I am the celebration monster of Academy City

Page 1072

However, it seems inappropriate to say that there is no impact. It may be because of the reaction just after the catastrophe. People desperately hope that there will be lively festivals to dispel the burden-bearing atmosphere brought about by so many sufferings before.

Even though there is still nearly a month to go until Christmas, the nearest lively festival, the entire Academy City is ready to start preparations as if turning a switch.

You can see workers along the way curling strip-shaped LED lights on the rows of street trees. Various stores have also begun to change their styles to suit Christmas. Even the big sisters who deliver paper towels change their costumes. Became a miniskirt Santa.

Even before Christmas, I feel that the lively atmosphere of this year's festival is not at the same level as before.

I always feel that the atmosphere of Christmas has begun to gradually spread in Academy City.At first, Gan Quanyou didn't think of anything, but he thought it was pretty good.

Although most of the time he always feels that the recovery speed of Academy City is too fast, but this time, as one of the parties and culprits who caused various incidents, he can see that innocent people are not indulging in those sorrows but can laugh When welcoming the warm festival, I still feel happy from the bottom of my heart.

But it was precisely because of this that he naturally thought that, as one of the culprits, he was also entitled to enjoy the joy of Christmas?Then suddenly realized that something was wrong!

Christmas? !

Contacting his current situation, Gan Quanyou began to panic.

Christmas is not a good holiday for him, hey, on the contrary, this day is full of flags even now!

As a Kamen Rider, do you want to "be the owner of...the world, and the future fate is up to you!" or "You can't play a hero of justice"?Or "Even if I bet my life"!

Or is it that I am in a state of relationship chaos that has to be resolved on Christmas Day?

Is it "Why are you so proficient" or "Great, Yu-kun, it's finally just the two of us"?

No matter how you think about it, it is the rhythm of FLAG standing full and dying!

Kanizumi Yu's originally slightly complicated mood became heavier after seeing the whole Academy City happily preparing for Christmas, after gaining a short period of comfort.

And full of sense of crisis!

Chapter 42 You can deal with it

There is no reason, maybe even a demon god like Othinus can't explain it, but Kanizumi just sensed what would happen to him on Christmas Day, as if he had received a divine revelation.The feeling was so strong that there was little he could do to stop it.

Don't ask, the answer is to send.

Even though for others it is bright red and joy, snow and love, and even Christmas, when condoms in unattended adult product stores are estimated to be sold out on that day, for Gan Quanyu, it is full of malice, but this is not true. It's a matter of method, after all, Gan Quanyou can skip Christmas without the crimson king.

Gan Quanyou can only think optimistically.It's almost a month until Christmas, maybe?

Sure enough, what should be paid attention to is the things in front of you, and you should not be interrupted by inexplicable feelings and thoughts.

There is no longer Gan Quanyou who wants to stay or relax, Gan Quanyou went all the way back to the door of his apartment, looking at the door that can hold the door handle with his hand, Gan Quanyou took a deep breath and let out a long sigh, In the end, he took his hand back and paced back and forth behind the door, thinking about how to fool him... Ah no, to induce... Bah, no, he asked Brunhilde to open the door for him.

Strategies emerged in Gan Quanyou's mind one by one, but Gan Quanyou knocked them out one by one.

The reason is very simple, when a set of conspiracies and tricks can naturally appear in the mind, then you should think about whether you have a problem.

Although as the saying goes, since ancient times, true feelings cannot be retained, but routines are the only way to win people's hearts.But the gap between routine and conspiracy is huge.

Fortunately, it is daytime now, and Gan Quanyou has learned his lesson again, this time he didn't cry at the door of his house, so the naked man in red underpants did not appear again.

Gan Quanyou, who was pacing repeatedly at the door, gradually showed a tangled look on his face, and his whole face gradually twisted together.

It is precisely because of this that he did not notice that the closed door...

It opened slowly.

About 20 years old, with snow-white skin and long wavy golden hair, a woman stood at the door with her chest folded, looking gloomy at Gan Quanyou who was turning around the door with a bitter face.

After watching it for 3 minutes, I was completely sure that although he looked like a boy, but in fact he was able to play the whole world and even demon gods around, he really didn't notice that the door had opened and she Then he coughed bluntly and opened his mouth to speak.

"When else do you want to go there?"

At the same time as the voice fell to the ground, the footsteps of Yu Ganizumi, who was turning back and forth, stopped. He slowly turned his head and met the sight of the woman with long blonde hair——Brünhilde—. , as if he could hear a "ding" prompt, the depression that had filled his entire face just now disappeared without a trace, replaced by a bright face.

But before Gan Quanyou could speak, Brunhild threw the back of his head directly to Gan Quanyou.Turning around and walking into the room, he only left a word to Gan Quanyou.

"Let's talk first."


Although I don't know what happened, it is enough to be happy that Brunhilde opened the door for himself.

In Gan Quanyou's view, whether it's Brunhilde or his two lovely "previous lovers".

