Hunter Or Huntress

Swimming Lessons

Chapter 53: Swimming Lessons

He hadn’t actually expected any of them to go in. He had just wanted to make a little fun of them for not daring to do so. It had been abundantly clear that Dakota had not enjoyed the experience. Yet Sapphire apparently found the guts to try. Judging by the staring contest with Jackalope it was most likely to try and outdo her.

Jackalope had not left the shore, looking on in dismay from a safe distance. As Sapphire made it out to where he was standing about waist deep. Fengi was bouncing around, hands fidgeting in her mouth clearly conflicted by what she was seeing. Even when she was scared she looked adorable, Tom mused.

Sapphire hadn’t taken any of her clothes off. Even if the leather likely wouldn’t cause too many problems she would probably regret that when she got back out again.

“Right what now?” She asked. Tom thought on that one for a minute, he had never actually taught someone to swim before. Least of all a grown woman with wings. Still, it should be fun to try.

“I think It would be easiest for me to hold you while you try and swim. You need to go like this” He started trying to show her what to do with her arms and legs, teaching her when it was smart to breathe. He did a little demonstration too, swimming around her for a bit.

“Okay, doesn’t seem too hard... It won't hurt right?” Tom shook his head bemused and she did a little jump psyching herself up. “Right, let’s do this!”

Tom held her by the waist as she slowly lowered into the water, he held her level for a bit so she could get a feel for the water. She was clearly tense, but she wasn’t panicking yet, so that was good. She slowly tried doing breaststrokes as had shown her. He began walking with her through the water. He was still holding her up, but she was going forwards under her own steam. Even if it was catastrophically slow.

“You're doing great, how are you feeling?”

“It’s really weird and cold, but not too bad” She replied with very false calm. She was keeping her head well out of the water using her neck. The result of course was that her torso was going down deeper forcing Tom to adjust his grip up higher. For someone used to flying she wasn’t very good at keeping level that was for sure.

“Try and push upwards with your arms so you keep your head above water okay” She once again fumbled around a bit, splashing water everywhere but it did sort of work. Getting her to a sort of level.

It was by no means graceful but she was afloat. She still had a very stern face on, clearly concentrating on what she was doing. In fact, she looked a bit like a retarded swan craning her neck like that. He tried his best not to laugh.

“Right that’s good now the legs, that is the best way to go forwards” She started kicking harder and he could feel her starting to push forward with every stroke.

“That’s good, keep going” He began to slowly let go of her. He could feel her go tense a few times, she even got her head below the water once. He helped her up again as she shook the water off. It didn't take long before he let go completely, she was still going very slowly and by now mostly just trying to keep her head above water. He also just kept walking alongside, just in case.

“Behold, a swimming dragonette” He cheered, holding up his hands to show he wasn’t helping, then gesturing to Sapphire.

“Eat it, Jackalope!” Sapphire added, sounding somewhere between determined and distracted.

“You go, girl!” Fengi cheered.

Jackalope stood there looking dismayed, before apparently deciding this just wouldn't do. She took off any loose items, took a deep if completely unnecessary breath, and marched into the water. She winced at the first step and did a kind of weird tiptoe walk as she made it out deeper still trying to hold her breath.


She was swimming! She was actually swimming! She was the best! The whole keeping her head above water wasn’t that hard. Even if she wondered how Tom managed it with his short little neck. Tom had sounded very proud and supportive even if the look on his face more than told her, he thought she looked ridiculous. She didn’t even care if she did, no-one around here could swim.

She hadn’t quite decided if this was more awesome or terrifying though, but Tom was following along, so even if she messed up she wouldn’t drown. She wondered just how far she had managed to swim, wait how deep was it? She tried to touch the bottom with her foot. She tried a few times until her head went under on one stroke, the cold water made her gasp. Which she quickly found out was a mistake as she breathed down the cold water.

