I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 293

It was worth it to get here quickly, and no children were hurt.

"What are you?"

A guy with a face I've never seen before asks, pointing his arm in my direction.

That face and that arm are definitely…….

"Zerag. What is a mercenary from the Middle East doing in the Korean Peninsula?"

"You know me? Ha, that's unusual."

Did he not expect anyone to recognize him?

He looks in my direction, the corners of his mouth twitching upward in surprise.

Zerag the Vanishing, a spatial wizard from the Middle East named so for his beam-like magic that seems to annihilate everything it touches.

"But……who are you, from the looks of it, are you one of the villains?"

He stares at me, trying to figure out which side I'm on but before I could answer.

"Magical Rogue, why is Magical Rogue here?!"

Jin-woo, who had been looking at me, spoke first.

Zerag frowned as if he didn't even find that funny.

"……Magical Rogue? What kind of name is that?"

"──Don't you dare lower the name of righteousness. Villain."

I infuse the brass crucifix in my fist with aura, and a pink aura of holy power begins to emanate from it.

If anyone were to see this now, they would be horrified.

It's hard to see a human emanating this much holy power.

He actually raised his arms, then slowly lowered them and spoke to me.

"Okay…… first, I'd like to know why you're here. If your purpose aligns with mine, then there's no need for us to see blood, right?"

So you're a mercenary, but you don't want to see blood?

Yeah, that's the right attitude.

I was curious as to what their true purpose was, so I decided to give them mine first.

I held up a finger.


I point to the Shinrok.

"Give it to me."


"I am a man of justice for my beliefs, and I have come to steal Shinrok. Why? Do our goals overlap?"

He looks puzzled by my question for a moment.

Then, impatiently, one of the terrorists shouted at him.

"Zerag, you're breaking the contract. Our contract is to take Shinrok and move it to a safe area!"

Ho ho, is this the leader of the terrorists? I memorize his location and body type.


He sighs and looks at me after hearing my words.

"You hear me? I guess seeing blood is inevitable."

"I guess so."

From behind him, Jin-woo shouts at me.

"Help me, Magical Rogue!"

"……I'm only doing justice."

I steadied myself, averting my eyes from the figure.

I take out the ‘Magical Shotgun’, a huge magic wand that has been transformed in advance from the cube, and inject divine power.

It was a true holy shotgun and a weapon for exorcizing villains.

"A terrible weapon."

"This beauty has a wonderful name, Constantine."


At the same time, a beam of light from the hand he pointed at me flew straight for my heart.

A violet beam coming at me with such speed that I couldn't even think of dodging.

"Wee, it's dangerous!"

I hear Se-ah's startled voice from behind me.

"Magical iron."

I deflect it with a grunt.


Is it because I don't feel anything despite his beam hitting me squarely in the heart? He gives me a look of disbelief.

But I'm not surprised since that’s the downside to space mages like him.

"You space mages have a very difficult time forcing people or objects of a certain level to move."

Of course, it depends on the level, but what if I, who originally had a strong aura, was now surrounded by divine power after using a holy relic?

"Spatial magic from a distance── doesn't work against me."

I need not fear his beam at all.

He stops firing his beam as if he's been defeated, then taps his forehead.

"Ha. I didn't expect someone of your stature to come to the zoo."

“You probably knew about the existence of a space wizard named Ji-hyun, right? In the end, if she comes, you have no choice but to suffer, right?”

Even if Zerag were a mercenary of renown, he would still be a local at best. He can't compare to the World Class, Ji-hyun.

Even if they were both spatial magicians, the difference between their levels would be stark.

"I know that shit. That’s why you used bullshit terrorist plan, and I don't even use fucking teleportation."

If he teleported away, his coordinates would be traced back to him in an instant.

That's why he'd set up such a cumbersome operation.

"In the end, it comes down to this. We have to finish this before Ji-hyun gets here."

Violet mana flickered around him for a moment.

"So, let's make it quick."

"……That's a good idea."

I take a deep breath and lower my body significantly.

I get into a crouching start for the sole purpose of momentary acceleration.

"The beam didn't work, but what about something like this?"

He chuckles and opens his arms.



Countless shadows fall across the sky above my head.

In an instant, the animals spread throughout the zoo were transferred.

I didn't expect them to attack me as living creatures.

I was wondering what to do in this unexpected situation.

"We'll take care of this! Deal with the terrorist!"

"Ma, leave it to me!"

The animals disappeared again, and one by one the mud giants ran to where the animals were falling.

The kids in the back were helping me.

They didn't even know what I was doing…….

"As expected, justice is cheered wherever it goes."


With a sound like a bullet, my body flew forward.


In response, he summons an elephant in front of him to block the way.


"Magical Sliding."

Using the power of justice, I merge with the ground and activate a skill that allows me to slip into the shadows, leaping in front of him.

