House of the wolf

chapter 32



“No its rytsas” 




“Good now try to say kirimvose”


“Kirimvose what does that mean”


“It means thank you” Dany says as she is teaching me High Valyrian on the second day of our voyage.


“Then kirimvose Dany” I say as I put my arm around her waist and press her to me for a makeout session that she enjoys. She seems to love kissing more than anything else.


“Kirimvose for that and for teaching me” I say as we separate 


“You need to work more on you pronunciations” She says high and mighty so I smack her butt to keep her head from getting into the clouds. 


“Ow what was that for?” she says as she rubs her cheeks 


“Attitude prevention, an ancient and noble art practiced for thousands of years by my forefathers its worth is priceless so don´t dare complain when I gift with my teaching” 


“What teaching? You just wanted to touch my butt!” She snarks at me 


“Two things can be true at once lets not get lost in the details” I say as I stand up and leave for the door 


“Where are you going” 


“To Jhiqui she has not been well since we took to sea” 


“Oh,” she says too quietly and stops knowing that can´t be a good sign I know I can´t just leave it at that.


“What is it?”


“...Do you like her more than me?” I sigh at my situation 


“Why would you ask that”


“You´d rather spend time with her than me so of course I would ask that” 


“I spent almost the whole day with you”


“The lessons don´t count!” She snaps her hands on her hips 


“Truly a woman” I mutter “I said I was going to see Jhiqui not that you could not come with me” I say and she huffs thinking about it I decide to address something.


“Don´t be mad at her she loves you and would follow you without your dragons! And she would choose you over me as well, you don´t have to come with me right now but promise me you won´t stay mad at her because of me, especially after I leave” 


I can see tears threatening to spill out of her eyes “You know nothing about what we´ve been through of course I could never hate her” she says as she starts punching at my chest, I let her vent and take her frustrations out on my chest and as she winds down I put my arms around her to my embrace eventually.


After she calms down “Are you really gonna leave?” I get to hear the real reason she is upset.


“I have to my family needs me” 


“What if I need you! I am surrounded by nothing but old men and schemers”


I grab her face and make her look up at me 


“Stop complaining! You are the mother of dragons” then turn her head to look at the creatures in the room curiously looking at us like watching a play.


“I could not help but notice you have taken this for granted Dany! But these little creatures won´t stay little for long. While I appreciate your feelings for me you must have your priorities straight use this precious time to train these dragons not to disobey your demands. And while these old men have their own plots and agendas you are their ultimate one so they won´t stray from the path you set them.” 


I kiss her on the forehead and leave the captain's cabin she is staying in to think on my words.


Walking on the deck I see Damon training with Barristan and see all the improvements he has been making nodding with approval I go get some water for Jhiqui to help her stay hydrated through her seasickness.


Walking into Jhiqui and Irri´s room quartered for only women in the hull for all the women who follow Dany they let me in since I know how to take care of someone with sea sickness and they seem to love watching me take care of Jhiqui.


It is nothing special I just give her sips of water and feed her small bites of food then I get her to take off her clothes lay on her stomach and close her eyes, after a while of this Irri and the other women approach me who don´t have sea sickness and they ask me.


“We have tried your methods for our friends and the water and food trick seems to help but the massage in that place does not seem to do anything we wanted to ask what it does” They ask me as I´m kneading Jhiqui´s ass making me pause for a moment.


“Oh this, this is just me taking my reward for taking care of her,” I say and see their faces morph into ones of embarrassment as some of them had taken all my actions as healing methods and I even hear a woman who is being “treated” by her friend say “Wait don´t stop it´s making me feel better.”

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