How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 309: Isaac (3)

Chapter 309: Isaac (3)

This world, or more precisely, this planet, is smaller compared to Earth. This is something I heard directly from the gods. However, considering that 70% of Earth is covered by oceans and this world is not, its actual size might rival that of Earth.

There are major nations like the Minerva Empire, the Kingdom of Ters, Helium, Alvenheim, Animers, Machina, the Papal State Xavier, and the Duchy of Belua. In addition to these, there are other small and large countries, but the total number is significantly fewer compared to Earth.

(TL: I just checked and realized I mistranslated ‘Duchy of Belua’ as ‘Republic’. My bad.)

The reason for the small number of nations, despite the absence of modernization, is the ‘monsters’ and the harsh ‘natural environment.’ Even the elves, blessed by the gods, cannot overcome the monsters and the environment.

True to a fantasy world, there are many places where humans cannot live: volcanic regions, areas with constant blizzards like Antarctica, and environments where not a single blade of grass grows.

There are still unexplored regions, but they are currently occupied by monsters, and habitable areas are very limited. Thus, the small number of nations is not surprising. As a result, the number of people gathered in the waiting room is neither large nor small.

If several centuries were to pass, the number might increase significantly, but that’s a story for the distant future. For now, the priority is to build connections with the people gathered here. Although I have already established many connections, it’s good to maintain appearances.

Furthermore, among the gathered people, there are dignitaries whom I do not know.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Gith Hal Berano.”

The man in front of me had a robust presence, comparable to Musk, and sported dark blond hair and a beard. His appearance was charismatic and gave off a strangely friendly impression, fitting for a king. If he were a bit more casual, one might mistake him for Musk’s brother.

I greeted him briefly and looked at the woman beside him. More intriguing than the man was the woman who seemed to be his consort. She had sky-blue hair and eyes, similar to King Friedrich, but unlike Hiriya, she exuded a kind and gentle aura.

“Hello. I am Olivia Hal Berano, Duchess of the Duchy of Belua. It is an honor to meet you, Xenon.”

The woman with sky-blue hair greeted me with proper etiquette. Unlike some, her demeanor exuded natural elegance and grace, truly fitting for a dignitary.

As everyone might have guessed, this woman is the eldest daughter of King Friedrich and the first princess of the Kingdom of Ters.

I heard that Gith fell in love with Olivia at first sight. After persistently courting her, they finally ended up together. Initially, Olivia found Gith bothersome, but she soon recognized his qualities and married him. Although it was partially a political marriage, there were many rumors about their blissful relationship.

“Nice to meet you. As you know, I am Isaac Ducker Michelle, the author of Xenon’s Biography. I would appreciate it if you called me Isaac rather than Xenon.”

“It is an honor to meet the esteemed guests from the Duchy of Belua. I am Marie Hausen Requilis, the eldest daughter of the Duke of Requilis and Isaac’s fiancée.”

After I introduced myself, Marie, who stood by my side as my fiancée, bowed gracefully. Publicly announced as my fiancée, she could stand confidently in such settings.

She must feel a thrill inwardly. Until now, she was known as the fiancée of Isaac, not Xenon, but the situation has changed today. While most people here are familiar faces, meeting new people brings an indescribable excitement. “Nice to meet you, Lady Requilis. Both you and Isaac are truly beautiful. You two look great together.”

“Thank you. You are also very beautiful, Duchess Olivia.”

“But how did you and Isaac meet, Lady Marie?”

The expected question came from Olivia. On the surface, it might seem that the Minerva Empire arranged for Marie to be with me to keep me tied to them. This is what she and others unfamiliar with the situation would think. However, this is not the case at all.

I held Marie by the waist and pulled her close to me. This was to display and confirm our affection.

“Many people think that the Empire assigned Marie to me to keep me here, but that’s not true at all. Marie confessed to me before she even knew who I was.”


Olivia, and even Gith, widened their eyes in surprise and looked at Marie. I glanced at Marie and saw her blushing with embarrassment. The way she subtly moved closer to me confirmed it.

She was so adorable that I wanted to nibble on her, but with so many people watching, I had to restrain myself.

“Yes. I revealed my identity shortly after that. But even if she knew who I was, Marie wouldn’t have cared. Right?”


Marie, blushing, held onto my arm. Unlike her usual bold demeanor, she changed when she openly showed affection. Olivia watched our relationship with a pleased smile before asking another question.

“So, what made you confess to Isaac, Lady Marie? I’m curious about this.”

“Obviously, his looks. I live off admiring him every day.”

Her straightforwardness is also something I like. Olivia was taken aback by Marie’s candid response, then looked at my face intently before nodding.

“Hmm… I can’t disagree. Still, I think my husband is the most handsome.”

“Haha. I was quite handsome in my youth.”

“Say that after losing some weight.”

