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Chapter 97: Plan!

“Thor, when did you become so powerful?”

Iron Man had a deep impression in regards to Thor’s lightning power. He knew very well just how powerful it was.

In fact, if Thor’s lightning struck him, his armor wouldn’t be able to bear it and he would vaporize. That was why he was even a little afraid of Thor, but he figured that it was normal for him to have such a feeling.

Meanwhile, the intercoms of the Avengers were connected to the same channel, so they knew what the others’ conversation was about.

The lightning they saw just now was really powerful and dreadful. Even if they were the Avengers, they were still extremely fearful of it.

Although each of them had special abilities, all of their abilities had their limits. And once the limit was exceeded, they couldn’t bear it.

Just like the thunderbolt just now, few people could really bear it. So they all wanted to see what Thor would say.

“This is not my doing, even I don’t know what just happened,” Thor was a little puzzled, because he didn’t do that just now.

But if they were to assume that it was just the weather, it would be a little too unbelievable.

The clouds had all converged together to deliver such a powerful lightning strike, it was obvious that there was someone behind this.

Thor, the god of thunder and lightning, knew about this very well. Therefore, without any further hesitation, Thor directly flew into the sky using his hammer and appeared near Bruce.

He wanted to know who caused that powerful lightning strike, and just as he landed, he saw a very familiar person standing there.

There were scorched bodies surrounding this person, most of which were wearing clothes with HYDRA symbols on them.

“Bruce, why are you here?” Thor was a little shocked.

But when he saw the traces of lightning around him, an unimaginable thought suddenly appeared in his head.

Did Bruce do this?

“Bruce? Thor, what’s going on?”

“Thor, did you see Bruce? Where is he?”

“Where is he? Is he hurt? Or is he the same as Bucky?”

After Thor shouted out Bruce’s name, every single one of the Avengers froze in place. Bruce had been missing for a long time now, and yet he suddenly appeared here without prior warning?

After hearing the rest of his team members suddenly asking him questions, Thor lifted his hammer, and a trace of solemnity appeared on his face.

Before going on this mission, Thor had received information that HYDRA had previously controlled Winter Soldier with the help of Loki’s scepter, and now that Bruce suddenly appeared here, he could possibly be controlled as well.

“Huh? Thor! You came just in time, give me the intercom.” Bruce, who was just thinking about how to get in contact with Iron Man, was extremely happy to see Thor.

“How can I be sure you’re not being controlled?” Thor was still a little uneasy, but just from looking at Bruce’s expression, he didn’t seem to be under any kind of influence.

“No time to explain. This matter is very important,” after saying that, Bruce walked up to Thor.

Thor hesitated for a while but eventually he gave Bruce the intercom. At the same time however, he raised his vigilance.

After Bruce got the intercom, he instantly said, “Stark, HYDRA’s weakest point is at the southeast corner. You can break through from there and destroy their defense system!”

After hearing Bruce’s words, Iron Man spaced out for a moment, before taking action immediately.

Meanwhile, after hearing Bruce’s voice themselves, everyone believed that Bruce was truly not under any sort of control. This belief was further strengthened when Iron Man really broke through HYDRA’s defense system by following Bruce’s orders.

With the breakthrough of the defense system, Iron Man immediately entered the base.

Bruce returned the intercom to Thor, looked at him and said, “Don’t be stunned. Hurry up and move.”

Thor looked at Bruce in amazement, because he could clearly feel how powerful Bruce was at present.

“What the hell is going on? Why can you control the power of lightning?” Now, Thor was in a huge doubt. The power of controlling thunderbolt was his unique ability.

“I think it might be because of the Loki scepter. HYDRA used it in an experiment. However, an accident occurred during the experiment, and then I found that my ability became stronger. Let’s take action first, I’ll explain the rest later.”

After saying that, Bruce disappeared directly from Thor’s side.

In fact, when contacting Avengers Base , Bruce had already thought how to explain why he disappeared all of a sudden,  and he could also reveal his abilities to them, bit by bit.

He would just contribute all of this to Loki’s scepter. Only in this way, everything about his strength could be explained.

Loki scepter’s power was from the Mind gem and it was so powerful. It was totally reasonable to use the power of scepter to create a stronger Bruce.

Anyway, Bruce had found a perfect answer to all these questions.

Now the most important thing for Bruce was to kill HYDRA’s members, so that he could get a lot of energy value from this battle. Only in this way, could he download more powerful abilities.

As to the download targets, Bruce already had a rough idea. For him, suitable abilities were better than stronger abilities, so that he could remove some of his shortcomings.

The Avengers also took action immediately after a short break in concentracion because of him.

No matter how many questions they had in their mind, the most important thing at present was to destroy HYDRA’s base.

But no one knew that there was a person waiting for Iron Man for a long time after he entered the HYDRA base. In the dark, a serious look appeared on Scarlet Witch’s face. She was looking at Iron Man who was not far away.

“This is the person Mr. Bruce was talking about.” She looked at Iron Man, having confirmed his identity.

At this moment, she directly turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.

Iron Man, who had just taken off the steel battle suit , was extremely vulnerable in the Scarlet Witch’s eyes.

At this time, Scarlet Witch suddenly appeared behind him, which Iron Man did not notice..


Scarlet Witch raised her hand, and a series of red magic balls instantly invaded Iron Man’s mind.

The next moment, Scarlet Witch disappeared. She had completed the first phase of her job. At the same time, Iron Man had seen the plot in Avengers: Age of Ultron, in which all of the Avengers were dead.

Even the Vibranium Shield broke in half. Iron Man saw the death of all the Avengers, and soon after, he regained his consciousness.

Everything around him had not changed, but Iron Man looked pale. In the future, they would seem to meet opponents that could destroy the Avengers in their entirety.

But now that he saw what would happen, he had to ensure that he did everything he could to prevent that.

And so, a plan began to form in his head.

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