The difficulty lies in getting them to open the door.If you have to use magic as a metaphor, the closed door represents resistance, which means that they will not accept themselves at all.

But as long as the door is opened, it means that the internal and external passages have been opened up, and the problem can be solved sooner or later if you can walk from the outside to the inside.

If you think about it carefully, it may be that I was driven away by an inexplicable guy a few days ago, which made Brunhilde unable to watch it anymore, and didn't want to see the same thing again.

Or maybe I disappeared for four or five days in one breath after that night, afraid that if I don't open the door again this time, I will disappear again?

Anyway, it doesn't matter what the reason is, if the door is opened, it's a victory!

"Kiss my baby—"

After changing his shoes at the entrance, he walked down the aisle with brisk steps.Although Gan Quanyou's apartment is not as big as the apartment that the senior sister left waiting for appreciation, it is not small at all.After all, "my house is quite big" is not a joke.

Then, Gan Quanyou, who walked to the end of the aisle with brisk steps, froze there.He looked at his home blankly.

It's not that his apartment was completely destroyed by thieves or vandals while he was away, or that the overall decoration style was changed by Brunhilde without consulting him.It's not that no one does housework, which leads to garbage everywhere.

But in Gan Quanyou's opinion, there should only be Brunhilde and the two little babies in the house...

There are several more out of place guys.

[Oh... babbling yay! ! 】

【Cry, scream, and die! ! 】

Thinking about it carefully, Kanizumi used to play it often, and even used it to promote Galgame, but now the game console that has not been touched for a long time has been turned over, with a golden hair, no matter how you look at it from the back, it looks like a girly boy with brown color She has short hair and only wears a looser casual shirt. I don't know if there is a girl in shorts below who is holding a game console in her hand and is fighting non-stop.

The fierce battle mentioned here does not refer to just holding the handle, but while holding the handle to fight, both of them have a dark and malicious smile on their faces. The blond boy's fingertips splatter about ten centimeters. The girl with short brown hair was entwined with a purple-white electric current, and she attacked the opponent with the vigor as if she wanted to kill her.

On the other side, the two cuties that Gan Quanyou was thinking about were crawling up and down the cylindrical dark cylinder, and beside him was a dark-skinned girl wearing suspenders and silver-haired double ponytail braids, smiling and watching them fight.

Looking to the other side, there are a man and a woman sitting on both sides of the couch, wearing a long silver dress and a woman wearing the same silver-white beret on her head. Don't feel bored.It looks like a young man, but it seems that he has entered old age early.

On the other side of the sofa, a flirtatious man with the same blond hair in a suit was sitting, browsing the news with a tablet.

"That's it."

Brunhilde, who was standing there obviously waiting for Gan Quanyou to follow in, didn't seem to relax. She pointed at the monsters and monsters in the living room and said indifferently to Gan Quanyou.

"You can deal with it."

Gan Quanyou: "..."

Chapter 43 The Cause of the Past, the Effect of the Now

Brunhilde's words are not so much instructing Gan Quanyu, but rather reminding some people that "the guy you are waiting for is back."

Sure enough, after her words fell, almost everyone subconsciously raised their heads and looked at Gan Quanyou.

Immediately, the two people sitting on the left and right sides of the sofa—Sigorn and Utgaroch—

Putting down the hot tea and the tablet in his hand, he got up and walked towards Gan Quanyou.

And the two people holding the handles at the front of the TV glanced at it because the battle was not over, and then immediately looked away, but they could hear a little more besides the fighting lines on the TV. voice.

"Hmph, the battle is over, let me beat you with one move."

"It's just you? I haven't made any effort yet. Do you think you can beat me in the field of video games? It was just me letting you go before. Misaka let out a mocking laugh, Jie Jie."

"What? How dare you cheat with your abilities?"

"How can something that can be done with your ability be considered cheating? Aren't you known as the god of thunder, you can do it if you have the ability."

"I can't do everything, I can only do what I can. Although killing you won't even give you a little bit of experience, but I still kill you!!"

On the other side, a girl with silver hair and double ponytails with a smile watching two little lolitas climbing up and down—Marianne—raised her hand and said hello to Gan Quanyou.

"Oh, Ganquan, you are back. We have been waiting for you here for several days after we were released."

Of course, that's what he said, but he didn't see the meaning of her getting up.But it's not difficult to understand. After careful calculation, it's probably the first time they came to Gan Quanyou's house as guests, and they were guests.

But from another point of view, they are companions who have lived and died together, and even experienced backstabs and backstabs, and have life-and-death friendships.Some formalities are unnecessary.

Now that Sigorn and Utgaroch, who have a relatively weak relationship, have stood up to meet them, they can talk about the topics that need to be said later, and there is no need to go over now.

The air flow in the whole space seems to have changed. It is impossible for Jenny who is sitting on the throwing hammer and Phoebe who is holding the throwing hammer to find Gan Quanyou. The moment they saw Gan Quanyou, the two of them His eyes lit up all of a sudden.

