I am the celebration monster of Academy City

Page 1078

What is presented in front of the eyes, what is displayed in front of the eyes at this moment... is the result of that huge distortion.

However, to some extent, Gan Quanyou is lucky.

Like a mirror, like history repeating itself, before him was that fellow Aleister.

That guy has come all the way to the point where he may have achieved great results in the eyes of others, but a study of his life and all can see that after the most glorious moment, his life has been falling from No ups and downs.

But Gan Quanyou is different, compared to Aleister, compared to Aleister, who only has destruction magic in his eyes, destroying his own life, Aleister who destroyed the Golden Dawn does not need it.

By Gan Quanyu's side, in the present, there are Netherland Chasing Soul, Yueyong Xiaomoe, Shokuhou Misaki, Zhixiong Science, Brunhilde, and many more.

This time, it was finally no longer someone who reminded Gan Quanyou "what did you miss".

It's no longer someone standing in front of Gan Quanyou with clenched fists and shouting "You bastard just watch me wake you up!" After so long, after so many events, after such a long time.

Gan Quan bless him...

Finally realized how wrong I was.I finally realized where my problem was.

What was unfolding in front of his eyes at this moment was one failure after another, which he could not have predicted, probably something he hadn't thought of.

But this failure was only temporary.Success must follow immediately after this.

This is the most essential and decisive difference from Aleister, who embraces failure and has no way to succeed.

There is always a rainbow after the storm.

All of this is just a short-term wind and rain.

This chapter has not been approved

"It's all to blame Birdway and O'Reils for doing unnecessary things..."

Gan Quanyou, who was sitting on the ground with his hands on his hair, seemed to be muttering to himself, and seemed to be mechanically telling his own mental journey, pointing out the names of two more key figures.

"No, thanks to them, we are now able to say these things."

Further denying Gan Quanyou in general, Brunhilde blocked Gan Quanyou's instinct to escape and shirk responsibility.

According to Kanizumi Yu's plan, Brunhilde can be completely defeated just in Academy City, not in Hawaii.

The only thing Ganquanyou miscalculated was Brunhilde's real thoughts, and he miscalculated his own weight in Brunhilde's heart, but this is also his problem all the time, for some reason, he always goes too far They underestimate and despise themselves, thinking that they cannot have much weight and weight in the hearts of others.

It is wrong to think that he is just a short-lived surprise in the lives of others, and it is impossible to have a decisive weight.

Except for this point, all of Gan Quanyou's calculations are almost perfect.

But the problem is that they didn't catch up with Othinus, to be precise, they didn't expect Othinus to make a move at that time, and Olaers and Birdway retreated to find the one who was thrown by Yu Kanizumi. Brynhildr and Shokuhou Misaki below.And contributed to the development of a series of events later.

Including, but not limited to, the incident that extended to the Hawaiian Islands.

"So, what you meant by knocking us down at that time was..."

"It means... let you stop there... don't continue to get involved in things related to me. Including Kamijou Touma, including you, you are not the kind of people who want me to say "stop following me" "Go back" has a personality that turns back easily.

It is impossible to tell you the truth, and the lies will eventually be exposed. Even if you temporarily retreat, Olaers and Birdway will use it to push you to move on..."

Of all the events surrounding Othinus and Gremlin, even Othinus only focused on the current situation.

In the whole situation, Gan Quanyou was the only one standing in the perspective of God, trying to figure out from the beginning to the end, guessing everyone's thoughts, and deducing the next move.

When they were still in the Hawaiian Islands incident, Gan Quanyou had already begun to deduce the impact on MIsso Chloe Duni's operation.It's not obvious on the surface, but in fact, it was the most exhausting time for Gan Quanyou during that time.

That's why at the end of the perfect world, he said that sentence that was almost too fragile to add——

"I'm really... so tired..."

"It's really crisp, simple and effective..."

There were still tears streaming down her cheeks, but Brunhilde smiled slightly.

The reason why she laughed was because Gan Quanyou was extremely difficult to understand.

Maybe in the very beginning, in the very beginning, some parts of him were broken.But to some extent, he was too easy to understand.

There has never been a moment when you can feel that the hearts of two people are so close, and you can feel that you can understand each other so well.

