Hunter Or Huntress


Chapter 52: Overloaded

They had savored the sweets one and all. He hadn’t let them know he actually had a rather large box of them with him, this was just a little one good for taking with you. They were clearly a trade commodity though so best not to eat them all.

After the little break, they had been wanting to get back on the wing, next up was apparently switch carrying. Dakota seemed to believe that since Tom was now technically part of the huntresses it would be smart to get that particular maneuver trained thoroughly. Tom didn’t disagree, not to mention flying was great fun when it wasn’t a matter of life or death. That had sort of been the norm though thus far so he was all for a change of pace.

Sapphire hadn’t partaken in this part though. Understandable, Tom thought. In the end, it had evolved into a kind of aerial hot potato as they took turns carrying and moving him from huntress to huntress. It was great fun. Especially when Jackalope decided to try and scare him again. This time though all he gave her were cheers beckoning her to go faster.

She responded by pulling what kind of maneuvers she could manage with him on board. In the end, she had gone for a loop though that ended with a kind of awkward Looney Tunes moment at the zenith as she stalled before falling back down. It took a bit longer than Tom had hoped before she managed to roll into the dive and spread out her wings again. That one had managed to get an “Oh shit!” out of him. The feeling of going weightless when you weren't expecting it was rather disconcerting.

“Well, that didn’t work” Jackalope went, sounding more annoyed than disturbed by the failed maneuver.

“Yeah let’s not try that one again”

“What do you mean, are you scared back there?” Oh come on, he was allowed to be a little scared up here, wasn't he?

“Don’t like dying that’s all.”

“You won’t die, dipshit. Now let’s try again”

“Hey. I haven't had the best luck up here, remember?” Tom tried his best to sound like he wasn’t terrified.

“That was all when things were trying to kill you. I ain’t, now let’s go” Well he was likely along for the ride whether he wanted to or not and her logic was sound. She began climbing, beating hard to get more altitude.

“Hang on then” She went rolling over, pulling down into a vertical dive. Okay, that should take care of the speed alright, Tom thought, as they rocketed downwards. He had no clue how fast they were going but his goggles were no longer optional, that was for sure.

Jackalope tried to say something, he couldn’t make it out though over the screaming wind. He just held on for dear life as she began to pull up. He had never really tried pulling G’s outside of a roller coaster before, but he sure as shit was now. He could feel Jackalope fighting the weight too and he could see her cutting her teeth in a snarl as they came around.

All he could do was hope she knew what she was doing as he held on, not that he really needed to being pressed down onto her back. He closed his eyes as passed the zenith again this time though they were almost going too fast he reckoned they were still doing well over a hundred as she began the dive picking up speed again. Once again the G’s climbed and he even found himself struggling to breathe. She had done it though as they leveled back out again.

They both needed a breather after that one. Jackalope broke the silence after a bit of gliding as the speed dropped off.

“See I told you I could do it.”

“You sure did. that looked painful though”

“Nah I’m fine just a hard turn that’s all” Tom wasn’t entirely convinced by that but she had done it, there was no denying that. If there was a next time he might even enjoy it.

As they glided, Fengi came alongside for a chat, Kokashi trailing behind.

“That was amazing Jacky!”

“Thanks there, the idiot didn’t think I could do it”

“Well we all know that’s a dangerous thing to say”

“I didn’t say that.” He protested “I just thought it was a bad idea.”

“Hey, Fengi. Would you mind taking him for a bit? getting a little tired.” Yeah, that loop had taken a toll, Tom was sure of that now.

“Sure should we put him on Kokashi?” She shouted over, looking back to the guard trailing behind her. He was likely not able to hear them at this distance though. Jackalope just laughed at that. And she did in fact sound a little pained.

“Has he even tried to lift Tom before?”

“No, but he was dumb enough to follow us up here, let’s see what he is made off ”

“Okay then” Jackalope replied with a chuckle.

Tom wasn’t entirely sure he was okay with this. He was all for experimenting but this seemed like a bad idea. Kokashi wasn’t even the largest of the men, that title went to Anchor. Tom would put Kokashi at around 165 cm and maybe 60 kilos so not tiny either. Add to that the wings were also smaller and even a bit shorter in span in relation to the men as opposed to the women, equaled less dude and less wing area by for the amount of dude. That seemed like a bad combination to Tom.

The fact that the dragonettes apparently found this funny didn’t help Tom’s confidence. Not to mention his parachute hadn’t been repacked yet, even if still had the reserve this seemed needlessly risky.

“Is this a good idea?” He asked Jackalope.

“Pfff, no, it's a brilliant one” Was the answer he got from her as Fengi grabbed onto his shoulders and thighs. Lifting him off.

“Uhmm… are you sure about this?” He tried asking Fengi hoping for a different response.

