Interceder of Chaos

Chapter 15 : Challenge

The vision faded, and I found myself back at the altar, still touching the orb. The cool stone beneath my small fingers grounded me, anchoring me to the present. The next phase began almost immediately.

The air around me thickened, and a series of illusions appeared—each one more tempting and deceptive than the last. This was the Challenge.

The illusions presented various temptations: power, wealth, and glory. Each vision was vivid and tantalizing, pulling at the deepest corners of my desires. Despite my young age, the allure was undeniable.

I had to resist each one, focusing on my true purpose and inner strength. It was a test of my willpower and determination. The allure of endless riches, the promise of untold power, and the seductive whispers of eternal fame all tried to pull me away from my path.

"Remember your purpose," Caldia's voice guided me, her tone firm yet gentle. "Do not be swayed by illusions."

Purpose? Did I have something like that? All I remember is I just woke up here one day; I know no one… Unknown people, unknown places, and an unknown me… Who am I?...

As these thoughts swirled in my mind, the illusions intensified, presenting even more seductive visions of power and glory.

Gold coins cascaded from the sky, forming towering piles around me. Thrones of glittering jewels appeared, beckoning me to sit upon them. Crowds cheered my name, their voices a cacophony of adoration and praise.

I clenched my fists, feeling the weight of my uncertainty. How could I resist when I didn't even know my true purpose? The more I struggled, the tighter the illusions' grip became, wrapping around my mind like tendrils of darkness.

Suffocating… It felt suffocating… My unknown past, uncertain present, and unknown future… The weight of my entire existence shrouded in mist seemed to hold me down. I felt like I was in a vast ocean, bound by chains, drowning my consciousness slowly fading…

"Focus on what you feel, not what you see," Caldia's voice echoed once more, a lifeline in the storm. "Your heart knows the way."

"Damn it, what is that even supposed to mean?" I muttered, frustration boiling within me. The illusions pressed in closer, their whispers growing louder. The ocean of doubt threatened to swallow me whole.

Their voices were insistent, promising answers and solutions if only I would surrender to their lure.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, trying to feel rather than see. I felt the warmth of the sun, the cool breeze, the gentle hum of life all around. Slowly, the illusions began to fade, and I was left with a sense of inner calm and determination.

Maybe I didn't know who I was yet, but I could still move forward, step by step and find who I am as I move forward… I closed my eyes, trying to focus on my heartbeat. Its steady rhythm was a lifeline in the chaos.

Gradually, I began to feel a warmth spreading from my chest, pushing back against the cold grip of the illusions. It was a small, fragile spark of hope, but it was enough.

The illusions shifted, revealing scenes of my past—happy moments where I saw Ranel, a lady with ashen hair and coal black eyes calling her duchess… with loved ones, small victories, and acts of kindness.

Each memory seemed to build upon the warmth within me like the sun, bolstering my resolve. They were the anchors that kept me grounded, the fragments of my identity that I clung to in the storm of doubt.

A new illusion appeared, this one more sinister. A figure stood before me, cloaked in darkness. It whispered promises of unimaginable power if only I would surrender to the darkness. The figure's voice was smooth and persuasive, its words weaving a web of temptation. "With this power, you can find out who you are," it said. "You can become someone great, someone who is remembered." Sinister energy… power… mana… around it.

For a moment, I wavered. The promise of knowledge, of power, was incredibly alluring. But then I remembered Caldia's words, the warmth in my chest, and the memories I saw. I wished to find more of them and make more like them. I couldn't give in to the darkness.

"No," I said firmly. "I don't need to know; I don't need you. I will find who I am; I will shape who I am…"

The figure hissed and lunged at me, but I stood my ground. The warmth within me flared into a brilliant light, dispelling the darkness. "You will remember me, and when you are most desperate for my power, I will be there," the figure's final words echoed as it recoiled and dissolved into nothingness.

The illusions shifted again, and I found myself in a dense forest. The trees towered above me, their branches forming a canopy that blocked out the sunlight. The air was thick with the scent of moss and damp earth. I could hear the rustling of leaves and the distant calls of unknown creatures. This forest felt alive, pulsing with a strange, otherworldly energy.

I walked forward, my footsteps echoing in the stillness. The path was narrow and winding, and I had to navigate around roots and fallen branches. As I moved deeper into the forest, I felt a growing sense of unease. The shadows seemed to move, and I could hear whispers that seemed to come from nowhere.

"Do not be afraid," Caldia's voice echoed in my mind. "This is part of the Challenge. Trust in yourself and your abilities."

I took a deep breath and continued on, focusing on the path ahead. The whispers grew louder, their voices filled with doubt and fear. They spoke of my failures, my insecurities, and my deepest fears. Each step felt heavier, as if the forest itself was trying to hold me back.

"Focus on what you feel, not what you hear," Caldia's voice guided me. "Your heart knows the way."

I closed my eyes and tried to tune out the whispers. I focused on the warmth in my chest, the spark of hope that had carried me through the earlier illusions. Slowly, the voices began to fade, replaced by a sense of calm and clarity. I opened my eyes and saw a clearing up ahead, bathed in a soft, golden light.

I stepped into the clearing and felt a surge of relief. The oppressive atmosphere of the forest was gone, replaced by a sense of peace and tranquility. In the center of the clearing stood a large, ancient tree. Its branches stretched towards the sky, and its roots dug deep into the earth. There was a sense of wisdom and power emanating from the tree, and I felt drawn to it.

As I approached the tree, I noticed a small, glowing orb nestled among its roots. It pulsed with a gentle light, and I felt a connection to it. I reached out and touched the orb, feeling a surge of energy flow through me. The warmth in my chest intensified, filling me with a sense of purpose and determination.

The forest around me began to dissolve, and I found myself back in the temple. The orb's glow had faded, and the air around me felt lighter. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding, feeling a profound sense of clarity and purpose. The Challenge had tested my resolve and shown me the strength within me.

"Well done," Caldia's voice praised. "You have passed the Challenge. You have found the strength within you, the will to resist the temptations, and the clarity to see your true self."

I opened my eyes and found myself back in the temple, the orb's glow fading. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, feeling a sense of relief and accomplishment.

"That was intense," I admitted, my voice shaky.

Caldia smiled. "The Challenge is meant to test you to your limits. You have proven your determination and character."

" I'm beat, I need a break " exhausted. I sat on the floor.

" yes let's take a break "


Wait, how come Caldia sounds different

I raise my gaze to look at the source of the voice…

" ahhhh!... ghost… "

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