Phoebe ran towards Gan Quanyou without even thinking about it, but after only two steps, she seemed to remember something, somewhat reluctantly, but finally stopped, turned around and returned to Throwing Hammer Beside him, he pretended to be fierce and stared at Gan Quanyou.

Gan Quanyou: "..."

Good guy, this is Gan Quanyou's real enlightenment. Brunhilde opened the door for himself, and it has nothing to do with what happened that night, and it has nothing to do with his disappearance for four or five days without saying hello.The reason why she opened the door was purely because she was annoyed by the extra group of ghosts and monsters in the house.

After all, she is still in a cold war with Gan Quanyou in this wave. Who would have thought that so many people suddenly popped up from nowhere to disrupt the situation without even saying hello, how can they have a good cold war with them?The atmosphere of the Cold War is gone all of a sudden!Isn't this group of guys appearing at this time to disrupt the situation?

However, after Gan Quanyou's initial surprise, he immediately gave a thumbs up secretly in his heart!

Good guy, an assist appeared in an unexpected place!If it weren't for these guys to come out, Brunhilde doesn't know when he will open the door for him.

And now, although it doesn't feel right, at least the door is open and it's over.The next stage is his Gan Quanyou's stage!

Of course, before Showtime, we still have to solve their problems.

The moment he saw them, Gan Quanyou roughly understood what was going on.

Needless to say, Marianne, Throwing Hammer, and Kihara Kagun stayed in the Ship Cemetery with himself and Othinus, and were sent by him to protect Kamijo Touma in the subsequent incident. .

Sigorn and Utgaroch were instigated by himself to be under his command when all members of Gremlin gathered.

Thor regained his status as a friendly army after confirming that Gan Quanyou didn't care about his betrayal at all-nonsense, after all, this guy is a master of betrayal.After all, compared to Marianne, Thor got to know Gan Quanyou first.

These people were captured by the multi-government and organization coalition forces during or after the annihilation of Othinus.

But in the subsequent negotiations, because of Academy City's tough attitude, all of them were recycled to Academy City.

Kihara Naogen had already said about this when he visited the prison.He also said that they would be released only if Gan Quanyou was willing to be released from prison.

Although Yu Ganquan didn't come out of prison with Kihara Naogen at that time, but sneaked out after Kihara Naogen left.

But just as Seria Kumokawa was able to get the news that Yuu Kanizumi had left from the Juvenile Correctional Institute, how could Kihara Naogen, the top layer of Kihara, not receive the information.After that he released Marian and others.

There is nowhere to go—meaning that there are probably a vast number of magicians who want to kill them if they can find a chance—

They are in the enemy's base camp and they are different from Kihara Kagun, who was originally from Academy City. When they have no other choice, they can only look for Yu Ganizumi, hoping that Yu Ganizumi can show them a clear way.After all, this is the pie that Gan Quanyou had drawn for them before he was knocked down.

As for how they were sure that Academy City would let go of the past for such a big thing that Yuu Kanizumi did...

It can only be said that there is no problem with Kihara Naogen's golden retriever who can say what should be said and what should not be said.

Then... an extra girl with brown hair...

Extra individual...

This is even simpler.How could Xiaoqinqin, who was stabbed in the back by Hualili during the Hawaiian Islands incident, have a good life now.

Originally, she went to Hawaii with the body of a sinner, but before she was cleansed, she rebelled and turned into a black man. First, she defeated Accelerator, and then killed Misaka Mikoto.

Except for Shokuhou Misaki who was discharged from the hospital, she was probably the only one who was not so happy.

Again, if she didn't have this skin, she would have been fucked to death countless times.

Didn't you see how miserable Hei Ye Haibird Jiang, the prisoner at the time, is living now?playing games?Hmph, do chores for me!

And with the personality of the individual outside the fan, if such a big thing has happened and there is no way to end it, he will definitely come to find Gan Quanyou to take responsibility.

The cause of the past, the result of this moment.

From Kumokawa Seria, who came directly in the middle of the night, to Shokuhou Misaki, who was still waking up, to Brunhilde and these people.

Some things don't just have a beginning and a process without an end.But it's not yet time to settle.

But now, everything that Gan Quanyou has done in the past, one by one, the ones that should be liquidated are starting to line up to find the door.

Chapter 44 I guessed it would be like this

Gan Quanyou was leaning on the single sofa, but his eyes were all on the other side of the room.

"Don't look at it, even if you look at him again, he won't come out. Let's deal with our side first."

It was Thor who spoke, and in the end the battle between Thor and the extra individual ended in a draw——

It refers to the fact that the extra-fantasy slaps Thor in the game, and Thor slaps the extra-fantasy in reality, and each has their own gains and joys——

Now he and the extra body are separated by Marianne and the Throwing Hammer and sit closer to Gan Quanyou.While speaking, he directly reached out his hand and patted Gan Quanyou's body rudely.

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