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Chapter 98: HYDRA's destruction.

Of course, only he knew this plan, and only he could do it.

After this, Iron Man went to the command center, ready to directly destroy the defense system of the HYDRA base, so that other Avengers could enter as well.

Meanwhile outside the base, the Avengers were still fighting. Bruce had a couple of different types of abilities, making it very easy for him to kill HYDRA’s members without breaking a sweat.

Although HYDRA trusted him very much at present, Bruce didn’t have a guilty conscience in the slightest.

All he did, was for the purpose of developing the plot faster. This was all inevitable, and as he continued to kill, the energy value he got became more and more.

He was extremely fast and extremely powerful as well, making it quite easy for him to gain energy value from these weak agents.

As for the other Avengers, after Iron Man destroyed the defense system, they also entered the base.

At this time, Baron Strucker and Dr. List had also discovered Bruce’s behavior, which was also part of Bruce’s plan. They understood exactly what happened, which enraged them even more.

“Damn, damn! That Bruce has hidden himself quite deeply!” Strucker was furious, but he could do nothing about it.

At this point, HYDRA’s destruction was only a matter of time. If someone was to blame, it could only be himself for leading a wolf into his own house.

“What about the twins? Have them act!” Strucker seemed to think of something and immediately ordered his subordinates.

Dr. List, the person who ‘created’ Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, just stood there and said nothing. Originally, their creation had been his biggest achievement, but now, that achievement had been taken away from him.

“They have disappeared. It seems that they have been manipulated by that traitor, Bruce,” said List.

This was what he found the most unacceptable. The twins that he had raised for years, had been taken over by Bruce in under a month. HYDRA was truly the only loser in this battle of theirs so far.

After hearing what Dr. List had said, Strucker was shocked!

“All of this is Bruce’s conspiracy!”  He was so furious that he couldn’t even bring himself to believe this fact.

After so many years, HYDRA had not only recovered to what it was, but had even become stronger than ever before.

However Pierce’s death, coupled with Bruce’s devious plans, had turned their years of hard work to nothing. This would definitely make anyone angry!

“Mr. Strucker, are you talking about me?” At this time, Bruce appeared at the command center.

He was standing there with a calm look on his face, as if everything that was happening at present had nothing to do with him.

And behind him, Black Widow, Captain America, Thor, Iron Man and the others all just stood there. Hawkeye had already drawn his bow. As long as they made any abnormal actions, he would immediately shoot.

Hulk on the other hand, had already left. It was not easy for him to control himself, so he decided to leave this place a bit earlier, which was why he was not with Black Widow.

“It’s you, you betrayed us!” Strucker said, looking at Bruce with a strong killing intent in his eyes.

He hated Bruce so much, but he could not do anything at the moment.

“All of you are too naive.” After Bruce finished his speaking, he made his move and killed everyone present, excluding those two of course.

Once again he gained some energy values, and only Strucker and Dr. List were left alive at this point. Those two were top dogs in HYDRA and were not supposed to be killed so easily.

“Have we finished our task?” Captain America glanced at the people around him, and the others nodded in agreement.

They couldn’t believe that the process of destroying HYDRA this time would be so easy. It went smoothly, almost without any accidents.

“It’s all because of Bruce,” Black Widow said.

She was very curious and there seemed to be a lot of questions on her mind right now, but she decided not to ask right now.

“Find Loki’s Scepter, and leave the other matters to Fury,” Captain America gave an order, before glancing at Bruce.

Black Widow was not the only one curious, the others also had many questions they wanted to ask. The only reason they all held in their curiosities, was because of their present circumstances.

Regardless of anything else however, the one thing that the Avengers could all be sure of, was that Bruce was on their side.

Soon afterwards, Loki’s scepter was found. This time around, they didn’t hand it over to anyone and kept it themselves. After all, they were afraid of repeating the same mistake, and would ensure that this time it doesn’t happen.

But no one noticed that there was a hint of red magic on the scepter. Although it only flashed for an instant, it did appear.

After they were finished, the Avengers directly left for the helicopter.

Banner had gone out of his Hulk form, as there was no need for it at the moment. Bruce also came aboard the helicopter with the rest of them and left HYDRA’s base.

Not too far away, the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were standing in a dark area, observing everything.

This time around, the Avengers didn’t even discover the existence of the twins, much less develop them.

“Wanda, aren’t we going to follow them?” Quicksilver looked at Bruce and then said to Scarlet Witch.

“Mr. Bruce has already told us his plan, we just need to follow it. Let’s go,” Scarlet Witch said.

Bruce had already explained what he wanted them to do. HE asked them to go to a certain place, and after a few days passed, a robot would come look for them.

It was part of Bruce’s plan, and what the Scarlet Witch needed to do was to perform her role in Bruce’s plan to the best of her ability.

Quicksilver nodded. Because of Bruce, they could have meaning in their lives.

Subsequently, the two left.

As for their safety, Bruce didn’t need to worry, after all, he didn’t make them do all of that training for nothing.

Meanwhile, HYDRA had officially been wiped off the face of the Earth.


On the plane, Bruce sat with the Avengers.

The battle had been a great success, to the point that it exceeded their expectations.

After a short break, Captain America, Thor and the others all looked at Bruce.

“Why do you have the ability to use lightning and why did you appear at the HYDRA Base?” Thor asked directly, and Fury also came to Bruce’s side at that point.

He wanted to know the answer Bruce had for this, and in detail. Bruce on the other hand, had already prepared his answers for all of the questions they had, so he didn’t mind.

Everyone present was well aware about HYDRA’s means, and their main concern was that he was a traitor in their mix, placed by HYDRA.

“Actually, you probably know that Loki’s scepter is a very powerful weapon already.” Bruce was not in a hurry, and he slowly explained.

Everyone nodded, as they roughly knew about the existence of the Infinity Gems and  their uses.

But they were still unclear on the specifics, so they waited for him to continue.

Bruce knew very well what he should say. And he was sure that even though Fury was the king of spies, he wouldn’t be able to find any flaws in his answers.

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