I have Nine Lives

Chapter 82: The smartest race on the planet

Felix finally left the tent after he was told when they would leave the capital, meeting these mysterious smart people made Felix rather excited, this was the first time in his life that he did something that he was interested in rather than doing something that he was ordered to.

Up till now, he had only done missions for the tribe or similar things.

So he could barely wait until tomorrow to leave the capital with Siracha!

He immediately went to his inn and went to sleep so he could wake up early.

He slept a dreamless sleep as he woke up at 5 in the morning and waited at the gate of the capital for Siracha to come.

Siracha came just a few moments later, he had a smile on his face as he patted Felix's head and told him:

"You will have to stay in this backpack of mine and don't look out when we will travel to the base of these people, they love secrecy, and considering you aren't at the shaman level yet they wouldn't want you to see the path to their temporary base."

Felix didn't mind as he hopped into Siracha's backpack that he had tied tightly to his back before sealing it so Felix wouldn't be able to see anything from it, he could still easily breathe through the backpack as it was made from the skin of an unintelligent beast specifically gifted to Siracha for such occasions by the mysterious inventors.

Felix couldn't see anything in the bag so he decided to just stay there close his eyes and doze off for the time Siracha took to arrive at the base.

Suddenly the bag started to shake waking him up from his sweet nap, he was then unceremoniously dropped on the ground.

It seemed they had arrived already!

"Wakey wakey Felix, we are here!"

Felix nursed his head with his paw as he looked around and said:

"This has been a fast trip, are we really there?"

"But of course, just take a look around you!"

Felix did take a look around him multiple times to make sure that they were in the right spot... because there was nothing of worth in his surroundings.

All around him were pine trees 10 meters tall so that meant they were around a mountainous northern region however he couldn't find anything that would indicate that someone lived here:

"Are you sure that you didn't forget the way there?"

Siracha laughed as he pointed at one tree ahead of them, it looked exactly like all the other trees around them, Felix even thought that Siracha became senile with age regardless of his new youthful look.

"Why are you pointing at that tree?"

Siracha decided that he had enough of Felix's questions and went ahead grabbing him by the scruff of his neck and threw him into the tree before following.

Felix waited for the impact with the tree but it never came, when he opened his eyes he found himself in a futuristic environment that he had never seen before even in his previous world.

White tiles stretched in front of him and the white light that lit up the whole room that he was in was very blinding even for him.

The sterile white walls gave this room a very sickly feeling that Felix couldn't really stomach.

He didn't feel really good in this room and Siracha walked just behind him and shook his head seeing his expression:

"This is how I felt the first time I have been here as well, everything looks so artificial doesn't it?"

Felix nodded, he didn't really understand the word artificial but he had it in his vocabulary and it fits the current environment.

"We aren't here to admire the environment, Felix, come with me."

The room stretched for a few tens of meters before a crossroad appeared, at the crossroad, there was a desk and a bell was placed neatly on the desk on a white piece of animal skin.

Siracha pressed the bell 4 times in a row in an interval of 2 seconds pause between each press and a robotic voice was heard from the ceiling of the building:

"4 bell rings 2 seconds delay means political visit 'hum', identity scanned 'hum' It's the shaman of the lion tribe Siracha Enoch and an unknown cat tribesman 'hum'."

Siracha didn't say anything as he waited at the desk, Felix just continued to look around and wait as well, after a few tens of minutes a person finally appeared seemingly materializing at the desk, his face was white and he wore a lab cloak, his hairstyle was a short caesar cut and he had a small mustache, the man looked rather indifferent as he gazed at Felix and Siracha while asking:

"What might I have done to have the honor of meeting the shaman of the lion tribe Siracha?"

Siracha decided to go directly to the subject as he asked about them selling their weapons to the Sparron continent along with the grenade that they have never taken out to sell to them.

"Oh, you might have a misunderstanding there sir, while our civilization works with your continents it's mostly because you are the best at using these weapons in live-action, not because we fear you or anything like that."

"We don't really have to answer your questions but we will because you have been a good customer for us for quite a long time."

"We only supplied the Sparron continent because we found their situation to be quite unlucky, being surrounded by such barbarians as you who can't live with others in peace, we found it to be quite a pity so we armed them to defend themselves."

Siracha smirked as he looked directly into the man's eyes and said:

"Is this the whole truth? Isn't it mostly because the resources of the Sparron continent would help you in your scientific research?"

The man shamelessly replied:

"This was also one of the secondary reasons but not the main one."

Before Siracha could say anything else the man continued:

"We need to be paid for our services as well don't you think? The fact that their continent is full of resources useful to us is just a happy coincidence, anything else you want to ask, or do you want to buy something? If not you will have to leave this little cat with us for the time being."

Felix's eyes narrowed as he heard about being left here, did that meant Siracha would leave him here so these people could do whatever they wanted with him?

Siracha shook his head as he said:

"He isn't here for that, don't you guys like to put strong youths to fight against each other when we come to ask questions?"

The man smiled stiffly as he said:

"Unfortunately that rule had been changed this time around, you will have to leave him with us for 20 days to 30 days or buy something."

Siracha sneered as he said:

"Then why haven't I been informed about this rule change?"

"Unfortunately we only made the rule change only a few hours ago so you must have been on the way here thus the news couldn't have arrived at you personally since we sent it back to your capital."

"You, you...."

"Buy something or leave the cat behind for the allocated time, your choice."

Unfortunately, Siracha didn't bring anything that would be interesting to these people, he looked at Felix and gritted his teeth as he asked:

"Do you sell on credit?"

The man shook his head as he said:

"We do not anymore, we had sold in the past but one person never bothered to repay their credit and seemingly disappeared from the face of the planet, anyways I guess you will leave the cat behind?"

"No, I..."

Felix started to get angry as he said:

"I don't have a saying in this?"

The man looked at Felix and weighed him with his eyes:

"Peak lieutenant level bodily strength initiated in 2 breathing techniques, hmm? this is strange, no traces of Hex energy in the body besides the one used to temper his organs and brain?"

Felix felt appalled, how had this man see through all of his secrets and power so easily?

"With your current strength you shouldn't even be allowed to come near 10 meters from the entrance of this base but here you are and you think you actually have something to say in front of us?"

"Very sad that you haven't been disciplined well but I guess Siracha dotes on you for some reason that I don't really care about."

The man glanced at Siracha who was extremely conflicted and he asked again:

"So tell me what it will be Siracha, leave him behind or buy something? Oh, nevermind about that you will surely leave him behind as I can sense there is nothing of interest on your body."

Siracha looked down at Felix and finally took two steps backward as two red dots appeared on his forehead and chest:

"I indicate against trying to run away with your little friend."

Siracha frowned but ultimately he lifted his hands and decided to quit... there was nothing he could do here, he let Felix down at this point!

The man jumped over the desk that he was and Felix immediately saw a long brown tail running out of his tailbone and finally leaving his lab coat, this was a kind of tail that he had never seen before.

"Now little thing come with me... we will have to do some experiments."

Felix didn't feel well as he saw the man's expression and how he eyed his body, he just felt wrong... it was almost as if he was on the table of a surgeon ready to undergo surgery with no sedatives used! And mostly he didn't want to go with him due to his creepy gaze!

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