I have Nine Lives

Chapter 59: Felix's patience

The traveling would take them a bit of time with their current speed, while the shamans could go faster they couldn't bring their protegees along with them, they didn't have any peculiar transportation devices either so all they could do was walk on foot to the shore then swim to the island.

Felix didn't mind the walk and talk with Lindo but the stink eye that the elephant young master was giving him didn't really make him relax as much as he wanted to... the young man was pretty annoying in that regard, it seemed he didn't know how to take defeat with grace and Felix wanted to remind him of who won their last bout.

Sensing the tense situation between the two the Elephant shaman coughed as he slapped the young master's trunk from the air and told him:

"You brat you and the other two will be a team from now on and you need to socialize to work together, you have to put your differences away for now considering the fate of our continent is at stake here, you got your ass handed to you by Felix and you are sour about that and the only thing you can do for now is bid your time until after the battle to challenge him again."

"But grand elder I..."

"No buts, I only insisted for you to come because of your abilities, you are way stronger than that lion fellow over there, and two Gods chosen would be impervious to our win, after all, only Gods chosen can deal with Gods chosen and there is a high chance the other four continents also have people like you and Felix in their midst."

The elephant young master kept his gaze down as he didn't say anything else but he got a little bit closer towards Felix and Lindo who were chatting about various ways they could improve their training regime when they heard the shuffling of feet as the elephant young master got a little faster to get closer to them who were at the forefront of the running formation.

"My name is Bizkier The 4th."

Felix looked at him up and down and said:

"Now you aren't too important to tell us your name?"

"Damn you! Be glad enough I decided to grace you with my name, you are the chosen of the weakest god and my god is stronger than yours! So I'm basically outranking you!"

Felix made a hmm sound, so Aaltarox was the weakest God? He didn't mention that when they talked, but what normal person would mention their weakness in front of a stranger? Felix didn't know how would a God think but he realized that they weren't much different from the people that surrounded him in their thinking.

Bizkier was so angry that he was getting ignored that smoke came out of his green trunk and he was ready to jump and attack Felix using his pressure field but he could feel the eyes of the shaman targeting his back which made him shake as cold sweat quickly appeared on his whole body.

He laughed a bit as he tried to continue the conversation:

"So uh... nice weather we are having right?"

It seemed he wasn't a social person.

Lindo didn't seem to find the question strange nor out of context as he smiled and said:

"Yeah seems to be good weather for traveling, Bizkier was it? Nice to meet you."

Bizkier ignored Lindo as he didn't care about him, the only one that he relatively saw as an equal was Felix because of his chosen status.

Being left out like this made Lindo feel quite awkward as he coughed into his palm and stopped trying to talk with Bizkier, he realized that the man wasn't interested in him at all so he didn't push himself to become friends with him, just like you couldn't make a donkey carry 2 big rocks on its back if you beat it to death with a stick first.

Seeing that he was ignoring Lindo's attempt at communicating made Felix quite annoyed with Bizkier so he ignored his attempts as well.

Bizkier looked with grievances at his shaman as his eyes indicated that Felix didn't want to talk with him but it seemed that the elephant shaman was somehow dozing off while running. Bizkier also couldn't ask for help from Siracha who was at the head of the formation and leading them to the location of the island.

This leads him to be between a rock and a hard place, if he didn't talk with them his shaman would be disappointed in him and some things could happen that he didn't really know about... and he also couldn't talk with them because of his own pride combined with the fact that the more important of the duo was ignoring his attempts at talking even though he swallowed his pride to make conversation first.

Felix couldn't understand Bizkier, as chosen by god he didn't feel much different compared to others besides that he could revive himself, why did he act like he was better than everybody? While Lindo wasn't looking strong on the surface all that training he did wasn't for show only, at this point he could be considered as strong as he was when he defeated Bizkier... as for himself, he didn't have any concrete clue of how strong he currently was. All he knew was that he was stronger than back then.

Siracha coughed to disrupt the tense atmosphere between the fighters and said trying to find a common ground between them:

"Why don't you three talk about some plans and schemes for the intercontinental battle? You won't have much time to talk when the fight will start and you would be moving and fighting while trying to survive so you won't have time for thinking or talking anymore."

This gave them the perfect excuse to talk with each other.

Felix looked at Bizkier before he reluctantly asked:

"Any bright ideas for the upcoming fight?"

Bizkier smiled with condescension as he thought that Felix was asking him because he was smarter than him and said:

"Well, we could always first try guerilla tactics taking teams out one by one or hiding until the others exhaust each other before swooping in to take the kills."

"Good ideas but very common, don't you think the others thought about this as well?"

Bizkier became a bit angry after being rebuked so fast but he understood where Felix was coming from, his plans were very common and they would be used in most short wars so it was obvious most experienced warriors would know about them and have plans against them.

Felix looked at Lindo and decided to let him talk, he was a little bit smarter than him in group fights, while Felix was a good warrior he was no general, Lindo wasn't general either but he was a little bit better at tactics compared to Felix.

"While your plans are feasible we need something different so we could get an advantage compared to the other team... something that could be unique to us, do you have any ability that could help us during the fights?"

Bizkier muttered under his breath for a few seconds before saying:

"Felix should know about it already but I have a barrier and pressure ability that could defend us against their attacks and slow them, actually our formation is quite perfect now that I think more about it, we have the damage dealer (Felix), the tank (Lindo) and the support (me)"

Lindo nodded, their formation wasn't half bad but that didn't mean they would win with formation alone, they would also need coordination, and considering Bizkier was a stranger to one and an unfriendly acquaintance to the other they should have trained with each other for quite a bit before they settled out like this.

At this point, the one who felt awkward was the elephant shaman as he realized what they did as well.. it wasn't that he didn't want Bizkier to train with them but he... forgot, somehow he as an elephant forgot about this, it seemed his age was really getting to him, but it was normal considering he was already old when Siracha was a child and Siracha was above 300 years.

Felix sighed as he looked at Lindo then at Bizkier, they would have to train their coordination on foot while running towards the island as for when they would have to swim... that would be a little bit harder but it was still in doable standards.

They first started with some teamwork exercises as they coordinated with each other, since Bizkier was the support he was also the one who gave out commands, Felix didn't mind as long as the commands were going to give out good results so let him talk.

Lindo felt it a bit awkward to take instructions from him as he still didn't know much about him but considering Felix didn't seem to have problems with it he decided to go along...

And this was how the final team training before the intercontinental battle started.

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