House of the wolf

chapter 21

After making my request I took the rest of the reward and headed to the Hands tower to store it on my way there If it was not for the 30 Guards with me I would have just felt like a helpless big fat sheep.


Yeah, 7000 Gold Dragons sounds good, just peachy actually but you can only move it out of Kings Landing if you have more than a hundred people guarding it even then people will still poke the bear. The slow-moving wagon of a bear worth 7000 Gold dragons just out in the open.


No wonder so little money ever makes it North I can feel it! King Landing is like a giant whirlpool of opportunity and changing hands but once you want to leave with what you gained you´re too deep inside to leave with anything but the skin on your bones means you're hoping for too much.


After a while thinking about it there is only one answer ships I need a ship Ned is the hand of the King and I can´t take the Guards it would take to escort this money on foot from him and leave him exposed. So a ship that fits 15-20 would do just fine and it is inconspicuous enough.


I ask York to go find such a ship purchase it and discreetly sail it it along the Kingswood wher hunter is staying it knows his sent and York is a very smelly guy and Hunter might trust York well enough to get on a ship and stay in the hull and dock in near the River Gate.


The next day I meet Yoren who is busy with the petitions while I did suggest them it was Yoren and Ned who did all the practical work well mostly Yoren but I would bet the man has never been so happy about getting too much work. As the Watch has been scraping the bottom of the barrel for a long time courting the lowest rapists and murders buried in the deepest dungeons like they´re beautiful maidens bending his promising them commitment and loyalty only to be scoffed at by those scum.


I can not imagine more soul-crushing work.


But then something unexpected happened. 


“You resigned as hand?” 






“...Robert is not the man I once knew”


“I could´ve told you that before we left Winterfell”


Ned chuckles drily “Aye… you could´ve”


Not used to seeing my father so forlorn I turn off the smartass in me


“So, are we leaving Kings Landing?”


“No I still got business I here but we must prepare for our departure”


“My betrothal to Myrcella?”


“Sill in effect! As long as Robert and myself are alive the betrothal will be honored no matter our diifrences.” 


The next week as tentions run high but only some feel it I spent my almost exclusively with Ser Barristan finally sparring with my longsword.


Tying to meet with Arya who spends most her time chasing cats is also diificullt but I spend time with her when I can, letting her fall asleep in my embrace.


I was dreaming again running in the woods but this time I felt more in control like I could decide where to go so I followed a familiar smell running all the way to the edge of the woods to the river to see a boat sailing alongside when the crew saw me they jumped in fright and were about to jump over-board when a big man comes out of a cabin telling them to relax and he extends his hand at me to let me know he´s friendly or smell him but I already did that miles away I just slowly approach the ship and jump onto the deck with a giant leap then walk down into the hull and lay down to sleep.


Waking up I knew when York comes back if  he tells Hunter is in the hull of the ship then I will finally confirm that I am a warg and not just dreaming lucid dreams.


Getting dressed I go to Ser Barristan only to find out he has gone hunting with the king I decide to go to the barracks where I trained for the archery tourney it is where I told York to meet the afternoon he comes back with the boat.


Seeing him there I decide to ask him to spar with me since Barristan is busy and fighting different opponents can only be helpful even though.


“My lord my way of fighting is not meant for spars” 


“All the better then come at me with everything you got,” I say holding a shield in my right hand and swords on my left.


Before he can try to talk me out of it I charge him and force him to respond going back and forth I went all my frustration about feeling like like a little fish just waiting for the big sharks to make a move but my form and my strikes do not become sloppy with my anger instead more clear and precise drawing blood then I stop.


Panting with a cut on his chest York says ”Incredible m´lord after your training with Ser Barristan I can hardly stand a chance” 


Looking at his appearance I feel a little bad but “You only defend do you think me so soft to need such treatment?”


“Not at all my lord but you are my lord I have sworn to your Father to protect you with my life”


“Protect me? you´re more likely to avenge me than protect if I can´t survive a real attack! Sigh, never mind did you find a ship?”


“Yes, my lord, with a cabin and a spacious hull.”


“How many men are needed to have her sail worthy”


“She can sail on a skeleton crew my lord, she only needs about 5-6 experienced sailors”


“Is Hunter in the hull?” 


“How di- y-yes my lord.” he is quick to catch on after my look that I don´t to talk about it.


“You did good York now there is just one task left for you to do find a trustworthy captain who can take us away in secret if the need calls for it.


I turn to the 30 guards Ned stuck on me ever since he quit as hand 


“You all work in the Tower of the Hand during the day I need all when you switch shifts to take the gold dragons from the chests in the tower and transfer into the ship you are to fill you pockets and pouches just enough so the regular staff won´t notice during the course of the day´s and night´s shift”


“You are all loyal men, steadfast men! So if any of you want to buy some jewelry for your woman or to secure your child´s future I won´t think anything of it. No! I encourage it is what you deserve. But any more than that… I don´t want to have to re-evaluate my opinion.”

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