I, who was smashed into a girl by a meteorite, turned into a Yuelao?

Page 733

"Speak as if you are known to everyone. Can you stop being so self-obsessed? I've never met you."

"Very good, you have successfully drawn my attention to you." The arrogant girl was stunned for a while, and finally said something that made Lingbao Tetemiao want to complain.

Is your special meow Lezheng Tingyu or Leng Chenluo?With that expression, wouldn't you be ashamed to say such a thing to a handsome and talented man like her?

At this time, Lingbao forgot that she was a daughter now, and was really frightened by the other party.

"So who are you?" After a while, Lingbao still choked out this sentence.

This question makes Lingbao more curious about killing so many assassins than asking who ordered those assassins.

At least, that's what she's most curious about right now.

"I am... the daughter of the Jian family, Jian Yushuang." The girl replied proudly, and she did not forget to add: "My family has been the imperial guards for generations."

Sword family?Could it be... one of the Nine Kings... that sword family?

Lingbao thought about it carefully, the powerful sword family today... seems to be only one of the nine kings...?

"Are you from the sword family among the nine royal surnames?" Lingbao stroked her chin and thought about it. She really couldn't think of other sword families, so she asked directly.

Jian Yushuang stared: "My name is Jian Yushuang, Jian Yushuang, one of the Nine Kings, I have already given my name, you still want to ask me? Is it a provocation?"

One of the Nine Kings?Sword Yushuang, one of the Nine Kings?female?People couldn't help looking in Xiao Yuluo's direction, who was smiling wryly.


Lingbao put his hand on his forehead, "I'm sorry, I haven't figured out your worldview yet..." Why did a young lady from the Nine Kings family sneak in so openly and no one noticed anything wrong? !Did it on purpose? "


Thank you Tianhujiang for your monthly ticket support~!Catch Fuxue-chan's stupid hair

The thousand, 240 and seven steps to achieve Yuelao: Jian Yushuang, very helpless

Jian Yushuang is a little upset now. Before that, she specially changed her own temperament and the operation of her spiritual power, and even used a blindfold to prevent others from recognizing her.

She was very proud of not being recognized.But now that she has withdrawn all those things, Lingbao still hasn't recognized her. Now that she has reported her name and identity, this guy can still put on that dazed look. It's really deceiving. Too many people!

Jian Yushuang, who was just about to start a fight with Lingbao (♀·main body) directly, was about to speak, when Lingbao suddenly covered her head, saying that she didn't know much about them here, and she couldn't even vent her anger Out.

What else can she do?This guy looked like this, and said something similar to being subdued. If she didn't go down the other party's ladder, wouldn't it be her fault?But... this guy... is really annoying?

He obviously asked those assassins directly who ordered them to come, but in the end he couldn't think of anything, so he pointed the finger at her again, and then abruptly brought the topic back to her.

If her attitude had been a little bit better just now, and she would have asked her humbly without changing the subject, she would have been satisfied in her heart, and she might have done a good job of popularizing what the assassins said with this Necromancer.

After all, the person mentioned by those assassins... was also someone she never expected, let alone her, not many people present would believe that the assassin was actually sent by that person.

That person was obviously very loyal to the royal family, and almost died for the royal family back then, how could he suddenly send an assassin to destroy the wedding ceremony?

Jian Yushuang is so annoying now, she doesn't want to hold her breath at all, thinking about the overall situation, even if she wants to consider the overall situation, it has nothing to do with Lingbao!

These things don't care about her, a commoner woman of unknown origin!Love to take care of it, no matter what!A little bit of a skill?Show off your might in front of her?

She will be the woman who will be the imperial bodyguard next to the next Holy Emperor in the future. Even if she kills Lingbao here, no one will say anything.

Jian Yushuang glanced at Liu Xiang's direction, and the only thing she was afraid of was that person who also belonged to the Nine Royals.

That person is not the eldest son, but he is the smartest and most powerful in the last era. Since the Holy Emperor came to power, he has grown from the youngest son to the prime minister who has the most say in the court today, which shows his strength extraordinary.

If he wants to stand up and say a few words about Jian Yushuang, he is speaking from the standpoint of an elder, and Liu Xiang's identity and status are also qualified to say it. Jian Yushuang knows that he must listen to Liu Xiang's words.

