I have Nine Lives

Chapter 83: A rare specimen

Felix wanted to escape as the man's gaze pierced into his skull and he felt like he wanted to make a deep hole there to examine his brain.


The man monotonously said:

"You nothing, Siracha took you here with no information and now he has to pay for it, in this part you are just an unfortunate victim but don't expect to be pardoned, someone has to pay for the time I'm wasting with you two!"

Siracha gritted his teeth as he wanted to take a few steps forward only for the red dot on his forehead to shine brightly, the one on his chest even started to burn as he coughed up and some blood started to leave his mouth and splatter on the white tiles below.

"I advise against moving mister Siracha, I only have business with your little friend now and you don't have to intervene."

"But I..."

The man started to shake his head disappointed as he took a few steps forward approaching Siracha and putting his hand on his shoulder:

"I always looked down upon you as you are people who need a thing explained dozens of times but it seems I have underestimated your stupidity!"

The man's face remained impassive but the grip on Siracha's shoulder tightened making Siracha's expression take a turn for the worse as he felt his whole body turning like jelly, he fell to his knees and became paralyzed.

"*Sigh* I didn't want to resort to violence but it seems this is the only language you pea brains understand, anyways you can either wait here or outside for when we will return him to you, we aren't people that would betray our promises and since we only need him for 30 days we will give him back to you then."

The man suddenly disappeared as he grabbed Felix by the scruff of his neck, Felix tried to struggle out of his grasp or even scratch him with his especially sharp claws only to find out that his whole body was paralyzed just like Siracha's.

"Now let's go, we don't have time for wasting!"

The man jumped over the desk and disappeared into the wall with Felix.

While his body was paralyzed his mind was not, Siracha wanted to glare at something but all he could look at was the floor with his current position... he felt so weak and dumb, were these people really so much advanced compared to them to the point that they were seen as experiments?


Felix couldn't feel anything as the man walked through a long winding corridor while keeping a good grasp on Felix's nape, the more they walked the more uncomfortable Felix felt, the sound of the man's shoes clinking on the cold tiles on the floor made him unable to relax at all! Especially considering he didn't know what would happen to him the moment the man reached wherever they were going.

*Clip* *Clap* *Clip* *Clap*

The sounds the shoes made when they hit the tiles below them made Felix want to grasp at his ears, he didn't know why but it just made him feel unwell.

The man looked at Felix and analyzed his expression, while his body was paralyzed his face could still move and he made a mental note:

"Subject seems to be rather tense... seems the squeaking of my shoes is aggravating his state."

Felix didn't know he was already being documented nor would he care, he only wanted this thing to be over with as soon as possible!

The corridor finally ended as they reached a medium-sized tube that could hold two average-sized males at the same time for transport, the man entered the tube with Felix in his hand as he pressed two buttons simultaneously inside it and the tub started to suck them upward making them both disappear.

Felix could feel the strong wind messing his fur as the tube sucked them to a destination unknown to him, after 20 minutes of wind they finally reached another location similar to the one that they were in previously, but instead of a corridor, they reached a hall where multiple people with similar tails to the person who was holding him were either chatting or exchanging peculiar information that Felix didn't understand.

None of these people had smiles on their faces, they were all reticent and serious looking.

The moment they saw the man who held Felix approaching they immediately went ahead and asked:

"Shima? What's with that transformed cat tribesman in your hands? Wait a little bit... very interesting I see why you have taken him to the headquarters."

"Indeed, the lack of hex energy but the bodily strength and the ability to cultivate the breathing technique to such a high degree shows that he is a special individual, I can also sense some godly energy on his body which means he is also a God's chosen!"

"Such a special specimen, he must be studied until there is no more research value! We could even use him to strengthen the civilians to the same levels as hex energy practitioners!"

Shima shook his head as he said:

"I don't think we will be able to extract his abilities for him but he would still be a good reference material so we could create something to strengthen our civilization, his ability most likely comes from a mutation of some sort and triggering the same type of mutation on a different person is a chance of one in a trillion, meaning that even if we experimented on all of our people there is still a chance that not one of them will gain the right mutation, and as you may know beneficial mutations are very rare to get, we most likely would give them just huge doses of cancer."

"Yeah, that's true, we just got a little bit excited as we saw all of his specialness..."

"Don't be so uncultured Mintos, we all can see he is special you don't have to say it like that."

"Oh yeah sorry..."

Felix realized that even though all of them looked smart not all of them were actually as smart as Shima.

"So should we start?"

"Yeah let's get to the laboratory."

All of them started to rush towards a metal door a few meters away, Shima shook his head as he followed them slowly from behind then threw Felix into the room.

Felix finally felt his body could move again as he tried to get away from them only to find himself in a closed off white room that he couldn't make head or tails of.

He couldn't see anything besides the wait but unknowingly to him there was a glass that was dividing this room from the other experiment room which the scientists were using to observe him.

"We first start with the external observations and next you should all know the rest."

The others nodded as they took out data pads which they immediately went ahead and started to scribble some things on them as they observed Felix's behavior.

"Hmm he is acting pretty normal, I thought he would become hysterical or try to attack the panels, that would have been rather fun."

The panels were electrically charged and if Felix touched them he would be electrocuted.

Felix felt something wasn't right as he looked around the white room, he felt danger coming from everywhere!

No matter where he looked or where he stepped he felt like he wouldn't end up well so he just stayed there.

"Hmm seems his senses are way above average, send in some stimuli we don't need him to stay there for the whole day."

"Yes sir."

Felix could feel his fur stand on end as electricity started to run through the room.

Felix could sense the location that didn't have electricity in them so he started to jump from tile to tile trying to evade all of the electricity.

"Hmm, interesting his senses are way sharper than we thought, let's see how are his speed and dexterity."

Big hammers started to fall from the ceiling of the room and Felix easily dodged all of them while also evading the electricity filled places, his agility and speed were the things he prided himself on the most.

"Beautiful, excellent! He is such a superior specimen!"

"We have confirmed what we wanted to know with this experiment, now it's time for part 2!"

Felix felt everything around him stop, the electricity and the falling hammers, but he didn't feel safe at all!

He actually felt an even bigger danger coming right to him, he tried to dodge using his acute senses but he felt his scruff being grabbed again, but this time he was prepared!

His muscles started to harden making the technique the man used on him before inutile, the same technique didn't work and the man who attacked felt something wasn't right as he felt that his hand was suddenly gone!

Blood started to flow from his stump as he looked around only to see that Felix disappeared!


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