Tom pulled her out as she began coughing up water. No this was more terrifying. Definitely terrifying. She hadn’t even been able to reach the bottom. She must have made it out way too far. As Tom held her up and let her get her breath, it did dawn on her that he was currently standing…

“There you go, get it out.” He sounded calm as ever “If you want to touch the bottom you need to stand up, but practice makes perfect. Might need to teach you to tread water”

Then she heard Jackalope letting out a burst of nervous laughter. So she had decided she could do it too… Dammit.

It was rare for her to not be laughing her ass off when Sapphire was in a position like this though. So she was clearly terrified too, possibly even more than Sapphire. Tom helped Sapphire back on her feet. Turning his attention to Jackalope.

“Well, well, well look who took her brave pills”

“You have those?” Jackalope asked, sounding a little hopeful.

“Sadly not.” Tom patted the disappointed Jackalope on her shoulder “Anyway, so you wanna try too?” Then there was a splash as Fengi landed. She let out a screech upon entering the cold water and immediately looked like she regretted what she had just done.

“My gods that feels weird is it all this mucky?!” Sapphire could see her clawing at the bottom, it was a very strange feeling that was for sure.

“Well, that was an entrance” Tom went in surprise. Fengi snaped to attention looking at him.

“If they can do it so can I” She replied in a confident practiced voice. “It won’t hurt will it?” In a not so confident tone, her posture breaking as well.

Sapphire hadn’t seen that one coming, Fengi was usually not one to get caught up in her and Jackalope's rivalry. Still, she had been first on this one too. Even if she was probably not going to be the only swimmer in the keep anyway.

Tom had started teaching all three of them then. He started with getting them used to have their heads below water. That was most likely the least nice piece of training Sapphire had ever done. It took several minutes to convince Jackalope it wouldn’t kill or hurt her.

It was apparently supposed to teach them not to breathe underwater since they did struggle a bit with that. Well, it was hard not to gasp for air when something that cold hit your face genius, Sapphire thought to herself.

“You do this to your children!?” Jackalope questioned “It’s terrifying”

“Yeah, they laugh though, this is a game to them. Normally we would count jumping up and down before going under” He replied, sounding cheery. “We also try and see who can hold their breath the longest”

“Your kids are fucking badasses” Jackalope added. Tom just laughed a bit at that.

“Well, they ain’t scared of it, can’t be brave if you aren't scared” Sapphire needed to remember that one, for Dakota. It even made sense. “What about the others, I’m guessing Dakota doesn't wanna try?”

“No, I don't think so either and Esmeralda has a husband to tend to” Sapphire replied.

“How can’t they be scared of this. What’s wrong with them?!” Jackalope protested, clearly trying to stall before they were supposed to go back under. Tom though just started counting down again, to her evident dismay.

“3,2,1 deep breath” by the gods that was unpleasant. After having done the maneuver several times already Sapphire was more uncomfortable and less terrified. Nothing bad had happened yet after all.

As she came back up Tom answered Jackalope “Would you be surprised to know I’m scared of heights?” Scared of heights? Well, it sort of made sense if you couldn’t fly but still, Tom flew with them all the time?

Fengi beat her to the question though “Then why would you go flying with us?”

“Not scared of flying, just heights. Many humans have it. If I stand on a ledge I’m scared to look down.” That was an odd arrangement. Sapphire wasn’t really sure how it was possible to be scared of one and not the other. If anything flying was more dangerous than standing in a tall place.

"So you aren't scared when flying with us?” Sapphire asked.

“Well I wasn't afraid of flying, coming here might have ruined that. Definitely afraid of falling now.” That one Sapphire could understand, he hadn’t had the best luck with staying airborne. “Besides a little scary is exciting in a way”

“Fuck yeah” Jackalope in the wheeziest voice Sapphire had heard in a long time. It was clear she wasn’t here because she enjoyed it. Still, she was doing her best to keep up appearances.

