Interceder of Chaos

Chapter 16 : Herald And Blessing

"Who are you calling a ghost, you little brat?"

Before I could react, a swift hand shot out, smacking me on the head. The sting was immediate, my head burning from the impact. I fell backward, my hand instinctively flying to my throbbing head

The figure loomed over me, glaring. "Who are you calling a ghost?" they repeated, their voice a mix of irritation and something that felt almost like amusement.

I blinked, trying to process what had just happened. "W-what?" I stammered, still reeling from the smack. I didn't understand the ghost… or whatever in front of me, at one time she was taking a break and then she slapped my head, like who does this.

"Enough, Alnaria! Who hits a little boy like that?" Caldia's voice rang out, her tone firm and disapproving.

Alnaria stepped back, her playful demeanor fading slightly as she crossed her arms and looked down at me with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. "He called me a ghost," she muttered defensively, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips.

I slowly got up, rubbing the sore spot on my head. "I-I didn't mean to," I said, still trying to understand what had just happened. "I was just... confused."

Caldia shook her head and helped me to my feet. "This is Alnaria," she explained. "She's... a bit unpredictable, but she's one of us."

Ashen hair, charcoal eyes and a rapier strapped to her waist. Wait a second… Alnaria… Alnaria… I think I have heard the name before… Yes, she was the one mother mentioned before in the letter.

My eyes widened in realization, and I looked up at her with renewed curiosity. "You're Alnaria? The one Mother wrote about?"

Alnaria raised an eyebrow, her expression shifting to one of mild surprise. "Your mother mentioned me in a letter?"

"Are you one of Elyndra's children?" Alnaria continued, her tone softening slightly. "To think the brat I met 40 years ago has become a mother. I am glad she survived."

Caldia looked between us, her expression a mixture of confusion and curiosity. "You knew Axis's mother?"

Alnaria nodded, her eyes briefly distant as if recalling old memories. "Yes, we were... acquaintances a long time ago. She was always strong and resilient."

I felt a mix of awe and curiosity. "What was she like back then?"

Alnaria chuckled, a genuine smile breaking through her stern demeanor. "Stubborn, determined, and fiercely protective. She never backed down from a challenge. Looks like some of those traits passed down to you."

I felt a swell of pride, despite the lingering sting on my head. " I've heard that Mother is amazing. She's always been there for us, teaching and protecting us, but honestly I don't remember much."

Alnaria's smile faded slightly, replaced by a look of understanding. "Memory loss, huh? Your mother mentioned you were in a coma..."

Suddenly, Alnaria stopped mid-sentence. Not just her, but Caldia and everything around us seemed to freeze in place. The obsidian crystal began to vibrate, and the altar behind me shone brightly.

The temple grew silent, and a presence filled the room—powerful, ancient, and awe-inspiring.

A figure emerged from the light, shifting forms as it spoke in a voice that echoed through my very soul.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"I am the Herald of the Gods," the figure intoned, its voice a harmonious blend of many. "You, who have shown purity and strength, have proven your worthiness and are chosen to bear the blessings of the divine."

One by one, the Herald invoked the names of the gods, which felt more like titles. God of...

The Herald stopped mid-sentence, as if contemplating something. A few moments later, it spoke again, "My apologies for the delay. The gods have decided to withdraw their blessings."

A profound silence followed the Herald's words. I could hardly believe what I had heard. "Withdraw their blessings? Why?"

The Herald's form shifted slightly, as if in hesitation. "I am but a Herald; I cannot fathom the thoughts of the divine."

A voice, soft and compassionate, seemed to emerge from the Herald itself, as if another presence was speaking through it. "Poor child, you have monstrous talent, and for that very reason, the gods have refused to give you their blessing. They fear what you might become. What has become of the gods? Where have the old gods disappeared to? Where has the Queen disappeared to?"

The words echoed in my mind, filling me with a sense of both dread and curiosity. "What does that mean? Why would they fear me?"

The Herald's presence wavered, the divine light dimming slightly. "The old gods, those who once nurtured and guided humanity with wisdom and love, have vanished. The new gods, consumed by fear and insecurity, see in you a potential threat to their dominion. Your talent is vast, and they fear what you might do with it."