“Of course, Esmeralda didn’t pick a weakling, so relax.” She sounded confident at least. She dropped back to fly over Kokashi. Also, what did she mean pick?

“Hey Koko, your turn.”

“Uhm okay” The guard answered in a very uncertain voice. He likely had a good idea of what Tom weighed from the sparring practice. His lack of confidence didn’t bolster Tom’s either.

“Ready down there?” Fengi went moving to lower Tom down.

“Uhm, sure” Kokashi replied “Why is it I have to do this again?” With that Fengi let go.

“Geez, okay... By the gods.”

Those were not reassuring noises, but they were still flying. It was clear Kokashi was having to work hard just to maintain altitude though. The huntresses could glide for up to a minute between wing beats and still maintain altitude with Tom on board. Kokashi though was beating every few seconds and if Tom knew anything about their endurance that wasn’t something he could do for very long.

“Why are you so heavy?” Kokashi squeaked out between labored breaths.

“Hey, I’m not even in armor today and I have lost weight since coming here” Tom tried to defend himself. He wasn’t sure it was true, but the beer belly had gotten smaller that was for sure.

“Uhuh... You still got those weights on?”

“Nope threw them off before we left” Kokashi’s head slumped a bit at that.

“You're doing great,” Fengi cheered him on. Flying alongside. “I told you it wasn't that hard”

“What are you doing?” Esmeralda had questioned, having come over to the little air circus. Followed by Dakota.

“Letting Kokashi prove himself.” Jackalope retorted

“Hey, this wasn’t my idea” Kokashi replied.

“No, but you are doing great.” Fengi continued cheerfully.

“Thanks” Kokashi got out, breathing hard and clearly beginning to struggle. Tom wasn’t a fan of the current situation. He felt a bit like a passenger on a plane with a dying engine. The fact the huntresses started going upwards, which must mean they were losing altitude didn't help.

“You doing okay there champ?” Tom asked a bit worriedly.

“Yeah... I’m, hmph, good” To say Tom wasn’t convinced was an understatement

“Get him off before he drops” Dakota had ordered, she didn’t seem too concerned more annoyed in fact. “it’s not fair on Tom anyway”

“Ohhh, come on let him have a try, we can just catch them if that happens anyway” Jackalope argued.

“Fine, you two better be ready to catch them then.” Dakota agreed. Tom was not entirely comfortable with that notion. He liked flying, not falling after all.

“You better, I don’t wanna put more of you on the ground.” Tom tried shouting back up to them. The two of them descended alongside, following along. They did have a fair amount of altitude to use if it came to it.

“How long do you think he can hold it” Jackalope had questioned.

“Don’t know, he’s still going though” The two of them sounded more like they were watching some sort of sports event.

“Don’t push yourself too hard Hubby!” Esmeralda added from above. Kokashi just held up an okay sign.

He had kept it up for a few minutes struggling to maintain altitude. Climbing a bit and then starting to lose it again. The dude clearly had something to prove. Perhaps he didn’t really feel like admitting defeat in front of all the girls.

The end had been abrupt as Kokashi appeared to almost faint. Either that or he just gave up completely. His head slumped and the wings locked and he began to dive and rollover. Tom clinging on for dear life. The result of now having Tom dangle from his shoulders was being pulled into a vertical dive going straight for the ground.

Tom wasn't very pleased by this, screaming out “What the fuck!” As they dived. He would have deemed Kokashi old enough to be past pushing yourself beyond what you could do just because there were girls present, but apparently not.


Well, it had been a fun, if rather pointless experiment to see how long Kokashi could keep the two of them airborne. Esmeralda dived down after them as he finally buckled under the load. Jackalope and Fengi were already there though, even if getting Tom to let go had been a bit difficult. He for some reason decided that clinging to an unconscious Kokashi was a good idea, Jackalope had managed to pry him off eventually though. Fengi grabbed Kokashi before he paid for overreaching himselfe.

Sapphire and Dakota swooped down following them to the ground. They had ended up close to the small lake they got their water from, so perhaps it was time for another short break before they called it a day. Besides, Tom might need to stretch his legs after being used as dead weight for an hour.

She had landed to find Tom mid discussion with Jackalope and Fengi.

“What do you mean it’s normal to faint? That doesn't seem very safe.”

“Well we don’t get too hot up there when working hard” Jackalope had tried to explain

“So you just drop?”

“Well, you have to be an idiot or, trying to prove something to do it but yeah”

Tom just shook his head at that. “Remind me to never fly with just one of you”

“Sure there master of the skies” Jackalope laughed sarcastically.

Sapphire sighed a bit, this had been supposed to be a relaxing trip for Tom. Still, it had mostly been so, hopefully, he had enjoyed Jackalope doing some acrobatics with him.

“If it makes you feel better you weren't any lighter in that loop” Jackalope gave him a playful shove.

“Yeah okay, that was awesome” That was good to hear at least and Sapphire sighed a sigh of relief.

