HP: Wizardry’s a Hassle, Wand in the Right Hand, Gun in the Left

Chapter 19: In the days that followed…

Snape, with a sullen face, paid the bill and prepared to leave with the two little ones.

"You've caused such a big commotion, and your workload will double within a week after you go back." He looked at the two of them and sneered

""Okay, Professor." Glenn answered calmly without any emotional fluctuation. Although he didn't know whether Hogwarts would reimburse Snape, it was his money after all, so being well-behaved would save him some trouble.

Moreover, the classification work was not very strenuous for Glenn and Hermione, as they remembered the materials in the entire potion book with their efforts.

Snape saw that he didn't react, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Sometimes he really felt that Glenn was not like a child and was too calm.

But the talent for potions and the willingness to be obedient and organize materials shown by him and Hermione made him look at them with a new eye and a desire to appreciate talent.

But these two people's personalities are so annoying!

Glenn's emotions basically did not fluctuate at all. No matter he was sarcastic or mocking, he would not have any negative emotions. He also calmly accepted the criticism, which made him feel a sense of Feeling of failure.

Hermione, on the other hand, is the type who becomes braver with each battle. She was afraid of him when she first saw him, but now that she is familiar with him, she dares to say bad things about him behind his back. She also"bravely" hides behind Glenn and glares at him and makes faces. Although she looks like an honest and rigid nerd, she has a rule-breaking nature in her bones. God knows if she will do evil over his head in the future.

Damn, this looks like a Gryffindor! Shit, I guess I'm right!

No, I have to let Dumbledore put them in Slytherin.

Damn it, Dumbledore belongs to Gryffindor. At least

Glenn can't be allowed. The little girl is cute but too annoying. It's not bad to let her bother the Gryffindor brats.

A plant.

Snape was full of thoughts. He was about to take the two back, but Hermione was attracted by the pet shop on the side on the way.

"Professor." She took Glenn's hand and pulled Snape's black robe.

Snape was thinking about something and was very unhappy when his thoughts were interrupted.

"What's up?"

"I saw a rule in"Hogwarts: A History" that says"Students are allowed to bring one pet into school". Can I go in and take a look?"

"You are not formal students yet. You may be expelled early one day. And you are still thinking about buying a pet." Snape sneered.

"Just go in and take a look. Can you really bear to let a little girl who is only ten years old live alone, far away from her parents, without company, and can only endure loneliness?" Hermione started to act like a spoiled child.

Glenn: Then I'll leave?

Under Glenn's influence and protection, Hermione, who was separated from the deliberate alienation and isolation of her peers, gradually became more confident. She slowly began to stop using arrogance and seriousness to disguise her loneliness and lack of self-confidence, and gradually showed the naughty, cute and childish character that a ten-year-old girl should have.

In addition to the time she spent with Snape and Glenn's affirmation of Snape, she gradually began to trust this arrogant teacher who was cold on the outside but warm on the inside, and gradually lifted her disguise towards him.

"Please, I won't say bad things about you behind your back anymore, I promise. Hermione promised"


Snape's eye twitched.

Why aren't her eyes green! Huh? Why!

"Just this once, remember your words."Snape snorted coldly and agreed to the little girl's request.

""Great!" Hermione happily pulled Glenn and Snape into the pet shop.

Most of the pets in the pet shop are cute pets like cats and owls, of course there are also creatures like mice, toads, spiders and snakes.

Hermione looked around and almost went around the whole shop.

Finally, her eyes were attracted by a ginger kitten.

The face of this kitten was strange, a persimmon face, and the ginger fur on its body was very fluffy, just like Hermione's hair. It also had obvious bow legs. It walked unsteadily, and its fluffy tail swayed. When it saw Hermione stretching out her finger, it swayed over and rubbed her. It was so cute that the little girl's heart was about to melt, it was love at first sight.

She turned her head and stared at Snape with her big watery eyes.


"……"Snape pretended not to see it and stared again~

"……"Snape couldn't stand it anymore.

I stared at him again.~

"How much is it?"Snape's mouth turned down, and he looked at the two fluffy ones with disdain.

In the face of Hermione's joy, Snape reluctantly paid the bill, and Glenn beside him was thoughtful.

