I, as my video game character in our world.

Chapter 2: Belongings

=== Back in the present


"Uhm... could you tell me your name?"

He looked a bit reserved and asked me carefully.

What should I answer now? I can't just use my old name like that, can I? There should be a second me in this timeline. After all, this is two years in the past.

"Yes, Uhm... you can call me Sania, Siana von Tyrn is my name."

“Is this "Von Tyrn," a title of nobility?”

"Uh? No, everyone who doesn't have a family name, like nobles, had the country where they came from as their last name, like mine.”

That was a lie, of course, I couldn't tell him, “No, I came up with the name for my video game character. Oh, and just so you know, I am stuck in this body now.”

"Oh, then my name would be Desmond of Germany?"

I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Yes, you would, but the countries in my world are significantly smaller than in yours."

Well, it wasn't my world, but it was still valid because, in SW, most countries were only small city-states and had little importance on the history of a character, as in almost all RPGs.

He stroked his chin with his left hand.

“Now that I think about it, you also knew Göttingen. Do you know about our world?”

Does he seriously ask me this now? I'm still amazed that he doesn't freak out.

“I know a lot. And so that you can save yourself the question, yes, even cars and planes.”

Wait a moment!

"If we are in the nature reserve Bratental, what are you doing here in the middle of the forest?"


He put his head to one side and stared at me irritated as if what I asked him was something completely distant.

"You fish in a nature reserve, that's a crime."

I instructed him.

"Oh! You wanted to get there! Part of the nature reserve is our family's private property, but we don't accept any valid claims, and so everyone is free to go over it. But we have a problem with the population of fish in this lake, which only forms a stream in the nearby river when it rains heavily. If we don't catch fish from the small lake once or twice a year, the population will increase too much. If the fish population exceeds the limit, the oxygen level drops in the water, and the fish would all die.”

"That would be bad."

"Yup, but I'm already done, I was about to collect my belongings from here when I saw you falling into the water and sinking like a stone."

Embarrassed, I turned my head to the side.

I never was a good swimmer, but who would have thought that these wings make it a lot more complicated than before.

"That means you were on your way home?"

“Yup, should we go to my grandpa? He lives not far from the edge of the forest.”

"Can we?"

“Sure, the fishing rod is, eh, his. I originally wanted to bring it back at the weekend, but I can do it right now as well. Follow me.”

He turned and signaled with his hand that I should follow him. We went along a narrow path. The trail started to descend, and when we reached the bottom of the hill, the forest ended. The forest ended, and we came on the pedestrian path of a small street.

A single scooter stood on the side of the road.

Desmond went to the scooter and pulled out a helmet from the storage space under the seat.


He threw the helmet at me.

"What about you?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

“I only have one helmet with me. The other one is at home. So you'd better put it on, I don't want to have you on my conscience when I'm building an accident.”

I reluctantly nodded and put the helmet on, surprisingly it fit despite my horns. Desmond had kicked the stand and lowered the scooter. He sat in the driver's seat and turned to me.

"The helmet suits you!"

A burning skull was depicted on the helmet.

"Sure, why not, but where is the best place to hold on?"

“Choose, it doesn't matter if you take the handles or my hips. I prefer my hips.”


The second sentence was spoken more quietly by him, but I could still understand it.

I chose the handles, what for a brief moment let him show a disappointed face. He recovered very quickly and looked ahead.

"And let's go!"

He started the engine and drove off.




The journey took about 5 minutes.

His grandfather's house was an old half-timbered house on the edge of the housing estate. Next to the house was a small barn and a small windmill, both looked old, and it appeared to me that both had not been used for a long time.

We got off the scooter, and I handed him the helmet.

"Does your grandfather live here all alone?"

He took the helmet and looked up at me.

"It was like that two years ago, but when my brother Dean turned eighteen, he moved out of home and moved in with our grandpa."

He put the helmet under the seat and headed for the house. I followed behind him.

