Is It Bad That the Main Character's a Roleplayer?

Chapter 79: Don’t Do This (4)

Chapter 79: Don’t Do This (4)

The Inquisitor held her mace tightly as the Dragon continued to fight back fiercely despite being bound.

Would this have gone any differently had she brought her shield with her? Such useless thoughts flitted through her mind momentarily, but she immediately discarded them. If she was weak enough for something like that to defeat her just because she didn't have a shield, she shouldn't have embarked on this journey to begin with.

Oh, almighty Lord.

She drew on more and more Divine Power. What followed was the expected pain, akin to fire flowing through her veins and roasting her skin from within.

If she could rid all evil from this world by sacrificing her body, if she would have to use herself as a wick to burn away the world's darkness

Then she would gladly burn up her own body.

Your faithful servant is before you.

She would offer anything.

Please use me as your tool to return order to this world.

She would even offer herself for the peace and safety of others.

So, I beg of you, save the pure and innocent.

The Divine Power that had been swirling around her since the fight began now flooded the entire area.


The first to be struck by this intense wave of Divine Power was the Dragon, who couldnt escape due to its restraints. Its scales began to melt, and its skin began to burn.

The unclean scent rising from it was being Purified. The same was true for the blood-soaked ground beneath it.


Those whod made pacts with Demons were also affected. Those whod rushed here to eliminate the intruders simply fell to the ground and writhed in pain, unable to use their skills.

Had they received any significant power from the contract, they might have been able to struggle more. However, they all simply turned into mere practice targets.

Shit, what the hell happened?!

You bastard thieves!

On the other hand, those who hadnt made any contracts with Demons and remained human were better off.

They didnt feel the Divine Powers warmth but werent negatively affected by it, either.

Jeez, just die already.

Of course, whether they could handle the thieves personally buffed by the Inquisitor was another matter.

There are too many of them! Hey, when will that Dragon drop dead?!

However, their situation wasnt necessarily advantageous. Thieves held an advantage in battles involving sneak attacks, but they couldnt make full use of their abilities in a head-on fight like this one.

If not for the buff, the Inquisitor would have had to work hard to keep those guys alive all this time.

Just hold on a bit longer.

That overwhelming pain even stole the moisture in her throat. After tightly clenching her dry throat to respond, she firmly advanced toward the Dragon, which was looking straight at her.

It seemed to have realized that they had reached a decisive moment as it lowered its head, which it had held high until now. This would be its first and last opportunity.

A massive ball of flames burst from the Dragons maw.


At that moment, the Inquisitor started rushing toward it, as well. Extreme heat was approaching her, but she wasnt afraid of it in the slightest. After all, she would always set herself aflame for the sake of others.

Thus, a Hero clad in white light threw herself into the fire. The flames that managed to penetrate her Divine Power licked her skin and roasted her muscles.

However, Divine Power also had healing aspects. The burned skin would heal instantly, and her muscles would recover with even more strength than before.

The ashen dust falling off her almost seemed like shards of light.

Justice to defy the unjust!

Defying the Demonic flames, she firmly stomped on the ground. Bam! She crossed through the fire with her mace raised and landed atop the Dragons head.

For rightful retribution!!


A flanged mace of several iron blades struck the Dragons upper jaw.

The scales there shattered, and its head slammed into the ground.

There was a series of tremors so enormous that both the heavens and earth seemed to shake. The force that had hit the Dragons head didnt just slam it against the ground but also created a crater.

The red-haired Hero finally raised her head from the thoroughly crushed Dragons skull.



Th-The castle!

Hey, looks like somethings happening in the castle!

At that moment, a loud commotion suddenly came from the castle.

The Inquisitors green eyes started to sparkle for a second as she held some hope that the Demon Knight was the cause.

Was the real monster actually inside the castle?

However, what she saw instead was a tentacle monster that seemed poised to devour the entire castle.



She spotted the thieves taking care of several pirates theyd overlooked before. However, only one among them was a Curety with dark green hair, so he was very easy to spot.

Get ready!

Their original plan had been to kill the Dragon before escaping the city to wait for their main forces However, that plan had gone out of the window.

After confirming that a pitch-black [Slash] was cutting through the beast, she shouted toward them.