Our conversation with the representatives of the Duchy of Belua, including Olivia, proceeded without any issues. Sensitive topics were avoided, and Olivia did not mention Adelia, who was by my side. It wasn’t a matter of ignoring her like the previous Ters royalty but rather avoiding potentially awkward situations.

Considering Hiriya had just cried and begged earlier, they must have noticed something. However, the reason I could treat her kindly was due to Adelia’s opinion.

Adelia had mentioned that Olivia treated her like an older sister should during her time in the Kingdom of Ters. Although it was only for a brief three months, she provided comfort comparable to Lara.

If Olivia hadn’t become the consort of the Duchy of Belua, perhaps she could have alleviated some of Adelia’s trauma.

“The Duchy of Belua has benefited greatly from Xenon’s Biography, right?”

“Of course. Our treasury is so full right now that we’re struggling to decide where to spend it.”

As Gith’s joyful response indicated, the Duchy of Belua had gained significant financial benefits, comparable to the publishing house.

Olivia cleared her throat to give a hint, but it was impossible to stop Gith, who was already immersed in happiness. The Duchy of Belua was originally known as a neutral country with a well-developed commercial sector. Its strategic location was unparalleled.

It was the only region where humans, dwarves, beastmen, and elves could all come together. Although its territory was smaller than other countries, its importance exceeded that of the previously mentioned Stavirk region. It was a strategic stronghold and a transportation hub.

In an era where nations could easily justify conquest wars, the fact that the Duchy of Belua could maintain its neutrality speaks volumes about Gith’s governance. If the magic locomotive is invented, the Duchy of Belua would likely be the first to have it installed.

For Xenon’s Biography to reach far and wide, it needs to pass through the Duchy of Belua, making them a potential solid partner like Musk.

“I look forward to our continued cooperation.”

“The pleasure is mine. I would love to introduce my children, but they are still quite young.”

“That’s fine. They can meet my children later.”

“That’s excellent news. Hahaha.”

The problem is I don’t know how many children I will have. They don’t yet know that I have more women in my life besides Marie. Even if they suspected it, they wouldn’t mention it openly to avoid making things awkward.

As our conversation with the Duchy of Belua was winding down, Olivia shifted her gaze from Marie and me to Adelia. The moment their eyes met, Adelia flinched briefly but then offered a vague smile and bowed her head. Olivia also gave a brief nod in return before addressing me.


“Yes, please go ahead.”

“You have an excellent bodyguard by your side. It’s very reassuring to see.”

Her words were tinged with both regret and pride. Upon hearing them, I immediately looked at Marie instead of Adelia. As everyone knows, Marie has a natural ability to discern people’s true intentions. In other words, she could tell if Olivia’s words were sincere or not.

And then, she made eye contact with me and slowly nodded.

This confirmed it. Olivia, like Lara, treated Adelia with humanity.

Thanks to that, I could also treat her kindly.

“Thank you. As you said, Lady Olivia, Dame Cross is a trustworthy person. Both as a person and as a knight.”


Olivia hesitated, opening her mouth as if to say something but then closed it again. Soon, she gave a bitter smile and shook her head.

“I look forward to working with you, Sir Isaac.”

Olivia’s greeting carried various meanings. Whether it was aimed at me or Adelia, I nodded in acknowledgment.

Thus ended the conversation with the Duchy of Belua, and we moved on to the next.

“Huh? You all are…”

“It’s been a while. No, it’s been a long time.”

Surprisingly, the next people who approached were none other than the beastmen. And they were beastmen I was familiar with.

One was Balkan Lions, Leona’s half-brother and a lion beastman. The other was Jinai Crochukar, a hyena beastman.

This event was for the representatives of each nation, and seeing these two meant…

“Could it be that you became the great chieftain?”

“Thanks to someone, yes. Hahaha.”

Jinai responded to my question with a hollow laugh. At his pointed remark, Balkan glared at her sharply from the side.

To think Jinai would actually become the great chieftain was an uncomfortable situation, but it was a foreseeable development.

Currently, Animers needed a wise king, not a strong one. Although Jinai used her cunning in a negative way, she was still a sufficient role model for a king.

However, I never imagined she would overcome all the opposition and become the great chieftain.

“Honestly, at first, I never thought this woman would become the great chieftain. But considering it was none other than Xenon’s advice, it makes sense.”

Balkan, who had been glaring at Jinai, spoke to me. His tone was polite and respectful, quite different from before, and it felt somewhat awkward since he was Leona’s brother.

I scratched my head awkwardly, and Jinai grumbled to herself. It wasn’t rude, she was literally grumbling to herself. The problem was, everyone could hear her.

“With Xenon’s advice, I couldn’t help but become the great chieftain. Now, I have no way out, and I don’t know what to do.”

“If you want to complain, do it outside.”