They sat down in the grass getting out a few more snacks. It was hard work doing flight training after all. Kokashi in particular was out for the count for the moment lying across Esmeralda's lap as she scolded him for being so reckless. It wasn’t really his fault though, not entirely at least. They all knew well enough how that was going to go after all.

After they had eaten for a bit Tom got up and walked down to the water, sticking his finger in it. Then he started taking things off? The parachute backpack thing, boot shirt it all came of. Sapphire just pointed to the strange sight and the others turned to look one by one.

In the end, he just had the underpants covering his private parts. He turned back to look at them noticing he was now the center of attention. It didn’t seem to phase him though.

“What, this isn’t news to you” He went holding up his arms. “I’m going for a swim.”

He waded aways out into the water before letting himself fall forwards into it with a splash.

All of them except for Esmeralda and Kokashi ran down to the shore to see what the lunatic was doing. There was an awful lot of splashing and flailing about, but no screaming so all must be well. Sapphire couldn't work out how he was managing to breathe, but he just kept going so he must be somehow, he swam a ways out into the small lake into what Sapphire assumed must be rather deep water, then he just disappeared!

They all collectively gasped.

“Where did he go?” Sapphire let out.

“Did a demon grab him?” Jackalope added, sounding almost panicked.

“Is he dead?” Fengi asked, sounding like she was on the verge of tears

“No, he isn’t” Dakota answered calmly “He’s diving, he did it that night too”

“But he can’t breathe down there can he?” Sapphire had to ask. Tom could do some weird things, but he did seem to need to breathe just like them.

“He’ll be up again shortly” right on cue his head popped back up again and sighs of relief could be heard along the shore. Dakota just shook her head disapprovingly. “And I don’t think there are any water demons in a lake right next to our keep either, Jacky”

“Right obviously. How bad was it?” Jackalope asked, seeming uncertain.

“It was the worst thing I have ever experienced”

“Does that include the time you...”

“Yes” Dakota cut her off

“It doesn't seem so bad to me,” Sapphire added in Perhaps it did have to do with the happy idiot currently demonstrating, but it looked easy enough.

“Then why don’t you go out and try?” Dakota replied dismissively.

“But it's so cold isn’t it?” Sapphire asked

Fengi stuck a finger in the water. “Not as bad here for some reason. Still cold though”

“It’s a small lake, it gets warm faster” Dakota clarified.

“So I won't die immediately, is what you're saying?” Jackalope questioned.

“You could drown” Dakota just stated, sitting down to look out over the water.

It took a while, but eventually, Tom came paddling back to shore. Looking at the spectators he had gathered.

“That was refreshing, anyone brave enough to try what we teach our children before they can walk?”

“You're kidding!” Fengi let out in disbelief. Sapphire just looked at the smiling Tom to try and work out if he was lying this time. No sign of it though.

“So you're saying we look like a bunch of children for not wanting to die?” Sapphire questioned.

“If it was dangerous we wouldn't do it with the kids now would we?” Tom asked, sitting down in the water leaving his head above water. Sapphire didn’t much enjoy being called a coward even if it was a little indirect. She looked at Jackalope wondering if the bundle of muscle had what it took to go into the water?

“Come on, it's nice,” Tom beckoned, with a grin.

Jackalope now turned to look at Sapphire, their eyes locking. Jackalope looked rather worried, Sapphire thought. Even if she was clearly trying to hide it, her eyes spoke the truth though. Sapphire trusted Tom and it was rather rare to get the opportunity to show up Jackalope for bravery. Her clothes were leather and hide, so no need to take them off. Besides they might help her a little with keeping warm. She started unbuckling anything loose or easy to get off, like her knife and the pouch of snacks hanging from her belt. She kept looking at Jackalope as she put a foot into the water, Jackalope's brow furrowing.

“You would dare” Jackalope protested, clearly dismayed. “No way”

Sapphire just cracked a smile turning back to look at Tom, expression going stern. Okay, they did this with children. She could beat a child, no problem. It was just water, she bathed in it, drank it, and cleaned with it. She wasn’t scared of something that normal and nothing had eaten Tom yet, so surely there wasn't anything hiding in it. As she took another step into the lake she could feel the cold against her skin, that was a most unpleasant experience. She couldn’t be in here that long then, even if it was warmer.

The bottom was muddy and gross like a weird perversion of mud. It made her spine shiver as she took another step.

“There we go,” Tom encouraged. “See it's not so bad.”

No you moron, she was just standing in the water right now. It was what came next she was worried about as she continued to wade out into the deeper water where Tom was standing.

“Don’t die okay” Fengi piped in from behind her.

“Thanks for the encouragement, Fengi, I truly appreciate it” She replied back.

“No problem” came the reply, sounding happy enough to confirm Sapphire's sarcasm hadn’t been noticed.

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