I'm The Devil

Chapter 17: Council of God kings

Chapter 17: Council of God kings

Realm of God kings

In a vast open space that contains several golden large thrones in a circular formation where the God kings of the different realms will gather if something required their attention.

In this vast space, a shimmering portal appeared at the center of the thrones and a colossal giant covered in snow and ice and he constantly generate intense cold from his body, accompanying him is one of his children, Trúegelmir, also a giant like his father but had none of the snow and ice skin like his father but that of a steel, a testament to his Titanic strength.

Ymir scanned everywhere and found out that he and his son were the first to arrive which did not surprise him as it was a normal routine for the gods to always come late to something like this, especially the ususal host, Ra.

Ymir and his son went to their usual spot and sat down as he wait for the other gods to arrive.

A few minutes passed and another portal appeared and another giant like beings but pale in comparison to Ymir came out of the portal, they are Chronos and Oceanus, the Titanic Gods of Greco Realm.

Ymir seeing who it was scoffed and said "so the rumors are really true, a son killing his father for his seat of power, you are really something, hope none of your children do the same to you, as you know every well, your father believed in Karma"

Chronos frown when he heard the words of Ymir and wanted to refute but stopped when he felt the hands of Oceanus on his shoulders.

"You know he is strong and this is not a place for any dispute, you must remember you killed one of the people the primal gods thought of as a sibling so we will be a scorn and a threat to them. So keep yourself calm and don't lose your cool" Oceanus whispered in his brother's ear before facing Ymir and continued "it is a honour to finally meet you, Ymir, one of the Primordial godking of the Nordic Realm" Oceanus hailed Ymir who just looked at him coldly before taking his eyes from them.

Chronos and Oceanus looked for their seats and sat down when Chronos looked at his brother and said "well, that went well"

Oceanus didn't listen to his brother and just closed his eyes shutting everything from his surroundings.

After a while, the other gods also started appearing one after the other until they all come and had their seats while waiting for the host, Ra, who always likes to arrive last just to spite Ymir who dislikes lateness.

It didn't take long for Ra to come and alongside him was Bast, his eyes as he usually calls her.

Ra looked around and saw that all the God kings are present and one of them isn't particularly pleased with him as he had a frown on his face which made Ra smiled.

Ra took his seat and the meeting of the God kings commenced.

"You all know why we are here, right?" Ra was the one to first speak as he looked at Chronos and Shangdi, especially Chronos who killed his father, he cleared his throat and continued "we've lost two primordial gods, which to most of us are like siblings to us, one was killed by a foreign and unknown individual while the other, I can not even go into details on that, but that's not a secret as we all know what happened,but still, that's not why I called this meeting, why I called this meeting is because we have someone who can kill a primal god in his own realm backed by multitude of gods and coming out on top unscathed without any backing of his own. What do you think of such a being, a being capable of such power and yet none of us have heard about him. Shangdi, you were there when it all happened tell us what you can from your encounter with him"

Ra called out to Shangdi, who was accompanied by Bixia, his current wife.

"The man who killed my father and the other gods called himself, Satan, the lord of Wrath. He has a long straight red hair and red eyes, he can only fly with the help of two red wings which he will to appeared on his back and vice versa, he has immunity to flames and also great control over any type of flames. He is also arrogant and looked down on my father, calling him a lesser being. That's all I can say about him, oh, he is also extremely handsome" Shangdi said as he described everything he knows about the man who kill his father and his followers, destroying their previous realm.

All the Primordial God kings and the new God kings and their escorts were silent when they heard what Shangdi said, they did not know or heard of someone like the one he just described in fact they have no idea where to even start from.

Ymir seeing the panic in the eyes of most of the god's sighed at how pathetic they were "why are you all panicking? Are you all that pathetic that you are scared of someone who might not even be as strong as how he is described by Shangdi boy there and won using tricks which I would say is a pathetic method. Even if he is as strong as Shangdi said, he would still be defeated one way or another, so don't act like some whimpy dogs and let's find out where he might currently be" Ymir said and smiled which is rare for someone as cold as him as he saw the desired effect of his words.

The gods morale was raised as they took the words of Ymir into heart and started discussing among themselves if they have seen someone like the one Shangdi described.

"I think I might be able to help with that"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked to the person who said that who turned to be Amaterasu, the daughter of Izanagi, the God King of the Shinto Realm.

Seeing as she has gotten the attention of everyone to herself, Amaterasu continued "recently, there was a sudden disturbance in our realm. Many Kamis or gods as we generally call them would attribute it to my younger brother, Susanoo, but the truth is Susanoo can never shake the entirely of the Shinto Realm but this one shook the entire Realm and the cause of it still remains a mystery, but we could start our search from there"

The Primordial gods were pleased with Amaterasu for her foresight and her opinion towards to the matter which earned her praises from the primal gods and an unexpected one, Ymir.

This act made Izanagi proud of his daughter and he decided to hand over his seat of power to her immediately he returns.

"Any other suggestions, if not I would like to go back since I have a banquet to host" Buri who has been silent this whole time spoke, he too have had the thought of giving up his seat of power to his only son Born because he believes that their era as God kings has come to an end and the new generation is ready to rule and when he saw Shangdi and Chronos, and Amaterasu who would become the God king very soon decided to teach his son the ways of a Ruler, that's why he didn't even have any thought to participate in the meeting.

Ymir frowned when he saw the nonchalant behavior of Buried who he shared a realm with and also the husband of his daughter shook his head "I expected better from you, but looks like the year of partying has clouded your judgment and responsibility as a God king" Ymir said before he faced Ra "we should call it a day and send some of our best to assist the Shinto Realm gods to look if there is someone as the one Shangdi described and also look around your realm if there is any strangers there, even if they are not like the one described, they might be related, so you must pass it to the council and we decided how to approach the matter"

Ra nodded "very well said my friend, very well said, and also Shiva, we will need your little servants to assist in this search" Ra said as he looked at a blue skin being with a third eye on his forehead, he held a Trident, he is one of the three Primal gods of the Hindu Realm, Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma. Lord Shiva is said to be the strongest of them all which made him the God king of the Hindu Realm.

"It shall be done, my friend" Shiva nodded and said.

After assigning tasks to the different gods, Ra closed the meeting and they all left to their various realms immediately to carry on their tasks.

Back at the Greco Realm

Chronos and Oceanus are back to their realm and Chronos is already seated on his seat as he is graced with the presence of his mother and his other siblings and wife.

He explained everything that transpired in the meeting to them before he asked his mother a question "what should we do with this Lucifer guy? Don't you think we should tell the council of God kings about him?"

Gaia immediately shook her head "you will do no such thing, if what you say is true, that there might be others that came out of nowhere like him, then he might not be alone and doing something as reckless as outing him to the council might even be the end of us, so don't take part in what the council is planning, we don't know what we are dealing with"

Gaia dissuaded her son from doing anything that might endanger their realm before she left to her domain leaving the Titans with a gloomy face.

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