Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Fifty One

After thanking the Blacksmith for the spear, I left a bit more happier than when I went in. Who wouldn’t be happy about getting a new spear? Only a crazy person. Or would I be the crazy person for being happy about getting a new spear?

Moving on.

I eventually made my way back over to the training grounds where Richard and his group appeared to be wrapping up. They were getting lectured about their intensity or something. Maybe they didn’t show enough effort? Probably tired from defending the Outpost.

Anyway, that went on for a minute or two and then Richard spoke to a couple people before making his way over to where I was standing.

Of course, the first thing he noticed was my spear.

I couldn’t blame him. It was beautiful.

“That…doesn’t look like a normal spear.”

“It isn’t. It was made by the Blacksmith.”

“Made by the blacksmith…but we spoke to the blacksmith...he said he couldn’t make anything special.”

“Yeah, that was before. If you can obtain the materials to give him, he can make things like this. I also notice none of you have bought the armor. You should invest in it. It’s good.”

“Where did you get whatever materials, you’re talking about? Was it from the Dungeon? And yeah, we noticed the armor, we were saving up, but with the extra cores we got last night we should be able to buy some sets.”

“I understand and yes it was from the Dungeon. Well, lets just get right into it. The Dungeon I found isn’t all that far from here, it’s called The Green Den, and its entrance is literally a really big hole inside of a tree. The hole is dark, and instead of just walking in the hole, you get teleported into a small cave.

“Oh, and there’s a recommendation of 5 1st Cycle Body Tempering cultivators. This is a lie. Well maybe not a lie, maybe well trained super talented group of 5 1st cycle folks could do it. Anyway, once inside it will tell you that you have kill, and only by clearing the dungeon or actually dying allows you to leave.

“I don’t know how you get to leave if you die, but that’s what it said. Moving on, there are five floors you have to make it through. All of them have normal Goblins. The first floor, have 50, the second has 100, the third has 200, the fourth of has 400 and finally the fifth, it only has 50 normal Goblins, but it also has one of those big ones.

“Basically, if it was only 5 1st Cycle folks, they would probably face some serious, potentially fatal trouble in that Dungeon. I would recommend at least double that amount, or better yet advancing to the 2nd Cycle.

“Well, that’s the fighting part of it. Regarding the materials though, you get them after clearing a floor. In the Dungeon the Goblins don’t drop cores, but after they all disappear, a small chest will pop up. Inside you will find little metal clumps. They look bad but each clump is worth 5 Bronze Coins on its own. Just one.”

“5 Bronze…that’s 500 Copper Coins. And you get more than one? We can make enough money to buy armor for everyone…food, water, more potions. We need to clear this Dungeon.”

“Yeah, I plan to attack it a few more times, and there’s some more rewards for clearing it but you will see those for yourself when you clear it.”

Richard seemed to be lost in thought for a moment before he looked at me with determination. Wonder what’s that about.

“I know that this might be a bit much to ask but are you able to guide us in the Dungeon? We have a more cultivators now, but some of us need to stay in the Outpost if it gets attacked while we are gone. Of course we would split all the rewards we get.”

Oh, so that’s what it was, that’s perfectly fine with me, but I’m curious about something.

“How many cultivators do you have?”

Richard was caught a little off guard by my question but he answered nonetheless.

“Including me, its 12 of us, and I think I’m the only one close advancing again.”

“I see, well how about I take you and 4 others into the Dungeon? But all of you will have to fight like your life depended on it, I’ll only help a bit to make sure no one dies. Does that work for you?”

Richard didn’t need to think for very long before he responded.

“That’s perfectly fine, in fact I would’ve probably suggested something similar. We need to grow as well. Are you free today? After resting for a bit my team and I will be ready to go if you’re available.”

Hm...I guess I’m available today…I wanted to take some time to practice that thrust again now that I can properly use my flames, but I guess I can do that later?

“Sure, no worries, just knock on my door when you’re ready.”

And with that Richard went off to do his own thing and I simply went home. I didn’t have much I could be doing during the time I’d be waiting for Richard, so I was just left to ponder some questions I’d be thinking about.

The Infernal book thing said something about being a Patriarch. Why Patriarch and not a Matriarch for example? Did it just assume I was a man, or did they know I was a man? I’m probably just overthinking it, but if they knew I was a man instead of just guessing or something, did that mean they somehow got access to my information and then curated the book for me?

It’s an interesting thought.

Looking past that though, whether it was patriarch, or an ancestor it implied I’d be creating some type of a family or a clan and that I would have responsibilities. What I don’t understand though is why mention that now? Even if I do plan on having kids, it definitely wouldn’t be during or even right after the Tutorial so why mention it as part of that book?

There has to be something I’m missing but hopefully there’s an Infernal waiting for me when I get out of the Tutorial that can and will answer my questions.

And speaking of getting out of the Tutorial…I wonder what’s life gonna truly be like when this is all over with. There’s gonna be people walking around strong enough to be considered walking nukes. Countries could get wiped off the map, if we even still have them.

Perhaps a lot of new countries will pop up? What’s stopping a strong person from going around and claiming some land as theirs?

Wait do I want to found a country or a city or something?

Knock Knock

Oh, there goes Richard now.

I stopped my pondering session and headed outside. One there I of course saw Richard, but 4 others were with him as expected. I recognized two of them. One of them in particular was there the day I removed that stain. In fact, he walked out with him. I hope this doesn’t become a problem in the Dungeon, but I’ll trust Richard for now.

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