I am the celebration monster of Academy City

Page 1077

Even if it is a terrible man who can turn his hands into clouds and rain outside, but when they face the soft part of their hearts, they are no different from any ordinary people. They don't have any strength to resist and counterattack, and some have only silent bear.

"I was wrong……"

There is no fancy language, no eloquent sophistry, only the simplest, most plain, and cleanest confession.

"No matter what my purpose is, no matter what I thought at the time, I admit that I was wrong about my actions actually hurting you, so no matter what kind of resentment you have, you can blame me however you want. That is I need to make it up."

"Uh..." It was as if he had let go of all his defenses and strength. Although he didn't feel that this guy was pitiful at first glance, he could definitely see that he wasn't putting on an air.

It was like cutting open the chest and showing the bloody heart to others.All the bells and whistles are thrown away, leaving only the purest and simple sincerity.

Brunhilde didn't even realize that her hand was clenched unconsciously.

It was Jenny who was held in her arms noticing her clenched hand, and put her small hand on her fist to hug her hand, only then did she notice her reaction.

Brunhilde has made up his mind that he will never forgive this bastard easily, and will definitely teach him a lesson, a profound lesson.

Let him know how wrong it is to abandon his family and walk alone. No matter what results he achieves alone, what will be left behind him will be a chicken feather.

She has already figured it out, if Gan Quanyou is still such a coincidence, and still uses his set of words that are more proficient than anyone else to prevaricate, secretly change concepts, and change the topic without mercy, then she will expose him mercilessly. Make him look bad with his lame lies.

But all her preparations... all her defenses...

Now it's all turned into completely useless waste...

As shown in front of her eyes, she guessed that Jenny and Phoebe were the real key to Gan Quanyu in a certain sense.

There are definitely not many Omiyuu Ganquan with the same level of criticality, maybe there is only one other in this world.But what she didn't expect was that Gan Quanyou would be so completely broken.

It's so thorough that it doesn't hide it at all, and speaks out its true thoughts without embellishment.

"At that time, why did we have to... knock me down."

Taking a deep breath, Brunhild looked away from Gan Quanyou.

Restrained in the throat and unable to spit out, the confusion that has been in the heart so far has been spoken out under Gan Quanyu's frankness.

Whether it's Gan Quanyou or Brunhilde, they are actually the type who can't speak well and hide their real thoughts for others to guess.

Gan Quanyou will do this because he is used to it, no matter how he developed his initial habit, his true thoughts will not be easily spoken out, even if he speaks out, he will definitely turn a corner, just like "I love you" It will be translated into the same implicit saying as "the moonlight is so beautiful".

And Brunhilde is a woman anyway, so it must be extremely difficult for her to express all her thoughts calmly, needless to say the necessary reserve and reserve.The only thing that can make her show all her honesty is fighting.

But now, Gan Quanyou was unexpectedly honest with each other, and Brunhilde didn't hold back from saying what he wanted to say in his heart but was always almost unable to say it.

"Aren't we... partners? Even if we want to destroy the world, we will be together."

Probably no longer in Brunhilde's memory, but in a certain incident about the cosmic elevator Endymion, she did not hesitate to attack her supposed comrade Kamijou Touma chose to betray the water with Yu Ganquan.

Then the same question comes, since the third world war to the beginning of Gremlin-related events, why didn't Brunhilde make the same choice?

In fact, the answer is very simple. To some extent, Brynhildr and Shikuma Rike have similarities, that is, as long as Yuu Kanizumi is willing, even if he wants to become a demon that destroys the world, they will become accomplices without hesitation.

But only in this related incident, both Brunhilde and Shikuma Riko are on the side to stop Omizu Yu.

The answer is simple.

If it is said that destroying the world is what Gan Quanyou wants, and what can make him satisfied and happy, it is all right to satisfy him.

But if Gan Quanyou is doing something that makes him painful, he must be stopped absolutely. This is what people who really care about him should do.Don't ask why, don't look at Huanxi's support, that can only be called blind obedience.

Chapter 51 The Confused Master

Throughout World War III to the end of the Demon God Annihilation War.From a rational point of view, most of what Gan Quanyou did was meaningful, and he did achieve his goal.

But from another perspective, Shikuma Riko has already handed over AoAoAo to Misaka Mikoto who should not have been given to Misaka Mikoto since World War III.

In the Baggage City incident, I collected Ganquanyu's data through Kihara Yuki, and tried to stop Ganquanyu in Academy City. If it wasn't for Ganquanyu's cheating, she might have succeeded.

Why?If Zhikuma Riko could answer, the answer would be simple: wrong eyes.That's not the look she thinks the happy Gan Quanyou should have.

