How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 308: Isaac (2)

Chapter 308: Isaac (2)

My modest introduction, neither flashy nor elegant despite the scale, can be seen as simple in a good way or unimpressive in a bad way. It’s a gathering not only of commoners but of dignitaries from all over the world.

In terms of my previous life, it’s akin to a meeting of the president and key ministers. Moreover, these people have authority and power far exceeding that of a president.

Unlike a president, their words can influence an entire country and even have a significant impact on the world.

While Kate’s declaration of the sanctuary marked a grand beginning, my subsequent introduction was as ordinary as it could be. Honestly, they could have put a good speaker in my place, and the proceedings would have gone smoothly. That’s how monotonous it was.

So, should it be considered a failure? That’s a bit ambiguous. There’s still the question time, which can be considered the most important part after the introduction.

No one would expect to gather people and then dismiss them in less than 10 minutes. So, to buy time and take questions, I had a Q&A session. With Kate extending the sanctuary intermittently, there’s no risk of incidents.

However, during the Q&A session, the nobles were moved to the waiting room. Although I would have preferred to have the Q&A session with the commoners, it was to maintain the nobles’ dignity.

While I mentioned during my introduction that I hoped everyone would enjoy it together, reality and ideals are distinctly different. I’m not so naive as to confuse the two.

No one could object to my words, but there might be some who were inwardly dissatisfied. After all, I wanted Xenon’s Biography to be read by everyone regardless of age, gender, race, or class, but I didn’t mention interpersonal relations.

Moreover, the nobles gathered here are not just any nobles but kings or those of equivalent status in their respective countries. Even as Xenon, I must observe basic courtesy. When in Rome, do as the Romans do; it’s better to treat nobles as nobles.

The waiting room was already fully prepared and as spacious as the area where the social gathering took place. That’s why they moved there. Now, my task is to answer the questions from the commoners one by one. Without the nobles, the commoners were free to ask questions without any burden.

By the way, there was no need for a voice amplification spell. Kate had already set things up when she declared the sanctuary. While magic produces the desired results through complex formulas like programming, divine power just requires prayer to work.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that magic is inferior to prayer—absolutely not. It’s just that Kate has an abnormally strong divine power.

“So, how did you come up with the steam locomotive? Did that also come from your mind?”

“I just thought it would be convenient to have something like that. But I never dreamed it would actually be invented.”

“Are you really not a person from the future?”

“Of course not. I just have a bit of a vivid imagination, nothing more.”

I was already in a difficult position with a tough question right from the start. Even after answering, the person who asked the question didn’t seem entirely convinced. Still, since the sanctuary was declared, it would be hard to call it a lie. Besides, I’m a noble before I am Xenon. It means they can’t treat me carelessly.

I smoothly moved on and took the next question. Since it was one question per person, the process went smoothly. Occasionally, non-human races appeared among the questioners, each with unique questions. For example, an elf who looked like a scholar asked…

“Xenon, you seem to have a deep understanding of magic. Could you possibly give me some advice?”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know the first thing about magic, sir.”

“But in the book, it was described in great detail. Especially the motion-recognition magic that Mary demonstrated—it became a huge topic in Alvenheim. How do you explain that?”

“Motion… what?”

“Motion-recognition magic. It’s a theory where magic is activated with simple motions. Weren’t you the first to think of this theory? Associating frequently used or efficient spells with specific gestures so that performing them immediately triggers the magic. If this also came from your mind, you should at least know the basic principles, right?”

How would I know that, sir? I really don’t know anything. I responded with an awkward laugh.

I had forgotten, but thanks to the elf’s question, I was vividly reminded that this is a fantasy world. The stories that seem possible only in a fantasy world have a high chance of actually happening here, including battles and magic.

Especially if someone like the elf scholar who asked me the question has a high level of curiosity, they will make every effort to find out.

“Hmm. I see. It seems to be a difficult question to answer.”

However, the elf scholar nodded in understanding, as if he had reached some conclusion on his own.

Worried that my lack of knowledge might have been exposed, I quickly moved on to the next question. The elf scholar’s question was particularly challenging, but other people’s questions were more straightforward.

“May I ask why you chose a human as the protagonist? Is it because you, Xenon, are also human?”

“Partly, but I also see humans as a peculiar race. They have a tenacity that doesn’t give in, even if they kneel. I liked that tenacity, so I made a human the protagonist. Next person?”

“Why did you kill off Kair?” “… …”

There were a few unusual questions, but I managed to handle them smoothly. However, crises always seem to arise.

Just like the elf scholar asked me a difficult question about magic, this time a demon woman posed a challenging question to me.

“How did you know that one could overcome their inner evil? For hundreds of years, we demons have never thought of that.”

“It’s only impossible because you think it’s impossible. Also, Xenon’s Biography is a novel where impossible things can be made possible. I didn’t expect Princess Cecily to actually do it, though.”

“May I ask what your relationship with Princess Cecily is? I heard you both attend the same academy…”

“Sorry, but it’s one question per person.”

Luckily, I was able to deflect it decisively. The demon woman looked disappointed at my firm response, but it didn’t matter.

After a series of straightforward questions, I was beginning to feel at ease. Just as we were nearing the end, the next person to ask a question was a beastman. He had a face that resembled a dog overall.

Unlike Leona, he seemed to be a pureblood, not a hybrid, as he had more animalistic features. Intrigued, I gestured for him to speak.

“Please, go ahead.”

“Thank you. In Xenon’s Biography, you have distinctly portrayed the strengths and weaknesses of each race. This is a very personal question, but what are your thoughts on us beastmen?”