Were going to the castle!

As she had expected, they hadnt yet defeated the Demon Knight.

* * *

Was it because I usually only fought with a single sword and no shield or anything comparable? For the first time, I realized fighting with multiple weapons was insanely annoying.

Especially since the weapon wasnt small like a dagger and had fire burning at its end.

Why, you ask? Fire always tends to burn upward, right? And its heat affects everyone, be they friend or foe. Because of these aspects, handling this torch was really difficult.

> [You dirty rat!]

However, this was the only weapon that could damage my opponent, so what else could I do but endure?

I ran along the castles outer wall. That monster had grown even larger than before. If it chose to head to the central garden for more sacrifices, I wouldnt be able to do anything to stop it.

Wasnt the reason it grew so large because I couldnt stop it from gobbling up all the dead guards? If it drank all that blood gathered in the central garden, things would become even more troublesome, wouldnt it?

Well, even now, those Demon Contractors who came here after hearing the commotion were trying to help by buffing that thing or sending over some Gargoyles.


However, the latter were more of a hindrance than anything though. Tentacles were flying at me from all directions, which actually prevented those flying Demons from reaching me.

Moreover, they would collide with each other and block the tentacles paths, repeatedly giving me more breathing room. The larger Focalors body became, the more these things occurred.


How could you do this to us!

> [You can help me by offering me your flesh and blood.]

And regarding the former, only a few buffs reached that thing as the casters wanting to provide support were devoured mercilessly. It was seemingly more efficient for it just to stick those guys into its maw and digest them than to receive their buffs.

Consequently, the Demon Contractors, who were rather averse to getting eaten, rushed to escape and stopped their buffing attempts.

Either way, it was fairly beneficial for me.


I swung around my sword as I watched yet another person be caught by that monster through a window. The fierce [Slash] severed the tentacle holding said person, leaving a clear scar on the castle wall.



Ah, to be clear, preventing people from entering Focalors second mouth and saving them from falling were two separate things.

Why should I spare the lives of those who werent innocent civilians but instead reaped all the benefits while working under someone in league with Demons?

Madness Gauge: 19%

Moreover, no matter how I looked at it, I simply couldnt catch everyone who fell and bring them somewhere safe.

It was difficult enough for me to cut those tentacles while avoiding Focalors attacks and all these monsters. I also had to reach those wounds as fast as possible with my torch and burn them.

There was also my constantly rising Madness Gauge!

I kicked the outer wall, feeling great urgency as if I couldnt wait any longer.

The tentacles aiming for me narrowly missed my body. I was rather lucky.

> [How long do you think you can continue this charade?!]

Of course, it was also true that if I jumped off the outer wall of the seven-story castle, the only thing awaiting me would be a fall into the depths.

But who was I? A gamer who thoroughly experienced aerial battles over the ocean. I could see perfect stepping stones everywhere around me.

Ill put an end to your miserable life.

I stepped on the maw of a Gargoyle trying to bite me and fired a small-scale [Slash] at the tentacle approaching me from a different angle. I cut it but didnt sever it completely.

And the thing Id hoped for actually happened.

Since I hadnt cut it off completely, instead of a new one growing, it simply regenerated to seal the injury. That brief recovery gave me enough time to use it as a stepping stone.

While regenerating, the tentacle wouldnt move according to the main bodys will.

> [You lowly bastard!]

As such, I could freely traverse through the air without having my ankles grabbed. While other tentacles came after me, it wasnt much of a problem.

Two of those tentacles were torn off by some of the flying Demons. Some couldnt even recover anymore because Id held my torch at the torn-off parts.

> [I am the ruler of this land and the land beyond the sea! Soon, I will climb to the position of Demon King and become the one and only ruler of this whole world!]

Yeah, sure. Do whatever you want. I didnt really know if that was possible for him, though.

I didnt even ask him anything, but this person kept going on about his ambitions in such detail that it made me want to plug my ears.

I didnt have time for any of that, and it would be a disaster if I really did, so I didnt even try.

> [But why arent you dying, you lowly mortal?!]

Well, that was actually what I wanted to say.

The torch had already gone out three times while I was attempting to burn the cuts. That was how many tentacles Id already sliced off.