As far as Kanizumi Yu is regarded as the most important Brunhilde in the world.Isn't that something to be happy about?

"I still have two questions left. The first one is that what you said to me at that time were all lies made up to make me give up? I want you to answer me positively and affirmatively!"

"It's all... a lie!"

Almost gritted his teeth and spit out word by word.

The corners of Brunhilde's mouth finally curled upwards slightly, in a sincere and relieved arc.

Brunhilde is a person who talks a lot, and she is not polite to intervene. "Kill when you kill" is her basic principle.

But at the same time, she is also a person who "you will understand as long as you talk about it".Therefore, in fact, she only needed this sentence from the beginning, and she could be relieved.

"Last question. Did you say that back then?"

I don't know if it's a hallucination, but there seems to be a little blush on Brunhilde's pretty face.

"Say I'm more suitable for taking care of children..."

"You actually heard it..."

Gan Quanyou put down his hand, raised his head that had turned into a chicken coop, and looked at Jenny and Phoebe who were held in Brunhilde's arms with complicated eyes.That young face was unusually full of vicissitudes and sentimentality.

"Jenny and Phoebe will be very sad if I'm gone. What if no one can take care of them. The best person I can think of is you. The person they most recognize besides me is It's just you."

Suddenly, Gan Quanyou's eyes flashed, and the golden color passed by Gan Quanyou's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he felt something jumping into his arms and hugging him tightly.

Gan Quanyou was stunned for half a second before he could react. The hand that had been put down was lifted up and gently placed on the heads of the two children who were hugging him. hair.


Those two lovely faces were already full of tears at the moment.Choked up so much that it seemed like he couldn't even finish his sentence.

At first, Gan Quanyou thought they cared about what he said and wanted to prevaricate.But soon he realized that was not the case at all.

"I, we saw woo, woo, I saw you fighting with Brother Dang Ma..."

"Uh..." Gan Quanyou's hand stopped.

"Dad, Dad is covered in bandages... at all, he can't stand still at all... it must be very painful..."

At that moment, at that moment, the impact of the final battle was spread all over the world, and billions of people watched the battle.

Billions of people regard Omiyuki as their representative, their avatar.Concerned about the outcome of Ganquanyou and Kamijou Touma.

The experts are observing, trying to figure out what kind of power Kanquanyou possesses, and guessing how he uses magic.

Those with ulterior motives planned how to use Gan Quanyou.

But, but, among all the people in the world, among all the watchers, there are only two people, only the two in Gan Quanyou's arms, the two who hugged him and choked and cried, noticed Gan Quanyou's Body, I noticed that Yu Ganquan was covered with bandages all over his body, and I noticed that I was so severely injured by Olaers' demon power that even moving was accompanied by intense pain, and I had to support and force myself to fight.

It turned out that from the very beginning, the reason why the two children bit their lips tightly and their eyes were red was because they saw Gan Quanyou and thought of him at that time.

"Dad, Dad was knocked down by Brother Dang Ma. He was pierced... pierced through the body. I was so scared...Jenny was really scared...I was so afraid that Dad would die just like that..."

"No, Dad, don't die, Phoebe doesn't want Dad to die... and, never again, I don't like being Brother Ma anymore..."

Compared to being left without any sound for several months, the impact of almost witnessing Gan Quanyu's death must have been greater.

Sure enough, after seeing that scene, and unfortunately paying attention to the moment of that battle, it doesn't matter anymore.

As long as Gan Quanyou can or comes back, as long as he can still talk, as long as he can hug him, everything doesn't really matter.

"It's okay, it's okay, dad is not dead, you can feel it, isn't dad still there, he's not dead, he's not dead. It's over, it's all over."

Hugging the two children tightly, Gan Quanyou comforted them.Soothe the wound that no one else can heal except him.

Brunhilde was the one who came back first, but the one who brought them back was the home without Yuu Omizu.

After finally appearing, it disappeared again, replaced by a large group of people who had never seen it before. The grievance and fear that had been suppressed until now finally broke out at this time.

"Father promises that it will never happen in the future, and will never leave you behind. Dad promises."

Brunhilde, who was sitting by the bed, quietly watched the two children in his arms, and tears ran down his cheeks at some point.

