How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 2: Rivalle

That would be the last time he would see the girl, but that encounter triggered Floid's love for video games! The violence! The anarchy! The carnage! Everything inside of the video games made him love it!

<o>,m Floid especially loved action-packed games, like Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed. A game where everyone was following their heart's desire without bothering what the law says. It was like heaven for Floid.</o>

Floid would get a new game almost every week. He would sometimes look out for that girl that introduced him to the games, but he could never find her. She must've holed herself up inside her room again. This was what Floid thought and so he stopped bothering to look for her.

And just like that three more years went by and Floid was finally twenty years old. He was now the proud owner of ten million dollars and more assets than any twenty-year-old would ever know what to do with. But even with all this, Floid never lost his interest in video games. Just like every other week, Floid was at the convenience store to buy another interesting game. He took a good look around and tried to find one that would entertain him.

And that was when he saw it. The name of the game was Rivalle. It had a split image on the front a man holding a sword on one side and a woman with bat wings and a large horn on the other side. A hero and a demon. Floid has never played one of these before. He never liked games that would involve heroic characters. It just didn't look that interesting to him.

But for some reason, he really liked this one. It just attracted him, almost like it was calling to him! There was only one of it remaining in the store and Floid took it and left. There was a long line at the counter and Floid waited for his turn like everyone else.

"Hey, get out of the way! Don't you know I'm walking here!?"

A brut voice shouted out from the back of the line before Floid saw a large man walk past everyone to go to the front. The man smelled of thick alcohol and his cheeks were flushed. Everyone around tried to just keep silent like cattle but Floid wasn't like the rest of them. They were complaining but they were too timid to do anything. What's the difference between them and domesticated goats? Making a lot of noise but still staying in your cage simply because of fear.

"Get to the back of the line"

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The big man turned around with a dopey look, wondering who was talking. Who dares to interrupt him when he was flirting with the cashier!? Eh? There's no one there?

"I said get to the back of the line,"

Oh, down there. The big man had to look down to see Floid and he chuckled once he laid eyes on Floid. Who is this short stack that is talking to me!?

Floid was above six feet tall, but to this big man that was almost seven feet, he looked short! The man put his hand around Floid's shoulder and Floid could see the cashier trying to tell him to run away. The cashier just wanted to get rid of the man as quickly as possible because it would only cause problems if they tried to reprimand him. But Floid ignored her and looked back at the man as the man started talking in a disgusting slur.

"Hey, do you want to get beat? Don't just try talking and acting tough when you're this small. Know yar place you short staaaaaarrrckkkk!!!!!"

The man's eyes suddenly widened in pain as he felt something dig deep into his rib. Floid dug his fingers into the man's side and grabbed a rib through the belly fat that he could see there. Floid was no longer the weak boy he once was. With all the time on his hands, he has been training very well and he is more than strong enough to crack a bone with his grip if he really tried.

"I have your third rib in my hand and one push from me will break it. From there, it might pierce your lung and then you'll drown in your own blood before even one minute. Now I won't repeat myself again. Get to the back of the line,"

That man was bent over to one side as he tried to get out of Floid's grip but Floid only increased his force and the man screamed as he heard a crack echo inside his body! A little bit more and his rib will break!

"Okay okay! I'm sorry! Just let go dammit!!"

Floid let go and kicked the man away from him. The drunk man glared for a moment before holding his side in pain and limping out of the store. He won't forget this!

Floid turned around and saw the looks of shock and fear on the faces of everyone there. He was already used to it. His methods were always seen as intense by the people that were not used to violence. But he didn't care as he just went back to his spot on the line and waited for his turn.

Once it was his turn, he paid for the game, and then the cashier bowed to thank him for what he did. Floid could tell that she didn't mean it. She felt he went too far as well. Don't thank people if you don't have a reason to do it. it's disgusting.

Floid ignored her and he went home to play his game. The game was strange to Floid at first. He had to play as a hero that was summoned into a fantasy world. His mission was the slay a demon lord, but he has to first go around and kill the five generals that the demon lord has before finally facing him.

Floid took some time to get used to the gameplay. He wasn't used to the multiple-choice options and the dialogue he had to read all the time. Most of the games he played were just about shooting and blowing things up so this was new to him, but it didn't take that long before he started to get the hang of it.

Floid's avatar looked a lot like him since he was able to customize his own character in the game. Inside the game, he had to go around and gather allies that would help him in his fight. There were four people at his party. A princess of a neighboring kingdom that was good at rebuff magic. A healer from the church. A knight that uses a Japanese-style katana and also a priestess that could cast high leveled defensive magic.

Their job was to free as many towns from the demons that had attacked and taken over them. Floid found that after some time he was getting a hang of the gameplay and he didn't mind the dialogues since there was also a lot of fighting.

But there was something that still didn't sit right with him. The characters in the game seemed so fake. Floid couldn't even explain it properly to himself so it would be hard to tell you exactly what he meant. But it was like every character in there was hiding something from him. Almost like there was so much more happening off-screen that he didn't know about.

But it was just a game, so Floid didn't care too much about it. Floid just kept on going from mission to mission and killing the demons. He thought the demons were all idiots. Why would they just keep coming back to fight me when they know that I'm much stronger than them. Whoever made this game doesn't really know how to make a proper power system. The only people who even gave me any challenge were the generals and some of the boss monsters in the higher-level missions. Everyone else was like Cannon fodder to me. But if they know that, then why would they keep on coming to fight over and over. It just doesn't make sense.

Then Floid discovered something new in the game. A secret mission that he unlocked after gaining an amulet from a witch. This mission was a solo mission, so for once, he was playing without his party members there. Good. He didn't really trust them anyway.

Floid was led towards the castle where he found himself in the king's quarter. He was then taken to a hidden room where he had to open a series of locks that had high-level magic guarding them. By the time Floid finished opening the lock, he has already spent almost an hour on only this mission and used up a third of his MP! His MP was already in the hundreds of thousands so it was a complete shock to him that this lock took that much magic to open! It was so difficult.

But he finally got into the room and he saw that there was a library there. There was a notebook open on the pedestal and Floid went to click on the book. What he saw there changed his entire view of this world.

It turns out that this world 'Rivalle' was actually the demon world. The first people to settle here were the demons and the humans were the ones who invaded this world long ago. Floid was floored. A lot of things now made sense to him. Why the towns that he attacked always had so many demons living peacefully. Why the demons always keep attacking even though it was a futile fight.

They were fighting to take back their world from me. Huh. So am I the villain in this scenario? I am, aren't I!? That's crazy! What kind of game is this anyway!?

Floid decided that he would just finish the game. He was already close to the good ending and he might as well see it through. So Floid and his party finally went to face the demon king. Or rather, Queen, as it turned out that she was a woman all along.

Floid couldn't stop himself from finding her extremely attractive. Even though she had large horns on her head she was still one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. No wonder some people fall in love with 2D characters. Whoever made this game is a brilliant character designer.

Oh well, time to wipe the floor with her!!

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