I, who was smashed into a girl by a meteorite, turned into a Yuelao?

Page 732

It is very likely that the person concerned can also directly see all the conditions of the entire hunting ground, and seeing clearly is different from the coverage of strength.

A true cultivator cultivates spiritual power, not spirituality. Spiritual cultivation, that is, the cultivation of spiritual consciousness is as difficult as reaching the sky. Under normal circumstances, the range of attack or defense can be within a city. The scope of a city may be nothing more than a certain area of ​​a city.

Things that can be seen clearly in this area may not necessarily be detailed down to the smallest details.

It is normal for water to diffuse out accidentally, or just some water vapor to diffuse out.

What the news conveyed was that the conditions outside and inside the hunting ground were two extremes, as if separated by a mirror.

In such a situation, of course, it can be understood that the strength of the people who used this method is not only what they see on the surface?

Can't stay, their every move now is probably seen by that person!If their true intentions are revealed, the other party may not even leave them with any hope!

The assassins made up their minds and did not want to fight. They made a gesture, turned around and wanted to escape.Lingbao sneered, and with a wave of his hand, the shape of the water changed.

The other party's guess was correct, she had indeed noticed everything in the hunting ground, including the group of guys who suddenly exploded and hurt people.

The clothes of these people have bloody smell, which is very fresh, but they don't have it on them. What kind of people are this group of people who wear clothes that are stained with bloody smell, but don't have any bloody smell?

I'm afraid it's the person who strips off the clothes of the dead, but this is the person who specifically strips the clothes of the dead who haven't died for a long time.

Can she understand it this way, someone secretly killed the people who were supposed to come to the hunting ground, brought those people to these assassins, let these assassins use those objects to disguise themselves as the parties, sneak into the hunting ground, and look for opportunities to attack them?

The water magic is like jelly, blocking back the people who were trying to stare at the water magic.

The water formed by these water spells with Lingbao is like a jelly wall, no matter how others bump into it, there is no way to break the wall.

When Lingbao waved and raised her hands, a kind of person was restrained by the water, and she slipped into the air. Under the attention of everyone, she walked gracefully and calmly in one direction. The water seemed to have its own consciousness. Give way.

Lingbao is like an empress, and she seems to have a certain holy and inviolable temperament, which makes people hold their breath involuntarily.

At this time, everyone was no longer busy with their own affairs, and could only look at Lingbao, which made them suddenly notice that Lingbao was really good-looking.

Her undeveloped figure is exquisite and well-proportioned, with exquisite facial features, and there are many hidden temperaments and other feelings.

Her long hair was no longer in a coiled state, but fell directly on her shoulders. Her special physique gave her the characteristics of those beautiful women she had come into contact with.

Although there are not many, her own characteristics are so fascinating. She may not be the most beautiful and outstanding kind of woman, but at this time, people who look at her carefully can't help but have a thought in their minds.

They just think... this spirit treasure right now... is definitely not human!

How can people be so perverted!How could everyone be trapped just by performing a spell with water?

It is said that you can't have both fish and bear's paws, she wants to have both appearance and strength, this is definitely not normal!Those who are capable should look uglier!

There is absolutely no perfect person in this world!

The emotions in some people's hearts were much more complicated. They roared in their hearts, and they probably didn't even understand what kind of thoughts they had about Lingbao.

As for Lingbao, she walked straight up to some of them, with her hands on her hips, splayed, and the sneer on her face, which directly raised her inhuman image to a new level.

What kind of serious girl would someone who knows this kind of virtue really be?It must have come out of nowhere and pretended to be some kind of mountain spirit or monster, right?

"Speak up! What are you attacking people for? Looking for death?" Without telling the other party, Lingbao just vomited all the troubles first, and Lingbao first asked himself something curious.

"Huh!" The latter was very stiff, snorted softly, and turned his head away.

"Hmph, I'll just pretend you have some other purpose. I thought I caught the wrong person." Lingbao smirked.

