House of the wolf

Chapter 22

Going to Mott´s to get my armor and an answer from the blacksmith I see him and Gendry are both packing up as I walk in.


Mott looks up at me “Oh, the Daring Wolf blesses us with his presence”


“I hope you finished your work before you started packing?” 


“On the table, Mott answers” 


I walk over and see a silver helmet in the shape of a spartan helmet that also protects the sides of the face but does not stick out much. I try it on and it fits like a glove, it does not hinder my vision as I thought it would.


“This is good work. So where are you heading off to?”


Gendry answers “The night´s Watch my lord.” 


“Oh is Yoren about to march off, how many will be going with you”


“About 250 men marching off today” 


“How many stonemasons?”


“10 or so my lord” 


Not bad, not bad while not the 300+ that I hoped for, and paid extravagant money for 250 men is like giving the Watch an extra garrison no doubt it will be helpful.


“Well, I thank for you for your service in protecting the realm ahead of time Gendry” I offer him my hand


He seems skeptical “You really believe that´s what we´ll be doing? Protecting the realm? that why you offered that bounty why not go to the Wall yourself” 


“I have my own duties my brother and uncle already man the Wall it feels like it would be overkill for me to do so as well” I smile as I shake his hand


“When you reach the Wall give him a message from me” as my face turns solemn 


“I give you my word If I reach the Wall I´ll pass your message”


“Good you gave your word you must tell it as I say it”


He nods


I give the important message and yell “The daring Wolf! Who summoned an army of new crows just by pointing North. Sends his regards ahhahaahah”  


They both just stare stare me no doubt feeling intense second-hand embarrassment 


“And what about you Nott Will you go to Winterfell?”


“I will accompany Gendry first and start a smithy wherever I land maybe even take a new apprentice” 


Too soon man too soon, I think in my head as I see Gendry´s crestfallen expression.


As I think of the news earlier today that Robert just got back injured from hunting a boar I get a sinking feeling in my stomach.


Back outside I ask York “Have they found Ayra yet” 


“No my lord she has been running outside of the tower a lot lately I would not worry as she always comes back covered in dirt.”


I shake my head at her antics even I don´t evade my own guards and I´m twice her size, she is still a child. 


Looking around as I walk I notice there are a lot more Lannister men and city guard patrolling the streets It was barely noticeable at first but the just keep streaming in and they´re patrlling together side by side, most the of them are on their way to the keep not paying us any mind as if they´re on a mission.


The feeling in my stomach keeps getting more and more intense I look at the keep Where the Tower of the Hand is, far away in the distance and take a deep breath thinking to myself it will take 2 hours to walk back from this distance. 


cutting my breath short I steel myself and decide right on the spot I must leave I must run.




“My lord?”


Fighting the intense feelings in my body I put my helmet on throw away my shield as it will slow me down and coldly say “We're going to the river gate! Now”


And turn around thinking if what I feel is happening is real. There is nothing I can do now. Arya I´m sorry, where did you go?


I start running in a sprint towards the river gate the house guards even though confused they follow me running as hard as they can.


As we´re about to reach the River Gate a crowd of knights gather in front of us on the street and I hear horses galloping and turn to see the hound and some Lannister guards in the distance hot on our heels and I run even harder towards the gate


The city watch led by Jason Slynt is cutting off our path forward “Charge through them it´s the only way out” I yell as York pulls ahead of me to clear the path barreling into the crowd of knights and knocking them over.


Using only the longsword I cut at the necks of three knights who fell over 

So intensely focused I stopped hearing sound, only focused on escaping and getting past to the gate alive I didn´t even notice I just killed 3 people like it was nothing, right now their lives are a foreign concept to me.


The fight has barely started seconds ago and already blood has filled the streets using my longsword to spear through the gaps of the enemy's helmet straight into his face. I Use my own helmet to headbutt a sword swing so it does not cut into neck the swing came from the enemy right of the man I just carved through.


While it blocked once he just swings again to stab at my neck but a Stark housguard with a spear in his back launches himself at him knocking him and others away from the path and I keep running to see the last man blocking my path.


Jason Slynt´s horrified eyes looking at me as if I´m a monster. As if this was not supposed to happen as if I am not going to do whatever it takes! To get out alive! And take my vengeance on whatever monstrosity caused this to happen AS. IF. Roaring I charge at him.


He does not even lift up his sword as I cleave his head from his body! Then, I see the gates open before my eyes and once again hear sound and it´s galloping towards me! Trusting my instincts I swing my sword backward straight up to block the downward swing the Hound is throwing at me but it barely even slows it down only instead it is me who is thrown backward as the swing keeps going down through the right side of the helmet it cuts across my eye down my cheek and curving the angle the Hound strikes deepest across my chest blood splattering.


Falling on my back I feel numb my vision getting blurry looking up to see the hound with that ridiculous helmet even my blurry vision recognizes it as he raises the sword to finish me off before a dire wolf topples him off the horse and I feel my body being picked up as I lose consciousness.

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