So... If you want to take action and take revenge, you can only do it before Liu Xiang has nothing to say——

The long sword was unsheathed, Lingbao felt the killing intent on Jian Yushuang, and hurriedly backed away, she felt that something was wrong, just now he was a little distracted, thinking about the assassins' problems, the reflex arc was half a beat when he thought of Jian Yushuang He couldn't think of who the person behind the assassin's scenes was, subconsciously remembered Jian Yushuang's previous words, and immediately answered first.

Jian Yushuang was probably really annoyed by her, she didn't hide her identity any more, after directly revealing her identity, now she was enveloped by the murderous aura that looked like a giant red dragon in Lingbao's eyes.

This girl doesn't care at all!It looks like he just wants to fight her hard, right? !

"Hey, hey, hey! Think carefully about the current situation!" Lingbao dodged many times in a row, and all the words he yelled were cut to pieces by Jian Yushuang's sword energy.

"Is it because you haven't considered the current occasion from the beginning?" Jian Yushuang snorted coldly, the ordinary-looking long sword fell into her hands, it was like a magic weapon.

Jian Yushuang's strength is real, she was raised as a boy since she was a child.

Their family, and even the guards of the Sword King's Mansion, never cared whether she had the qualifications to become the Holy Emperor in the future.

But everyone is very concerned about whether she is strong enough, if she is still alive in the future, whether she can protect the future Holy Emperor and become a real imperial guard.

The sword family has existed as the imperial guards around the Holy Emperor since ancient times.

From then to now, this point has never changed. Among the nine crown princes with different surnames, only the Jian family has no real pursuit of anything other than guarding the Holy Emperor.

But perhaps it is also this kind of environmental training that makes the people of the Jian family pursue things other than power and are more willful than others.

Jian Yushuang of this generation is self-willed in her temper, and she does things more to consider whether her own heart is wronged.

As for other things?Sorry, except for the person who is most likely to become the next Holy Emperor, she never intends to wrong her own heart.

She doesn't even care what kind of consequences and harm her sudden attack will cause, she can do whatever she wants, this is her justice.

Several strands of Lingbao's hair had been cut off. Jian Yushuang's attack method was completely different from Gongsun Xi's. Gongsun Xi's sword spirit was peaceful, and his attack method was correct. Although the speed was not fast, the strength was astonishingly great. .

Between opening and closing, there is a sense of a master, and the aura itself is so shocking that people's morale is three points weaker.

Jian Yushuang is a female, so she may not be weak in terms of strength, but at the second puberty stage, whether it is physical strength or other aspects, she is naturally weaker than the male who was not much different from her at the beginning.

Forcibly strengthening the exercise will directly hurt the body, and maybe even real women will not be able to do it in the future.

Perhaps her guards and family members have specifically considered her future, or thought about the issue of the future lineage, and did not ask her to sacrifice her future to forcibly exercise her body.

Therefore, Jian Yushuang's attack method is rigid with ingenuity. In addition to her natural advantages, she has a very delicate insight when fighting, a lively fighting mind, a dexterous figure, and her speed and adaptability are specially cultivated. Perverted.

She accurately predicted the direction of Lingbao's dodge. She used false moves to lure the enemy several times, and then attacked suddenly.

Lingbao dared to swear that if she came into contact with cultivation in a normal state now, and then used the normal opening method to cultivate, she would lose to this young girl in the first few moves.

Fortunately, she has come into contact with not too many people or things. Even if Tofu and Lingbao have scruples now and dare not act rashly, they will not be completely disadvantaged in the offensive and defensive battle with Jian Yushuang.

Jian Yushuang also noticed the special features of Lingbao in the continuous attacks of hundreds of swords. She is used to it. She is not very tired of hundreds of swords a day, but Lingbao dodged hundreds of swords, and her physical strength was strong. Hold on, can your eyes hold up?

Jian Yushuang knew that she couldn't continue to delay the time like this, so she condensed her inner essence a little bit, her own sword qi was restrained at the same time, and condensed to the sword body, while Lingbao dodged again, she transformed into a long sword with her other hand, turned around, and just With a blow, a hole was cut in the front of Lingbao's chest, and there was an uproar all around, and someone immediately stretched his neck to look this way.

Can I not watch it?Lingbao is well-known, and she is a woman. Even if there are some ordinary people, there are still many ordinary people who come here to join in the fun and watch a good show. Although Lingbao's figure is not plump, but She looks good!

