I, as my video game character in our world.

Chapter 3: A place to stay


I shortly explain the German school system ahead.

From the age of 6 or 7 to 10 or 11, you visit the elementary school. From grades one to four.

Now, it becomes a bit complex. After finishing grade four, you changed the school and has four choices. Your homeroom teacher gives your parents recommendations. (Schule = School)

  1. Gymnasium - It’s the highest graded school because you can reach the qualification of studying at the university. Grades 5 to 12 or 13 depending on the school.
  2. Realschule - It’s the mid graded school. You reached the so-called “Mittlerereife.” Grades 5 to 10, you could if you want to change to a Gymnasium for grades 11 to 13.
  3. Hauptschule - It’s the lowest grade one. They often focused on practical use, like craftwork and so on. Grades 5 to 10.
  4. Gesamtschule - This school is a mix of all of them. Grades 5 to 10 or 13.

If you want to know more about the German school system, just ask, but I don't think you have that much of an interest. :D


I kept flying up and leaving Desmond and the house behind. I kept flying higher to the clouds. The sun was already on the horizon and colored the sky red. My goal was downtown Göttingen.

It wasn’t long before I reached and scanned the university’s north campus.

How do the others on the ground see me? Maybe you think I’m an airplane? A bird? I hope that nobody takes a picture. I don’t want to appear in the newspapers.

I headed for the tall building, in the north-east, of the central train station. I landed on the roof and sat on the edge. I looked down at the historic city center.


I picked up the pendant and ran my finger over the gem without taking my eyes off the city.

Now I’m stuck. I don’t know what to do... I don’t have a home! No family! And no friends! Well, my human self at the other end of the city still has all of that, maybe I should go and find out that I am him. But... when I was in tenth grade, none of these events happened, which means I could change the course of history!

I massaged my temples with my free hand and closed my eyes for a moment. The next time I opened my eyes, the crystal glowed in my hand.

What’s happening?

The crystal on the bangle also glowed. The holographic map opened, and a blinking green point appeared.

Where would that take me?

I took a closer look at the map.

It’s in the middle of the city!?

I got ready and jumped my head first over the edge of the roof. I fell a few meters vertically towards the ground before I spread my wings and glided through the air.

I accelerated and headed for the green blinking symbol.

What will await me?

I had almost reached the position and landed on the roof of the Great Assembly Hall of Göttingen University. The point was precisely on the Wilhelmsplatz, which was directly in front of the Assembly Hall.

I was searching for something in the place that didn’t match the surroundings, but I didn’t notice anything unusual until...

Is that a fox pup? A wolf pup? Or just a little stray?

A dog-like creature huddled in a small meadow. It seemed that the people passing by didn’t even notice. I waited until the last people disappeared from the square before jumping down to the creature.

I landed not far from her in the meadow and turned to her. It was a small wolf pup with silver-gray fur. When she saw my figure, it started to tremble all over.

“Hey, little one, everything is fine. I won’t hurt you.”

I dropped to my knees and showed my empty hands. The puppy put his head to one side in irritation, and his tremors became a little weaker.

It looked up at me in my eyes, slowly got up, and came carefully to me. His wet nose nudged my hand, and he sniffed it. A moment later, it stopped shaking and started licking my hand.

“Well, everything is fine!”

I carefully raised my free hand and slowly began to scratch the wolf pup between my ears.


It liked my fondling, and it howled in joy. Nothing reminded me that it was afraid of me a few seconds ago. It put its head on my hand and enjoyed how I scratched the back of its neck.

Huh? What is this?

Something was hidden under the fur. I felt around the neck, and there was a chain under the coat. After some searching, I found a pendant. I twisted the chain so I could look at the necklace.

It is the same!

I carefully pulled my hand on which the puppy’s head rested and pulled out the pendant from the chain under my clothes. The puppy immediately reacted to my trailer, his tail started to wag, and he jumped in a circle.


It barked at me.


It started heading east.

“Hey! Wait!”

It ran along the streets and left the city center. I didn’t want to attract attention and followed from the sky, the puppy. Even if it got out of my eyes, I could continue to track it with the map.

The road led east towards the city forest of Göttingen. It ran into Schillerwiesen Park and stopped in the middle of the meadow.

I flew down to him and landed next to him. He came running to me immediately, when I was about to stroke him, he bit my sleeve lightly and pulled on it.

