I have Nine Lives

Chapter 60: Team training

Their new training couldn't take much time as they got closer and closer to the shore of the continent so Lindo decided to create a quick training plan that he put into use immediately!

They needed to get closer to each other and learn about each other so they would fight together properly, giving out signals only through the motions of their hands, feet or heads would give them a big advantage in situations in which they couldn't talk, their souls weren't strong enough for them to use telepathy yet so they would have to do this instead.

Felix was the one that had the easiest time as he was already quite familiar with one of the persons, Lindo had a harder time as Felix's body wasn't humanoid but he knew him well enough for him to recognize what he meant through short actions... the one who had the hardest time and was the most annoyed by this training was his highness Bizkier.

He wasn't a man that interacted with many people from the start so he didn't know body language very well, he was only a fighter and not a people's man like Felix, but unlike Felix, he didn't have a friend like Lindo which could make him a little bit more sociable.

Felix was getting annoyed with his inability to learn such easy motions and he almost rebuked him a few times due to how angry he got... Lindo was acting more gently with him because he saw a hint of Felix's past in him, the inability to understand the emotions of others, Felix was still there but he was getting better at reading people as time passed.

"Ok let me show you one more time, a nod means that I'm ok with the actions that you are about to get, a shake of the head means no or negative based on the situation, a motion with the hand means..."

Lindo easily explained while making examples as he took his time teaching Bizkier about what he should know in the situation, it took Bizkier so much time that they reached the shore before he fully understood all of the communication tricks that Lindo taught him.

Now they all looked at each other, the elephant shaman woke up and Siracha was currently taking off some of his clothes as he waved his hand towards them and said:

"If you don't want to get your gear wet you should put it in your spatial bag and heave it over your head while we swim, anyways I'm ready when you are, I will be at the forefront along with the oldie behind you as there are quite a few strong maritime tribes in the ocean that do not really like outsiders going through their territory so we will have to deter them with our auras."

The old elephant shaman nodded as he took off his clothes as well leaving himself in tong-like underwear that showed a bit too much for the eyes to see. All of the others avoided looking towards the old man's crotch as they were innately disgusted.

Felix even immediately jumped into the water even though his innate instinct as a cat was to avoid it.

Siracha shook his head as he jumped as well along with Lindo who followed behind him, Bizkier couldn't help himself but ask:

"Why are you wearing that atrocious thing?"

The old man scratched the tip of his nose, opened his mouth to say something, closed it then jumped into the water without looking back!

"What is the problem with him?" Bizkier muttered as he jumped as well after he quickly got rid of his clothes and stuffed them into his own special equipment.

The ocean water was cold, Felix felt that his body temperature went down by 6 degrees and it continued to decrease as he stayed inside the water, his fur started to smell of seawater and combined with the normal smell of wet fur it made even himself disgusted by a bit, he had the innate instinct to start licking himself to clean his body but he knows that he would be quite salty right now and he would continue getting wet as he swam in the water.

Siracha swam ahead quite easily as he used his muscles perfectly Felix waited for him to take the lead along with the old man so they could do what they were supposed to. Deter any forces that would stop them from getting to their destination!

They unleashed their purple colored aura in unison and the fusion between auras created a field of energy that surrounded the 5 people like a bubble.

Now anyone that got near them would be identified before they could escape and they were also like a strong beacon of light that both showed itself and deterred those that had bad intentions.

On this planet, there were very few people who would want to attack a duo of shamans as strong as Siracha and the old elephant Mashi.

They swam along in the waters of the ocean as the temperature started to decrease accordingly as they got farther and farther away from the cliff that they jumped from.

The shore was becoming almost unseeable in Felix's eyes as all he could see around any more was water.

Now they had to better their coordination through training exercises but it would be considerably harder because of their current situation.

Felix tried to make some combo attacks or combat patterns that they could use and switch between to fight properly in the battle, but it didn't really work out well considering they were swimming and they couldn't use their best techniques, so they had to improvise and do some things that they wouldn't do on land, they changed some of their techniques to better adapt to their environment so they could at least have some experience working together instead of going in down without any familiarity between them.

Day and night alternated as they had to sleep while swimming, this was very hard for the three youths while the shaman duo didn't really need sleep and the old man could do it quite easily.

They were getting closer to the island and Felix could feel that it wouldn't be much time before they reached it, he had a hunch about it, and his hunch was Siracha's increasing swimming speed.

The water coldness was reaching a level that started to turn unbearable to the youth trio but the shamans didn't do anything as they said when they saw them shivering:

"Ah this reminds me of the intercontinental battle back then, so young and full of vigor I was, hopefully, they won't end up like me."

The old man laughed as he pointed at Siracha:

"Oh yeah, I remembered you lost the face of the lion tribe fully back then, you even..."

Siracha put a hand on the man's mouth to cover it while he moved his eyes to the side to indicate that there were other people around and he didn't want his prestige to be sullied in front of the juniors.

Felix wasn't really interested in the story and nor was Bizkier as they attempted their best to ward off the cold that was seeping in his body, but Lindo was actually quite interested in his grandfather's past as the man didn't like to talk about his really young days.

However, considering how he acted with the elephant shaman it was better to take his mind off these things as he activated the latent hex energy in his body to ward off the cold that was crippling his limbs slowly.

There was a chance they could either get hypothermia or get stronger from this, the shamans bet on the second part with a little bit of the first one as well, but not a deadly dose.

Felix could almost feel his eyes closing and his body stopping as he couldn't ward off the cold anymore, unlike the duo that was swimming alongside him he couldn't really use the surrounding hex energy to heat himself since the energy was cold and he also didn't have his own pool of hex energy in his body that he could manipulate how he wanted.

Felix swimming speed started to slow down and Lindo even offered a hand as he said:

"Let me help with this one buddy."

Even though Felix's body was way tempered than theirs there was a limit to how much cold he could continuously endure before it would shut down, and just like it was said before, Felix couldn't heat himself!

Felix took a long look at the offered hand before he slowly started to trudge towards Lindo, his eyes were shuttling close but suddenly Siracha's voice could be heard:

"Don't you want to get stronger? You really want to rely on Lindo and not yourself to go through this ordeal?"

Felix frowned, what did the man mean? He was different compared to them... he had a glaring weakness that he couldn't get rid of as he didn't know how or if it was possible... he did want to use Lindo's help in this situation but Siracha's words made him reluctant for some reason. Was this the so-called pride?

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