How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 1: I Don't Fit In

How is it that you go about defining good and evil?

This is a question that Floid always kept at the forefront of his mind. Humanity in general was a mystery to Floid. A group of people who were inherently evil but tried their best to act good and pretended to be something they are not.

From the very beginning of time, humans have always been hiding who they truly are. Don't do this. Don't say that. Don't go there. Don't try that. Rules upon rules that guide how you should behave and act around everyone. Even going as far as restricting what can and cannot be said.

Floid never liked these things. Rules, decrees. Who made this? Why should I have to follow a set of guidelines that I never agreed to in the first place? I was born into the world without my consent and I accepted that I have life and should protect it, but now you simply want me to bow my head and follow your laws like sheep? Floid was never really a follower.

And that was the reason why Floid lived alone away from his family. In fact, Floid lived in a completely different city entirely. His family was extremely rich and they were people who the public always had their eyes on. Someone like Floid was never going to fit in with their lifestyle and he preferred to be far away from all the fake smiles and useless rules that limited him.

Floid's hatred for rules wasn't the only thing that made his family throw him away like that. It also concerned his violent tendencies. Floid was a very aggressive person. Not only physically aggressive but also mentally. Even as a child, he was someone who once thought 'Can I just kill this person?' if there was even someone that annoyed him. He didn't care about what the law said and so he never bothered to hold back that one time.

There was a time when he was being bullied in a class by the son of another rich family. The boy thought that Floid was an easy target because of how thin and quiet he used to be as a child. Floid was only ten years old at the time so it came as a complete surprise to everyone in the class when he stood up and stabbed a pen straight into the eye of the bully! The boy screamed bloody murder and fell back while bleeding from his eyes. The teachers ran towards the boy and even the police were called.

Both parents had a very long period of threats and looming lawsuits. But the parents of the bully couldn't do much since Floid was only ten years old. Therapy was recommended for Floid. His parents threatened him with disownment if he didn't go for the therapy and so Floid reluctantly went for one of the sessions.

He listened to the therapist intensely and tried to see if she could help him. Floid was a ten-year-old child and when everyone around you tells you that there is something wrong with you, you tend to agree to an extent and you try to see if you can become like everyone else with a little help. But at the end of the first session, he concluded that the woman was an idiot and refused to bother with her anymore.

It was his fault? Only his fault? Why wasn't the bully stopped when he was trying to attack me. When Floid asked the woman this question she only responded with 'it was just harmless fun'. I refuse to accept that!

Maybe it was harmless for the bully, but Floid hated it and so it wasn't harmless to him. He refused to be a part of a society that only antagonizes people that display their violent tendencies with physical actions. That bully was just as wrong as Floid and if the bully is not going to be reprimanded then Floid refuses to see any fault in what he did.

That was seven years ago and ever since that time Floid has been homeschooled. Floid never saw the bully that he stabbed again and his parents never allowed him to leave the house without a bodyguard to protect other people from him.

By the time Floid was sixteen he grew suffocated with the entire lifestyle his family lived and decided that it would be best to leave the house, and so he walked up to his father one day and simply told the man to let him go away. Floid's father was a stern man that had a glare just as intimidating as a lion. He was a rich man that controlled half the city and so he had honed his business glare to perfection. He looked at Floid with that glare for a whole minute and when Floid didn't break at all he finally looked away and spoke.

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"I'll leave you with a million dollars and a house. Don't ever come back to this family again."

That was the last time Floid saw his family and Floid wouldn't have it any other way. After moving out of his house, Floid made a lot of investments in many companies with the money his father gave him. A lot of the companies he invested in belonged to his father because even if he didn't like the man, Floid knew that his father was the best at making money!

Floid was the son of a business mogul, he has been learning economics since the very first day he could read and he knows all about what the market is like.

Floid managed to double the money he received within the first year after leaving his house, and now he was already reaching close to triple the amount. Floid had a good knack for investment just like his father and if things kept going like this then he wouldn't ever have to work a day in his life.

But with such freedom came a serious problem. Floid was bored.

With his dislike for humanity being at an all-time high, Floid hated to interact with people, especially those that were in his age group. Why should he talk to those fakers that only smile because they feel they have to and only laugh because everyone else laughs? If you don't laugh at a joke then you are too stiff and if you laugh too much then you are too loose, you have to find a perfect balance in-between in order for society to accept you.

Floid hated the thought of acting like that and so his social interaction was very minimal. Until one day, when Floid was at a convenience store stocking up on groceries, he ran into a girl. He was just walking to the counter while thinking about what to invest in next when he felt something bump into him. The girl released a cute scream as she fell to the floor and Floid simply looked down at the groceries she scattered everywhere. His groceries. He really should've been looking where he was going.

"I-I'm so sorry! I'll help you right now!"

The girl quickly began to help Floid to pick up the groceries but he didn't care about that, his eyes were glued to a game that was on the floor. The name was super smash bros and it looked very appealing. Floid bent and picked that up and the girls squeaked when she saw him take it.

"T-That's mine! Can you give it back?"

Floid looked up at her and she almost seemed to fold in on herself. She was a very shy person and she didn't look like she has been outside her house for ages. Her skin was paler than death! Was she one of those otaku people I always hear about? The ones that stay indoors all the time to watch anime and play games? Interesting.

Floid asked her a question.

"What is this? Is it fun?"

The girl was shocked. Was he asking her about the game? Has he never played a video game before!? What kind of person did she just run into!?

Floid has never had any opportunity to play games before and so he didn't know about any video games. Since he was home schooled he never got a chance to hear about the games that come out and his hatred for people also made him very antisocial! Floid didn't even learn about Netflix till two weeks ago! He was looking for stocks to invest in and that was how he managed to learn about Netflix.

The girls started to talk about the wonders of video games and Floid could see how enthusiastic she became as she explained all the games she had played! Floid only asked her about this one game, but she didn't stop talking about video games till they were both at the counter. Floid found that he could talk to this girl easily mainly because she wasn't a fake. She didn't try to smile when it wasn't necessary and she didn't become bothered when he didn't smile at her jokes.

Her love for video games was absolute and she made sure Floid bought at least one game before going home. Floid had the money so what was the harm? He just bought one and waved her goodbye as he went home.

It would be the last time Floid would meet her, but this would be the beginning of Floid's love for Video games!

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