He stopped a short distance from the front door and turned to me.

"Can you wait here a moment?"

I shrugged my shoulders and answered, "Sure!" I stopped at the front door, and he disappeared behind the corner of the house towards the old barn.


I hear the door latch move. The front door swung open, and an older man stood in the doorway.


I pointed to myself and answered questions with “I?”.

“It's not Halloween today, is it? Why are you walking around dressed like this?”

"I i…"

I couldn't think of anything and stuttered in front of him.


Desmond appeared on the corner of the house.

"What are you doing out here, and where's Dean?"

The older man raised his eyebrows.

“Paul, what are you saying? Who's Dean?”


“Grandpa, I'm not my father! It's me, your grandchild, Desmond!”

"De-Desmond, exactly Desmond, I remember."

Desmond Jr.? shook his head.

"Grandpa, do you remember the story of the angel?"

The old Desmond had a stern expression on his face that suddenly disappeared and turned into a grin.

"Naturally! I don't forget things like that, but how do you get the story?”

"Hahem, may I introduce Siana von Tyrn!"

Desmond Jr. cleared his throat and introduced me to his grandfather. The older man's eyes widened. He came up to me and put my face between his hands. He ran his finger over the scale patterns on my cheeks. He went one step further and grabbed my horns, which felt totally and pleasant.


I reflexively pushed the elder away from me. He stumbled a step back but didn't lose his balance.

"Grandfather!? What was that about?”

His grandfather ignored Desmond and kept his eyes on me.

"The password?"

Like right now? How did he get from the touching to the password!

"Varschra wa Tyrn!"

"Uh? Was that the right answer? I'm not sure anymore, at least it sounded right.”

He turned to Desmond.

"Take this here."

He took off his necklace and handed it to Desmond.

“If you open the pendant, you will find the pictures of our family, and behind one of them is a small key. This key is for a box in the basement of the barn.”

Desmond stared at the pendant and didn't realize that his grandfather went back into the house and left us alone.

"Should we?"

I leaned forward and waved my right hand in front of his face.

"Uh! Yes, of course!”

Startled, he scrambled to his feet and headed for the barn.


Desmond carefully opened the barn door. I immediately saw the fishing set on a shelf to the left of the door, which he had brought back here earlier.

"Be careful, except for the shelf here at the entrance. The rest of the barn hasn't been used for years."

In the barn, there were many different old devices for the garden and the field cultivation. Also, a small tractor, already rusted through, stood under some junk.

"Where is it going down here now?"

Desmond shrugged.

“Don't know, I didn't even know that the barn had a basement. When Grandpa was still fit, I was here a lot in the past, back then were all of these items used and not left to rot.”

"Then we have to find the entrance?"


We split up and carefully searched the bottom of the barn.

So much junk... I hope the basement entrance isn't buried under anything.

I put some cutting tools aside to continue searching.


Something scratched under me.


I took a step back.


It squeaked again.

"Did you find anything?"

Desmond's voice came from the far end of the barn.

"Maybe, wait a moment."

I swept the hay on the floor away from the floorboards to see the floor. I leaned down and examined the planks.

Here's something.

I found some loose planks.

"I have something here."

"Ok, I'm coming over."

Desmond came over to me and helped me lift the planks. A staircase appeared.

"Do you want to go down first?"

I asked Desmond if he wanted to go down first.

"Thank you."

He took the opportunity and went down first. I followed him down.

"Yuck! A spider web.”

Desmond waved to get rid of the spider web.

"Everything fine?"

"Yes, No problem. Rather, I should have taken a flashlight with me.”

It seemed to me that he was trying very hard to see something.

"Is it so dark for you?"

"...yes, can you see in the dark?"

Since I'm a half-dragon, do I see better in the dark? There was never a description of this in the game.

"No, I see everything as always."

The basement did not cover the entire size of the barn, but only a small part. The room was empty, and there was only a box in the corner of the room.