It still belongs to the kind of good-looking type. If you can't get it right, let's satisfy their eyesight!At that time, there will be a capital to show off.

Jian Yushuang was stunned, she never thought of making Lingbao lose her virginity, here, although women don't want to pay too much attention to chastity as in the ancient times in the modern world, to the point where they would die if they lost their virginity.

However, women in the other world also have to save face. Isn't it like being stripped of their pants while walking in the real world?

Lingbao didn't have so many worries. She wasn't a real woman. She had done things with bare breasts and backs before, and there was nothing attractive about men with bare chests and backs.

When it's too hot, who doesn't want to take off the vest and let the wind blow the sweat off his body to cool off?

Besides, she was wearing an ordinary dress outside, and she was wearing a Yuelao suit inside. It was winter now, and the sky was only four or five degrees below zero. Even if Lingbao couldn't freeze to death, would she still feel cold?

It's not the kind of patient who has no perception at all. It's so hot, so it's normal to wear some warmer clothes, right?

Yuelao suit is the unique clothing of gods. It keeps warm and has high defense power. The clothing can be freely changed according to the owner's mind, so why not wear it?

Therefore, Lingbao didn't have to worry about the damaged clothes outside, and stepped back a few steps in a row, hiding behind a safe distance that Jian Yushuang couldn't attack, and then heaved a sigh of relief and laughed twice.

She just wanted to persuade Jian Yushuang to stop messing with her at this time. She accidentally said something wrong just now, but it's not about to die or live?

But she looked up and found that the other party was standing not far away, frowning, with a twisted expression, and said nothing.

This appearance made Lingbao startled, and the words on his lips immediately turned into a question: "Why do you have such an expression?"

"Didn't you notice that your clothes were scratched by me?" Jian Yushuang was still frowning, furious, as if she would charge up again at any moment.

"Did you notice it? What's the matter?" Lingbao tugged on his torn clothes, and looked down, then he was a little dazed, "You don't mean you want to compensate me for a piece of clothing, do you?"

"Are you always concerned about this issue now! Don't you know that you've been seen all over!"

Jian Yushuang opened her hands, and glanced viciously at a few people who wanted to get a closer look.

The few people who were scanned by Jian Yushuang immediately shrank their necks, whistled and turned their heads away.

"I know!" But Jian Yushuang was surprised by Lingbao's words, she answered very bluntly, why didn't she notice?Her consciousness is always on to pay attention to the surroundings?

It's a pity that having the divine sense turned on doesn't seem to have much effect on Jian Yushuang. This girl's speed and reaction are faster than Lingbao's.

This is physical targeted training. Lingbao, who became a monk halfway, has nothing wrong with shooting guns, riding horses, and fighting. She has no specific professional training in a certain aspect, and she is still three times weaker in this kind of professional attack routine. point.

It is typical to be able to see and see clearly, but the reflex nerves and body still cannot keep up with the speed, and it is a step slower.


Happy Thanksgiving Day!Happy Xiaoxue!Guys, keep warm!I'm going to bed first...it's so cold

The first thousand, 240, and eight steps to achieve Yuelao: Master, are you a roundworm?

Lingbao (♀·main body)'s clothes were torn, but she still showed this appearance, which annoyed Jian Yushuang. She had never seen such a brazen person like Lingbao, so she didn't think about how bad it was for her to look like this?

"Injury... immorality!" Jian Yushuang snorted, but the action of the shot was not the Lingbao, but those who were still peeping.

As soon as the sword energy came out, several people covered their eyes and screamed.

Lingbao noticed that the eyes of those people were really blinded by the girl's sword energy, Lingbao couldn't help laughing, "You are so merciless! Isn't it just a look? Drop a piece of meat!"

She didn't care much about those blind people. The other party dared to look so upright when they were warned by their eyes. She should have thought of the consequences. The other world is not like the real world. Yes, you can find a panacea in the other world to repair it by yourself. It may take a little longer, but it is not expensive. You don't need high surgery fees like the real world, and you need to get a new eye.

Jian Yushuang's move is to teach these guys a lesson, so that they can clearly distinguish the current situation when they read it later, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Lingbao would not go to fight against those guys, but Jian Yushuang didn't think so. In her opinion, Lingbao said this because she was dissatisfied with her behavior just now, because she felt that what she did was too extreme.