They had continued with the various exercises, it wasn’t pleasant but the more they did them the less scary it became. His teachings appeared to be working then. Tom had taken Jackalope and Fengi through the same lessons as Sapphire where she learned what Tom called the breaststroke. There were apparently many ways to swim. One kind was plenty for Sapphire, being able to brag about being able to swim sounded awesome to her. One kind would do just fine for that.

While he was going at Fengi Sapphire had Challenged Jackalope to a race, which she of course easily won, having had several more minutes to master the art of swimming.

“Eat my tail, Jacky!”

“Why am I not going forwards?!” came the reply from behind. He, he, she wasn’t going to tell. __________________________________________________________________________________

They had all done very well. They were clearly scared but after a while he had them splashing around under their own power, so he just kept watch on them. The dunking exercise did seem to have taken the edge off the fear, so perhaps it was time to see if he could get them to have a little fun. Sapphire and jackalope had already started racing so that was a good start. He wasn’t gonna ruin their good mood though.

The plan was simple. Go behind Jackalope and splashed water at Sapphire and blame Jackalope. It was quite possibly the oldest trick in the book, but it was in it for a reason.

When the water hit Sapphire, she looked like she had just found a cockroach letting out a screech of surprise “What the… Jacky!”

“What is it?” Jackalope just managed to look up confused as the spray of water hit her, eliciting a very un Jackalope-like girly shriek from her.

“Oh, you are going down for that” As expected Jackalope immediately returned fire starting the water fight properly. They lacked proper technique but low grav combined with the fact that they were in great shape, especially Jackalope, sent the water flying all around. They of course managed to hit both Tom and Fengi doing so. The two of them looked at each other with a nod, teaming up.

In the beginning, it was mostly shrieking and curses, but as they started to figure out how to shield their mouth and nose from the incoming water. Laughter began to spread, Tom was having a great time, currently pouring water onto Sapphire, Fengi following suit.

“Jackalope started it!” Sapphire protested at being hit from multiple sides, Fengi and Tom dutifully responded switching fire to Jackalope.

“No, I didn't, you moron, you splashed me.” Jackalope tried to defend, realizing she was now outnumbered three to one she elected to try and even the odds charging at Sapphire. Running in water wasn’t something they had been trained in though so she only managed to fall face-first into the water. It was only Tom laughing before he managed to stifle it, looking a bit guilty. Jackalope's head soon came back out of the water though looking defeated.

“That didn’t work.” She concluded, water running off her face.

“Well that’s what you get for splashing water at me” Sapphire accused,

“I didn’t do it. I swear” Tom couldn’t help but crack a laugh at that.

Fengi looked to him with a quizzical look narrowing her eyes “I think I found the guilty one” She said pointing at the laughing Tom. Like there was a need for theatrics, she had seen what he did.

Jackalope's head turned to look at Tom, an evil smile starting to show on her face. “Oh you clever little bastard, come over here now!” That last order was almost barked at him, time to retreat.

“Time for some exercise!” Tom went running for shallower water. Judging by her first attempt, he was very confident of his chances of outrunning her especially if the waters were shallow. He didn’t hear another splash though, instead, he heard the sound of unfolding wings... As he looked back he saw Fengi giving Jackalope a leg up, to give her the free space she needed to beat her wings. ‘Well, that just wasn’t fair at all’

After that, it was only a matter of seconds before Jackalope slammed into him with considerable speed. They both went in, with a big splash, water going everywhere. He had to commend Jackalope for the dedication, even if he was fairly sure he now sported a few new scratches and bruises. She had been utterly terrified to start with. Possibly the most scared in fact and here she was, trying to wrestle in the water.

She was larger and definitely stronger than him. Not to mention a lot more experienced by his reckoning. But they were in the water now, this might be his only chance to actually win against her in a wrestling match.

His hopes were rather quickly dashed after he found himself in a tight arm lock on the bottom, holding his breath, wondering just how he got there. Then she got a proper grip on him and hoisted him out of the water and clear of her head. He hadn’t tried that in decades. Being lifted over someone's head was something you did with small children. Just like his father used to do when he was little in fact.