“Yes. I’d like an honest answer, without any pretense.”


An interesting question that also points out a flaw in Xenon’s Biography. Indeed, the depiction of beastmen in the book is somewhat lacking compared to elves or demons.

The characters themselves are certainly appealing, but the depiction of “beastmen” as a race has been somewhat inadequate.

Elves are portrayed as arrogant but justified by their pride and skills.

Demons hold a sense of pride in fighting their inner evil.

Dwarves, while seemingly skilled with their hands, lack creativity, as shown in the steam engine episode.

Lastly, humans. Since Xenon is the protagonist, humans display far more strengths and weaknesses compared to other races.

Humans are a paradoxical race, with clear distinctions between good and evil, yet their actions often blur these lines depending on their interests. The protagonist, Xenon, is clearly depicted as good, but with ample explanation provided throughout.

On the other hand, beastmen… While their presence is not minimal, they are mainly depicted as a bold race that clings to tradition.

Although Satan from the Seven Deadly Sins had an impressive end, it suited the character of ‘Wrath’ and not the beastmen. Can it be said that this fully explains the charm of beastmen? I don’t think so, just as the questioner implied.

“My thoughts on beastmen… Ah, before that, what is your occupation?”

“I’m a warrior.”

A warrior, meaning a soldier. It goes to show that you shouldn’t judge a person by their appearance. Despite his gentle, puppy-like face, he possesses great strength. I took a moment to gather my thoughts and then shared my view on beastmen.

“My view on beastmen is this: a race that suppresses their instincts for survival.”

“… …”

“Founding King Hick managed to establish a civilization amidst human oppression and massacres. However, the moment a country and civilization are established, barbarism must be abandoned. For beastmen, barbarism directly correlates with combativeness. This is why each beastman is called a warrior—because of their fighting spirit. Through combat, they prove their worth and freely express their instincts.”

Conversely, as civilization and society progress, the position of beastmen will diminish. However, no one knows how long this process will take.

Look at the past life. Even in the modern era of the industrial revolution, military might was paramount. Imperialism spread worldwide, and the number of countries suffering from colonization increased. Of course, this led to the rise of Nazis and Hitler, resulting in World War II, but it also marked the end of imperialism.

“I’d like to say more, but… it seems it would lead to unpleasant topics, so I’ll stop here. Is this answer sufficient?”

“Yes, it is.”

Although unspoken, it won’t be long before beastmen show their teeth. Their population is steadily increasing, while humans no longer display the same unity as before.

Especially given the pressing need for food among beastmen, they will inevitably engage in conquest wars. History has proven this, so it is an event bound to happen someday.

And I plan to write about this in another novel, as a sequel to Xenon’s Biography and to expand the world-building further.

“Next person?”

I took the last question.

“When will Jin and Lily get together?”

“… …”

It was the hardest question to answer.

With that unexpectedly difficult question session finally over, I returned to the waiting room where the royalty and nobles were gathered.



A familiar voice pierced my ears. An urgent cry filled with sobs.

Turning my head, I saw a very familiar woman running towards me in a hurry from a distance.

The woman, with a haggard face, was none other than Hiriya. Her previous beauty had somewhat faded, but she exuded a decadent charm. With tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, she looked like a tragic heroine.

Of course, none of that mattered as she charged towards me like a bull, causing quite a bit of alarm. Even the people around were so surprised that they couldn’t react.

If things continued as they were, Hiriya would have reached me, but…

“Stop right there.”

It wasn’t Kate, who had been by my side, but Adelia, who appeared from somewhere and boldly stood in front of me.

As my personal maid, it’s not strange for her to protect me, but her silent appearance was a bit surprising. Could she have improved her skills in such a short time? During the Q&A session, she had been hidden but nearby, guarding me.


Hiriya, seeing Adelia blocking her path, widened her eyes in shock and glanced at me.

Adelia, in a business-like tone, instructed Hiriya. I couldn’t see her face, but she was likely expressionless.

“Do not approach Isaac any further.”

“Please, just once… Just give me one chance! If not, then I’ll really…”

I didn’t know the details, but here was a princess pleading with her older sister, a bodyguard, and being calmly rebuffed.

In this situation, which anyone could see was complicated, various gazes focused on us. Although I was slightly displeased with Hiriya for creating such a strange atmosphere from the beginning, fortunately, someone stepped in to restrain her.

“That’s enough, Hiriya.”

Hiriya’s older brother and the crown prince of the Kingdom of Ters, Laos. He placed his hand firmly on her shoulder with a stern face.

Hiriya looked at him with a bewildered expression when he touched her shoulder. Laos gave her a look of disappointment before shifting his gaze to me, standing behind Adelia, and our eyes met.

“… …”

“… …”

We exchanged silent glances for a moment. Laos then quietly and politely spoke, his lips barely moving.

“My sister has caused trouble. I apologize. Hiriya.”

“No, no! No! Xenon! I’ll do anything, please show mercy…”

Hiriya struggled, but Laos dragged her away faster than she could resist. I stared blankly at their retreating figures and then looked around.

Everyone was watching me with curious expressions, a natural reaction since more people didn’t know the situation than those who did. I gave a sheepish smile and bowed my head to them. The situation was awkward, but I had to do what needed to be done.

“Hello, everyone.”

Now, only one thing remained.

“I am Isaac Ducker Michelle, the author of Xenon’s Biography.”

It’s time to build connections.

“Nice to meet you all.”

…Though honestly, it might not mean much.

Translators note:

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