“What’s happening? Should I follow you?”


It barked agreeing and ran again. It ran to the southwest of the park, stopping at an old abandoned house.


The crystal on my neck started to glow, and the puppy’s glow too. The door of the ruin began to light up in the same light.

“Should I open the door?”


 I think that was a yes.

I grabbed the glowing doorknob and turned it. The door creaked, and I pushed it open with a light push.


The puppy ran past me into the house.

“Hey, wait!”

I followed it into the house. The interior was structured entirely differently than from the outside. In addition to the fact that there were no windows, the entire apartment only consisted of a large living and kitchen room and two smaller rooms. One of the smaller rooms was a bathroom, and the other was the bedroom.

The decor was a little poor in every room, but the most necessary was in every room.


The puppy barked at me and ran into a corner of the kitchen nook. I looked into the corner. It ran into and found it sitting next to a bowl.

“Are you hungry?”


The tail began to wiggle wildly.

“Well, I’m looking for something!”

I started to search the cupboards to see if there was anything edible. There was a fridge, but it was turned off and was empty. I finally found it under the sink. There was a massive sack of dry food.

“Have a look! Here’s something for you!”

I picked up the food bowl and put it in the sack to fill it up when I pulled the bowl out. I noticed the writing. Fen stood on the side of the bowl.



The puppy immediately responded to the name.

“Is Fen your name?”


It reacted immediately with a bark.

“I interpret that as a yes.”

I put the bowl down and watched Fen pounce on its food. It was so deep that I went out and explored the apartment more closely.

The living and kitchen room was divided into three areas. In the first area was the kitchen area, including the stove, oven, and refrigerator, and the Fens bowl was next to the kitchen cupboard. The second was the dining area. There was a display case with various dishes and a dining table for up to four people. The living space consisted of a 3- and 2-seater sofa and an armchair that stood around a table.

 I went to the bathroom next. How did I know which room the bathroom was? “Bathroom” was on the door. The room was moderate, and it consisted of a shower tray, the toilet, and a sink with a closet. The closet was at eye level and was mirrored on the outside.

The last thing I did was look into the bedroom. I went through the door, and on the left was a closet that covered the entire wall, and on the right was a double bed.

I stepped into the room and noticed a full-length mirror.


I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes went from top to bottom.

I had already seen my reflection a little blurry in the lake, but... WOW!

I didn’t have the words. I had created the character according to my ideals. Contrary to how I designed her in the game, she was now flesh and blood. Her body details went far beyond my expectations. Well, I remembered the chest size should be bigger, but... the reality that video games and anime often exaggerate caught up with me. After all, the hair was fiery red, and the eyes were golden as I wanted them to be. My horns were bent back and were mostly black with a golden sheen. The scales on my skin were the same color as the horns, as were my wings. I pulled the clothes on my right shoulder a little further from my body.

There it is!

I had placed a small scar on my right shoulder while making my character.

“That is new!”

When I looked up, I saw a small tattoo on the back of my neck in the mirror. The tattoo was in the shape of a dragon’s head. I threw the hair back over my shoulder and covered the tattoo.


In the mirror, I saw something lying on the bed behind me. I turned to see what it was. A small envelope was on the edge of the bed.

Was it there before?

I slowly picked it up, but before I could react, something fell out of the envelope onto the bed.

T-that’s an ID! And a bank account!

I lifted the ID and looked at the picture.

That... that’s Siana... that’s me!?

There was a picture of Siana on the ID card, but there was no horn there. Then I looked over at the name of the account holder. Here stood also Siana von Tyrn. I looked again at the identity card.

May 20, 2004!? That means she is sixteen since yesterday! Wait a moment!

I still had the letter in my hand. I pulled out the rest of the content. The first was a letter addressed to me.


My child,


I left that as your farewell gift. I hope it helps you get used to your new life.

Find lots of friends and live a long life in peace!


In love,

Your mother


P.S. When you read this letter, a spell is activated, the effect has something to do with the following paper.


Slightly irritated, I turned the page to the second sheet. The second sheet was to confirm an “assumption,” but at first, I didn’t understand what!?

Wait! Max Von Laue-Gymnasium1This school exists, but it's not in Göttingen. Also, Max von Laue worked at the University of Göttingen and received a Nobel Prize in physics 1914 for his work. Further details google him.!? That is confirmation of a change in school!?

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