However, so many of Focalor's tentacles were still left since he could even regenerate those parts Id burned by cutting himself.

He was such an annoying boss.

Madness Gauge: 20%

I felt annoyance and frustration rise within me every time I clashed with this enemy who wasn't a good match for me.

Honestly, I just wanted to throw him into a pit of oil. If I set that guy on fire inside of something like that, he wouldn't be able to regenerate anymore.

Madness Gauge: 21%

No, was that really so impossible? Damn, if I knew where the kitchen was, Id have taken all the oil they had and poured it all over him.

If I did that, wouldn't he burn quite nicely if I set him on fire?

Madness Gauge: 22%

Tch, when did my Madness Gauge go over 20%?

Even as I clicked my tongue, I didn't stop moving and narrowly avoided another attack. I bounced up and climbed onto the castles roof before spinning around.

The slightly angled roof was a bit slippery, but it was still better than moving along the 90-degree wall. At least I wouldnt fall the moment I stood still.


This was a great opportunity, actually, to attack my enemy while also enjoying a stable foothold without having to rely on my physical strength.

An opportunity like this wasnt easy to come by when fighting an enemy actively climbing the walls. Not wanting to waste this chance, I poured my Arcane Power into my sword. As my Arcane Power recovery speed had massively increased, this much wasnt a burden to me.

Just as the tentacles repositioned themselves to strike me, I suddenly threw the torch into the air and rushed right at Focalor.

> [Foolish!]

Naturally, he wildly waved around his arms and tentacles as though wanting to seize this valuable opportunity.


However, before his attacks could reach me, the [Slash] Id sent out beforehand cut through Focalors body.

The same was true for the tentacles in its way, as well.

> [I already told you its useless!]

Thin, thread-like things protruded from the cuts and began reconnecting the severed pieces.


However, before he could completely regenerate, I stepped onto his chest. Some of the tentacles hed regenerated wrapped around my ankles and waist. Some cut me lightly or penetrated through my skin. I could see my HP falling.


However, Id expected to lose that much. I slashed my sword straight down.

[Ground Crash]. The skill I was using for the first time in quite a while wildly sent out energy in all directions.

> [Urgh!]

A pitch-black energy split apart the darkness of night, spreading everywhere. The tentacles wrapped around me, the body I was stepping on, and the Demons flying within my range were no exception.

> [You bastard!]

However, I didnt use [Ground Crash] only because it was an omnidirectional attack: it also had a knockback effect. Focalors body peeled off the outer wall and began to fall.

Well, I knew he would latch onto it again soon with his tentacles. It made little sense to remove the tentacles latched onto every windowsill.

However, it was still enough to briefly keep him from reaching the central garden for now.

In the worst-case scenario, he might bounce all the way back onto the roof. If that were to happen, I just had to rush him and use the same skill again. That would be enough to stop Focalor for now.

Of course, I was a bit worried that the torch might also get caught by the shock wave and go out.


I caught the torch Id thrown earlier and readjusted my stance, sword in hand. Slash! The Harpy rushing toward me from the sky was immediately split in two, its halves rolling down the roof.

Then, something strange caught my eye.

* * *

* * *

> [Ill kill you!]

His wounds arent healing?

The diagonal cut from earlier hadnt completely healed yet, even though I hadnt even burned the cut.

Whatever the cause, it surpassed his bodys regenerative power and allowed me to cleave him in half.

Madness Gauge: 24%

No, how could I just cut him in half? I had to tear him limb from limb. He bothered me so much, after all.

Madness Gauge: 25%

Still, it saved me the trouble of scrambling to get some oil.

I gracefully dealt with the two approaching Demons, smoothly advancing a step forward. Daring to step into empty air, I soon paid the price.

My body started falling vertically, the torchs flame leaving behind a long light trail in the dark blue evening air.


Madness Gauge: 26%

However, that was my intention.

After cutting through the tentacles blocking my way, I burned Focalors shoulder with the torch. The acrid smell of burned charcoal and pained screams melded together.

And in the middle of all that, after a silence that seemed to take an eternity, I used my skill, shaking the ground below us.


> [Wh-Why!]

