House of the wolf

Chapter 31

At the port sitting with Dany, Jorah, and “Arstan” watching the Dothraki gingerly get themselves into the huge ships Illyrio gifted to her “So you´re going to sail past Pentos and go to Astapor?” 


“What business is that of yours Stark!” Jorah rudely tells me, evidently angry at me.


“Since I will be traveling with you at least to Pentos It is not unreasonable to ask where we are going right? And are people not supposed to mellow with age? Learn from Arstan! but Jorah I applaud you for going against the grain my Father must have been honored to have an elder such as you in his ranks during the rebellion” Jorah´s face turns ashen at my remark unable to reply even Barristan looks at me with displeasure but I enjoyed saying that too much to be sorry.


As Dany barely holds her laugh she looks for something to distract her and finds the book I am holding that I took from the warlock “Edwyn what are you reading?”


“Oh this is just a book I found, wanted to read it but can´t since it is in high Valyrian”


“High Valryian? I can teach you”


“You know High Valyrian?” I ask surprised as Jorah and “Arstan” also seem surprised by this and I can almost feel Jorah resisting the urge to say something “I also want to learn Valyrian teach me too” as it seems he is aware that would be too pathetic but I can see he was tempted.


“I am of the dragon of course I know the language of my origins” 


“Then I look forward to the lessons teacher,” I say making her laugh this time not trying to hold it in.


“Don´t call me that I´ve never taught anyone anything so don´t expect much” 


“I´m sure I´ll learn a lot from you. You should not speak lowly of your capabilities”


“He is right Daenyeris” I hear Arstan chip in “Although it is good to be humble a true queen must never doubt her capabilities” 


As his lecture continuous I zone out feeling homesick thinking about how Robb is doing the war will have begun by now, worrying if Catelyn, Sansa and Bran are ok and safe in Winterfell. But I know better even if they might be physically ok I know how felt when I heard of how they killed my father tortured and mocked by the childish king before being beheaded and on top of that I am considered dead to everyone in Westeros and Arya is missing… I must return soon.


“Dany,” I say cutting off whatever conversation is happening 




“You said you would repay me for saving your life” 


“Of course have you decided what want” She asks me with a hint of emotion.


“Yes after we reach Pentos before you leave for Astapor I must ask you to give me one of the ships Illyrio gifted you Meraxes and the crew to man it” 


As Jorah is about to argue, “Done” Dany says putting an end to it.


And I walk away to find Irri feeding the dragons and take a seat on a couch nearby taking the time to relax and watch the beauty deal with the pesky dragons in the small box they keep them in. 


After watching her for a while I hear her speak “Are you here for me too?” 


“What do you mean?” 


“Don´t pretend like you don´t have a lustful heart! First, you take the Khaleesi you make her unable to walk straight then what you did to Jhiqui! She is still unable to stand and her-her. Is still leaking from your, your thing! Now she is unable to leave her bed and do her duty! helping me”


Hearing her rant I felt awkward “Aye, I might have gone overboard with your friend and no I won´t go after you. Are  you not already taken? I have seen how you look at that man what was his name again Rao-Rauki-R”


“Rakharo!" she exclaims! "Hmmp he is a much better horse rider than you!”


“Anyway you won´t have to worry about me going you too but you can´t ask me not to appreciate your beauty though I am seeing a sight not many get to see, you know they could make a song about you. The beauty who feeds the dragons. Hmm I know what you would call it, Beauty and the Beasts” 


She tries to hide it but I can tell my comment pleased her then while she´s distracted a dragon flies out of the box toward me I grab it with one hand before it can smack into my face and see it´s the dragon that ate the most of my fish jerky Drogon, and the most misbehaved of the dragons as well biting at my fingers to find the fish it fed him last time.


And thinking of a massive dragon behaving the same way I get full-body chills thinking how disastrous that could be so I scold the little thing and only give it fish jerky when it behaves, while Drogon is mischievous I see he is also smart so I sigh in relief that it can at least be trained to some extent. I even create a little game throwing Drogon away and watch him glide back into my hands.


I could get used to this, hmm what am doing you ask just playing with my dragon… wait 


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