The same goes for Brunhilde.In the final battle of World War III, she witnessed Omizu Yu's hysteria and madness, the frenzy of desperately trying to kill the Demon God.And seeing...the tragic situation of Yuu Kanizumi who was almost beaten to a pulp...

Brunhilde, who had witnessed all that, did not believe that Gan Quanyou could assassinate Othinus like he assassinated the right fire.

Othinus is different from Youfangzhihuo. Youfangzhihuo trusted Ganquanyou before Ganquanyou took the initiative to reveal his purpose.That's why he felt betrayed and hurt so deeply that he couldn't trust Gan Quanyou anymore.

Otinus came here with malice from the very beginning, she couldn't trust Ganquanyou, no matter how he pretended she would never trust Ganquanyu, all actions of Ganquanyou were probably moths in the eyes of the demon god Fire, kill yourself.

Brunhilde wants to stop Ganquanyou's self-seeking behavior. If Ganquanyou is deceiving himself, deceiving himself that the demon god has been deceived by him, then Brunhilde will let Ganquanyou regain his sobriety and let him understand The demon god is just using him, just extracting his surplus value, just playing with him.The same method will not work for the Demon God at all.

However, she was knocked down...

Was beaten down mercilessly by Yu Ganquan...

If Gan Quanyou is really sure, really has difficulties, really has ideas...

At that time, when there were only the two of them, it was completely possible to talk to her...

Just to be clear.As long as you understand what he really thinks.As long as he understood that he was not deceived or controlled by the demon god, why not immediately betray those who acted together like Birdway!

In Brunhilde's heart, the companions in this world, from that time on, from the time when Gan Quanyou wanted to take her back to fight back to seek justice for her past companions... it may be Gan Quanyou alone Yes! !

"What you said... I understand everything."

Even though Brunhilde was no longer looking at him, Yuu Kanizumi lowered his head slightly and lowered his eyelids.

Master You has always been a master at pretending to be confused. Let him admit that he has understood this from the very beginning, and it is already very clear. It is probably more difficult than killing him.

"But that's why... I can't take you with me."


"Because, I have no intention of turning this world into hell. Because...the only person who is sent to hell is me."

"Ah!!" About this matter, not many people are clear about it.Even if the world is exhausted, only a few people who were present at that time would know.

Even among the people present at that time, Index may not have been able to guess Gan Quanyu's true determination.To say that fact here is almost a blow to Brunhilde.

This is not the whole reason, but it is a very important reason.Why was Yu Ganquan able to bring Marianne, Thor and others to join Gremlin, but he had to leave Brunhilde and Shokuhou Misaki behind?

That's why.Although they can live in peace at the beginning, but in the end, if Brunhilde knows that Gan Quanyu will sacrifice herself in exchange for the chance to kill the demon god, then she will become an unnecessary obstacle.

Because Brunhilde absolutely!right!No!meeting!Watching Gan Quanyou go to die by himself, no matter what reason Gan Quanyou has.Even if the world will be completely destroyed in the next moment.

Because if the world is destroyed, it will be the two of them who will die together.

As for what happened to the world, and what happened to other people, it was not in the scope of Brunhilde's concern from the beginning.

"Brünnhilde, have you ever wondered why at that time, you and Shokuhou Misaki were the only ones left behind by me?"


"The answer is simple, because Shokuhou Misaki is someone who shouldn't be there, someone who doesn't need to be involved in the war between us.

So from the very beginning, she must be protected, and she must be taken out.In contrast, why are you left behind when you are already an insider? "

"Is it because... I will be a hindrance at the end?"

Brunhilde's voice trembled.

She couldn't accept it.

But, this is something she will definitely do.No matter how many times you repeat it, no matter how much inside information you know, it's the same.

Even when he heard his answer from Gan Quanyou just now, Brunhilde subconsciously raised the idea that Gan Quanyou's legs should also prevent him from going.

"Part of the reason. The main reason is... I want to protect you."

Gan Quanyou closed his eyes.Take a deep breath.It must have been difficult for him to say those words himself.

Even if it is considered by countless people to conquer the world with one mouth and eat with one mouth.

But in fact Gan Quanyou's brilliant tongue is only because the so-called language is also a part of the established result.

Whether it is to deduce the cause from the result, promote the development of the event to the end you want, or deceive someone.How much sincerity Gan Quanyou contains in these words is always a mystery.

What is known is that when it comes to what he really thinks, he will always do more than talk.

Even if your actions will be misunderstood and resented, as long as you can achieve the results you want, it doesn't matter.

To some extent, it is a kind of machismo, but it cannot be denied that it is the imprint of the times engraved in Gan Quanyu's bones.