In a short moment, it was like experiencing a newborn boy.

Eyebrows softened.

Maybe only she heard it.

She said so in a very low voice.

"Then this time... I will barely forgive you, idiot."

Chapter 52 Short Storm

"So... instead of making me suffer because of that kind of thing, why don't I turn my feeling towards you into resentment, resentment for your change and ruthlessness?"

Brunhilde's voice didn't know when it became deep.Her head also drooped.

Jenny and Phoebe, who were held in her arms, held her hands, as if they could inject support and encouragement into her body.

Brunhild chuckled twice, and the laughter was full of self-deprecation.

"That's why they all say that... You guys are really... happy to play the bad guy."

"I thought that as long as I left you at that time, you would understand what I meant. You have always been a smart and sensitive woman.

I took away Marianne and Thor, whom I had just met, but left you alone.

The implication of this is "You were thrown down because you couldn't keep up with me."With your wounded slender heart, you will definitely think too much, and even dull your own sword. "

"Ah, that's true, I really thought so at that time."

Brunhild's voice was full of bitterness.

Uncovering the past, what is hidden in the past is not sweetness, but only bitter helplessness, which is the helplessness and sacrifice that so-called human beings can only struggle in the face of the huge despair of the so-called demon god.

Her voice seemed to be chewing the bitterness in her mouth.

"The ability to calculate people's hearts should not be used on your own people... Do you know how much damage it will cause..."

"Of course I know. I even know that you won't give up on this, and you will definitely ask me for an explanation. Judging from the situation at that time, you have a residence permit in Academy City, and Shokuhou Misaki must return to Academy City .

You will send Shokuhou Misaki back, and we will meet again in Academy City. At that time, I will cut off all hope and connection between us, and make you give up on me completely. "

There was a slight pause, as if to give Brunhilde time to react.After a while, Gan Quanyou continued.

"That way, even if you lose my companion...it doesn't matter. You are no longer the same as before, you have stepped out of the shadows.

The five major associations in the Nordic mythology circle have been completely wiped out by you. This time, it was not you who caused the trouble, nor did you betray your companions, but your companions cheated and betrayed you. Even if you feel uncomfortable for a while, you will eventually get out of this period Shadow lives positively in this world, and one day he will find his new companion. "

"That kind of thing... how is that possible, bastard!!"

Finally, probably unable to endure Yu Kanizumi's take-for-granted thoughts, Brunhilde suddenly raised his head and snarled at Yu Kanizumi.

Her long golden hair fluttered as she looked up.Along with it, the water droplets flying out of Brunhilde's eye sockets reflected the magnificent colors.

"A new companion or something... How is that possible!! How can you know how important you are to me!! All I can have in the whole world... is only you left!!"

Lowering his eyelids, Kanizumi Yu also subconsciously raised his head and looked at Brunhilde, and his eyes widened.

Just as he would not utter these thoughts, Brunhild also would not utter these burning emotions and determinations hidden in his heart easily.

What she can do, the little happiness for her, is to be with Gan Quanyou, the absolute and only companion, to guard his life and his happiness.

When he needed it, he just raised his weapon and followed him onto the battlefield without saying a word, and it was over.

What Gan Quanyou is saying now is really for her own good and for her consideration.But there is no doubt that these thoughts and determinations also completely negated her.

Therefore, Brunhilde wants to speak out, to speak out those hidden thoughts that have never been spoken out.

She also wanted to completely negate Gan Quanyou's ideas and arrogance here, and let him know how deeply he was wrong, and how much he underestimated Brunhilde, a woman!

In fact, Gan Quanyou was really astonished, and was burned by Brunhilde's fiery emotion and determination. He fell to the ground as if his strength had been taken away by someone, and stretched out his hand to grab his hair in annoyance.

I didn't miss anything, but both Shokuhou Misaki and Brunhilde were wrong.Are there any other errors besides these?Did he make more mistakes besides these?

For a long time, ever since he embarked on this path of Shura, Gan Quanyou knew that his thoughts and practices would gradually deviate and deteriorate.

In order to achieve his goal, he will gradually use whatever means he can, and gradually use everything available.

What he can guarantee is that his own essence remains unchanged, but just as the appearance of this world is presented to people through countless phase filters.

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