The split torch sent sparks flying in all directions. Finally, Focalors heavy body fell to the ground.

He was still trying to attack me, but the recovery speed of his tentacles had visibly slowed.

> [How did things end up like this?!]

Was this what one called a last hurrah? Focalor, realizing his regenerative powers were dwindling, went berserk and attacked me even more fiercely.

As if trying to reflect his emotions, his offense had grown even more intense, using more than seven tentacles covered in an exoskeleton.

The sky was full of flying Demons waiting for their chance.

> [This can't be happening! It wasn't supposed to be like this!]

However, all that aside, I was still a lot faster. I had nothing more to say about that.

I sent out a [Slash] filled with Arcane Power. I used less power than before, which was probably why the wound I inflicted healed without a trace.

It seemed attacks containing too little Arcane Power werent effective at all.

> [I'm different than the others. I'm a far more complete being than Bifrons, who only knew how to rampage to achieve success despite being from the bottom ranks, and even superior to Naberius, who abandoned his position in pursuit of Demonic Energy!]

At that moment, his arms, which had grown even larger, hit the spot I had been. Part of the castle wall collapsed, creating a gaping hole.

He really had some formidable strength. However, his movements were so big that avoiding them was basically childs play.

> [There is no way I will be defeated by you, someone who was merely lucky to become a Great Demons vessel!]

What the hell was he talking about? I didnt bother listening to Focalors ramblings properly and prepared for the next attack.

If hitting him with weaker attacks doesnt work, Ill just have to hit him harder.

Madness Gauge 29%

As the scimitar gave off a screeching sound, pitch-black energy instantly flooded the blade.

Each time more black energy was put inside of it, the sword rattled. I did this solely for that monster before me.

> [This is my kingdom, my throne!!]

It seemed he wasnt that much of a fool. I had to avoid tidal waves of tentacles coming at me from all around as I moved forward and gathered my strength.

The castle was behind me, Focalor was before me, and solid ground was beneath me, leaving few directions I could dodge into.

I planted my feet on the castles outer wall and began running again.

> [Dont annoy me further and just dieeeee!]

And just when I felt my body getting pulled down by gravity, I kicked the wall. I completely forgot about the Demons following after me.

Those things couldnt even dare to kill me.

Straight down, focused on one point.

Madness Gauge: 31%

I twisted my body as though performing an acrobatic flip, changing my heads position from upward to downward. There was a sea of tentacles just below me, and beyond them was my goal.

The Demons in the sky let out a long howl.


Madness Gauge: 34%

My vision turned red as the massive sword in my hand moved forward.

Madness Gauge: 39%

The world was cut apart.

* * *


I lost all my strength and landed on some severed tentacles. The legs Id momentarily bent to distribute the burden on my ankles straightened again as the fluttering ends of my coat settled down.

> [Why why?]

I desperately lifted the broken scimitar. The clouds cleared slightly, letting through faint moonlight that illuminated the scimitars remains.

Unlike before, it wasnt merely broken: the entire blade had shattered into pieces. One couldnt even call it a blade anymore.

> [Everything must be in my hands. Thats why I even kneeled before Satan and Helel.]

A sword without a blade wasnt of any more use.

As such, I threw away the sword that only had its hilt left.

> [Why?]

And then I saw what was before me. Everything seemed slightly out of alignment.

The same was true for Focalor. He had a clean cut from his left shoulder to his lower body. The tentacles tried to cleave the two halves together again somehow, but the regeneration speed was worlds away from what it had been before.

> [I-Im not yet defeated.]

Despite that, Focalor didnt give up. He raised his arms and tried to swat at me.

> [I will never give up my power!]

Just as he was about to hit me

> [Irk, iiirk!]

However, his arms couldnt reach me. It was very sweet seeing his arms shake midair like that as if something was blocking them.

> [Why why!!]

His screaming almost sounded like music to me. Should I listen to him a bit more?

> [Everything must be mine!!]

Nah, I should get this over with.

Now, I can finally clean up this castle.

Madness Gauge: 48%

There were still a lot of mobs I had to kill, right?

Fangs Aimed at Jacrati

Liberate Ayu Hin

Eliminate Focalor: 0 / 1

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