“So, going to say sorry?” She asked him as she balanced him up there.

“Fuck no. This is great!” He couldn’t see her reaction but he hoped it was a head-tilt followed by another of those incredulous expressions, that just never got old.

“Right I forgot, you're fucking crazy” With a grunt of effort, Tom went flying. He couldn't resist the urge to go “Wuhuu” as he went in, this was turning into the best day ever. It had been a good toss too, but he wondered if she could do better? He got back up and turned back to Jackalope pretending to crack his neck.

“You know, now I’m gonna try to make you do that again right?” She just shook her head, hunkering down, arms spread ready to greet him.

“Well, I’m not surrendering to no man, that’s for sure! Not even in water!”

“Hey, I’m a huntress now. Remember?”

“Well come prove it then, rookie!” She roared out her challenge. She would likely have been scarier if she hadn't been quivering with fear at playing a kids game mere minutes before. That did take most of the fire out of her eyes.

She didn’t need to say it twice though. He charged as quickly as the just below waist-deep water would allow. It was most likely the least terrifying thing she had ever seen so maybe that would help with her fear of water. This time he had a plan though.

As he got close he dived in headfirst. He was gonna go for the legs. The water was murky following their initial struggle so he was confident she couldn’t see him down here. So hopefully she would miss trying to grab him.

He felt her clawed fingers try and get a hold of him, had she been willing to use those claws she would likely have succeeded. As it was though he managed to slip pas bumping into her legs and grabbed on. He brought his legs in under him and lifted with all he could muster, sending her sprawling onto her back with a splash. She spread her wings to try and stop the fall. That did manage to keep her from going too deep into the water.

Tom was a little worried for a second as she began kicking with her clawed feet. Those things were more like what you would imagine on a raptor and the claws were ten to fifteen centimeters long each. He made sure to keep them as far away from his face as possible. In keeping her legs up high he did force her head underwater though, as she flailed around there were some gurgling noises. He tried turning her around so he could pin her down but the wings made that impossible. In the end, he let go. He didn't want to ruin all the good progress she had made by keeping her underwater.

She came back up with a splutter and a cough though it did seem she had avoided the worst of it. She didn’t look like she was done though not even close in fact. Her eyes locked on what he guessed was about to be his very sorry arse. He tried to grab her legs again, but she managed to pull them back under her crouching down.

Her eyes almost seemed to glow or even flicker as with a power full leap and a single beat of her wings she went sailing clean over him. Tom admitted he hadn’t seen that one coming. Even in this gravity, he would be lucky to make much more than a meter of the ground.

Looking up in amazement wasn’t the best tactic though. As he pondered how much the extra joint in her legs had helped. He felt her grab him by the waist from behind and he once again went flying through the air. He hadn’t been suplexed before either, even if he and a few drunk friends had once tried to do it to each other with very little success. As he pondered what had just happened he slammed into the water once again with a splash.

He was fumbling around for a bit before he got his head back out of the water with a huge grin on his face.

“Are you done or do I need to teach you again?” Jackalope went looking down at his head held high.

“Again” was all he bothered to respond as he once again tried to charge her at a snail's pace.

“Doesn’t it hurt to get thrown like that?” Sapphire asked, she and Fengi having made their way over.

“No, it’s great.” He replied enthusiastically.

“What the?! No, Fengi!” He heard a splash from behind and turned to see a laughing Fenig who had apparently just surprised a now very unamused looking Sapphire.

The two of them went at it as Tom watched it didn’t take too long before Sapphire got her revenge, getting a hold of Fengi by the thigh and shoulder spinning her around a few times before letting her fly. She actually got a fair amount of distance before hitting the water. Tom waited to see if Fengi was okay before turning back to Jackalope.

“Do that, do that” He went excitedly pointing to where Fengi had landed. Jackalope's face turned to an incredulous grin as she shook her head.

“If you say so” she replied in a chuckle.