It seems that he needs to prepare a plan to save money in advance.

"I'd rather buy a snake, it's still useful, and what a weird name you gave it." Snape sneered and complained on the way back to school

"Cats are so cute, why don’t you buy a cat? Professor, your taste is weird."The cat was named Crookshanks by Hermione, and it couldn't escape this name after all.

Hermione tried her best to lift Crookshanks as close to Snape's face as possible, but seeing that the latter was unmoved, she made a face and returned to her normal state, as if the one who was acting coquettishly just now was not her.

Snape: What should I do? There's an ungrateful person in the house. I'm waiting online and it's urgent.

Hermione, who hugged the cat with both hands, could only let Glenn, who had turned off his super sense, hold the corner of her clothes.

Glenn: Then I'll go?

Glenn sighed, and from the resentment in Snape's voice, he was afraid that the workload would increase again in the evening.

This short trip to Diagon Alley After the journey, Snape lost his Galleons, Glenn got his wand and a lot of potion sorting work, and Hermione got her wand and a cat.

Snape went to Dumbledore to get the expenses reimbursed, and took the opportunity to fight for the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts next year, but it was unsuccessful, so he had to settle for some biological materials in the Forbidden Forest and the greenhouse.

It was a really fulfilling weekend. Glenn mechanically sorted the materials, and helplessly watched Hermione teasing Crookshanks. The little girl didn't even read a book today.

Well, I'm the only one who took on everything. You guys are amazing.

Glenn complained silently

After getting the wand, Glenn and Hermione learned spells faster. They had already mastered the Standard Book of Spells. Elementary, so they slowed down their study of spells. They only memorized all the spells in it and practiced them tomorrow. Then they turned their attention to other subjects, such as Transfiguration.

Hermione showed great talent in this area, especially in the transformation of external objects. Recently, under the introduction of Dumbledore, the two began to ask Professor McGonagall for advice in her free time.

After this period of private teaching, Professor McGonagall liked this smart and studious girl more and more. She seemed to see herself in her. Especially after discovering that Hermione was very fast in absorbing and applying the knowledge of Transfiguration, she treated her as her official student and trained her. As for

Glenn, his talent in Transfiguration was mediocre. It can only be said that he was influenced by Hermione. He listened quietly when Professor McGonagall taught Hermione some of her own tips. He understood Transfiguration better than most people.

He paid more attention to teaching Snape, because Glenn found that Professor Snape was not only top-notch in potion knowledge, but also proficient in the content of Defense Against the Dark Arts and spell duels. This was revealed by Dumbledore during a chat. It is impossible to prove whether it was intentional or accidental.

Dumbledore: It was intentional and accidental.

So after asking Snape to learn Defense Against the Dark Arts and spell duels, Snape smiled excitedly.

OK, OK, finally I have the opportunity to beat you up openly.

So, every night after finishing the arrangement of potion materials and learning Legilimency, Glenn would be beaten up by the grinning Snape.

But when Glenn tried to combine his previous life's fighting skills and evasive and aggressive steps into the spell duel, and physically disarmed Snape's wand, he was beaten even harder by the professor who was shocked and angry. In his words,"No matter how badly you are injured, I can cure you, hehe."

Snape did not dare to underestimate this little monster. The pressure that Glenn occasionally released made him not to be underestimated. He used 100% of his strength and launched a brutal attack on Glenn with all his strength.

Glenn was strong-willed, otherwise he would have collapsed long ago.

He enjoyed it and gained a lot. There is no progress without pressure, and Glenn also determined his general fighting style before learning advanced spells: after using buff spells to bless himself, he would intersperse control and negative spells in close combat, and look for opportunities to strike the enemy by wandering and dodging.

Of course, after making a request in the Room of Requirement and a room with"workshops and materials for making weapons" appeared, Glenn had initially manufactured several firearms and several corresponding magazines of bullets, but had no plans to use them for the time being. He just packed them up and put them away for later use.


With books, it's long; without books, it's short. In a blink of an eye, it's Christmas Eve before Christmas. After bidding farewell to Dumbledore, Snape and Professor McGonagall, Glenn and Hermione are ready to go to the Christmas Eve party.Follow the Hogwarts Express home.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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