I am the celebration monster of Academy City

Page 1073

Gan Quanyou shook several times when he patted her.

Don't forget, Gan Quanyou lay there without eating for four or five days, and he is still in a weak state.

Keenly aware of Gan Quanyou's physical condition.Thor subconsciously raised his eyebrows.

However, considering that there are not only him and Marian here, but also two ex-partners who are not "too familiar" like Utgaroch and Siegn.Thor didn't say anything, just took his hand back naturally and didn't make any more moves.

He who was also leaning on the sofa with his chest folded said in a sarcastic tone.

"Who told you to be so reckless at the time. Even if you tell me afterwards how many difficulties you have and what kind of determination you have. You can always understand it intellectually, but you can't accept it emotionally."

"Uh..." Gan Quanyou withdrew his gaze, and his strange gaze fell on Thor's face.

"You fighting mad can still say such a thing? You can't be Olaers pretending to be?"


"Okay Ganquan, we have no way to intervene in the problems between you, and we are not qualified to say anything more. You can figure out a way to solve it yourself later. Now let's help solve our problems."

Marianne slapped Thor on the head unceremoniously.

Thor, who was slapped by Marian, didn't dare to say anything, but just hummed twice.

It's okay if there is a real break or confrontation, although I will feel a little sad in my heart, but it has become like that, so there is nothing I can do.

But now Thor is running back again, everything he did in the Misso Chloe Duni incident, even though everyone knows that it is Thor's style, but Thor betrayed first and backstabbed , the one who is wrong is him.

He hasn't reached a cheeky "yes, I just betrayed, I'm not guilty but proud, look how good I am" state.

In front of the victim and old friend Marianne, he can only obediently confess his love.

In other words, Gan Quanyou was not the only one who was liquidated.Thor's wave is also a typical case of death for those who learn from me.

"Staying in the base camp of science all the time, as expected, there is still no way for us magicians to adapt."

"No, I think Thor has adapted well. He knows exactly where the SPA service is good."

"Uh..." The next moment, Thor's glare pierced through!

Then she was slapped unceremoniously by Marianne.

"What about Jiaqun?"

For Kanizumi Yu, Kihara Kagun is probably similar to Mugino Shitoshi and Othinus.

Before the time travel, I still liked it, but now, although I don't hate it, the relationship between the two cannot be eased.

It can only be said that the domineering development of being able to be friends with everyone did not appear in Gan Quanyou, his character and circumstances determine this.

"Belushi was taken away by the magic dog that locked us up at the beginning. The two of them seem to be old acquaintances. Belushi said that there is no need to worry about him because of the magic dog."

Marianne was a little depressed when she said this.Talking, intellectual, and even powerful and powerful.

For people on the magic side like Marianne, the magic dog is indeed correct.But it wasn't just this that made her depressed.

"Oasis...I feel...Belushi may not leave Academy City with us..."

This is where she gets depressed.

Earlier, at the end of the Baggage City incident, Kanizumi Yu said this to Kumokawa Mariya——

He said that one day, Kihara Kagun would return to Academy City, and return to them—

At that time, Marianne thought Gan Quanyou was lying to the little girl. Anyway, he had such a bad personality, and it was not impossible to talk nonsense with his eyes open to avoid trouble.Or to put it another way, "someday" who knows when that day will be.

It's just that Marianne didn't expect that day to come so soon.The reunion of Kihara Kagun and Kihara Naogen, their dialogue, and their communication.The fact that Kihara Kagun belongs to another world is highlighted to the extreme.

That is to say, Gan Quanyou at that time did not deceive people at all, he did not deceive Kumokawa Mariya.

Now, Kihara Kagun is really back.

"That's what I guessed it would be."

Gan Quanyou nodded clearly, without much surprise on his face.

It is certain that Kihara Kagun will not deal with him, so it is impossible for him alone to block the door of his house for several days in a row.

On the other hand, Academy City is Kihara Kagun’s base. Before he left Academy City, he had a good relationship with Kihara Naogen. With Kihara Naogen’s personality and romance, he would not leave Kihara Kagun alone. group.

In addition, although Kihara Kagun has been exposed to the magic he most wants to destroy, Kihara's brainstem is not a stupid or rigid thinking existence.

As a Kihara, Kihara Kagun was able to successfully contact and analyze magic.

Then he can also obtain more information and information about magic from Kihara Kagun, and fill it in the preparations for the subsequent war.

Even though standing behind Kihara's brainstem is Aleister, one of the pinnacle magicians in the world.

