the people bound like oysters. There was no time for me to loosen their shackles one by one.

I at least cut the rope limiting their movements, so I hoped they could run away by themselves.


P-Please spare me.

Ive already shown so much mercy, so why were they begging like that before me again? I really wanted to kill them.

Madness Gauge: 74%


As soon as I felt the urge to kill all those people escaping, I hit my head.

This wasnt normal. I didnt have intermittent explosive disorder, and it couldnt be normal to feel such excessive rage in these kinds of situations.

This went far beyond mere anger. I even considered killing civilians, which was even worse!

Get out of here before I kill you!!


Run away!

I hurriedly chased everyone out while holding my pounding head. I had no more leeway to worry about roleplaying or my character settings.

It felt as if something had settled into my brain and was endlessly whispering to me, or injecting thoughts into me. That seething, murderous intent tried to seize control from me.

I felt like if my sanity slipped even lower, I would end up slaughtering people.

Madness Gauge: 76%

Was this because of that Madness Gauge? It couldnt be, right?


Kill, kill. Please just kill. Everything is so annoying. This situation is so irritating, so lets just blow everything to bits. Lets kill everyone here.

Fuck, this shitty game!

Madness Gauge: 77%

Rage consumed me, and I didnt know who it was even directed at anymore. This anger had no definite cause.

Initially, those feelings had burned like a lit fuse, but they now worsened sporadically like wildfire and rose to my head whenever they wanted.

My eyes became watery, and my whole body grew increasingly excited by this rising anger. My mind was divided into reason, emotion, and other things, and they seemed to be fighting against each other.

Kill. Are you crazy? Lets just kill. Fuck you. Why cant we kill? How does it make sense to kill someone just because youre angry? But my anger wont go away if I dont. This is frustrating. That Madness Gauge was truly terrifying.

My vision grew red. Truly red. Even that seemed irritating and made it more difficult for me to think. I just wanted to let out these emotions.

But where did these emotions come from? Ah, was it from that damn Madness Gauge?

But did it even make sense for a game to arbitrarily influence a players emotions just because of some mechanic?

I felt annoyed, no, absolutely furious. Why was I stuck in this damn game, and why did I have to go through all this trouble?

Madness Gauge: 78%

No. I couldnt get swayed. I should quickly reflect on my modern moral code. I repeatedly told myself that if I killed someone just because I was angry, I would be a beast and not a human.

Madness Gauge: 79%

No, but that shitty game got me before I could do anything more.

Demon Knight?

I could barely hear a voice calling out to me above the incessant ringing in my ears. I raised my head as if hypnotized by it

Are you okay?

What I found there was a lump of discomfort.

Madness Gauge: 80%

Ah, I couldnt hold it in any longer.

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