"Wait here. I'll get the box."

The box wasn't particularly big, so it wasn't a problem for me to lift it and carry it to the exit.

"Let me take it."

Desmond took the box from me and first let me climb the stairs. Once at the top, he put the box on the floor and took out the chain with the trailer.

"What do you think, what's in the box?"

He asked me while he was approaching the trailer.

"I do not know. I can’t imagine what could help me. ”

I shrugged.

"Then, we'll be surprised."

He put the key in the lock of the chest and put it on.


With a loud click, we knew that the lock had opened.

"Let's see."

He slowly opened the lid.

"Are you kidding me!?"

Desmond got disappointed because there was a much smaller box in the box. I leaned down and took it out.

"Then I'll have a look. Maybe, I'll be luckier."

I opened the little box and looked inside. The first thing that caught my eye was a small white piece of paper that covered everything else below.

"Bwahahahahaha! No luck as it looks!”

Desmond laughed at my startled expression.

"Yes, Yes!"

I gently swung my left-wing against his back. He stumbled forward and found it difficult to keep his balance.

"Hey! That is unfair.”

I ignored Desmond's complaints and put the box in one hand. I started reading the note.


                    My child,


If you read this message, it means that you have found my gift. I hope it helps you to find your way in your new environment.

                 I hope Desmond didn't have to wait too long because I don't know how many years will pass in the other world.


                                                                                                                                                                                  In love,

                                                                                                                                                                                           Your mother


I put the letter aside and looked at what we were hiding underneath. A bangle and a necklace lay side by side in their matching pillows.

"They look valuable."

Desmond looked sideways into the box.

"I agree with you."

I gave Desmond the note and lifted the bangle off the pillow. The bracelet was silver-colored and set with a colorless gem.


Something stung me from the bangle.

What was that?

The gem of the bangle glowed bluishly. A hologram appeared.

"Is that a card?"

Desmond asked me from the side and leaned closer to me.

"Do you have your smartphone?"

I asked him and pushed him away from me with my left wing.


He pulled his cellphone out of his pocket.

“Open maps, and let's see.”

He unlocked his smartphone and opened the card. I placed the bangle so that the maps of the smartphone and the bracelet lay over each other.

"It fits as it looks, the bangle shows the surroundings."

I pulled the bracelet aside, and the card disappeared. I slipped the bangle over my left hand and turned my attention to the necklace.

“Do you think the chain can do something special?”

"I guess so. Maybe we'll find out in a moment.”

I kept the chain at eye level and looked at the pendant. The chain was as silver-colored as the bangle. The necklace was in the form of a pair of wings, with a colorless gem set right in the middle. I put the box aside and put the chain on.


Desmond looked at me, questioningly.


I ran my fingers over the pendant.

"Maybe it's just a simple necklace."

"Too bad... I would have been happy if the pendant could also do something incredibly... What are you doing now?"

The question came as a surprise, and I didn't know the answer.

"... I don't know... I haven't thought about it yet."

“I don't want to be pushy or anything, but if you wish, you can spend the night by us. Since my brother moved out and lived here, we have a vacant guest room. ...So, of course, only if you want to."


I wasn't sure if I should live with someone I just met.

"I don't know. I'm sorry."

I was about to turn and go when Desmond answered me.

“I'll write down my address for you. My parents are on vacation for a week, so if you decide to stay with us, just come over, ok?”

I turned to him.


"Great! One moment."

He went to the shelf at the barn entrance and rummaged around a bit. After he found what he was looking for, he came back to me.

"Here, please."

He handed me a small piece of paper with the address of his house on it.

"Thank you."

We both left the barn. Desmond made his way to his scooter.

"Hey, Desmond!"

He was putting on the helmet when I called him.

"See you!"

I made a peace sign and turned away from him. I started to swing my wings and slowly fly away when he called after me.

"HEY! That is so unfair!?”

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