The latter immediately realized that they were caged by some kind of inertial thinking!At the beginning, she pretended to be stupid and didn't know anything, and Lingbao couldn't do anything about it, so there was nothing they could do.

But the meaning of what Lingbao said just now made people react instantly with a reflex arc, and instinctively snorted coldly, directly confirming that they had other purposes!

Too careless!Is it too late for them to take back their previous attitude?

"Even if you want to pretend that nothing happened just now, it's too late. The people present are not fools. They can understand things just by looking at them, and they will let you pretend to be stupid?"

Lingbao seemed to be able to read their hearts, they didn't open their mouths yet, and answered the questions in their hearts first.

The corner of the leader's mouth twitched violently twice, and he turned his head away, unwilling to look directly into Lingbao's gaze.

"Don't worry, my eyes can't see your inner voice, but most of your innermost thoughts are written on your face, it's too obvious!"

Lingbao snapped his fingers, and the water that restrained the others dispersed with a splash, and everyone fell firmly on the ground, and their clothes were not wet at all.

But the person who should be restrained is still restrained. The arrogant girl is in a very bad mood now. Seeing that Lingbao has not taken any measures, she comes up first, and swings the long sword sideways, especially wanting to cut off the opponent's neck directly.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense with them? They won't say anything, why don't we kill them now and directly torture their souls!"

"Hey! Slow down! You haven't asked the question yet! Who are you in a hurry to kill!" Lingbao stopped immediately, and the small water shield blocked the arrogant girl's long sword and one of the people caught by Lingbao between the necks.

When the long sword in the arrogant girl's hand was submerged in the water, she couldn't go in half a step, couldn't pull it out even if she wanted to, couldn't go deeper even if she wanted to, and just froze in place.

The arrogant girl turned her head involuntarily and glared at Lingbao who not only stopped her, but also made her very embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Let go!" The arrogant girl ordered and said threateningly.

"I didn't reach out to grab you, what kind of hand did I put?" Lingbao smiled, with an innocent expression on his face.

Seeing this, the girl was really angry, and she used a little more strength in her hands.

However, this time it's not just about strength, this time she began to mobilize her inner energy to condense on the tip of the sword. The embryonic form of sword energy has already swelled and appeared in the water magic, Lingbao squinted her eyes and immediately raised her hand The spell was withdrawn.

The girl was unprepared, and the sword energy immediately spread into the state of a giant sword, giving people a feeling that if they don't pay attention, they will destroy the world.

Fortunately, Lingbao withdrew his own spells fairly quickly. If he was about to wait until he could no longer go up or down, if he then withdrew his spells, the result might be that the entire hunting ground would be destroyed by about half.

She still hasn't forgotten what happened during the battle with Gongsun Xi.

At that time, no matter whether it was her or Gongsun Xi, the sword energy was not enough. It seemed that she hadn't touched the threshold yet, and she had nothing but sword energy, but her destructive power was still amazing.

At this age, this girl has already condensed sword energy, not to mention how hard she worked, she must have very high talent and comprehension in swordsmanship.

Lingbao reckoned that the destructive power of the girl's sword energy would not be small.

At such an age, someone with this kind of strength is basically at the same level of strength as Gongsun Xi and her Lingbao.

In a real fight, it should be in a [-]-[-] situation.

There are many people here, without the defense like the Tianjing Arena in the cultivation world, everyone will definitely be affected by the aftermath of the attack.

There is no need to fight in front of the enemy, let them take advantage of the opportunity, take advantage of the loophole, and take the opportunity to escape.

The arrogant girl was caught off guard for a moment, and the sword energy she emitted dissipated because of her daze. She frowned and looked at Lingbao who seemed to have done such a thing on purpose, without saying a word, giving Lingbao a feeling that she seemed to be protesting silently a feeling of.

"Cough... Now is not the time for you to mess around. I caught the person. Now I deal with it, which is reasonable. Is there anything wrong?"

The arrogant girl remained silent, still staring at Lingbao coldly, seeing Lingbao scratching her cheek, the pressure of being stared at by girls is really not normal...