“Yuus!” Tom made his way over and she grabbed him. She took three full revolutions before letting go. The air time felt like several seconds to him as he went sailing through the air coming down on his back. That had been incredible.

He had gone even further than Fengi. Looking back to where Jackalope was standing rubbing her hands. It had in fact been a truly ridiculous throw. How did she do that? He didn’t even care, this was officially the best day ever. “Again!”

They kept at it for a bit, before they had all been suitably tired out. He even managed to beat Jackalope eventually having tired her out completely. He also tried to throw her as best he could. It was a rather pathetic effort by comparison, but she did go flying in the end. They were clearly getting rather cold though not to mention he had clearly pushed Jackalope as far as she could go for now. So he called an end to the first swimming lesson, feeling proud of what he had achieved.

He did still have a little unfinished business with one of the participants though.

“You look so cold Fengi, wanna piggyback?” He asked, getting a look of somewhere between betrayal and annoyance from Sapphire and Jackalope.

“Sure, it's so cold, how do you stand it?”

“He’s always warm” Jackalope helpfully informed her, in a tired and annoyed tone. If he was being fair she was the one who really needed a piggyback.

“Oh right of course” Fengi seemed even keener on a ride at that notion and she got on. ‘Foolish girl, you have committed a grave error’ Tom thought to himself pulling an evil grin at the other two. Before grabbing Fengi’s legs, holding on tight so she couldn't get off, turned and ran back out towards deeper water. She had ratted him out and today the price for betrayal was a going in the deep end.

It took her a second to figure out what was happening, at least judging by the whining she let out eventually.

“No, I’m not that Good Tom stop I wanna go back.” She would get back in due time.

“Now remember. Deep breath, we’re going diving. hang on!” The screaming stopped and her grip tightened. So he assumed she had done as instructed.

He leaped forwards in as tall of an arc as he could manage. Once in the water he let go of her legs and began swimming down to maintain depth for a bit going along the bottom as she held on tight. He didn’t know how long she could hold her breath so he pulled up rather quickly, surfacing. She was holding on for dear life but there wasn’t any coughing, so it would seem the training had worked.

He kept on swimming until he was fairly confident he couldn’t reach the bottom anymore.

“So hows the ride,” He asked sarcastically

“You're not being funny right now.”

“No I’m being Kokashi and I’m getting so tired”

“No No No, you can’t leave me out here”

“But you are too heavy Fengi, I can’t do it.” Tom began slowing down the strokes, his head going beneath the water. After taking a big breath of course. He could feel her shaking his shoulders as they slowly settled in the water. She didn’t let go though, even if she did get more and more violent with his shoulders. Eventually, she even bonked him on the head with her snout. Fine then. With a single stroke, he shot back out of the water and started swimming along again.

“Ahr much better, just needed a little break.” He actually got a chuckle from her at that. “Not convinced then?”

“What would happen if you let me drown out here hmm…” That was a good point.

“Well better take another deep breath then, else you might.” He gave her a second to do it before he dived down deep, looking for the bottom. It wasn’t much more than two meters down, still, it was rather deep for a swimmer this inexperienced so he pulled up after touching the mud coming back to the surface.

There was a gasp for air from behind him as they surfaced. They really needed to work on that if they were to get any good at diving. He didn’t think that was a likely scenario though, so who cared.

“How long can you stay down there? That was almost painful,” Fengi asked between labored breaths.

“Not too long, but longer than that.”

“I don’t think I can. Please don’t stay down there any longer” she replied in a pleading tone.

“Don’t worry, I won't when I need to go up, just pull my shoulders, okay?”

“Okay” She replied in a very unconvincing tone.

He swam around a bit more doing a few more dives trying to get her used to it and testing how long she could hold her breath. In the end, around 15-20 seconds was about it, which was rather poor. Especially when you were the passenger. He didn't have any doubt Fengi was in great physical shape so perhaps that was just a dragonette thing. He had his fun though and began making his way back to shore, joining the others as they got out of the water.

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