But it turns out that Aleister, who has dual training in science and magic, is mainly biased towards demons, and Kihara Kagun, who has the same dual training in science and magic but is more inclined to science, and who also has Kihara's style and thinking can provide different information. of.

As for Kihara Naogen's handling of Kihara Kagun, it was revealed as early as the night they met a few nights ago.

As for the fact that Kihara Kagun would return to Academy City, Yuu Kanizumi never doubted it.

The reason Kihara Kagun left Academy City was because Kihara Pathology, who maintained order by "giving up", undoubtedly had greater power and power than he who gave up his research and became an ordinary teacher. It is impossible to kill Kihara Pathology.That's why Kihara Kagun chose to leave Academy City.

His goal is to die together with Kihara Pathology.

But now Kihara Pathology is dead, but he survived.It is impossible for him to accept meaningless suicide, so he can only live a rotten life.

As for his last reasons for being bad - Gremlin and Othinus - they are all gone now.

After the Othinus annihilation battle, he was brought back to Academy City, which almost forced him to face reality.

The efforts of Kumokawa Miya Baggage were not in vain.Even with the thought of "Is the murderer really qualified to see them again?"

With such a question, after Kihara Naogen's questioning, he would still want to determine the current situation of those children, either directly or indirectly, or contact them from the sidelines, and stay in Academy City.

Chapter 45 is what this guy can do

Gan Quanyou was thinking, but he was speechless for a while, and Marianne didn't intend to force her.

To put it bluntly, she actually understood that Yu Kanizumi was not a god, and even he couldn't change the reality and make Kihara Kagun leave Academy City and them again.

It was precisely because she was Kihara Kagun's close friend that she clearly understood what an empty man Kihara Kagun had become after Kihara's pathological death.

What has always been supporting Kihara Kagun and driving him crazy is the killing intent towards Kihara pathology and himself.

But now that Kihara is pathologically dead, his support for living has disappeared.The reason why he is still able to survive in this state is probably because he still has some feelings for the former students in the deepest part of his heart.

If these were also taken away, then Kihara Kagun would really have nothing left, only a living body.

In contrast, Gan Quanyou is an exceptional case.

That's not what Marianne wanted.

Saying this here is not so much asking Gan Quanyou to come up with a statement or a solution, but rather complaining to Gan Quanyou.

In Marianne's life, including Thor's so far, he has never encountered someone like Gan Quanyou who can chat and fart at ordinary times.

But a guy who is extremely reliable at critical times.Obviously he is the youngest one, but people always ignore his age and rely on him.Whether it's a battle plan or the direction of life, or some troubles or something.

This is probably why Marianne and Thor did not escape from Academy City immediately after leaving the prison of Academy City, but came to find Yu Ganquan.

Compared with their random escape and anonymity, they believe Gan Quanyou can come up with a better solution.

"I'm sorry Marianne, please allow a little interruption. I know you have a good relationship, if you want to catch up on the past, you can find time to do it later."

The flirtatious man sitting on the other side - Utgaroch - raised his hand with his trademark flirtatious smile and made his own voice.

"But compared to you, Siegn and I are more confused now. In Denmark at that time, the situation was urgent and there was no way to say anything. We can understand, but now it has come to this time. What was not said at that time can now be said. right?"

Utgaroch, who never changed his smile, and Sigorn, who neither spoke nor actively released his sense of presence, looked towards Ganquan Yu.

"Specially recruiting the two of us, Frey, what do you think or arrange for us? It's not because you have seen that Thor at that time...

Thor will knock us all down because of his impatience, so he will get us a hand in advance, right?

Even the group of ninjas who didn't play much role in Baggage City have squeezed out some use value. I don't think you will be so kind. "

As he spoke, he raised his hands and made a certain country's military salute.

"It's rare to be straightforward. After all, it is related to our current situation. If I make you unhappy, I apologize first."

In fact, Utgaroch was a little more flustered than the calm Sign.After all, a certain Kihara golden retriever who asked to be coded because he did not want to be named revealed that the girl he knocked down with illusion during the Hawaiian battle has not woken up until now.At that time, they were enemies to each other, and Utgaroch's attack could even be said to be gentle.

But who would have thought that Gan Quanyou, the grandson of the turtle, would change suddenly, hey, he is back!

He's back to his loyal Academy City!That girl is said to have an affair with this turtle grandson!

Wutjialuoqi was very worried about whether Gan Quanyou was afraid that if he was locked up, he would not be able to make money and there would be no way to settle the score afterwards, so he recruited himself first.