I struggled to understand the implications. "So they won't help me because they're afraid of me?"

"Indeed," the voice continued, now more somber. "But know this, young one: true power does not come from the blessings of gods. It comes from within. Your journey will be difficult, but you will not walk it alone. Allies will come, and you will find strength in unexpected places."

The Herald's presence began to waver, the divine light flickering. "However," it continued, its voice steady despite the shifting form, "an unknown god who lies asleep has decided to bestow their blessing upon you, child."

The temple seemed to hold its breath as the words hung in the air. An energy, different from before, filled the room—a sense of ancient power, mysterious and untamed. The figure of the Herald solidified again, glowing with an ethereal light.

"You will bear the blessing of the Sleeper, the god who lies in wait, watching over the world from the shadows," the Herald intoned. "This blessing is unique, for it is both a gift and a trial. It will grant you strength, but you must uncover its true potential through your own journey."

I felt a warmth spreading through me, a gentle yet powerful force settling within my core. "What does this mean for me?" I asked, my voice filled with a mix of awe and apprehension.

"It means," the Herald replied, "that you have been chosen by a god who sees beyond the fear of the others. The Sleeper's blessing will guide you, challenge you, and ultimately, help you find your true path."

Before I could fully process this information, the Herald's presence shifted once more, and another, distinct energy filled the temple. It was as if the very air vibrated with a different frequency, and the light around us changed, becoming sharper and more defined.

"Furthermore," the Herald continued, "an anonymous god, one whose identity even I cannot discern, has also decided to bless you. This god is shrouded in mystery, and their intentions are unclear, but their power is undeniable."

A second blessing surged into me, intertwining with the first. This new energy felt different—more enigmatic and elusive, yet equally potent.

"The blessing of the Anonymous One," the Herald declared, "is a secretive gift. It will grant you abilities that are hidden and subtle, powers that must be discovered and understood through careful exploration and intuition. Unlike the Sleeper's blessing, which provides overt strength, this blessing operates in the shadows, revealing its potential only to those who seek it earnestly."

I felt the combined power of both blessings settling within me, a complex web of energies that promised great potential but also demanded great responsibility. "Two blessings?" I whispered, barely able to believe it. "What does this mean for my journey?"

The Herald's form began to dissolve, the divine light dimming. "It means, Child, that your path will be unlike any other. You are marked by both light and shadow, by strength and subtlety. Your journey will be fraught with challenges, but you will not walk it alone. Allies will come, and you will find strength in unexpected places."

With both blessings, I felt a new power awaken within me, merging seamlessly with the mana I had already awakened. The process was overwhelming, yet exhilarating.

Along with each blessing, I received knowledge of various spells, languages, runes, strategies, and more, all corresponding to the nature of the blessing and the deity who bestowed it.

The more knowledge I received, the more insatiable my hunger grew—not for power or destruction, but for understanding.

This thirst for knowledge consumed me, driving me to seek out every fragment of wisdom with an almost frantic intensity.

With each new piece of information, a deeper side of myself emerged, a side that craved the clarity and enlightenment only knowledge could provide.

It was as if a dormant part of my soul had awakened, desperate to devour every bit of insight the world had to offer.

Each blessing infused me with a unique power, a distinct presence that would guide me in my journey ahead.


{Seals have recognized the blessings as a threat to their existence.}

{Seals have begun to devour the blessings.}

{Blessings are resisting.}

{Reinstating unsealing of the seals.}

{Number of seals found: 7.}

{Unsealing failed…}

{Unsealing failed…}

{Unsealing failed…}

{Unsealing failed…}

{Blessings are working to unseal…}

{Unsealing failed…}

{Unsealing failed…}

{Unsealing successful.}

{Number of seals left: 6.}

{Attempting partial unsealing.}

{Attempt successful.}

{Remaining seals: 6; partially unsealed: 2.}

{ The blessings and seals have come at a stalemate. }

{ The blessings have settled in. }

The Herald's presence began to fade, but not before imparting a final message.

"Use these gifts wisely, and may your path be one of balance and greatness."

"I will…" I assured the leaving Herald and gave a light bow to show my appreciation.

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