Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Fifty Two

Meanhwile in another area in the Tutorial, a young woman finds herself in the Dark Forest near Outpost M…

“Why is this damn forest so flipping dark? One second, I was binge watching a new anime, then the next some random metal freak was telling me I need to pick some type of weapon. I thought I was hallucinating from staying up so late, which is weird by itself, but now here I am standing in this dark ass forest in nothing but my pajamas and house slippers.

“Dammit dammit dammit! I didn’t even get to pick a good weapon! I asked for a gun and the metal freak said no and then I found myself here with nothing but a wooden staff. It doesn’t even have a blade! How am I going to defend myself with a big giant stick?!”

Bush Rustling

“What the hell was that?”

Bush Rustling

“Oy come out! I’m not scared of you bastard!”

A black rabbit jumped out of the bush faced the woman who was screaming at it. Its eyes were a deep crimson and its black fur seemed to blend into the darkness around it.

“’s just a creepy looking rabbit.”

The rabbit simply stared at the woman for a moment longer before baring some fangs, snarling, and then promptly darting at the woman.

“Ahh! What the hell!”

The woman became a bit frantic as the rabbit charged at her. She didn’t really know what to do in this situation and essentially became a deer in headlights. Well at least right up until the rabbit jumped up towards her waist with all the intention in the world to bite a chunk out of her.

Her adrenaline seemed to switch over from flight to fight as she barely stumbled out of the way. Due to her late and sloppy reaction the rabbit still managed to swipe its front paw at her side and left a large gash.

“You piece of shit! Dammit that hurts!!”

Although the wound was causing the pain to shoot through her body like lightning, it also seemed to not only wake her up out of the initial fear she was feeling, but it also made her angry.

“I’m going to kill you!”

The rabbit refocused itself to its target and charge once more. Although the rabbit seemed very scary, at the end the day it was nothing but a common beast. Its intelligence was limited, and its strength even more so. All its best qualities lie in its speed, and even that had limitations when the ‘prey’ it was attacking could follow its speed.

“HAHA look at that! Can’t get me now huh.”

The woman managed to dodge the next attempt completely and seemed primed for the one that would come after. She griped her staff tight, and she watched with rapt attention all the movements of the rabbit.

And as if it was following a script, the rabbit re-aligned itself once more and immediately began the exact same charge as before.

Though this time instead of dodging, the woman swiped down with her staff as hard as she could. Her hands shook as the staff struck true and the rabbit fell out of the air and landed with a thud.


It seemed just that action alone took a lot out of the woman as she began panting a bit as she spoke. The wound on her side surely playing a part.

And although the rabbit was struck down, and now weakened. It wasn’t dead by any means. It wasn’t very strong, but neither was the woman, especially since this was the first time she was fighting with a staff.

She slowly walked up to the rabbit and with one last look of resignation, she brought her staff down once more on the head of the rabbit and it’s read eyes lost all their luster as she succeeded in killing it.

“Dammit...I don’t think I’ve actually killed anything bigger than mosquito before…ah that’s gonna live a bad taste in my mouth...ah! that hurts.” The woman winced as the wound in her side caused some more pain.

“Now what do I do…oh where did the rabbit go…is that a marble?”

She noticed the missing corpse and upon looking at the area saw that a small orb was left in its place.

“Hm…maybe it’s a reward for that fight I just had? Whatever I’ll put it in my pocket for now. I can’t stay here though, who knows if there’s any more of those damn rabbits waiting around. Actually...I should probably stop talking out loud, so I don’t attract anymore.”

Alright...inner thoughts only from now on…where to go, where to go…I have no idea so lets just walk till I find something I guess.

It took me a while but I finally found something. Well to be accurate, I heard something. I didn’t know exactly what it is, but it sounded like chewing perhaps? Damn it all. I swear if I find one of those evil rabbits eating a berry or something like they weren’t little monsters I’m going to lose it.


That…that is not a berry.

Not too far from me in this dark forest was the body of a man lying on his back. His eyes were lifeless and there was a large chunk of flesh missing from his neck. Though he wasn’t alone…two of those…rabbits…were nibling and biting pieces off from his body and eating it.

I could feel my breakfast from before this whole shit started trying to leave my stomach and exit, but I have to push it down...If I threw up here, I’d make a lot of noise.

After swallowing the little throw up that entered my mouth, which was very disgusting, I just kept watching the rabbits nibble at the body, I didn’t really know what else to do, but it didn’t take long for the situation to change.

The body started magically sinking to the ground.

What the heck?

Is that what happened to the little demon of a rabbit I killed earlier? Crazy stuff.

The rabbits seemed upset at the body disappearing and started clawing at the ground. That’s what those little shits get.

They clawed at the ground for a bit for suddenly pointing their noses in the sky and sniffing about.

What are they looking for? It didn’t take me too long to figure it out as both of their little snouts slowly turned in my direction and they were looking directly at me with those crimson eyes. Dammit! I quickly started running in some random direction as fast as my house slippers could carry me without causing me to trip.

These little bastards really are evil.

They just finished chewing on another person and now they want me too! Well guess what you bastards I’m not that easy to eat!

As I was running, I eventually began to hear the pitter patter of their tiny little paws hitting the ground behind me. I hadn’t even run for very long!

I took a slight look behind me and it only took me a moment to realize the truth of the situation I found myself in.

They were going to catch up with me weren’t they.

Shit shit shit! I’m gonna have to fight them! If I keep running like this, I’ll just get more and more tired, and they’ll still catch up to me but I’ll be too tired to fight at that point..

Ah dammit all!

“Bring it on you little demon rabbit bastards!!”

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