Well, that's what this guy can do.

"Also, I don't know if you are clear, even we are sitting here, we are actually being watched by Academy City. According to them, if you don't have a way to deal with us properly, it is impossible to evacuate this kind of surveillance in a short time , and will even reconsider putting us in prison depending on the situation.”

Compared with Marianne and Thor, who are humane, Siegn and Utgaroch are different.The two of them instigated rebellion by the big cake drawn by Gan Quanyou.is of interest.

But Zhuge Liang looked at them afterwards and they were definitely not at a loss. They were not defeated by Thor in Denmark, and now they don’t have to be imprisoned in a deep prison, but can sit here drinking tea and watching the news.Except for a little restriction of personal freedom, there is basically no loss.

Of course, if you ask people including Marianne, Thor, Sigorn, and Utgaroch what they think about their previous actions when they are in such a predicament, even strictly speaking, they are to some extent considered Does someone have any regrets after cheating?Then there will be no second answer, but it will be——I will never regret it.

A magician has always been a person who cares more about his own thoughts and wishes than the organization and the collective.

Regardless of whether this group of self-centered guys have considered the consequences afterwards, as long as they do what they want, they will never regret it afterwards, because even if the same thing happens again, they will do the same thing. choice and judgment.

"Uh..." There are some words that Utgaroch did not say clearly, but Gan Quanyou is no one, even if Utgaroch is a master of illusion or expression management.But Gan Quanyou always felt that this guy was thinking about himself maliciously.Splash dirty water on yourself.

But the feeling is the feeling, he can't find evidence to accuse, so angry!

When he was in Denmark, Gan Quanyou's physical condition was not good, and he belonged to the kind of strong support. In addition, Thor appeared. They drew a big cake and threw it aside.

"What if I said that I really just want to get you a hand? Well, I can tell from your expressions that you don't believe it... Well, I admit it. Regarding you, I have made relevant arrangements, so Don't worry."

Gan Quanyou felt that he was hurt by the expressions of Utgaroch and Sigorn.

No one will believe the truth about the sufferings of this motherfucker.Unknowingly, other people's perception of oneself has been distorted to such an extent.

I didn't feel it before, but now I can feel how heartbreaking it is.So what the old frog said was true.

"Not only you, but even Marianne and Thor, I have made corresponding arrangements. So you really found the right one when you came here."

"Even we..."

When Gan Quanyou said this, Thor also became more energetic.

He doesn't care what Gan Quanyou arranges for him, anyway, if he is unhappy, he will fight against the whole world and it will be over.He was mainly curious about what arrangement Gan Quanyou had made.

And he left something behind when he didn't know.

After all, according to Marianne's description, after the Misso Chloe Duny incident ended and left Academy City, he was indeed not by Omizu Yu's side, but Marianne and the others were there. However, the fact is that Omizu Yu was a bit too honest during that time , Now thinking about it, he consciously reduced his sense of existence at that time, and paralyzed Othinus in the details.

This chapter has not been approved

"Let me tell you something..."

Speaking of Gan Quanyou, he seemed to be looking for something from left to right, but he couldn't find what he was looking for after searching around, so he sat back helplessly.

"Sorry, I didn't prepare the PPT in advance."

Everyone: "..."

"Then let's make it a little simpler."

Gan Quanyou raised his hand and seemed to pinch something from the air in front of Thor, and an orange light lit up between his pinched thumb and index finger.

"Lend me some magic."

Holding the orange light with his fingertips, Gan Quanyou raised his hand to draw a circle parallel to the ground.

The orange light left a clear circular trail in the air.But... His posture always gives people the feeling of a Chinese snack making a sugar figure...

However, there is no need to pay too much attention to the details. The orange light splashed in Gan Quanyou's hands, and large clusters of sparks fell down. Fortunately, those things only looked like sparks and were not real. of.

In the end, Gan Quanyou flicked the orange light that he was pinching to the coffee table, and when he stood up, he lifted it up as if pulling something away——

Immediately afterwards, countless sparks gathered on the coffee table to form orange lines, and these orange lines specifically outlined a certain thing.

It was a building with a huge base at the bottom, extending upwards in a spiral shape, and finally twisted into a thin line that went straight up and disappeared into the ceiling.

To some extent, it can be called a miracle, and it is known as the building that reconstructed the miracle of the Tower of Babel in modern times-the cosmic elevator o Endymion.

"this is……"

Probably thinking of something, Marian stood up in shock.

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