I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 292

The road to Area D-2 was nothing short of chaos, with animals escaping through broken cages and people running away from them.

"Follow the light on the ground!"

"This way, this way, everyone!"

Even in this chaotic situation, we are moving forward while evacuating citizens.

All of this was possible thanks to Se-ah, who can immediately understand the space, and Marie, who has the ability of a puppet master.


But was it because they were mapping and helping people evacuate at the same time? Se-ah, running side by side with me, suddenly frowned.

"Are you okay?"

"I can still hold on……!"

"……Don't overdo it."


"Marie, how about you?"

"I'm fine, it's not that hard to keep up!"

Thank goodness.

Meanwhile, Jin-woo, who's been walking beside me with his mouth hanging open, blurts out.

"Why didn't you ask me?"

Jin-woo ran all the way here and helped chase away the approaching animals. Of course, if you ask me if I played an active role, I can say that I did……

"I never raised you to be so weak."


The Jin-woo I knew wasn't this weak. It's better for education to ignore him.

At that moment, Se-ah looked in my direction and shouted.

"We need to make contact with them soon!"

"What about the civilians around?"

"I don't think there are any thanks to the other kids helping!"

"Okay, upon contact, me and Jin-woo will strike first. Se-ah and Marie back up. Marie should focus more on keeping the animals and people around from getting caught in the fight than to help with the attack."

After that simple order we passed a sign that read "Monster World" and were almost at our target.

"Turn left here!"


I accelerated once, rounded the corner, and raised my fist in the air to give them a quick salute.

"CIAO (bye)."


My fist collided with the forearm of the guy in front of me, and a loud bang resounded that could not have come from a human body.

He was sent flying backwards, crumpling from the impact of my fist.


The others stopped dead in their tracks as the ejected creature slumped to the ground.


The black-clad ones muttered quietly when they saw my outfit.

Apparently, all the masked men here are the terrorists involved in this incident.

Judging by the shape of their masks and the way they're dressed, I'm guessing they're terrorists…….

"You guys. You're the naturists?"


The ones in the front flinched and trembled, as if they were surprised that they had been recognized by their outfits alone.


A group of people with the bizarre notion that everything that comes from nature is good for you. They plunder and consume everything that comes from nature, from freshwater to elixirs and mushrooms, depending on the species.

"I didn't count on the Academy cadets getting involved……!"

At my appearance, they each drew their weapons and pointed them in this direction.

Guns, swords, spears, bows…….

The disparate array of weaponry seemed to be a testament to the kind of group they were.

"I don't like to kill people that don't have blood on their hands, but…… you brought this on yourselves."

"What a third-rate villainous line──Jin-woo, go in and distract them first."


At my command, Jin-woo generated a gust of wind and lifted himself high into the air.

It looked like he was going to leap over the enemies and head straight for Shinrok, but they weren't going to let that happen. They began to point their weapons at him in unison, trying to hold him back.

"Don't let him get close!"

Multiple projectiles were fired in unison.

I could have taken it upon myself to stop them, but…….


The problem was solved without my intervention.

Once our Familia wizard had spoken, we were in control of the space.

Se-ah stretched her hand toward the sky as violet mana pulsed in her hands, proof that she was interfering with the enemy's attack.

The trajectories of the projectiles that had been flying straight at Jin-woo quickly began to intertwine, sending them flying in the wrong direction.

"Se-ah! Thank you!"

Jin-woo managed to get behind the enemy.

"Damn little brat!"

"Who's a damn little brat, aaahhhh?!"

Jin-woo deflects the attack of the masked man who throws a fist at him and immediately slices his arm.



The masked man screams as he looks at his limp arm but Jin-woo doesn't even look at him, just lowers himself down and steps on his leg.

Unable to keep his balance, he falls, and before he knows it, Jin-woo's foot is pressing down on the top of his head.

"Tsk, why do you come here when you’re so weak, you bastards? I think you're out of luck."

……Well, at this point, Jin-woo could take care of most villains by himself. He would survive any situation, so there was no need to worry too much.

"……They're kids. Push them."

The guy standing in front of Shinrok slowly stepped forward, picked up his radio, and started muttering something.

Apparently, he was trying to gather the other terrorists here.

"Se-ah, do you think you can secure Shinrok?"

"What? Me?"

"Can you teleport him like Instructor Ji-hyun did?"

"I think once we make contact, it'll work……."

"All we have to do is make contact, right? Okay. Marie, I'm going to cut a path, can you follow me?"

Marie looks surprised at my words.

"Me, I'm in there with you?"

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe."

"It's ……I'll do it, I'll do it!"

"Okay, on three. One……two……three."

Before charging in, I activated Black Mist skill, Dark Thunder.


A huge thunderous sound reverberates around us as we charge in.