His body begins to glow at the same time.

He must be preparing to flee somewhere else.

Can't miss……!

"Magical Constantine Ascension."

Using the momentum of my burst from the shadows, I swing Constantine at his jaw.

Constantine's headbutt lands on his chin in a brilliant pink trajectory but his chin is up, so the attack only grazes the tip of his jaw.

It does succeed in rattling his brain, though, and he staggers back.

At the same time, his teleportation attempt fails, sending him crashing through the air.


I grab him by the scruff of the neck and smile broadly.

No matter what he was called, he was only a mercenary.

He doesn't have the same combat prowess as Ji-hyun, but he does have a good offense that can be used as a supporter.

For someone like me, who specializes in melee combat, it's over the moment he's captured.

Of course.

"You want to grab me……? See how far you can take me……!"

In a last ditch effort, he tried to teleport away with me.

"Magical Dispel."

With a punch to the jawbone, I unleashed Magical Rogue's special move that shook the wizard's mind, shattering the spell.


"Magical Jawbone Break."

I activated another special move, Jawbone Break.

A terrible "Woof!" sound came from his jaw but the divine power in my fist healed him.

Ah yes, this is the taste!

The true embodiment of justice, where even if you hit, the opponent recovers, and even if they want to die, they can't.

"What the──!"

"Magical Elbow."

A battle method unique to the Magical Rogue, where destruction and recovery coexist.

I couldn't help but be excited by the act of enjoying it for the first time in a long time.


He fainted after less than three minutes.

Maybe it's because he's always running away? Apparently, he had no pain tolerance at all.

Within a few minutes, he's already looking like this.

I hoped that a few more slaps would wake him up, so I gave him a few slaps with my divine power, but he didn't move.


I tossed him aside and walked over to the Shinrok they had tied up.


A restraint made of a material that absorbed both Aura and mana.

It was similar to the pink bracelet I used to wear.

"This should be easy to carry."

I lifted it up with both hands and was about to walk away.

"Hey, wait!"

A voice called out to me.

I spun around to see Jin-woo standing there, with his dagger raised in front of me.

"That, that Shinrok. You can't take it."


"Because the Shinrok belongs to the zoo, and besides, as an academy cadet, I can't stand to see you stealing……!"

Jin-woo sounded so cool for some reason but he’s too inexperienced.

"If I leave it behind, someone else will eventually come after it. The elixirs made from it are quite valuable on the world market."

"You're a villain who wants it too……!"

"……A villain. No, I'm just a being who fulfills justice in my own way. As long as it stays here, there will be raids."

As long as Shinrok is in human society, these things are bound to happen.

Right now, I know better than anyone else the effects of the elixirs made from Shinrok.

"I'd rather take the blame than stand idly by and watch it fall into their hands!"

And I meant it.

"Oh well, maybe Ji-hyun will be here soon. I'll leave now……Keep up the good work, cadets of the Academy!"

And with that, I stomped off. I activate a telepathic signal along the way, making it difficult to track me.

Once I reach a deserted area, I activate the Dimensional Warehouse and push Shinrok inside.

Finally, after making sure no one was around, I dismantled the transformation and took a breather.

Without Zerag, the other terrorists should be easy for my class to take care of.

All I have to do now is return to my original position and play the victim of a wrongful teleportation.

Thinking it was the perfect alibi, I returned to my original spot and saw the terrorists kneeling as expected, with Ji-hyun diligently directing them.

"Instructor, it's Eugene!"

Marie, the first of the children to spot me, exclaimed.

In response, Ji-hyun also saw me and waved for me to come closer with a serious expression.

"Uh, are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Where are you injured?"

"I'm fine, except……I fell on the floor and got my clothes a little dirty."


Ji-hyun nodded, as if she thought I was fine, and suddenly put her hand on my shoulder.

"I heard you took charge of this place while I was gone. I'm sorry you had a hard time."

"……Thank you."

What the hell is this guy doing all of a sudden, I thought awkwardly.

"So, by the way……."


"In a little while, can you testify that I didn't do anything wrong? I think they're going to ask me to reimburse the payment."


Uh huh, well then.

* * *

~A few hours after the zoo attack~

The sun has long since disappeared, leaving only a single, fiery moon in the night sky.

Beneath it, Corleone’s men bustle about.

I stood in front of them, silently polishing my weapons and preparing for battle.

"Well, now that we're here. We'll have to clean up."

How dare the terrorists set foot on the Korean Peninsula, where Corleone is based.

The zoo that was attacked today was the zoo that Jiyun and I were going to visit this weekend.

When Jiyun received the news of today's attack, she burst into tears and hugged father all day so father gave me an order.

──Wipe out the naturalists on the Han Peninsula.

As an Executive and as Jiyun's brother, I was to command this operation from beginning to end.

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