However, now that it has been said, there is nothing worth hiding.

"It is true that if you know my true purpose, you will definitely stop me. But in terms of my means, there is a way to keep you from knowing until the last moment, but that will only bring you pain.

You missed the opportunity to stop it even though you were close at hand. After I was killed, such pain will accompany you for the rest of your life. This is not what I want to see. "

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"So... instead of making me suffer because of that kind of thing, why don't I turn my feeling towards you into resentment, resentment for your change and ruthlessness?"

Brunhilde's voice didn't know when it became deep.Her head also drooped.

Jenny and Phoebe, who were held in her arms, held her hands, as if they could inject support and encouragement into her body.

Brunhild chuckled twice, and the laughter was full of self-deprecation.

"That's why they all say that... You guys are really... happy to play the bad guy."

"I thought that as long as I left you at that time, you would understand what I meant. You have always been a smart and sensitive woman.

I took away Marianne and Thor, whom I had just met, but left you alone.

The implication of this is "You were thrown down because you couldn't keep up with me."With your wounded slender heart, you will definitely think too much, and even dull your own sword. "

"Ah, that's true, I really thought so at that time."

Brunhild's voice was full of bitterness.

Uncovering the past, what is hidden in the past is not sweetness, but only bitter helplessness, which is the helplessness and sacrifice that so-called human beings can only struggle in the face of the huge despair of the so-called demon god.

Her voice seemed to be chewing the bitterness in her mouth.

"The ability to calculate people's hearts should not be used on your own people... Do you know how much damage it will cause..."

"Of course I know. I even know that you won't give up on this, and you will definitely ask me for an explanation. Judging from the situation at that time, you have a residence permit in Academy City, and Shokuhou Misaki must return to Academy City .

You will send Shokuhou Misaki back, and we will meet again in Academy City. At that time, I will cut off all hope and connection between us, and make you give up on me completely. "

There was a slight pause, as if to give Brunhilde time to react.After a while, Gan Quanyou continued.

"That way, even if you lose my companion...it doesn't matter. You are no longer the same as before, you have stepped out of the shadows.

The five major associations in the Nordic mythology circle have been completely wiped out by you. This time, it was not you who caused the trouble, nor did you betray your companions, but your companions cheated and betrayed you. Even if you feel uncomfortable for a while, you will eventually get out of this period Shadow lives positively in this world, and one day he will find his new companion. "

"That kind of thing... how is that possible, bastard!!"

Finally, probably unable to endure Yu Kanizumi's take-for-granted thoughts, Brunhilde suddenly raised his head and snarled at Yu Kanizumi.

Her long golden hair fluttered as she looked up.Along with it, the water droplets flying out of Brunhilde's eye sockets reflected the magnificent colors.

"A new companion or something... How is that possible!! How can you know how important you are to me!! All I can have in the whole world... is only you left!!"

Lowering his eyelids, Kanizumi Yu also subconsciously raised his head and looked at Brunhilde, and his eyes widened.

Just as he would not utter these thoughts, Brunhild also would not utter these burning emotions and determinations hidden in his heart easily.

What she can do, the little happiness for her, is to be with Gan Quanyou, the absolute and only companion, to guard his life and his happiness.

When he needed it, he just raised his weapon and followed him onto the battlefield without saying a word, and it was over.

What Gan Quanyou is saying now is really for her own good and for her consideration.But there is no doubt that these thoughts and determinations also completely negated her.

Therefore, Brunhilde wants to speak out, to speak out those hidden thoughts that have never been spoken out.

She also wanted to completely negate Gan Quanyou's ideas and arrogance here, and let him know how deeply he was wrong, and how much he underestimated Brunhilde, a woman!

In fact, Gan Quanyou was really astonished, and was burned by Brunhilde's fiery emotion and determination. He fell to the ground as if his strength had been taken away by someone, and stretched out his hand to grab his hair in annoyance.

I didn't miss anything, but both Shokuhou Misaki and Brunhilde were wrong.Are there any other errors besides these?Did he make more mistakes besides these?

For a long time, ever since he embarked on this path of Shura, Gan Quanyou knew that his thoughts and practices would gradually deviate and deteriorate.

In order to achieve his goal, he will gradually use whatever means he can, and gradually use everything available.

What he can guarantee is that his own essence remains unchanged, but just as the appearance of this world is presented to people through countless phase filters.

Starting from that unchanging essence, what kind of appearance is presented after countless distorted thoughts and practices, that is something that even Gan Quanyou himself has no way to control.

So he took the above-mentioned Touma as the guideline, so he used various methods again and again, and various people tried to shift himself back on the right track.

But... sure enough...

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