"I really want to pry open your head and see what's in your brain. Those guys are a bunch of shameless hooligans. You were almost seen by them. Now I've disabled their eyes. What's wrong!"

"I didn't say you were wrong..."

"Then what did you mean by that just now? If it's true, you should shut up obediently just now, and then thank me gratefully!"

"Hey, hey, sisters, are you being too extreme? Why do I have to say thank you? They didn't see anything at all, and I didn't lose anything. This is your spontaneous action. I Saying thanks shouldn’t be an obligation or a responsibility, right?” Why does Lingbao feel that Jian Yushuang’s brain waves are not on the same channel?

"Even if they don't see it clearly, it doesn't prevent them from reverie, treating you as the target of their obscene reverie, and mentally blaspheming!"

Jian Yushuang frowned, she had seen that kind of thing a lot, she talked a lot to take advantage of girls, took advantage of her masculinity, and pushed all the faults directly on girls, she saw a person like this , waste one.

Lingbao looked inexplicable, "Mouths and brains grow on them, and I can directly stop them from thinking and speaking? Freedom of speech! They can do whatever they want, as I said just now, I have nothing to lose! Anyway, how could they If you think about it, it’s impossible to realize it! No loss.”

At the end of Lingbao's speech, he smiled brightly, but among the people who were still screaming just now, someone's voice faltered.

What Jian Yushuang said, they could still take it as embarrassment, what Lingbao said... just didn't take them seriously!

Moreover, I still despise them spiritually...

I can only look at it with my eyes, talk about it with my mouth, and think about it in my head, but there is no way to really get it...

As Lingbao said, there will be no loss of a piece of meat, and there will be no loss, whatever they do... This is directly ignoring them spiritually.

Why does this sound so annoying?But...it makes sense!

The few people who were blind were about to cry, but those who were not blind and easily avoided this crisis were speechless.

Someone coughed twice, either scratched his head and turned his head, or touched the tip of his nose, and turned his head as if he didn't hear anything just now.

But after Lingbao finished speaking, he felt a gaze staring straight at her. Lingbao subconsciously swept over, and saw that Liu Xiang's eyes had narrowed, and his smile was still the same as before. But... But why did she feel a strong hostility and anger?No no no... this must be an illusion...

Just as Lingbao wanted to comfort himself in this way, he saw Liu Xiang's mouth moving slightly, as if he was muttering to himself. Judging from the shape of his mouth, he seemed to be saying...

"So... the purpose is not just to see, but to get it... Hehe... Hehehe... So that's the case..."

Lingbao didn't hear his voice, but the chill coming from Liu Xiang's body was getting heavier and heavier. Hey!This is still completely aimed at her, doesn't it make sense?She seemed to have never met Liu Xiang before, could it be that who is closer to Liu Xiang?

Lingbao was taken aback by Liu Xiang's sudden hostility, and Jian Yushuang was still sneering at that part, "It's just a self-comforting rhetoric! If I feel uncomfortable in my heart, it means they have taken advantage of it! I want to let my Mentally comfortable, we must abolish those guys who take advantage of the venue at any time."

"Oh, you are free. Well, we have been arguing for so long, and the police haven't come yet? Hurry up and take those assassins to the Yamen to check them out?"

Lingbao's attention was drawn back, and he really didn't want to argue with Jian Yushuang about these things, was it all boring?It's not a serious matter!

Well, this should be considered serious business, at least he knew that one of his missions was the girl in front of him.

Jian Yushuang said that she only said that she was the eldest daughter of the Jian family, but Yue Lao just glanced at it and saw that this girl is the prince of the Jian family among the nine royal families.

A personality seems to be a bit... No, this should be a very paranoid female prince.

Want to find the other half for such a prince?Looking at how much Jian Yushuang dislikes men now, it's hard for Lingbao to imagine that there are people in this world who Jian Yushuang likes and who can like Jian Yushuang?Does Lily accept it?

"Don't try to change the subject. These people are bound by you like this, and they can't escape. It doesn't matter when the police come. Now you..."

"Oh, oh, are you looking for a fast catcher? Is it okay to catch the head?" A voice that seemed to be very happy just listening to it, interrupted Jian Yushuang's words, making Jian Yushuang unable to continue even if she wanted to .

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