I enter the enemy's formation ahead of Marie and break through.

The enemies are sent flying around as if they were bounced off.

"This isn't a normal guy, go at full force!"

It was confirmed that a guy wielding flames in both fists was approaching from the left.

"What do you think you're going to do with that?"

I immediately dye both of his hands with black flames and punch him in the face.



Losing the battle of strength, he quickly stumbles backwards.

"Yeah, now that's something."

Another punch to its jaw, this time completely incapacitating him.

"Marie! Se-ah! Come with me!"

"Aaaaah! Sorry! Sorry!"

"Get out of my way!"

Marie pilots a mud golem three times her size, mowing down anyone who stands in her way.

Se-ah pushed forward as well, controlling the trajectory of the magic and projectiles that flew at us and also using her martial arts skills to subdue those who lunged at her.

“Damn kids……If you are academy students, you should be in the academy.”

A man walks out from among the terrorists with a lit cigarette.

The sight of him smoking while wearing a mask was quite comical.

“Why are you nagging me about how great you are when you’re being blocked by academy students?”

I ask as I wipe the blood off my gloves, and he tilts his head in disbelief and chuckles.

"Yeah, I'll give you that, I didn't think I'd get stuck with the academy kids. And if Ji-hyun joins us, it's going to get pretty complicated."

He spat on the ground, tossed his cigarette butt on the floor, and stomped his foot.

"You're the reason I have to work, you damn kids……."

At the same time, purple energy begins to ripple out from where he stepped, engulfing the area around him.

"This energy is……Eugene, you shouldn't be there! Get out of there now!"

As I try to move away as Se-ah warns me.

"Where are you going……?!"

The guys who had fallen on me earlier moved like zombies, grabbing my feet to seal my movement.

"Apparently you're the boss, so why don't I just get rid of you? What do you think?"

No way, asshole…….

"That's it for the zoo for today. Please, come back another time. Bye-bye."

He waves his hand in my direction.

At the same time, a violet magic energy starts to envelop me, and at the same time, the guys holding me release their arms from me.

My vision reverses as it should, and in front of me is a place I've never seen before, but……huh?

"Why isn't anything happening?"

My body remained the same, except for the violet energy surging around me.

No, wait, that can't be…….

I remembered what Ji-hyun had said to me this morning.

‘Ha, I didn't think there was anyone in our class who could resist my powers already. This is another surprise.’

I was resisting his teleportation magic now.

No doubt about it. If Ji-hyun could only move me by touching me, how could another one teleport me far away?

"Well, this will make things easier, won't it?"

I immediately activated Spirit Walk, hiding myself in the shadows, and began to sprint away from here, looking for a better chance to rampage.

* * *


Se-ah shouted with all the strength she could muster, though she could barely open her eyes to the violet torrent of magic in front of her.

It's as if a rampaging magical power is interfering with something inside. There was no one to be found in the purple magic that disappeared as if everything had been done.

Marie mumbled in disbelief at the unbelievable sight.

“This is……."

"Forced teleportation……that guy sent Eugene to another place. Uh, how do I, should I backtrack first or……ugh!"

Se-ah and Marie saw the magic that could only be performed by a wizard of Ji-hyun's level.

They looked at each other in bewilderment and were at a loss for words.

The one with the cigarette in his mouth shook his head at the sight.

"So, now I don't have to clean up after the rest of you?"

"You can rest, wizard."

"Okay, then, please──"

"──Wake up Marie, Kim Se-ah!"

At that moment, Jin-woo, who had closed the distance in an instant, charged at the wizard, who was holding a cigarette, and swung his dagger.



He blocked Jin-woo's attack by spreading a purple barrier in front of him.

In the meantime, Jin-woo shouted with all his might at the still panicking girls.

"We can't worry about the boss until we finish the fight, so let's deal with what's right in front of us!"

When his first attack is blocked, Jin-woo ducks down to deliver a bottom attack.

In response, he tried to defend by lowering his barrier.


The wind from beneath Jin-woo's feet propels him upward, and he's above the wizard’s head in an instant.

“If we stop this guy first, everything will work out!”


He raises its head in response, casting magic toward the sky.

In an instant, the shuriken that appeared around him shot towards Jin-woo in unison, but──


The attacks are deflected and at the same time.


A giant mud golem was coming inward with a swing that utilized its mass.

"……To be troublesome to the end!"

In response, the wizard stretched out one hand toward Jin-woo and the other toward Marie and Se-ah.

"Killing them will make things grow bigger, but I can't help it."

His arms instantly turn purple and Jin-woo is the first to realize the danger.

"Se-ah! Marie! Get out of here!"

"You can recognize what it is just by looking at it? You have a good sense."


"Lord. Please help me be a righteous thief today as well.”

A dangerous-looking man fell from the sky.

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