Hunter’s Vengeance: The Rise of the Predator

Chapter 16. Two Swords Don’t Fit in The Same Sheath

   Although Kara didn't feel physically stronger than before receiving her new class, she could clearly sense that her control over her powers had become much deeper, and her violent impulses and bloodthirst had become much easier to manage. It was as if until now, these powers belonged only to her body, but now they were part of her soul as well.

   'Finally, I did it. I feel like I could go to war with the entire world. It may have been truly difficult to get to this moment, but it was worth it. I wonder how I managed not to lose my mind in the past months. Well, maybe I did lose it a little, as there wasn't much difference between me and a beast living in The Great Moonshadow Forest. To be honest, I even started to enjoy such a life, often tempted to abandon everything and live the rest of my life as the ruler of this forest. The only thing that kept me going was my hunger, the hunger for more power, the hunger to rule more than just a forest where hardly anyone ventures. Yes, this forest is too small for me. I couldn't settle for just that. I wanted my kingdom to encompass the entire world... But is that truly what I want? Thinking more carefully now that I'm more rational, attempting to rule the whole world would be a hassle. The human world is not as simple as this forest, where the weak dare not defy the strong. Besides, my knowledge of the economy and politics is quite limited... But why bother with such trivialities? What would I gain from all of this? As long as I can do whatever I want, and no one dares to stand in my way, I'll be content. And those who try to change that better be prepared to have their ass kicked...'

   Although Kara didn't have a very clear objective for the immediate future, she was certain that her newfound powers would undoubtedly bring her into conflict with all the races of this world, as both human and demon leaders seemed to consider anyone with the Predator class as their number one enemy. However, Kara had no intention of hiding her powers or pretending not to be a threat. She always hated those who considered themselves superior to her, who thought they could decide her fate, whether they were nobles or warriors with higher classes. Even though she hadn't clashed with anyone except for the misunderstanding with Klaus's family, their attitude, making her feel like they controlled her life, always infuriated her.

   'It will be interesting to see the attitude of humans and demons when they find out that the very thing they feared most has happened. I don't know how they managed to defeat the last human being with the Predator class, but I will make sure that my existence remains a perpetual sword hanging over their heads. Yes, no one will ever be untouchable, not kings, not demon lords, absolutely no one. They will all live in fear, knowing I can take their lives at any moment. Yes, like a natural disaster, I will be unstoppable. They will all tremble at the sound of my voice, just like little children scared of thunder."

   After setting these objectives for the distant future and calming her enthusiasm, Kara focused on visualizing her current parameters and available skills, something she hadn't been able to do in the past months.

   'Seems like everything is working fine this time... Huh, that's strange. It appears that the level value cannot be detected. Does that mean I've reached a level higher than the maximum possible level? As far as I knew from legends about past great warriors, the maximum level a human being could reach was level 300. Anyway, considering that all my attributes are of S+ rank, including the magic attribute, which has always been the weakest, being only E rank, I guess I can say that I no longer need to worry about leveling up. Now let's see if I've gained any specific skills for my new class..'

   Focusing on visualizing the available skills, Kara was surprised to see that she had only six. The first and most important one was Devour, an advanced form of the Blood Hunger skill, allowing her to extract energy from both defeated beings and other special sources, such as magical artifacts or mana-rich locations. The second skill was called Predator's Constitution, a passive skill that always kept her body in the best possible shape and at maximum capacity, increasing her resistance and regeneration beyond any imaginable limit. The third skill was Predator Claws, an attack skill that enveloped her arms from the elbow down in black energy, transforming her fingers into deadly daggers capable of cutting through anything she desired. The fourth skill was Predator's Locker, offering access to an extremely vast space, billions of times larger than the most expensive storage ring, allowing her to control how stored objects were affected by time, even making them remain in their original state forever. The fifth skill was called Predator's Talent, allowing her to learn any skill she desired from any class, as long as she had seen it being used. Finally, the last skill was Predator's Charm, another passive skill that turned Kara into a true seductress, enhancing her beauty to a goddess-like level and transforming her body movements and voice into enchantments that could deeply affect the souls of any living beings.

    'All six skills are truly impressive. They're probably of a higher rank than S. Moreover, the Predator's Talent skill gives me access to an additional list of skills, where I can find all the skills I had while being a Hunter and all the skills I've seen in action so far, including those of Alice's grandmother, who specialized in potion-making, and I never analyzed them carefully.'

   Satisfied with the skills she acquired, Kara decided to leave The Great Moonshadow Forest and head to the nearest city to try to contact her father through the Adventurers Guild to let him know she survived the ritual. Afterward, she planned to begin her journey into the wide world, seeking new challenges and foes to defeat.

   After taking all the valuable items from the bandits and their victims and storing them in her Predator's Locker space, thus freeing herself from the burden of wearing storage rings that always bothered her, Kara headed towards the outskirts of the forest, where about a year and a half ago, she buried her belongings under the root of an old tree.

   After retrieving her baggage from the ground and finding everything in the same condition as before, Kara held the sheets that described the ritual to obtain the Predator class, which as soon as its detected her approach, began to emanate a corruptive energy and a thirst for blood.

   "Heh, I suspected it would come to this," Kara said, holding the sheets without showing any weakness.

   'I always felt there was something strange about these papers, and now I can see what the problem is. It seems that the one who had the Predator class in the past left a part of his soul in these pages, written with his own blood, hoping that in the future, he will be able to be reborn by stealing the powers of the person who will complete this ritual. Too bad for him that my talent is much greater than his. I don't know where he obtained this method to obtain the Predator class, but it's evident from the writings that he completed the ritual solely based on magical formations to enhance his power, without obtaining a skill similar to Blood Hunger, so probably the effect wasn't as potent as in my case. It's actually quite amusing to think about. He probably wouldn't have stood a chance against me even when he was alive, and now this small fragment of his power is trying to corrupt my soul, believing it can succeed.

   "I'm sorry, but two swords, no matter how sharp they are, cannot fit in the same sheath. In this world, there's room for only one supreme predator, and I will be that, whether we're talking about the past, present, or future..."

   Kara immediately activated the Predator Claws skill and with one strike turned the bunch of sheets into a pile of confetti.

   "I guess a former Predator's soul makes for an excellent celebratory meal for the reception of my new class..." Kara told the fluttering pieces of paper that wriggled like headless snakes and then activated the Devour skill, beginning to absorb all the energy within them.

   'I can't tell if I've become stronger after devouring the fragment of the soul left in these sheets, but it's good to eliminate a potential problem that might have arisen in the future. Moreover, the fact that the secret of obtaining the Predator class is known only to me is very beneficial, as no one will have a chance to obtain powers similar to mine or find a way to weaken me. Alright, I guess it's time to get dressed. I don't want unworthy eyes to admire my beauty. Hmm, it seems the clothes have become too small. I must have grown about 10 centimeters. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Once I arrive in the city of Olrin, I can buy as many clothes as I want with the money I earned from the bandits I killed. Plus, even if I take them without paying, no one can hold me accountable... Well, I'm joking. I have no intention of making fun of innocent people who haven't wronged me in any way...'

   After dressing in the short clothes that made Kara look as if she stole them, she hurriedly headed towards the city of Olrin, the place where we can say her true legend will begin.

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