I'm The Devil

Chapter 16: Susanoo and Satanael

Chapter 16: Susanoo and Satanael

Realm of Shinto

A man with black hairs and a beard held a sword as he faced a red haired man with a flaming sword with Red wings that came out of his back.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my home"

The man with black hairs asked the red haired man while brandishing his sword at him.

"Put that down, you don't want to go down that route, boy, What is wrong with you kids anyway? You are all prone to anger and attack someone without confirming his identity anytime whenever you chance upon them, is that how you are made or something you learnt along the way? If so, you have to learn new things or you are going to get yourself killed quickly"

The red haired man said as he flew into the man's home before retracting his wings into his body.

The black haired man was furious as how he was disregarded by a complete stranger in his own home.

The black haired man is Susanoo, the second son of Izanagi and Izanami, brother to Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi of the Shinto Realm, he was recently banished from his Divine Domain by his father due to his destructive nature and mayem he causes in the Divine Realm.

He was sent to lowest domain of the Shinto Realm where he built a new home for himself but now, an intruder has invaded his home and treats him like air, he will not be called Susanoo, the god of storm and destruction if he let this man walk over him. Susanoo destructive aura spiked up as he rushed at the red hair and strikes him with a devastating blow which just pushed the man forward a little.

"You shouldn't have done that boy"

The red haired said as he turned to look at Susanoo who was in shock to see the man still standing despite receiving a powerful blow from him.

"You are not a Kami, what are you? what are you to be this strong? Forget it, I don't care, I don't need to know a dead man's name"


Susanoo said as he roared to the sky and the roar of thunder resounded in the sky, bolts of lightening flash through the sky as it answered the calk of Susanoo.

Susanoo's eyes flashed with lightening including his body as he held his sword that was infused with the power of Lightening.

"I don't know who you are or what you are, but you made a big mistake of coming into my home and disregarding me, Susanoo, the god of storm and destruction"

The red hair watched the show Susanoo put up and just sighed at his arrogant display of power "why are you shouting and making flashy moves just to get your ass kicked? You should stop your silly show of power and keep it down, I want to have some rest before I move on from here"

The red hair said as he ignored the pissed off Susanoo and walk into the house of Susanoo who became incredibly pissed.

Susanoo moved with the speed of light that seems like he teleported from his previous location and appeared in front of the red hair and struck at him with a lightening infused blow causing massive damage to their surroundings.

Smokes and debris, destruction on a large scale were seen every where and Susanoo stood proud as he looked at handiwork "there is no way he would survive that, even Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi would not be able to come out unscathed" Susanoo said before he turned around saw that his house was in a pretty bad shape which made him sigh "unbelievable, now I have to rebuild it once again, damn it, I wish I could get my hands on that bastard and beat the hell out of him for making go through this again"

Susanoo cursed at the red hair before he walked into his home only to find a red hair sitting there looking at him.

"I have to say, for a kid like you, you really know how to pack a punch, you might be able to take on most of the lesser angels with that but you are mistaken if you think that's enough to leave a scratch on me" the red hair stood up and balled his fist as he instantly appeared in front of Susanoo as he whispered in his ears before delivering his punch "let me show you what true strength is"

Susanoo was sent flying several meters before he regained his balance only to be sent flying once again.

"You are someone with similar nature to mine which is why you are still alive, with someone like you, I can groom you into a perfect being capable of creating chaos for me and I can grow stronger from there" the red hair said before he appeared behind Susanoo and held him "what about I teach you what a true god of storm and destruction is?"

The red hair said as he raised his hands towards the sky and the entire lower domain shook which was a testament to the man's power, heck even the lower domain would have been destroyed entirely if the man didn't control his power.

Susanoo was scared silly when he felt the terrifying power that the red hair exudes and wondered who the heck he was.

Susanoo thought he was going to be done for when surprisingly the red hair stopped whatever he was about to do or so he thought.

"I have gotten my desired effect from you and I have to say, it was pretty satisfying. Now you know what true destruction is and your's is just a drop in the vast ocean, but don't worry, I am here because of that, I here because I saw a potential in you, a potential to be a herald of Wrath" the red haired said as he offered Susanoo a hand up before teleporting both of them back to his house "well, I can't help you with the reconstruction of your home, so you will have to do that yourself and by the way, I am Satanael, Satan for short, I am one of the seven Lords of Hell, the holder of the sin of Wrath and your new master"

Satanael said to Susanoo before looking for a place to lay down for a bit. Meanwhile Susanoo was having a mental breakdown anytime he thought iof the earlier outburst of Satanael. He hoped this was all a dream and that he will just wake up any moment from now but he didn't because this was not a dream but reality.

Divine Domain of the Realm Of Shinto

A man with long white hairs sat across a bright yellow haired girl.

The man is Izanagi and the girl across him is Amaterasu, the first child and daughter of Izanagi and Izanami, the two Primordial gods of Shinto Realm.

"You have heard of the news, right?" Izanagi asked his daughter who he is currently grooming to replace him as the Godking of the Shinto Realm.

Amaterasu nodded and said "yes, father"

"Good, get ready, you will be the one to go with me to the gathering, that can also help you to learn new things, I want you to be ready before ascending to be the Godking, I don't want to be half cooked, you get it?"

Amaterasu nodded to what her father said before she left her father who was happy for his choice, his choice of who will replace him as Godking while he lived his life with his wife.

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