The 240th step to achieve Yuelao: another nine royal families?

The Lingbao (♀·body) showed great power, using its advantage in strength, simply frightened everyone present, and confronted the arrogant girl.

The assassin's heart that had just been let go suddenly lifted up again. Now death is the best way for them, the fastest way to get rid of it.

Falling into the hands of Lingbao, no one felt that there would be a good end. It would be better to complete the task they should have done and fulfill their morality.

If the arrogant girl's move is implemented, it will be easy.

Lingbao was about to jump out halfway to cut the beard at such a time, the sword tip cut the assassin's skin, blood flowed from the neck and dissipated in the water.

The feeling of pain is getting stronger and stronger, and the sense of dizziness is also increasing. This kind of slow death always reminds people of many experiences in this life.

When Lingbao and the arrogant girl were in a confrontation, the assassin had already reviewed his life, and the more he thought about it, the more reluctant he was to give up, and the more he thought about it, the more depressed he became.

Looking at the figure of Lingbao and the arrogant girl, he wanted to say something, but because his mouth was dry, he couldn't say anything. Finally, after two ahhh, the head tilted and passed out. The subordinates around saw this, They became more determined about their mission this time, biting the poison in their mouths one by one.

Lingbao's six senses are not half good, and he can easily smell the bad smell in the air. He put away his original thoughts of antagonizing the arrogant girl, and when he looked back, he saw a few more people with blue faces, obviously about to die.

"Hehe... Are you half as courageous as Zhen? You dare to seek death in front of me, what else can't you do?"

Lingbao was unhappy. If the person she wanted to catch died in front of her, wouldn't that make her appear cruel or incompetent?

"They die if they want to die, it's none of your business! You have prevented the worst from happening, and you want to play with them?"

The arrogant girl's tone was not kind, and every sentence felt like questioning, and her words were ugly, and she would not feel very happy in her heart if she recognized who was listening.

Especially the meaning of her words, the people around who were spared from death and were able to leisurely watch and eat melons all had weird expressions on them.

Lingbao narrowed his eyes into half a moon, how did these girls talk?Does she look like that?

But arguing with this arrogant girl is obviously meaningless, Lingbao simply put on a posture of "I know what you are talking about, so I just ignore you and pretend I didn't hear anything".

She turned around and directly poured the water produced by the water magic into the mouths of those who had swallowed the poison.

She may not be micro-controlled to the point where she can use water to directly bring out what the other party swallowed, but she doesn't have to do that either.

Her water movement seems to have some special additional abilities. It enters the opponent's mouth and forcibly penetrates it in the opponent's body. Those guys who took advantage of her unpreparedness and secretly swallowed something are left with blue faces. up.

And then...and then nothing.

They were choking uncomfortably, coughing again and again, and the expressions on their faces were only distressed and aggrieved. Everyone's eyes hit their unconscious leader. The original plan was broken, the leader was unconscious, and the suicide failed. What will they do next manage?

"Say, who ordered you to do this?" Lingbao skipped several procedures and asked the core question directly, making everyone present a little unresponsive.

"Lingbao, you shouldn't be the one to question this matter, right? What is your identity? Why don't you step back and leave the matter to the relevant people?"

Someone yelled in the distance, and then looked at the examiners with a flattering smile.

In the eyes of this kind of people, this is the time to take the opportunity to make a good impression in front of the Shangguan and leave a good impression on the Shangguan.

It's a pity that after this flattery was filmed, this person hadn't seen the reaction of the superiors before he heard the arrogant girl scold: "Shut up! You have nothing to do here! Don't make trouble over there!"

The arrogance of the arrogant girl was soaring when she spoke. Her long, beautiful and somewhat messy hair was calm and unmoving, and her appearance was not fierce, but she seemed to have a sense of indifference and arrogance that rejected people thousands of miles away.

Just hearing what she said, people will be silent and dare not say more.

