Hunter’s Vengeance: The Rise of the Predator

Chapter 17. Big Discount

   [Orlin City Market]

   On a street full of stalls of street vendors who were trying to sell the remainder of their goods before the evening's arrival, people walked in various directions, some carrying bags of food, others hauling construction materials, and some holding small children in their arms. But they all moved aside when a chill touched their bodies, a chill that brought with it the threat of death, as though something very dangerous stood behind them, something that couldn't be provoked.

   Turning towards the direction from which they sensed the threat, they couldn't help but be surprised that instead of a fearsome creature that could send shivers down their spines, there was a young woman of unimaginable beauty, that could steal the heart of any living being with just one smile, the elegance of which could remain undiminished even by the unsuitable clothes she wore at that moment, her fluid gait that reminded them of the movements of a feline stalking her prey, with hips that undulate subtly, like a snake crossing a mountain lake surrounded by towering firs, making everyone look at her with bated breath as if a goddess of beasts was moving in front of them, an embodiment of all that could be wild.

   "Perhaps she's the daughter of a noble..."

   "Could she be a princess in disguise?"

   "Is she possibly an A-rank adventurer who was trapped in a dungeon for hundreds of years?"

   Such questions were exchanged as Kara walked by, oblivious to their speculation, leaving them to imagine all sorts of extraordinary scenarios.

   Having the necessary documents to prove her affiliation with the kingdom called Valoria, Kara could enter the city walls without any worries and headed straight for the city market, in search of a shop offering the highest quality clothing.

   After passing through several bustling streets, Kara arrived in an area where all the buildings seemed more luxurious, and the security was much tighter, a sign that this was probably where the wealthy came to shop. After a quick glance around, Kara headed for a shop that seemed to offer clothing suitable for aspiring adventurers, likely intended for noble children who desired the finest attire.

   As Kara took a few steps inside the store, a young woman with a heavily made-up face appeared in front of her, eyeing Kara's clothing with disdain.

   "Heh, do you think our shop has things you can afford? Or did you come here hoping to attract some noble who would take care of you? Listen carefully..."


   Fortunately for the clownish woman berating Kara, an elderly man came out from behind the counter and, giving her a smack on the head, bellowed at her as if she were his worst enemy.

   "You foolish girl! Is that how you treat our precious customers? Do you think I brought you here to ruin my business? From now on, you won't speak to anyone! Your only task will be to clean the floors until your head clears. Go get a cloth from behind the counter and get to work!"

   "But grandpa, I..."

   "No 'buts,' immediately fetch the cloth and get to work!"

   After the elderly man put his granddaughter in her place, he looked toward Kara and, with a humble smile, apologized on behalf of his niece.

   "I apologize, esteemed customer. The poor girl had a problem with her head from a young age. Please disregard the words of a misbehaving child. As compensation, feel free to take anything you desire from the store without paying. I hope this will be enough to overlook this mistake."

   'This old man seems quite clever', thought Kara after hearing the store owner's words.

   "No problem, as long as such things won't happen again. To spare you any guilt, I'll accept your generous offer and choose a few items I need..." Kara replied to the old man, who was doing his utmost to appear as friendly as possible.

   After this short and satisfying discussion for both parties, Kara started to browse the shop, accompanied by the elderly man who assumed the role of a guide. After selecting a few pairs of leather trousers, sleeveless blouses, and a couple of pairs of silent boots, she entered a fitting room to see if they fit. After approximately 5 minutes, she emerged dressed in a new outfit, wearing a pair of brown leather pants that highlighted her seductive curves, a white, sleeveless blouse that gave her an air of purity like that of priestesses singing odes to the gods, and a pair of black leather boots that seemed ready to wade through pools of blood without changing their color at all.

   "Esteemed customer, are you satisfied? Do you need a storage ring to keep the rest of your clothes?"

   "It's not necessary. I've already stored the rest of my clothes. I think it's enough for today. It was a pleasure doing business with you."

   "Of course, the pleasure was all mine. I look forward to your future visits."

   After this exchange of formalities, Kara headed towards the exit of the shop, passing by the young woman who had been washing the floor on her knees all this time. Without even glancing at her, Kara left the store with a blank expression on her face, as if receiving clothes worth 20 gold coins for free was an everyday occurrence for her.

   Seeing that the customer for whom her grandfather mistreated her had left, the young woman got up from the floor, her eyes filled with tears and her makeup ruined, and asked him why he had treated her that way.

   "You foolish girl, do you think I could keep this shop open for so long just due to luck? Do you think your grandfather can't recognize danger when it's right in front of him? That girl is more than what she seems at first glance. If I hadn't intervened, it's possible that both of us might have lost our lives by now. I've seen many powerful warriors and many nobles, even some related to the royal family, but none of them have made me feel like a single misstep could cost me my life."

   "But Grandpa, there are so many soldiers guarding this area, and this shop is favored by many nobles. Can't we call for help whenever we need it?"

   "You're still too young and have never seen what some people are capable of. In this world, the number of people has no value. All that matters is power. Do you think a vulture cares about how many ants want to attack it? Anyway, in the future, you'd do well to learn to keep your mouth shut, or you might end up washing floors for the rest of your life. In this business, we can't afford to have enemies, even if they don't pose any immediate threat..."


   Although Kara could hear the conversation between the two from a distance of several kilometers if she focused, she didn't eavesdrop further because she knew from the beginning that everything the shop owner did was just a show to calm her down and protect his niece from her anger. Although Kara had no intention of taking the girl's life as the old man feared, she did plan to teach the young woman how to treat customers respectfully by giving her a few spanks on the bottom.

   Leaving the shopping area behind, Kara headed directly toward the location of the Adventurers' Guild, which was her main objective for entering the city. She went back into the crowded streets, cutting through the hundreds of people like a shark in a school of fish, leaving behind people full of amazement and questions to which they would never receive any answers.

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