Surprisingly, even Balkan was speaking formally to Jinai. There had been a lot of ups and downs, but it seemed Jinai’s wisdom had been proven. I couldn’t help but smile at the oddly fitting chemistry between the two and asked about their recent activities.

“How’s Animers these days? Is everything going well as I suggested?”

“There are objections, but many beastmen agree because it’s the only competition where they can show their fighting spirit. It’s rare to have an opportunity to unleash the most important instinct for a beastman all at once.”

“That’s good to hear. What else?”

“It’s tough because it’s all muscle-heads. Picking officials based on strength alone is why the country was in such a state. No wonder it was so easily taken advantage of.”

“Ahem. Ahem.”

Even though Jinai was openly criticizing, Balkan only cleared his throat and didn’t offer any excuses. It seemed everything Jinai said was true.

Still, with Animers only looking towards a future of development, there didn’t seem to be much to worry about. Jinai, despite everything, could be trusted to do what needed to be done.

“By the way, forgive me, but what about Leona…”

“Ah, ah. That’s a personal matter. Don’t bring it up here.”

Even now, look at this. When Balkan tried to carelessly bring up a highly sensitive topic, Jinai urgently stopped her. If they were to discuss it privately, it would be one thing, but bringing it up in a crowd like this would only complicate matters. This alone was proof of Jinai’s exceptional wisdom.

“Well then, I look forward to working with you.”

“I look forward to working with you as well.”

With that, the conversation with Animers concluded. Next up…

“It’s been a while. Have you been well?”

It was Queen Arwen of Alvenheim’s turn. Unlike others, she maintained her characteristic mature tone instead of speaking formally.

It felt comfortable that even Arwen didn’t use formal language, as it would have been awkward otherwise. Besides, as an elf known for her arrogance, nobody else would care much about it.

“It’s been a while. I’ve been well. How about you, Arwen?”

I contemplated whether to use formal speech but decided to speak casually. Unlike others, Arwen and Musk originally knew my true identity. Hence, there was no issue in speaking informally to show our usual familiarity.

Arwen responded to my friendly greeting with a smile.

“I’ve been busy every day, but thinking about meeting you kept me going. Meeting you today feels like all my hardships are melting away.”

“Uh… really?”

Arwen’s response was laden with clear intention. As soon as I heard her response, I checked on Marie. Marie was smiling brightly, but I knew that smile was meant to hide her true feelings.

It’s only natural to be cautious, knowing that Arwen has a romantic interest in me.

“Has everything been okay?”

“Yes, everything’s fine. Alvenheim is gradually stabilizing, and the elves are uniting as one. It’s all thanks to you.”

“I didn’t do anything special. I just helped a little.”

“Speaking of which…”

Arwen paused briefly, looking around. Although a few people were glancing at our conversation, most were busy networking.

For some reason, she blushed and spoke in a cautious voice.

“I have a gift for you. It’s not just from me but from all the people of Alvenheim.”

“Ah, the gift you mentioned before?”


“What is it?”

While asking, I glanced at her guard, Keir. It seemed he had been officially appointed as Arwen’s personal guard.

Keir, upon making eye contact with me, coughed and looked away, silently indicating he couldn’t reveal anything. Meanwhile, Arwen blushed and responded in an embarrassed voice.

“If you’re curious about what the gift is, come to Alvenheim. Just don’t forget to send a message before coming.”

“Hmm… Not today?”

“Today? No, absolutely not!”

What kind of gift could it be that would cause the queen to abandon her composure and vehemently refuse? I looked at Arwen with a puzzled expression.

Perhaps due to her outburst, the attention towards us was becoming noticeable, especially from Cecily’s direction. If this continued, strange rumors might spread, so I needed to take control.

“Alright. When I have the time, I’ll visit Alvenheim. It shouldn’t take too long.”

“Uh… okay. Sorry for causing trouble.”

“It’s no trouble at all.”

“Then… Isaac.”


Arwen called out to me, hesitating and glancing around. She seemed unsure and was gauging the situation. While I was pondering this, she spoke in a voice as quiet as a whisper.

“…do you?”


“What color… do you like?”

Arwen’s sudden question about my favorite color caught me off guard. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Regardless, Arwen seemed to be lost in her own thoughts, covering her face with her hands.

Not wanting to cause any misunderstandings, I quickly responded, especially since I did have a favorite color.

“If I had to pick, I’d say red?”

“…That’s just like you. Got it.”

“Is it related to the gift?”

Arwen couldn’t meet my gaze and answered softly.


What on earth could this gift be?

Anyway, that ended my conversation with Arwen.


“Why did you pinch me?”

“Humph. You don’t need to know.”

Marie pinched my side.

“A gift, huh… Can elves really be that provocative? God’s chosen, my foot…”

It seemed Marie had figured out the nature of the gift Arwen mentioned.

Translators note:

Just as I started to think he’s a bit cool, he goes dense again…

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