Those who flatter Shangguan immediately shut up. The domineering feeling that the arrogant girl unconsciously reveals makes people feel scared, and they dare not have a direct confrontation with such a special girl.

Among the several examiners, the chief examiner, the Fu examiner Liu Xiang and Zhong Rui in the middle showed a trace of doubt on their faces, and then they were a little dazed, their eyes widened, and they looked at the arrogant girl in disbelief.

They opened their mouths for a long time, but did not say a word, their eyes involuntarily shifted to Lingbao.

As if he wanted to force himself to forget something, the examiner said, "Just... trouble Miss Lingbao to continue..."

This attitude...isn't normal?Does the arrogant girl have any special identity in the other world?Why didn't the examiners respond and express before?

The arrogant girl is so conspicuous, if she wanted to recognize her, she should have recognized her long ago.Besides, if there is really some hidden identity, is it possible not to hide it well, keep a low profile like Xiao Yuluo, and still be so flamboyant?

"Don't you want to continue? Continue! I won't stop you." The arrogant girl stared at Lingbao with a sneer, her tone still as aggressive as ever.

Lingbao ignored it directly, turned around and continued to look at the assassins, still smiling like her, "Hey, are you talking? Do you want to be fucked by me again? You are not afraid to urinate directly later? "

After Jing Lingbao reminded them like this, the other party also felt a urge to urinate.

What professions and identities are the assassins?This is urine, do you still need a face?This is going to die, won't it still be regarded as some kind of shitty existence?

How will you laugh at them then?Or sympathize with them?

Life can be lost, but face must be!

The decisions in everyone's hearts were unprecedentedly unified and firm, and one person immediately spoke and reported one person's name.

It's a pity that the name Lingbao has never been heard before, and it is a new character who has popped up. Lingbao feels that this seems to have nothing to do with her.

But the people around, after hearing the name of the messenger, their expressions changed instantly, and they couldn't help but wonder if the other party was someone very "famous" in the outside world.

Like some kind of special fame she has in the present world?

Lingbao thought for a while, felt the arrogant girl's cold and haughty eyes on her, immediately withdrew his attention, curled his lips and said: "I love to check, if you don't check, you still want to force me to check? I won't Go ahead, whoever you want to investigate, anyway, I can only be regarded as one of the people affected by this matter."

The arrogant girl's chest heaved violently when she heard it, and Lingbao's little expression that didn't want to be beaten showed that she really wanted to beat Lingbao to death.

The expressions of several examiners were a bit complicated, and even the expressions of the assassins became weird. Lingbao's spirit of directly hitting the gun when he saw the muzzle really made them... unwilling to learn.

She has seen someone committing suicide, but she has never seen Lingbao committing suicide like this. She probably thinks that such a sinful and arrogant girl will be fine, right?

Lingbao naturally understood the emotion in the eyes of the other party, although he didn't quite understand the attitude of these people towards the arrogant girl... But, care about her business?

She is not from this other world, she has been accommodating to others for two years, even she thought that she would become a grandson, and almost died under the meteorite inexplicably.

Lingbao realized that the ghost knows when he will die, so he can just do what he thinks is right according to his own mood.

Aggrieved and aggrieved are always relative terms, and she can just do what she thinks is right according to what she thinks in her heart.

Even that is correct is relative.

The arrogant girl was really very angry at the Lingbao, her aura was as if she could cut the Lingbao in two at any time.

Lingbao hugged his hands, tilted his head and shook his legs, and looked at the arrogant girl in front of him who wanted to fight him again with a funny face, but he still asked his doubts: "By the way, who are you? Why are you treating me? Domineering?"

The murderous aura on the girl's body dissipated in an instant, and she frowned and stared at Lingbao's face for a long time, "You didn't recognize me?"

"Should I recognize you?" Lingbao blinked, isn't she from here?Xiao Xingrui's memory is also limited, and he doesn't know much about this world.

The girl looked at Lingbao as if she was looking at someone who was hopelessly stupid, "How dull are you? I didn't deliberately change my breath now, and you didn't even recognize me?"

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